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Home of Wes Platt and OtherSpace MUSH
The first I heard about Harlan Ellison was from my Dad when he gave me a used copy of Dangerous Visions from Jerry Cooper’s First Amendment bookstore near the drive-in off Highway 50 in Union Park. I was a teenager at the time and a Star Trek fanatic, but didn’t yet realize that Ellison authored…
Seventeen years ago, I got this idea to help raise awareness about OtherSpace – and to create a sort of keepsake for participants who helped shape the first few story arcs with their characters. View post on imgur.com And in the years since, this has been what some angry people point to as proof that…
Read More “True confessions: The audacity of wanting something out of all this” »
One of the most daunting things about hosting a 20-year-old collaborative space saga like OtherSpace is…well, it’s been around for two decades and a lot has happened. We’ve actually got a few participants whose characters have existed from the beginning, which means they’ve seen governments rise and fall, alien invasions, life aboard a Galactica-style colony…