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[[Category:Logs That Include Vessa]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Kethren]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Xanya]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Hekayt Prime]]
{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|title = Hekayti Explorations
|title = Hekayti Explorations
|summary = Some Danu peeps splorin'
|summary = Some Danu peeps splorin'
|cast = ((Vessa)) ((Kethren)) ((Xanya))
|cast = [[Vessa]] [[Kethren]] [[Xanya]]
|air_date = 03/06/2654
|air_date = 03/06/2654
|location = Kjernkor, Hekayt Prime Sterhavn
|location = Kjernkor, Hekayt Prime Sterhavn

Latest revision as of 10:01, 25 November 2013

Hekayti Explorations

Summary: Some Danu peeps splorin'

Cast: Vessa Kethren Xanya

Air Date: 03/06/2654

Setting: Kjernkor, Hekayt Prime Sterhavn

The Kjernkor Sterhavn, central starport for the largest city on Hekayt Prime, is a grand and ancient structure of stone, metal, and mosaic glass. The main terminal chamber is like the interior of a colossal pyramid, with three hundred-foot-tall statues representing the primary castes that comprise Hekayti society: A sword-clutching warrior, for the Ledelkrig caste; a tome-bearing healer, for the Toveil caste; and a staff-wielding wise man in robes, for the Konterbeid caste.

Holographic displays provide information about departing and arriving flights at the starport. News from throughout the galaxy crawls on a ribbon-display around the terminal, the Hekayan text scrolling counterclockwise as it goes.

Hoverlift discs carry passengers up to the elevated starport landing pad.

Contents: Exits:
((1 Starship Fabricator)) ((1 Space Station Fabricator)) ((Sterhavn Klar)) ((The Vidveialle))

Vessa takes a look around the area with a bit of wonder, "Geezum criminy, so this is Hek huh? Aina would be interested to know we came to visit her home world."

Kethren looks around with wide eyes. "So this is where she's from? This is just all kinds of fascinating."

Xanya looks around at the area. "It looks nice out here. Did I meet this Aina before?"

Vessa shakes her head at Xanya, "Nope, she is a jade green Hekayti cyberneticist who will also be making robots. I am interested to see what she can produce and she has helped a lot on that passenger transport thing."

Kethren nods to Xan "She's interesting. You'll like her, if you can tear her attention away from that crab she's always following." he then goes back to looking over the architecture with interest.

Xanya looks to kethren. "folling a crab? what for?"

Vessa shakes her head, "Nah, I am thinking that that would be a good incentive for our people when we start our empire." she grins, "Cause we will become great."

Kethren looks at Vessa thoughtfully "Do we have any artists on staff? I can probably make something, but a dedicated sculptor could surely do a better job. Anywho, who were you thinking of immortalizing in three larger than life dimensions?"

Xanya Nods with kethren. "thats what I am wondering too."

Vessa laughs, "Nah, no one yet. But I am hoping some of our people will become heros and I would like a way to show the empire's appreciation. There are a lot of ways for people to contribute and not just in battle. I want to have a way for people who do, to become immortalized."

Kethren smirks at Vessa "Ahh, ok. Well, I'll do what I can, but architects aren't widely know for their heroism."

Xanya Smiles a bit. "as a ships designer I might be able to go there. but... I probably won't do anything heroic. well not unless the lives of my love and my friends are at stake. then I'd just about do anything. even dying but thats not a thing to discuse today." She says. "Nice idea thought, we should keep it in mind."

Vessa sighs, "Didn't either of you listen, I said it doesn't need to be battle. Anything that goes above and beyond to help the Empire. That doesn't always mean fighting, killing, or dying. So ship builders and architects are all able to earn such."

Kethren chuckles at Vessa "Well, you're the one who invoked the concept of heroism. It carries a few connotations, whether you intended them or not. But, as I've said before, I'll do whatever we need done."

Xanya Smiles abit. "what kethren wants to say is. heroism sounds alot like someone born from battle. I know you don't mean that vessa but we can't help it. Don't blame us blame our limited minds." She says giggling and smiling.

Vessa shrugs, "Well it isn't like I am going to have all that much opportunity to be all heroic in battle, more and more I am getting stuck doing business stuff." she grumbles, "I like the work but damn is this making training suffer, I am not going to be worth jack shit in a fight soon."

Kethren nods at Vessa "Well, might be time to step up recruiting into security positions."

Xanya puts and arm around vessa. " I know what you mean vessa. I haven't had a change to do a decent swords battle since I came here. and then I'm not counting that one time with akamutsu." She says smiling. "so I know how you feel about not having any combat training done in a while."

Vessa laughs and shakes her head at Xan, "Nah, I can only see myself getting busier as time goes on Xan, there will be no time to get back into it." She grins at Keth, "Are you saying it was only my mad skillz keeping Danu safe and now we are all in terrible danger so we need to have more security?" Kethren laughs at Vessa "Not at all, but you being behind a desk is one lses body keeping the more squishy members safe."

Xanya smiles and nods. "I will join security too. who know's how much I can do to help out. and it's not a bad idea what kethren has. meaby you should also join. your hystory with combat can help us out. even if it's just to train us newby security people."

Vessa chuckles, "Well as it is right now, all I can teach is firearms. Everything else is gone and we have a head of security. I don't mind you both working in it but you need to prove to her and I that you can use weapons before you will be given any. Just send her a message saying you wish to be part of security and I will see that she has the materials for your armor and weapon of choice, weapon will be non lethal by the by. If you want lethality then you will need to join the military headed by Narai."

Kethren nods to Vessa "Well, I can't say it's my first choice, but if you think I'd be useful in security, I'm still willing."

Xanya nods. "the skills I have are mostly with using blades. not sure how none leathel you can get those. but if they can, and you and this head of security think I can be usefull. I'm you man. ahm,.. woman." She says with a slight smile. "But as for military? Not sure if I want to put sadie trough all the worries she can have if she knows I might not return from combat. I have no idea how such a thing will affect her."

Vessa shrugs, "It is up to you both what you choose to do. I am just saying that you need to let her know if that is what you want to do. I am just not in a position to teach anyone hand to hand anymore, or really do all that much by way of anything else when it comes to combat, except shooting, that I can still do very well for as long as it lasts, still going to the range when I can"

Kethren nods to Vessa "Well, I'll give it some thought, certainly. Definitely not the military though. Didn't appeal to me on Earth, and changing universes hasn't done anything to change my mind." he says, with a far off look in his eyes.

Xanya nods as well thinking to herself. "I'll make a note to talk with sadie about it. security is most defiantly an option. military not yet. but we'll see. ahm... who was the head of security again? so I can let her know what I have decided when I do."

Vessa nods as she listens, "The military is not for everyone And it really shouldn't be. Her name is Megumi, and she is one of the two who help me lead you lot so you can know that she knows her stuff."

Kethren looks thoughtful for a moment "Was she on the ship the night I rifted in?"

Xanya thinks abit. "I remember her. she was at that danu choi party we had at the vingyard on eiru. now that I think of it I thought I signed up for security back then. will have to check with her again then." she looks to kethren. "I believe Megumi is a lady with wings on her back. one bat wing and one bird or angel wing. if I'm not mistaking." SHe then looks to vessa for confirmation.

Vessa nod to both, "Yup, that would be her. Now then, lets have a look at Hek and then I need to grab you for looking over those designs Xanya." She starts looking around.

Kethren nods to Vessa "She seemed interesting, alright. But yes, let us have a look around this place."

Xanya claps in her hands excited. "yes lets look around a bit. who know's what we will see here."

Vessa nods as she meanders along the walkways, "I would love to get some universe spanning projects going and I would also like to see a variety of cultures on our planets. I mean amalgamation makes a people stronger. There are a ton of things we can do, a whole universe of possibility." She grins and pauses at a building, "Daaaang I like some of this architecture, and the columns are nice."

Kethren smiles at Vessa and wanders around a bit "Yes, a universe of possibility. Almost overwhelming, really." He then looks at the buildings more carefully "These *are* rather nice, if a bit different from what I'm used to. And yes, very nice columns. Didn't see a lot of those in my time."

Xanya wanders around along with vessa and kethren. "nice architecture indeed. some of these actualy give me idea's I can use in ship designs. or meaby I will use it in a space ship construction yard space station I want to build some day. or meaby it will become a flying construction yard some day. not sure yet. anyway, seeing more cultures sounds great."

Vessa nods in agreement, "Yup," About this time a drunk Hek trips and nearly falls on Xanya. "Ah dude, watch out man." Vessa goes to try and help Xanya.

Kethren walks over to the others and nods to Xanya "You ok?" then glares a bit at the drunk.

Xanya wasn't paying attention and got surpised by the drunken hek and she tried to keep her balance but failed and fell on the ground. "oeph." She says as she falls on teh ground butt first. she then looks to the man. "He, look out where you walk please." She says sounding a bit anoyed. she then accepts Kethrens help to get back up and whipes her clothing clean.

"Outversers in the way, always in the way the little ones." The large Hek says as he stands unsteadily and leans down to looka t Xan a bit cross eyed, "So small," He sniffs then turns to make his way with wobbly steps down the street, "Geeze, what is his problem?" Vessa asks as she then looks at Xan, "You okay?" A nearby observer notes, "He lost a job to a few outversers, it is why he is bitter, and why he drinks. There are a few in town like that." Then turns away, "Perhaps we should go." Vessa notes.

Kethren nods to Vessa "May be for the best if we got on our way, alright."

Xanya nods to both. "I agree. My mood has been spioled now anyway." She says still a bit anoyed.

Vessa nods and leads the way back to the ship, "Alright then Xan, Sadie can be with you when we go over the designs but I will need to look over those today if possible. Lets go ahead and get on that then." and off they trot to the ship.