[NOTEWORTHY] Famous Birthdays 1/28
Happy birthday to: Elijah Wood Sarah McLachlan Frank Darabont Alan Alda Jackson Pollock
Happy birthday to: Elijah Wood Sarah McLachlan Frank Darabont Alan Alda Jackson Pollock
Happy birthday to: Patton Oswalt Peter Laird James Cromwell Lewis Carroll
While terrestrial in appearance, this world presents an unusual, almost false-color image. Emerald oceans nestle in among the continents, which are covered with blue and purple growth, rifled prominently with rocky gray mountain ranges. Adding to the ethereal, dreamlike image are the cloudy greenstreamers that enshroud the space around the planet, seeming almost to cradle…
This planet is almost entirely covered with water, but it isn’t clear, blue-green water. This water is thick with strange algae, turning it a much darker green. It is hard to see where the land begins and the sea ends, for the land is covered with green jungles and also covered with cloud almost all…