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(Created page with '{{Infobox Log |title = Questions on the Table |summary = The Danu Chroi members discuss the decision to become a member of the Orion Confederation |cast = ((Vessa)) ((Narai)) ((K…')
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[[Category:Logs That Include IND Cro na Mthar]]
{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|title = Questions on the Table
|title = Questions on the Table
|summary = The Danu Chroi members discuss the decision to become a member of the Orion Confederation
|summary = The Danu Chroi members discuss the decision to become a member of the Orion Confederation
|cast = ((Vessa)) ((Narai)) ((Kethren)) ((Xanya)) ((Megumi)) ((Zu)) ((Sadie))
|cast = [[Vessa]] [[Narai]] [[Kethren]] [[Xanya]] [[Megumi]] [[Zu]] [[Sadie]]
|air_date = 06 April 2654
|air_date = 06 April 2654
|location = Conference Room <IND Cro na Mthar>
|location = Conference Room <IND Cro na Mthar>

Latest revision as of 09:57, 25 November 2013

Questions on the Table

Summary: The Danu Chroi members discuss the decision to become a member of the Orion Confederation

Cast: Vessa Narai Kethren Xanya Megumi Zu Sadie

Air Date: 06 April 2654

Setting: Conference Room <IND Cro na Mthar>

Dominated mostly by a large conference table of dark red wood that has been polished to a very high shine, and surrounded by large comfortable chairs with enough space to fit a very large number of people. the room is richly appointed and the back wall is made up of large windows that afford a glorious view but can be covered by a retractable wall. A small section in the table's center can be opened to reveal a holoprojector which extends out to display needed information to the room, the controls for which are at the head of the table.

Contents: Exits:

Sitting at the desk is Vessa working on some paperwork as she waits.

Zu flaps his merry way into the room, far more efficient than walking after all, and takes a perch on a chair across from the desk at which Vessa sits. The Tupai merely awaits to be addressed rather than addressing his boss first.

Vessa looks up at the flapping sound and smiles a greeting to Zu, "Good afternoon. I suppose to start a few questions." she sets aside the papers she was working on, "First being why do you want the job?"

Zu simply smiles to Vessa as he replies "I want the job because I believe I can do it better than any other candidate you have. Among my skills that I didn't bother mentioning when I was hired was that of leadership, after all. Kamsho did quite a bit for my resume, after all. Have you ever tried to round up a bunch of Tupai to try and participate in a revolution?"

Vessa grins at that and shakes her head, "No, I cannot say I have. Alright, and that answers my second question as well. Last what do you see the role of Captain as? To clarify, do you see it as a job where you have a task and people to help you succeed at that task? Or as something that places you above others?"

Zu smirks a bit at that and replies "It was elements of both those things really. To lead properly one must have command and to have command implies that one is higher on the ladder than your subordinates. It is the job of that leader to use this power he holds over other like a jeweler carefully crafting his next peice only with the skills of people to create a well-oiled living machine of sorts. That is in essence what the crew of a ship becomes with a good leader who can adapt."

Vessa is sitting behind her desk as she interviews Zu who is perched on the back of a chair across from the desk, "Alright, now to see it in action. All applicants go through a dry run on the bridge. It is a simulation and will have you go through a situation that might be encountered. For all intents and purposes while the simulation is going on then you will be Captain of the ship, once it is over we will review."

Zu nods at that and replies "Well, just let me know when. I can do it any time."

Vessa checks the time, "Hmm, I would say now but I think perhaps after a meeting. I get the feeling one will be late which is regrettable." She takes a moment to send a message then looks up. "If you are around after the meeting then we can do the dry run, feel free to tour the ship and get to know it well, meet the crew. There is something happening in the conference room that might give you an idea of what happens after the dry run."

Megumi slips in shortly after the message goes out. Very shortly, actually, the woman makes excellent time. "You called?" she asks lightly, before making note of Zu being kicked out and blinking in surprise. "Oh. Hello, Zu. Long time no see."

Kethren walks in and takes a seat in one of the amrchairs, and nods to Meg and Vessa "Afternoon."

Zu nods to Vessa once more and quickly lands on Meg's shoulder since he can't well hover in flight to address her before leaving "A long time, indeed, Megumi. I must be leaving at the moment sadly so we must catch up later."

Vessa nods to Kethren and Meg as they arrive and smiles to Zu, "There should be plenty of time to catch up I am sure. I hope this will not take too long. Meg, feel free to have a seat if you like or whatever makes you comfortable."

Meg sinks a little under Zu's weight, smirking. "Of course. I'll see you around," the Riftwalker says lightly, "Take care." She steps aside so the Tupai can head out the door without having to hit his head on anything, and then makes to sit in the air in front of the desk as though there were a chair there. "Hi, Keth."

Kethren smirks but looks at Meg curiously "Maybe my memory's going bad, but have we actually been in the same room since the night I rifted in?"

Vessa nods to the two before her, "I assume that you both got the file I sent over containing the constitution of the Orion Confederation. With that assumption I wish to open the floor for concerns."

"We may or may not have actually met, but I have access to employee records," Megumi responds lightly, "Megumi, I run security. Can call me Meg, if you like." She waves her mismatched wings a little bit. And then she frowns and pulls out her PDA. "Huh. It's on vibrate, that explains a lot. Uh, him first, let me read..."

Kethren nods to Meg "Think we got introduced in passing that night, but obviously I was a bit distracted by the new universe."

Vessa nods to Meg, "Take your time, Keth do you need to look it over again? Or have some time to look it over at all?"

Megumi keeps reading her PDA. "Mm, maybe. I don't tend to actually remember meeting people anymore, I only remember your file. Sorry."

Kethren shrugs at Meg "Don't worry. Spent my days on earth as an architect, I'm used to being forgettable." and nods at Vessa "I've looked through it, yes. This clause here gives me some concern: Should, must, and will band together of their common defense and that of their principles, against all threats, foreign and domestic." and cracks his neck momentarily before resuming "It sounds a little too close to a draft of every man, woman, child, and pet in the confederation, should they decide someone's a threat. I also didn't notice anything in the way of criteria for what constitutes a threat. Personally I'd like more information on that end."

Vessa nods at that, "From my conversation with Razorback it sounds as though it is purely defensive and that he encourages each member government to use their own military to protect themselves first and foremost."

"Still, I'm not happy with that line, either," Meg remarks absently, "Also, pursuit of happiness doesn't mention gender or lack thereof. Did they ever establish whether or not Phyrrians are considered independently sentient? And the Senate-Council system they have seems kinda clunky, do we have to be part of that? And free speech is kind of tricky, what if people let slip some government secrets or something? Not technically slander or libel."

Kethren nods and hmms "Indeed, while I don't want governments to be keeping too many secrets, some pieces of information cause too much trouble when they get out. Don't think we want to give people a free license to commit treason."

Considering this for a moment Vessa nods, "Remember that these are overarching ideas that we would live under on top of our own laws. Phyrrians would be considered independently sentient to us and I do think they are with the OC as well from my conversation with Alhambra, who was, if not still is, a member. She told me that Dean, the overmind for them, is a member. Gender is not a problem with us and from his manner it is my understanding that it isn't a problem with Razorback either, and I believe he is the current president. Ah and now that last bit, things that could damage us shall be kept to those who are most trusted for that very reason. Should someone go about spreading secrets, should we truly have any, they shall be tried for treason under our laws. Due to the fact that it is my understanding that someone maliciously using information they know would be harmful to Danu to be harmful to Danu, would be knowingly committing treason. That does not fall under freedom of speech to me. We can invite Razorback up to discuss our concerns however."

"So our own laws will supercede those of the Confederacy, within reason?" Megumi asks.

Kethren shakes his head at Vessa a little "Secretary of State, actually. Unless they just held an election, or allow people to hold posts simultaneously."

Vessa nods to Meg, "That was my understanding, that our government was autonomous so long as we did not go against the Constitution which seems to be mostly aimed at the protection of the populous rather then a form of control of individual members. I wish to have us be part of the senate/council so that we have a voice as well, in that way we will be further protecting our people from within." she looks a bit surprised at Keth, "Really? Hmm, he did not give his title but I suppose I assumed. Either way he had the power to make us this offer and so I assume he has the ability to answer questions."

"I still think their branched system seems too cumbersome, but whatever," Megumi remarks with a shrug.

Kethren smirks at Meg "That branched system reminds me of what we had back in my country on Earth. Some of the more cynical people would tell you it was designed that way to keep the government from doing anything." then nods at Vessa "Well, it's what he told me when I met him the other day. As he invited me to his office to discuss the details of the house he'd like to have built, I needed to know which office was his."

Vessa grins at Meg, "It is a bit cumbersome but should not affect Danu in the least. I consider it more a way of protecting Danu from any negative effects of joining them then anything else. This is really more a way to provide us with another layer of assistance should we need it on top of our current er allies," she doesn't elaborate on that, "And the branched system on Earth was to prevent any one member of the government or any one branch from having absolute power." She smiles to Keth, "Wonderful, good that you have a customer already."

"Absolute power isn't evil, only the people who abuse it," Megumi responds, "There were plenty of benevolent kings back home. Nice thing about absolute power? Speedy decisions." She waves a hand then, adding, "If you can work the system to protect us, then do so. I have no further complaints."

Kethren smirks "Well, of course it's not evil per se. Trouble is when you /have/ someone who's abusing it, it's a bitch to remove them." and then nods at Vessa "Indeed. Can't say as I was looking for one at the time though. I was just out at the tidal pool working on the apartment complex plans, when he wanders in."

Vessa nods at that, "Alright then I will call in all crew that are currently available. We should probably head to the conference room for the announcement and to allow those who have concerns to air them as well. I do not wish anyone in Danu to feel as though they are not heard and they might see something we missed." She stands and sends yet another message, yay message tastic today.

"Whatever works," Megumi replies absently, blinking out of existance instantly.

Vessa steps inside and nods to those already present before taking a seat at the head of the table and waits for others to arrive and take their seats.

Kethren walks in and takes a good looking chair near Vessa's end of the table.

Xanya is already siting in a seat waiting for everything to start.

Megumi pops into existance. On the ceiling.

Sadie takes her seat nearby Vessa, waving to Xanya quickly.

The Opodian, Narai, enters shortly after Vessa and promptly takes a seat.

Zu flaps his way into the room, giving a smirk at Megumi's choice of seat, and joins her up there by perching on a light fixture nearby. From there he awaits the beginning as well.

Once everyone is seated, Vessa stands and gives everyone present a smile, "I am sorry for the last minute nature of this meeting however, this has come up quickly and I wished as many as could be available here as possible. Recently we have been given the opportunity to join the Orion Confederacy. What this means to us is that we will need to follow their constitution, I can make this available to anyone who wishes to look it over. The reason for this meeting is that I have spoken to almost all of my advisors on this and would like to hear your concerns and answer your questions before we make any final decisions. I open the floor."

Kethren nods at Vessa "Only other concern I have is how difficult do they make leaving the confederacy should it someday be in our best interests to do so?"

Sadie remains silent as she listens to Vessa and sits, waiting for others to speak.

Xanya thinks a bit. "what are the benifits of us joining them?"

Zu frowns slightly at this and flaps down to the chairs to take a perch on the back of a seat to address this matter. "It would depend on precisely what terms we are under. Are we to be a puppet state of the Confederacy, doing whatever it is they tell us? Allies? Are we entitled to wage war with them whenever they go to war? That last one being most important. As much as I respect them for what they did for Kamsho I don't think it in our best interests to be an unwilling galactic police force."

The Opodian command leans back in his chair, remaining silent.

Vessa nods at the concerns listed and first looks to Kethren, "I will be making sure it is understood that if we join we are equally able to leave if we feel it is in the best interests of Danu to do so. The point of joining would be for the benefit of Danu after all." Looking next to Xanya she says, "The benefits would be mostly political and offer a ready supply of allies, I am under the impression that trade would also be beneficially affected, it offers a supply of customers who likely will look within the member groups of their own before an outside source as it would benefit them as well." and finally she nods to Zu, "All good concerns, fist lets say plainly that we would be an autonomous government. We would run ourselves and would have full control of our military for our benefit first and foremost, that we run ourselves with our own laws, and the constitution we would live under would be for the benefit of our people. Politically we would have people on their council and senate so that they cannot abuse our military. I was assure that all military action would be defensive besides and that follows along with our own mindset."

Kethren nods.

Sadie looks to everyone in turn as they speak, then looks to Vessa. She pauses a moment before asking, "Will you still be in charge?"

Xanya nods. "sounds good to me so far. I got no other questions just yet. as long as we are in full controll fo our own actions I'm fine with it."

Zu still frowns slightly but nods before replying "Very well then. I've got no more concerns. There are far worse friends to make than the Confederacy. I'd go as far as to call them good."

Turing to Sadie with a smile, Vessa nods, "Of Danu's holdings and interests yes. It is my understanding that we will be a government of our own with our own laws and running our selves. They are there to provide defensive assistance, legal assistance to protect our people and theirs, and whom we will also help protect if need be. They will have no say on the running of our government and no claim to our holdings however." nods to Xanya as her words covered that concern as well and smiles to all there, "If there are no further concerns then I shall move forward on this. To bring you all up to date I will be setting up a christening of the ship that will be open to everyone, this will make it hard for security however and certain locations will obviously be off limits to guests such as the bridge, crew quarters, cargo bay, engineering, and security. I would appreciate it if everyone could assist security in guiding guests away from these areas, politely of course. Should you find trouble then feel free to inform security. Megumi can outline how she wishes this done of course."

Kethren keeps listening attentively.

Xanya nods and turns to megumi to listen to her.

Sadie nods and smiles. "I don't see no problem with it.

"Gee, thanks for the warning, boss," Meg mutters, looking up from her PDA and peering around as the atention shifts, "We have comms, if you find trouble flip to channel 7 and report it. And unless you're trained, don't try to handle it yourselves. Gets messy that way."

Vessa winces, "Sorry Meg, didn't mean to dump that on you. It will not be just yet but will be coming up so I thought I would give you all a heads up at the same time. As Meg said, unless you are security, do not try and handle it yourself. Now then, is there anything else?"

Narai simply shakes his head.

Sadie shakes her head.

Kethren shakes his head "Nothing leaps to mind, no.

Xanya thinks a bit then shakes her head. "can't think of anything yet."

"Oh, actually," Meg chimes in, standing on the ceiling and walking for the door, "I have to go, but security people - we need to meet up for training. Call me, set up individual appointments. Please." And she walks right out without a farewell.

As the meeting ends, Sadie stands up and nods to everyone. She looks to Xanya and smiles. "Xan, you busy?"