We’ve added the following channels for out-of-character discussions and roleplaying scenes on our Slack site:
- gamedev-otherspace: For talking about development of the OtherSpace Slack RP project.
- ooc-books: Chatting about books. (Spoilers possible!)
- ooc-movies: Chatting about movies. (Spoilers possible!)
- ooc-television: Chatting about TV shows. (Spoilers possible!)
- ooc-videogames: Chatting about video games. (Spoilers possible!)
- rp-drrrn: Roleplaying activities on the planet Drrrn.
Also, in the past week we’ve welcomed a few new players on Slack. Welcome to paradigmthefallen, hissara, and Redwind1977!
Join the saga using Slackpass! Be sure to grab the Slack app for your smartphone to stay in touch no matter where you are!