Character Fodder No. 3: Thanks!
It’s Thanksgiving in the United States. So, in recognition of the holiday, here’s an exercise for you: What are your characters thankful for these days?
It’s Thanksgiving in the United States. So, in recognition of the holiday, here’s an exercise for you: What are your characters thankful for these days?
Experiment with a new direction in your character’s description as they dress up for a zero-g cocktail party. Post your “before” and “after” as a comment to this post. Good luck!
Each Monday evening, we pick someone at random from players who are online and award them a random amount of Saga Points – as much as 30,000. This week’s Randomonday winner is Newt! And the prize amount: 22,238 Saga Points.
What have been some of your favorite lines uttered by your character (or other people’s characters) as they leave in a huff?