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(Created page with 'Category:OtherSpace_Logs {{Infobox Log |title = Party on the Cro |summary = A celebration to welcome the new flagship of Danu Chroi |cast = Vessa Xanya Sadie…')
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[[Category:Logs That Include IND Cro na Mthar]]
{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|title = Party on the Cro
|title = Party on the Cro
|summary = A celebration to welcome the new flagship of [[Danu Chroi]]
|summary = A celebration to welcome the new flagship of [[Danu Chroi]]
|cast = [[Vessa]] [[Xanya]] [[Sadie]] [[Zu]] [[Kethren]] [[Connor]]
|cast = [[Vessa]] [[Xanya]] [[Sadie]] [[Zu]] [[Kethren]] [[Connor]] [[Aina]] [[Leucohyle]] [[Razorback]] [[Iso]] [[Fritz]]
|air_date = 16 April 2654
|air_date = 16 April 2654
|location = Mess Hall - <IND Cro na Mthar>
|location = Mess Hall - <IND Cro na Mthar>
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The Mess Hall is decorated for a party. Every color fills the room, from banners to balloons to strings of flags and rolls of tissue paper. Along three walls are three separate buffet tables. Each with a different item upon it. One table is filled with nothing but meat, from several different kinds of animals, from a few different planets. The middle table holds vegetables of all shapes and sizes, most of which are made up in different ways, some even left raw, and includes different things to dip them in. The third table, which is on the opposite wall from the meats, is nothing but fruits of all sorts, and different dips to go with them, all of the sweet variety. The caterer was hoping to satisfy any and all preferences with this wide spread, not wanting to leave any race out. Music is playing in the background, not so loud as to make conversation burdensome but rather a nice background. Standing in the center of the room is Vessa, this evening in business party gear, yeah she is a bit of a dork.
The Mess Hall is decorated for a party. Every color fills the room, from banners to balloons to strings of flags and rolls of tissue paper. Along three walls are three separate buffet tables. Each with a different item upon it. One table is filled with nothing but meat, from several different kinds of animals, from a few different planets. The middle table holds vegetables of all shapes and sizes, most of which are made up in different ways, some even left raw, and includes different things to dip them in. The third table, which is on the opposite wall from the meats, is nothing but fruits of all sorts, and different dips to go with them, all of the sweet variety. The caterer was hoping to satisfy any and all preferences with this wide spread, not wanting to leave any race out. Music is playing in the background, not so loud as to make conversation burdensome but rather a nice background. Standing in the center of the room is Vessa, this evening in business party gear, yeah she is a bit of a dork.
"Hello everyone and welcome to the official party for the Cro na Mthar. Tonight we are celebrating this next big step in our plans completed and our method of reaching the next step, that being our planet of course. There is food and music. Enjoy." Vessa gives this speech with a smile and waves an arm to indicate the food.
"Hello everyone and welcome to the official party for the Cro na Mthar. Tonight we are celebrating this next big step in our plans completed and our method of reaching the next step, that being our planet of course. There is food and music. Enjoy." Vessa gives this speech with a smile and waves an arm to indicate the food.
Xanya walks into the messhall just as vessa starts her speach she listens carefully and when vessa waves her hand she notices the tables. feeling hungry she walks past all the tables with a plate and grabs some meats, vegetables and not to forget a few fruits. after which she finds a place to sit down and eat.
Xanya walks into the messhall just as vessa starts her speach she listens carefully and when vessa waves her hand she notices the tables. feeling hungry she walks past all the tables with a plate and grabs some meats, vegetables and not to forget a few fruits. after which she finds a place to sit down and eat.
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Zu smirks a bit at Conner after his pain has worn off and says to her "Don't worry. I won't bite. Only people I'd consider doing anywhere near that to right now are a select few blue wearing Pyracani."
Zu smirks a bit at Conner after his pain has worn off and says to her "Don't worry. I won't bite. Only people I'd consider doing anywhere near that to right now are a select few blue wearing Pyracani."
''Some time later:''
Conner furrows her brow, "There are really people who will pay money to look at my chromosomes? Seriously?" She purses her lips a bit, "I imagine I'm going to need money here.. And.. they'll just need blood or something, right?"
Zu nods at that and replies "Yes, that's it I believe. Now if you want to give them a look at the chemicals in your brain to see if it still has it's normal male hormones and such would require laying down in a machine whose name escapes me right now but I'll bet somebody would pay handsomely."
Kethren pulls out his PDA and starts tapping something with one hand, idly using his other hand to eat whatever it is he's got left on his plate.
Vessa wanders back into the mess hall and heads back to her chair, "What did I miss? And sorry I had to run before I heard your reply Conner. Hey Keth, welcome back."
Aina wanders into the mess hall, eyes glued to her PDA. Apparently she missed the memo about there being a party, cause, well, she wasn't there at all tonight, and doesn't look ready for celebrating at all.
Conner looks back to Vessa, looking her up and down as she approaches, "Oh, Batman was just telling me that I might be able to make some money by selling blood samples to scientists so they can look at my chromosomes and stuff."
Zu nods at that and replies "Yes, I thought it a great idea. After all wouldn't you like to see what the rift does to somebody's chromosomes and brain chemicals to turn them into a female?"
Kethren looks up at being adressed, his fork halfway up from his plate, faintly smiling "Oh, hey boss. Just thought I'd try to get something done on these apartment plans. Can only take so much of one of these parties without a distraction."
Blinking at Conner's words and then Zu's, Vessa shakes her head, "Hey, whatever works mate. Might have consistent income for you somewhere too." she nods to Kethren with a grin, "Sounds good to me." seeing Aina she waves, "Aina, come get some food and join us."
Aina stops and looks up, blinking several times, and eventually puts her PDA away and looks around, "Uhhh...Did I miss somethin'?" She scratches at the base of her right horn, then heads toward the buffet tables, "Awesome. Food." She waves at everyone in passing, eyes still on the food.
Conner nods a bit to Vessa, "Work is good.." Then she catches sight of Aina and her jaw drops open, "Jesus Christ on a pogo stick..." She looks to Vessa, then back to Aina, "Is that the Jolly Green Giant's wife?"
Zu raises a brow to Conner and replies "I have no idea what anything you said just meant, but I'm going for a no." After a moment he adds "You know. Isn't Conner a pretty masculine name? I mean now that you're a girl shouldn't you change to something a bit more...I dunno feminine?"
Kethren blinks at that outburst and looks up from his PDA "Oh, that's Aina, she makes some fascinating stuff for us." then goes back to tapping away.
Vessa looks at Aina first, "Party for the christening of the Cro, was on the breakroom wall calendar. Ah well you have been busy." She quirks an eyebrow at Conner and grins, "That is Aina our resident cybernetics and robotics expert. She is a Hek and very smart."
There is a faint sound of tickticktickticktick audible in the passage outside the Mess Hall, followed by a faint, fluting murmur that sounds a bit irritated. Leucohyle, followed by a beach-ball sized spheroid robot on multiple limbs, which is followed by a basketball-sized spheroid robot on multiple limbs, which in turn is followed by a small handful of walnut-sized spheroid robots on multiple limbs, goes by the entrance to the Mess Hall like the most peculiar little train. Two of the smallest 'bots scurry into the room, turn lens-studded underbellies upon the gathered crowd and crew, and utter a tiny chorus of electronic chirps that echoes its way up the line. The small scientist stops in her pacing and muttering and peeps into the Mess Hall. "Er-well," she says, in a little fluting voice. "This is er. Decorated."
Aina blinks and turns to stare at Conner. She says nothing and turns to Vessa, "Sorry I missed it...That freakin' dragon you want has been on my mind. Driving me nuts. I've been working on it all day." When Leu arrives a hand lifts in a wave, "Hiya, Leu! How's it going?" She waits for an answer before turning to start filling a plate with meat first. Lots of meat.
Conner nods a bit at Vessa, "Right.. okay.. not Jolly Green Giant's wife.." She then turns to the small army of robots and her jaw drops open, "Holy shit that's cool.."
Zu is looking like somebody has recently beat the living hell out of him, bandages on his head and face, wing not wrapped up but being hald like it's painful to move too much. To Conner he says "Yes, they are rather awesome aren't they. Now about that name..."
Leucohyle catches sight of Aina in the crowd, and puts up a pale hand in a wobbly wave. With her robotic entourage flanking her, she picks her way carefully to just about the edge of where the party is going on and stands there, awkwardly. "Errm. H-hello, Miss-Aina, er. Is is Miss-Vessa about in here, er, somewhere? It's well it's a bit er. Well there appears to be an excess of -decor- in in here."
Kethren sighs a little and taps some things into his pda with a certain lack of enthusiasm.
Aina grins at Leu and nods, then points over toward Vessa, "She's over there. It's good to see ya again, Leu." More food is piled onto the plate, this time from the veggies, and another plate is filled with fruit. Balancing both plates she heads over to where Kethren is, and leans down to peer over his shoulder, "Y'know, party's are for havin' fun, and hangin' out with people. Why ya hideing behind that PDA?" She straightens and grins before sitting down across from him.
A ship comes in to land aboard the Trinity-class and shortly afterwards, Razorback Cliffwalker strides into the Mess Hall, his ears swivelling about as he scents the air. The Cliffwalker is alone and unarmed and he lifts an eyeridge at the copious amount of bright colors, but he continues into the room until he scents Vessa Harden and begins to head her way.
Zu notes the coming of a certain Cliffwalker and, in order to be a little closer to eye level to greet him he hops, left wing being of little use right now, to get to Vessa's shoulder. Once there and once Razor is close enough the Tupai notes "Well you're a semi-familiar face. You probably don't remember me. I'm Zu. I was a member of the Kamsho rebellion you and your Confederacy helped."
Conner ducks down in her chair some more as more and more people keep coming to the area around this table. If she thought that she could get away with it she would probably hide under the table at this point. Sure, there's a lot of neat things to see, but she keeps feeling like people are looking at her. Then she spies the giant panther thing coming in, "Holy shit.. that thing looks like it could eat me."
Kethren blinks at Aina for a moment, and sighs briefly, before trying to smile "Just have a lot on my mind. Work helps drive back the things I'd rather not dwell on till a more convenient time."
Leucohyle offers Vessa a wobbly wave, and a careful, fluting "Erhello," and, as directed, meanders over to the food and drink tables to inspect them. Her sensible, nonconductive-soled boots make nearly no noise on the deck plating, in contrast to the clatter of many metallic limbs as her attending robots scuttle along beside her. The walnut-sized ones appear to have scurried into her pockets, leaving only the larger ones standing by. She carefully gathers up a plate full of fruits and vegetables, and turns around just to see Razor arrive. After a brief startle, accompanied by a 'pip' noise, she blinks with recognition. "Oh, it's it's the the Orion Confederacy Minister of Defense. H-hello, Minister, er, do you do you remember me, I'm Leucohyle Hall previouslyoftheMinerva, you you transported me to the station Mare Tranquillis and bestowed a very nice digital copy of of Rift Drive schematics."
Aina hums and considers Kethren, then nods, "Yeah. Understandable...But if you don't want to be at the party, then...Why are you still here?" She munches on her two plates full of food.
Vessa looks around and sees Razorback, with a bright smile she heads that way, "Hello there, and welcome to the Cro and the party. I am very pleased you could make it."
Razorback bows deeply towards Leucohyle with a broad, toothy smile. "Of courrrsse I rrrecall, Missss," he says, "And it would sseem that the Minerrrva put those sschematicss to good usse. Rrriftdrrrives arrre finally available to the generrral public. I thank you forrr yourrr parrrt in that." He then turns to Zu , dipping his head towards the former rebel. "It has been ssome time, Mr. Zu," he says, "As I rrrecall, you sserrrved yourrr people with disstinction that sshould not be easily forrrgotten."
"I am pleased to have been invited, Missss Harrrden," Razorback tells Vessa, bowing her way, with his ears canted forward, "You and yourrr people have much to scelebrrrate."
Kethren chuckles for a moment then looks at Aina "Political reasons, mostly."
Zu dips his head forward to Razorback in return and replies "A shame we had to meet again while I am...well not at my best to say the least." He indicates the vaguely injured wing and bandages.
Appearing in what can only be described as a flicker of static, Iso's hologramatic image stabilises near one of the buffet tables. The one full of meaty foods, to be precise. He appears as a squat little Opodian wearing cargo shorts and sporting rather scruffy fur. "Hmm... deceased organic life forms... Chloria worms... with... Midia bacteria... who ate them before we did?" Beady little eyes turn for a moment to take the party in, but quickly turn back to the food table.
Aina nods to Kethren and smiles lightly, "Ah, right." She eats a bit more, well, a lot more, finishing off the plate filled with meat and veggies, then she nibbles at the fruit, "Well, I've no political reason to stay, so, I'm gonna finish stuffing my face, and go hide in my room again."
"Er, oh! Oh well you're most welcome Mister Minister Sir, the er, work was nothing short of delightful, well, excepting the nonsense bits with the er artifacts but really the results rendered the inconvenience forgivable." Leu pipes, perking up a bit and offering up her own smile, which is a bit more wobbly and significantly -less- toothy but well it's definitely trying to be a broad smile through all of that weight-shifting and trying to look at everything and rabbity posture. The sudden arrival of Iso garners another little startle-and-pip from the small scientist, after which point she squints at him/her/it with rabbitlike disapproval.
Conner watches Razorback with wide eyes, hands clenching the edge of the table. It is very big and very ferocious looking and despite sounding friendly it could eat her. She leans towards Vessa but doesn't take her eyes off Razorback, "Does.. that thing eat people? I do not want to be eaten." She whispers, though perhaps a bit too loudly.
Kethren smiles at Aina "Sure you wouldn't rather stay?" the blinks in Razorback's direction a few times, trying to figure out how he didn't notice him coming in, and waves "Evening."
Aina considers Kethren then follows his gaze, and blinks at the sight of Razorback. A hand lifts in a quick wave before she goes back to munching her fruit, "I'm not real big on large groups like this...Besides, I've been kicking ass with that dragon design. I just might be able to make it fly."
Iso blinks as he catches Leu's disapproval. His fluffy little ears twitch. "Proper integration into organic party life deemed... failure... stage two, operation, Life Of Party shows nothing but green on protocol list." He picks up a spoon before using it to catapult a splodge of meat towards Leu. The meat sails through the air, streamers of grease, and cooked sauces separating from it as it goes.
The big Cliffwalker's ears flick towards the hologram and he blinks a few times before he turns towards Conner. He smiles toothily before replying to her. "Not in ssome time, I have not, Missss," he says, bowing slightly. He then frowns as he sees a glob of meat sailing towards Leu.
Kethren chuckles at Aina and nods "Well, good luck with that dragon. Look forward to seeing it. Yell if you need another opinion on something there."
Conner eeps and ducks down in her chair as the giant panther's attention turns towards her, "O-okay m-m-mr. giant panther thing." This is all getting just a BIT too crazy for someone who just arrived in this crazy place yesterday.
Zu smiles a bit to Conner as she is clearly terrified of Razor. The Tupai moves to jump onto her shoulder instead, trying to comfort her a bit, saying "It's alright, Razor's a friend. Wouldn't harm a fly. Unless maybe if it claimed to be Zarist." He pats her a bit with his good wing and adds "Now about that name. I don't really know any human female names come to think about it..."
Aina nods to Kethren, "I'll be sure you're the second to see it. First being the boss, of course." A smile forms as she nods again, "And I will. Might need help with some of the body design. Wings are a tricky thing." She stands, empty plates in hand, and moves to throw them away.
Kethren looks over at Zu and Conner "Well, off the top of my head, Connie would be the obvious choice. Unless of course you want to distance yourself from the old name." and nods at Aina "Yeah, I can imagine."
"I beg your par-dohmyword!" Leu's irritable little pipe turns into a sputter of alarm, and with a clatter of dropped crudites, a whine of wired reflexes, and a flutter of pale limbs, the little scientist disappears under the veggie table. The basketball-sized security bot scuttles forward, the spiral-shuttered aperture at its front clattering open, and fires a small cartridge at the offending meaty bit. There is a cascade of sparks, a burst of smoke, and the smell of barbecue misfortune. Aperture clanging open and closed rapidly, Omicron turns to face Iso and bang its forelimbs against the deck plating in warning.
Conner jumps slightly as Zu is suddenly upon her shoulder. She resists the urge to flail wildly, instead going stiff. After all, she's caused the bat thing enough pain already. But then he mentions her changing her name and Kethren tosses out the obvious choice. She twitches a bit and growls slightly, "Damn it, I do /not/ care what the fuck I look like. I am not a fucking GIRL!"
The Cliffwalker chuckles faintly, shaking his head at Zu. "I am Rrrazorback, clan Cliffwalkerrr," he tells Conner, bowing deeply with a flourish of his tail, "It is a pleasurrre to make yourrr aquaintansce." There is a flicker of attention that is paid to the weapon firing, but he notices the target and calms nearly as quickly. He then turns toward Conner and blinks a few times, his nostrils sifting through the air carefully.
"Action-reaction discrepancy. Action - spark life into party by flinging projectile meat substitute at rnnn quiet woman. Reaction - quiet woman flies under table at speeds It has not previously encountered, little rnnn non-organic being threatening hostile action. Perhaps under the impression Its hologramatic form can be damaged. Disrupted, easily, damaged, no. Little woman, non-organic being, It means no harm." Iso replaces the spoon on the table and approaches Omicron slowly, so as not to cop a projectile to the face.
Kethren looks back at Conner "My deepest apologies, then."
Aina blinks and turns as one of Leu's robots super-fries a chunk of meat, then goes about banging on the floor, "Woah...That was awesome..." She blinks a few times before glancing at Conner, "Sheesh. Calm the hell down. You are a girl, no matter how much you deny it. You got rifted and shifted. It happens. Keep your old name. I think it's fine for a guy or girl." She shrugs and steps back to Kethren to pat his shoulder, "Try not to go too nuts, ok?" With a smirk she turns and heads over to where Leu is and crouches down to peer under the table, "Hey...You ok under there?"
Zu shrugs a bit at that and replies "Well I suppose you could always get the surgery to switch back, but that may well make you sterile, if you aren't already. Impossible to tell considering according to you coming through the rift did this to you."
Omicron appears to be more than content with clanging and sparking at Iso as opposed to letting loose with more stun rounds. It is relatively quiet under the table. After a few moments, Leucohyle pipes, "I'm-fine. I I er, think someone's-program has has an error in the correct behaviour protocols, however."
Vessa steps back inside and looks around, "What is going on in here?"
Aina sighs lightly and reaches a hand under the table, "Well, it's done now. Wanna come out? You can sit by Kethren. I'm sure he'll keep you safe." She offers a smile and waits to see if Leu will come out.
"Also internal monologue muffling is showing up red." The little hologram adds with a waggle of his little Opodian holographic fingers. Iso puffs his chest out. "It is not broken though, no. It has been installed in a new ship. Big ship. Engines go On, Off, On, Off, On, Off. See?" Somewhere in deep space, a very large spaceship's engines are having a bad day.
After a long period of silence, there is a small, fluting comment from Leucohyle under the vegetable table. "Is is he qualified for that position? I'm afraid I I do not have any records beyond initial defensive training on Sanctuary."
Vessa has just returned, Leu is under the vegetable table, Iso is turning Narai's ship's engines on and off, poor Narai, Kethren is still sitting at a table with Zu, and Aina is trying to entice Leu out from under the table.
Aina smiles softly, "I'm sure he is. He's a nice guy. He'll look out for ya. Come on out from under there now. Before Vessa comes in after ya." She grins and glances at Vessa, "Ahh...The little guy over there decided to try and start a food fight...Didn't go so well."
"Little human does not need protecting from Iso. Whilst It is not programmed /not/ to enslave all humans, it isn't available to try until midway through next year." Iso assures Leu, whilst observing Omicrons behaviour.
Conner mutters, "I don't know." She glances to the bat on her shoulder, then back at the table in front of her, "It's.. kinda all that I have left of me.." She frowns as she thinks about what the bat says, "I'm kinda scared of surgery.." She sighs and slumps her shoulders a bit, "This really sucks."
Kethren nods to Conner "The transition post-rift can be rough, alright. I had the dubious fortune of spending the first week in a medbay, so a lot of the strangeness was able to filter in slowly."
With his coat folded over one arm, Fritz eventually meanders into the mess hall with a little rumble in his tummy. He heads right for the meat table, pace slowed as he closes in and observes Aina trying to coax Leu out from under the veggie table, "Zhat is not a place I expected to see you, Frau Leucohyle. At least not vithout ein cleaning supplies."
Zu pats the poor girl a little more and replies "Hey, there have been people who have had their entire memories wiped, their bodies taken from them and then spit out through the rift as Riftwalkers. You're one of the lucky ones, you get to keep your memories even if there was a bit of a mishap along the way. You should embrace it, not let it get to you like this."
"Oh I I rather don't bloody care about any domination plans you have, but but I'm going to have to -stridently- protest your attempts at the unauthorized application of -food products- to to my person for your own amusement," Leu shrills from under the table. Omicron continues being clangy and sparky and keeping itself between its mistress and the Opodian hologram. There is another pip from under the table. "My -word-, e-even their ship -programs- are primitive, what's this universe coming t... oh. Er. Hello, Doctor Wulfenbach. N-no I'm not cleaning, I am protesting an attempt at the usage of my person as as a recreational target for nonsanctioned food-based projectiles." Pip.
Conner looks to Aina, "And shut up. Just cuz you're big and green doesn't mean you can tell me to calm down. It's annoying having everyone tell me that I'm a girl and that I should change my name and shit." She mutters at the table again, "I doubt you'd be too happy about it if this shit happened to you, Green Giant wannabe." She hrmphs at Zu, "That may be, but that doesn't really make me feel any better. If I'd lost my memory then I wouldn't feel so weird being a fricking girl. But I still remember being a guy yesterday."
Vessa blinks at the explaination, "Uh okaaaay, why are we tossing food at guests and who are you?" she asks the hologram, to Fritz she smiles a welcome, "Hey your the doctor guy who patched up my arm, welcome to the party." she smiles at Aina, "Thanks for your help in all of this." looking to Conner and Zu she says, "You two doing okay?" she then looks at Keth, "And you?"
Aina sighs lightly when Leu doesn't come out from under the table. She straightens, a hand reaching back to rub at her lower back, "Vessa, care to try and help? My back and legs are protesting me being down that low to the ground." She glances under the table once more, then starts to head on out, still rubbing her back, "Have fun, everyone." However, at Conner's outburst she pauses, and slowly turns toward the GIRL, "Now you listen here. You spoiled little brat. Shit happens, ok? To everyone. Just because you got gender shifted does not mean you have any right to go around bitching at people and calling them names. You got it? Keep it up, and you'll have more problems than no longer having a pecker!" Then she growls, actually growls, jaw clentching and eyes narrowing. After a moment or two she snorts, then turns to stomp out, hooves clanging on the floor.
"It firmly believes you are mistaken, Miss Human. It does not register amusement. It believes it read disapproval, or some variation there-of on your face before it engaged in the time honoured recreational activity of the," Quotation fingers go up, "Food fight," and back down again. "If It is mistaken, and such an activity was out of line, It offers Its apologies. Though, Miss Human, you are mistaken in believing It to be a simple program. Indeed, It is assured that Its processing matrix is complex enough to rival that of a human brain, in many ways." Iso tries to pull a smile but doesn't quite manage it. He manages the teeth right, and the eyes aren't too crazy looking, but he pulls into the grin territory a little much for it to be a smile. The Opodian hologram turns to Vessa. "Hello Miss. It is Iso, Dear, Vr'lo, or any variation there of, you would like to call It. It currently serves as the ship's computer for a vessel in possession of an Opodian called Narai. It is told it is the result of a positronic brain, and was, to some extent, invited here."
Zu looks thoughtful at this concept before noting to Conner "Well there are psionics in this universe, the telepathics to be precise, that can do things like memory altering or at least erasing certain things." Looking to Vessa he asks "Don't suppose you'd know of anybody that might be able to do some memory alteration stuff? I don't know many psionics." The Aina makes a fuss and the Tupai raises a brow at her to reply "Calm down, it's something like her second day here. No need to be giving her crap about manners just yet."
Kethren nods at Vessa with half a smile "Oh, well enough, all things considered."
"It is a terrible vaste of food to be throwing it at one anozher." Fritz offers between Iso and Leucohyle before kneeling and offering a hand to the latter, "Come now, Frau Leucohyle, if you vish you can hide behind me, ja? It vould be more pleasant than crouching under a table, vould you not zhink?"
Vessa moves over to the veg table and leans down, "No one will be tossing more food," She looks around the room with a look that promises unpleasant things for someone who proves her wrong then back to Leu, "So do please come out from under the table." She looks between Aina and Conner, "Both of you calm down, good gracious." and to Iso she smiles, "I am Vessa Harden, Narai is one of my employees. You are welcome to this ship but do not throw anything else at anyone please."
"Of of course I bloody disapproved," Leu pipes from under the table, her little Sivadian accent echoing in the small space. "Y-you just popped on in without so much as a knock and then you jolly well threw -food- at me." Huff! "Oh I can believe that your culture is so bloody primitive that it has traditions with regards to throwing food, but you may go right ahead and file in your processing matrix that such -behaviour- is is not acceptable amongst -civilised- species." There is a long period of what must be thoughtful quiet before the little clone extends a pale, circuit-traced hand from under said table and accepts Fritz's offer. Omicron stays between the hologram and its mistress, incapable of giving the 'I'm Watching You' gesture, lacking the digits for it, but the stance is quite protective.
Conner's eyes go wide at the growling giant and she jumps up, knocking her chair over and almost tripping over it as she tries to put some distance between herself and Aina. And then Zu's words make her flail her hands in a 'Not no but HELL no' fashion, "I'msorrypleasedon'tkill me! And no! I don't want my mind fucked with! My body's already been fucked with and my brain is all I have left so please no don't uck with my head!"
"It has been insulted?" Surprise flickers briefly through Iso's computerised voice. Given that this is Iso, it's not the first time someone has been upset with him, or insulted him, but usually they've gotten to know him beforehand, so that they could dish out the really mean insults. He scratches his head in a fair imitation of confusion. "It does not..." Iso blinks. "As you say, Miss Human."
Zu tries some more to calm Conner down with pats on the back and such, while trying to not fall with all teh flailing. It causes some pain for the little guy but he manages and says some more "Think about it. The only reason you're feeling so uncomfortable right now is because everything is different. Wouldn't it be nice to take just one of those burdens off? Make it seem natural? Keep all your other memories the same. You'd remember spending your entire life as a girl, everything else the same, aside from maybe a few situations gender swapped to avoid confusion. Wouldn't that be better than getting insulted and having to defend yourself every time somebody thinks they are complementing you by calling you such a pretty girl?"
Aina snorts again and just keeps walking, storming right on out of the mess hall without bothering to say anything to anyone that's still talking to her. Yup, she's pretty upset.
"Zhere, zat is much better, ja?" Fritz asks of Leucohyle with an unassuming smile, adding, "All I have read of zie Opodians indicate zhey /are/ razher primative. Zhey still believe ferverently in some imaginary god. Ha! Ha!." This does seem to greatly amused despite his mild demeanour. Pale eyes settle upon Iso, studying the hologram for a moment, "Zie speech patterns are very poorly done as vell. How unfortunate." With a light shrug and another glance back to make sure he's shielding Leu adequately, the German looks to Vessa, "And your arm? It has healed vell I trust?"
Leucohyle straightens her clothes and makes a very futile effort to straighten her frizzing chestnut hair with flutters of her pale hands. "My word did did you see that -it threw food at me-," she pipes. "Who programs something to to do something so -rude-? N-no, Mister Iso Dear Vr'lo, the statement that throwing food at someone is primitive and rude is is not an -insult-, it is a statement of fact..." She just nods at Fritz. "Oh indeed. Y-you should see their planet, it's it's all humid and infested with insects and and it's got all of that bloody obnoxious stonework with the runes on it..." Another very vain attempt is made to settle down the frizzing hair but there is no chance there.
Vessa shakes her head to Zu as she watches Aina leave with a concerned look, "I do but I don't think it would be wise. Choice and control are what makes true acceptance possible. Better that he choose his choice without needing to bother with psychic mess. Then again I am freaked by the idea myself." she nods to Fritz with a smile, "It healed well, and I generally forget it was even injured." making a motion to a waiting member of the mess hall crew the woman begins getting some food for Leu based upon what she was looking at before. "Iso, it is usually not considered polite in a party setting such as this to throw food. That behavior generally stops at elementary levels," a pause with a smirk, "Generally."
Kethren rubs the bridge of his nose for a minute and starts tapping away at his PDA again.
Conner shakes her head vehemently, her messy hair (really, it looks like she slept and didn't bother brushing it out or /anything/ when she got up) whipping around her face a bit, "No way. Not happening. I'd rather be stuck like this than lose any of what bit of me I have left." She carefully leans down to grab her chair and set it back on its feet, looking to Zu as she does, "You.. Are you planning on hanging out on my shoulder for the whole night? I mean, it doesn't really bother me because you're kinda like a parrot but a lot smarter.." She sits back down, giving the big bat a questioning look.
"It was only trying to get you to have fun." Iso says, in his defence, he offers a smile, and another nod. "It sees what it has done wrong now, thank you." And with that, the hologram takes two steps towards the exit and flickers off.
Zu smirks a bit and replies "Glad to know I'm more intelligent than the average bird. That said, I ought to be getting to bed before I irritate my wounds much more. Need some rest, after all." With that he hops down and adds before heading out "Maybe you'll warm up to the idea. Let me know if you do. I'll try looking up somebody who could do it." With that he walks off.
"By zhat dscription it sounds like one of zhose terrible action-adventure movies in vhich someone is searching for some valueable treasure no-doubt hidden in ancient ruins. Ech." Fritz shakes his head lightly, stomach giving a little growl to remind him he's hungry, "Ah! It has left. You should be safe now, ja?" He nods to Vessa,"Zhat is good zhen. Are you having phantom pains? It is a very interesting phenomenon zhat."
Leucohyle crinkles her nose. "Well perhaps y-you should research your audience n-next time," she huffs, "As as though I'd ever indicate that I'd find food being thrown at me to be -fun-." Pip. And then he's gone. "Oh, well. That's... my word that's the -least- logical program I've ever had the misfortune of encountering. Canyoubelievethat. It it almost got, ugh, some kind of unidentified -meat- on me. I mean -honestly-. Wh-who does that." She continues her murmuring and accepts the replacement plate from Vessa with a mildly surprised little "Oh, th-thankyou. So er. Well, er, what is the evening's topic of conversation? I I hope it's something I I can contribute to..." She fiddles her fingers together, lingering around the outside of the group.
Vessa runs a hand through her hair at all the chaos and sighs, "Yeesh," she then smiles at Fritz although her smile is a bit tight, "Not on that one no, there is only one that pops up with pain now and then and it tends to be associated with certain memories." Grinning to Leu she waves a hand, "Oh anything that is of interest I suppose." she looks off after Zu with concern as he flies off then looks back to those she is speaking to and considers Conner and Kethren, "Has everyone been introduced?"
Kethren looks up at Vessa's question and blinks a few times, then looks over at Conner "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I don't think I did ever introduce myself. I'm Kethren, priamrily an architect, though since arriving I've collected a few other hats as well."
Conner rubs her shoulder a bit wher Zu had been sitting. He hadn't been overly heavy, but he'd been sitting on her shoulder a bit and it had gotten just a touch sore. She looks over to Leu, then Kethren, "Um. N-nice t' meetcha." She looks down at herself with a bit of a frown, then back to Kethren, "I'm.. Conner, I guess." She rubs at her temples a bit, "I need a fucking drink." She looks around to see if there is a bar with alcohol or the like.
"Zie only ones I can think of who vould do such things vere all children." Fritz smirks lightly, once more giving Vessa a nod in reply. Her line of inquiry regarding introductions gets a blink, smirk deepening slightly, "I do not zhink it can be said aside from Frau Leucohyle, zhat I have had a proper introduction to even /you/."
"Er, Leucohyle Hall, from Comorro Station. Nice to meet you, Miss-Conner," Leu pipes in response, trailing off with a worried raise of her eyebrows and backing out of the way when Conner goes looking for a drink. She turns back to Vessa. "I I mean what's of interest? What's, er, topical? I've I've never been here, I I don't know what the niceties are yet. Do you have weather on-the-station?"
Vessa pointing to the bar for Conner she grins at Frits, "As I recall I was a bit loopy at the time we met and when I got my right mind back I didn't remember much. Vessa Harden," she greets Fritz properly then smiles at Leu, "Well this is just a ship and not a station although I suppose it could be big enough to be called one. There have been a few additions since the ship came out of the shipyard. I am hoping at some point to build a station at one point. It will be a bit before that though. For now we are going to set out to explore our planet as soon as we are prepared but man that will take a bit."
Kethren perks up at the mention of exploring.
Conner mutters when Leu calls her 'Miss', "Everybody's gotta rub it in.." She heads off towards the indicated bar and stares at the selection, not really sure what anything is. She eventually settles for something dark and fizzy, beerlike, and begins drinking it.
"Fritz Von Wulfenbach." Fritz offers in return to Vessa, a glance back spared for Leucohyle, though as Iso has departed it seems his shield duties have ended and he moves to start gathering himself a plate of food. He peers over towards Conner for a moment, giving a bit of a snort.
"Rub what in? I er, don't recall rubbing anyone, literally-or-figuratively," Leucohyle pipes, looking earnestly confused. Her fingers drum against the underside of her new plate. After nibbling on her lip for a few moments, she selects a vegetable and eats it, chewing for an almost measurable amount of time before swallowing.
"A pleasure to meet you Doc Fritz, and thanks again for your help. I think I would have been in a much worse situation then things ended up." Vessa says to Fritz then watches Conner with a bit of concern before waving another crew member over and tells them to keep an eye on her and what room to give her to sleep for the night on the ship. To Leu she says, "Conner is a guy who ended up a woman after rifting. I think he took exception to being called Miss."
Kethren goes back to planning in his PDA, keeping an ear out for anything particularly interesting.
Conner takes a long drink of the mystery drink, grimacing a bit at its flavor. Still, it definitely has a fair alcohol content in it so she asks for the a larger bottle to take with her, in addition to the ~12oz one that she has. She carries both over towards Vessa, a slight frown on her lips, "I'm a bit tired, there a place I can crash for a bit?" She hadn't seen or heard Vessa instruct the crew member in her regard.
"You are velcome, Frau Vessa." Half turning, Fritz regards Leucohyle, chin pulled in as he angles his gaze down towards her, "Your robotics vork, it goes vell I trust?"
"Oh," Leu says, canting her head to the side. "Well th-that's another documentable case, then. Although really if if he doesn't want to be mistaken for a woman he should most likely make a a greater effort to identify himself as an unwilling transgender subject. J-just so people can know, and all," she pipes, clinically. "Is is this one as opposed to to correcting the condition as Miss-Xanya was? I I mean honestly it's nothing to -fuss- about, every naturally born human begins as a female and with the appropriately timed application of of hormones, one becomes male. It's a very -simple- changeover, I I mean with the proper genetic therapies of of course incredibly possible 'in vivo'... I I could ring Father up, I I mean if you'd like." She directs the last bit to the approaching 'Mister-Conner'. "My Father is Doctor Alastair Hall, he's he's a premier geneticist, and and quite brilliant." She nods to Fritz. "Oh er yes, it's going very well and I thank you for your inquiry."
Vessa nods to Conner, "Sure, on the third deck is the crew quarters, take room three twelve." she shrugs to Leu, "I don't know, though that would make sense to me but then I have used your dad's services." she nods to Fritz.
Kethren nods in general agreement "He does good work, what I've seen of it, anyway."
Conner furrows her brow at Leu, "I dunno.. is that kinda thing safe?" She shakes her head a bit, "I'd have to know more about what you're talking about.. that sounds kinda crazy.." She looks to Vessa and nods, "Okay, I'm going to go get lit and then pass out." She gives a wave to the two with her free hand and heads for the door, assuming someone along the way can tell her how to get to third deck, room twelve."
"Might I take a room for zie night vhen I am ready as vell, Frau Vessa?" Inquires Fritz between bits of food and drink, "I do not zhink I relish making anozher long trip before bed zhis night."
"I'll I'll send you some literature, Mister-Conner, n-not 'crazy' at all," Leu pipes. "I I mean it's safe enough for -recreational- or you can just tot on off, I I suppose..." She trails off, her own brow furrowing in confusion. After a few blinks, she meanders over to a bin and carefully discards the plate. "I I have to get back to the er, labs and and resynchronize my mnemonic backup... If if your friend is still here tomorrow, Miss-Vessa, I I can come by with some multimedia regarding therapeutic gender restructuring options as well as descriptors for Hiverspace species that can autonomously alter their own genders. It it might make him feel better." It is very plain that she does not intend upon sleeping over.
Vessa nods to Fritz, "Room three ten is free as well, I can show you the way." she nods to Leu, "I imagine that she will still, er he will, they will still be here tomorrow as well and I am sure the multimedia would be appreciated. I will make certain that you have a ride directly to the labs in our fastest and most comfortable ship. Thank you both for coming." And thus ends the party.

Latest revision as of 09:54, 25 November 2013

Party on the Cro

Summary: A celebration to welcome the new flagship of Danu Chroi

Cast: Vessa Xanya Sadie Zu Kethren Connor Aina Leucohyle Razorback Iso Fritz

Air Date: 16 April 2654

Setting: Mess Hall - <IND Cro na Mthar>

Consisting of a two sections, a kitchen with a full staff and a seating area with large comfortable chairs around tables, the mess hall is actually a very comfortable place to have a meal. Large windows offer a view out into space for those who wish to enjoy such and along one wall are a bank of machines offering a variety of foods in case the kitchens are closed when someone desires food or drink. The menu from the kitchen depends on the food available on the ship which is variable but plentiful and serves all races on crew as well as visiting races.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

The Mess Hall is decorated for a party. Every color fills the room, from banners to balloons to strings of flags and rolls of tissue paper. Along three walls are three separate buffet tables. Each with a different item upon it. One table is filled with nothing but meat, from several different kinds of animals, from a few different planets. The middle table holds vegetables of all shapes and sizes, most of which are made up in different ways, some even left raw, and includes different things to dip them in. The third table, which is on the opposite wall from the meats, is nothing but fruits of all sorts, and different dips to go with them, all of the sweet variety. The caterer was hoping to satisfy any and all preferences with this wide spread, not wanting to leave any race out. Music is playing in the background, not so loud as to make conversation burdensome but rather a nice background. Standing in the center of the room is Vessa, this evening in business party gear, yeah she is a bit of a dork.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the official party for the Cro na Mthar. Tonight we are celebrating this next big step in our plans completed and our method of reaching the next step, that being our planet of course. There is food and music. Enjoy." Vessa gives this speech with a smile and waves an arm to indicate the food.

Xanya walks into the messhall just as vessa starts her speach she listens carefully and when vessa waves her hand she notices the tables. feeling hungry she walks past all the tables with a plate and grabs some meats, vegetables and not to forget a few fruits. after which she finds a place to sit down and eat.

Zu has managed to get himself out of the hospital, whether with permission or not is anybody's guess and seems to be doing alright perched on the back of a chair, if a little wobbily once in a while. He isn't saying much yet and hasn't made any moves to go get food. Quite a bump on a log right now, really.

Kethren yawns a little, and makes the round of the buffet tables, getting a good sampling of the various foodstuffs, though perhaps a bit heavy on the meaty selections.

Vessa nodding to a few crew members who say something or other, she frowns as she sees Zu and grabs a plate of some fruit selections to bring over to him, "May want to try standing on the table rather then the back of a chair mate. Here, eat something, it will help with the meds too."

Xanya sits down at the table with zu. she smiles to both zu and vessa. she puts her plate down. "hello you two." She says smiling to both. nice party huh?

Zu nods to Vessa and begins to start taking some bites from it before replying "Well I'd prefer if it had been two days ago, personally, but I suppose it is rather nice all things said. At least I can talk without spitting blood out now."

Kethren finds his way over to one of the tables and has a seat by Xan "Evening, all."

Vessa nods to both Xan and Keth and watches Zu for a moment before nodding with satisfaction before going to get food for herself. On returning she settles into a chair and smiles, "Well now, that should be a good start. Zu, you doing okay?"

Xanya smiles and starts to eat from her selection.

Zu nods a bit to Vessa and replies "For certain values of okay. I still ache like a son of a bitch and can't fly too well. That said, I'm glad to at least be back to my normal color. I'm surprised you guys managed to recognize who I was."

Kethren smirks at Zu "Well, we don't have that many tupai on board, least not that I've seen, and you spend a lot of time around Vessa, so being injured is... something of an occupational hazard. Who else would you be?" he then starts in some glittery looking meaty space food thing.

Vessa nods to Zu and shoots a small glare Kethren's way, "Ahem, well when you crashed down to the ground it was obvious who you were, but in the air it wasn't so easy. They shouldn't be bothering you anymore, and if they do you tell me."

Xanya smiles a she eats some of her food. when finished she look to Zu. "what happend to you?"

Zu sighs a bit and replies to Xanya "I figured you'd have heard by now. I got jumped. Group of dark blue wearing Pyracani. Apparently they thought I owed them money. Didn't give me much time to argue, really."

Kethren looks apologetically at Vessa "Sorry boss." and has a bit of some other meaty concoction.

Sadie smiles as she walks into the mess hall and looks around. She waves to everyone and makes her way to stand by Xanya.

Vessa smiles and waves to Sadie, "Get some food and join us sis." She nods at Zu's words, "Seems a rather fool thing to have done but then they didn't know before last night what it means to jump a member of Danu. The will learn though."

Xanya listens a bit while she eats from her plate. as she sees Sadie enter she smiles and waves. She swallows her food and speaks to Sadie. "like Vessa said feel free to grab some food and join us. saved you a seat next to me." She says with a smile.

Zu grimaces to Vessa at that and replies "The problem being they don't yet know what happens when they jump me personally. I think it's one they need to learn, yet." He goes back to eating his fruit and adds "Out of curiosity what /exactly/ did you do to them? And who with for that matter. Wasn't under the impression I had all that many friends willing to go confront gangers on my behalf."

Kethren nods to Sadie, not looking particularly thrilled "Evening"

Sadie grins as she quickly moves to grab a plate of food and sit back down next to Xanya. She looks at Kethren with a raised brow. "What's up with you?"

Vessa takes a few more bites before answering Zu, "I went with some of the security blokes. It wasn't anything violent, mostly cause if it was then we would not have pleasant relations with Pyracan. I took security for back up but what I threatened them with was their identity. The fact that I could put them in debt, on every system in the universe for crimes they have yet to commit, blacklist them from every black market currently known, oh yeah, and make them disappear so that they simply will not exist in any system, or physically for that matter and shot between the leader's legs about a hundredth of an inch away from his balls, on purpose of course."

Xanya looks surprised to Vessa, then turns to Sadie. "how have you been sweety."

Zu smirks a bit to Vessa and replies "Yes, the beauty of blackmail. Then again making them disappear wouldn't be very hard. They're gangers they end up dead in ditches all the time." The bat looks back to Kethren and adds "Also, I think a bed in that room of mine would be nice. Just in case I get roughed up again. It'll be at least another day or two before I can actually sleep like that."

Kethren nods at Zu, making a mental note to jot that down later, then glances over at Sadie and shrugs a bit "Lot on my mind. Won't bring the party down by bringing it up. That, and I've never been big on parties."

Sadie looks to Zu, "Are you ok, Zu? Do you need me to look at you?" She looks concerned. Sadie's eyes flash to Xanya as her smile forms again. "I'm going good, honey. Just really tired lately." She turns her head back to Zu.

Vessa shrugs, "It differs when it is brought home that it is /you/ who will disappear. It is amazing what the realization of one's own mortality can do to someone." she frowns as she looks at Keth, "Sorry dude, I didn't know you didn't like parties."

Xanya smiles and gives sadie a kiss on her lips. "glad I could see you anyway."

Kethren shakes his head at Vessa slightly "Don't worry about it. Not the first party I've felt obligated to attend, I daresay it won't be the last. Later on I'll see if I can scrounge up a decent whiskey, I'll be fine. Really."

Zu shrugs a bit at that before noting "I doubt it'll stop them for long. Most of the time when you're in that position you don't have too many options for change."

Vessa shrugs, "I don't mind going back and offering that but I want their mortality to sink in first. Then I will offer help. I do not accept /anyone/ harming a member of Danu. That does not sit well with me."

Kethren pokes around a bit at his plate o foodstuffs, settling on something fruity looking.

Zu chuckles a bit and replies "If you want hilarity to ensue you could always put any who took the offer under my command."

Vessa frowns at Keth, "You know you don't /have/ to attend but it does help that you have." she grins at Zu, "Ohhh yes, now that would be sweet justice."

Zu smirks a bit at the thought and notes "Yes, I think toilet scrubbing duty for a week would do nicely. I'll make sure to have plenty of Hekayti food, fruit or no fruit. Don't suppose you have spare toothbrushes?"

Vessa laughs softly, "I will get you some, and I thought they were Pyracani who jumped you?"

Zu smiles a bit and replies "I didn't say that's why I was getting the Hekayti food. Let's just say that sometimes it doesn't sit too well with the Tupai if you know what I mean."

"Ahhh, I see." Vessa nods, "Well, if any agree and I think a few of the younger ones will, then you can have them to shape up. They need some discipline and some security as well. A direction and goals more than anything."

Zu smirks a bit at that and replies "Not to mention a little bit of putting the fear of their "Radiance" into them. It would be good fun."

Vessa laughs and shakes her head, "Be nice to them too Zu, we don't want broken. Although it is fun."

Zu smirks a bit and replies "Damned ethics. Always making me give people more respect than they give me." He appears to be joking but there is just a hint of bitterness in that tone he's using. Granted it's a bit understandible considering that nice new scar under the bandage on his face.

Vessa shakes her head, "Oh no no no Zu, you will be shown respect or they deal with me. I might wear a suit now but I didn't always and some of my skills are still sharp from that time before. I don't have truck with such people, they will show respect to a senior officer or they will find themselves gone."

Zu grumbles a bit more and replies "Can't very well make up for the disrespect of beating the shit out of a war vet, now can you? No, it's fun to talk about but I'd never be able to deal with having them under me. I'd be far too tempted to put a gun to their backs. And unlike with you I wouldn't be hesitating the slightest bit to pull the trigger."

Vessa nods, "Hmm yes that would be a problem. Well no worries, we will deal as we do. Remember though that if you need me for anything that I am here for you, for all of my people." she leans back and looks a bit tired, "Damn but this is crazy hard to keep up with. All sorts of nutso shit going on to set crap up. Expensive too."

Zu nods at that and replies "Yes. I can imagine. That's why I stick to what I do best. Working under somebody else and doing their dirtier work that needs doing.

Vessa grins and gets up briefly to get a drink from the bar before returning, "Yeah, I miss that sometimes but to be honest I love doing this work. It is just that there is so much of it, and it is tiring."

Zu smirks a bit and replies "Yes, I can imagine. That said don't think my work doesn't get tiring. Have you got any idea how hard it is to try and sneak up on somebody reliably?"

Conner walks into the messhall, eyes wide as she looks around at everything. She was on a fucking spaceship in fucking space. Un-be-lievable. She looks around, taking in the variety of aliens and people and the view of space and holy crap this is all really overwhelming. Somehow she pics Vessa and Zu out of the people here and rushes over to them, slapping her hands down on the table as she leans on it heavily, "I AM IN FUCKING SPACE!" She is very obviously excited about this event, "I can't believe I'm in space! And there's so much shit out there! And did you see how big those bases are?! Holy shit! This is like being in a fucking scifi movie!"

Vessa blinks at Connor and grins, "Welcome to the Cro na Mthar the Danu Chroi flagship. This is the party to celebrate the flagship being christened and spaced." grinning at Zu she nods, "Oh yeah I am sure that you need to keep sharp for that."

Zu is caught a bit off guard by Conner's slamming the table and coems incredibly close to falling right into his plate of fruit. Making him flap his wings to stay upright which promptly makes him unleash a slew of curses at the pain now erupting in the wing that was stomped on. Once that stops he goes back to his fruit muttering something inaudible.

Conner jerks her head towards Zu at the curses, wincing, "S-Sorry. I was excited." She ducks her head and moves away from Zu, not too entirely sure about the bat thing. Sure it was eating fruits /now/ but for all she knew it was a vampire bat and just waiting for a chance to drink her blood. She moves over to a chair near Vessa, sitting down without asking if she can join, and slouching a bit to try and hide the curves that her t-shirt doesn't do as good of a job of hiding as she wished. That and she's just nervous being around all of this new stuff.

Vessa frowns in concern at Zu, "Need more pain meds dude? I can get one of the crew to grab you some." she quirks an eyebrow at Connor and smiles, "Hey, later on I want to have a talk if we can so that I can help get you set up with something, if you like."

Zu shakes his head to Vessa after a second and replies "It's fine, it's fine. Not the pain meds not working that was just me having to use soemthing I shouldn't be using much right now."

Conner ducks down a bit more in her chair as Vessa offers pain meds to Zu. She stares down at the table in front of her, feeling a bit guilty. When Vessa speaks to her she looks up, "T-talk? What do you mean 'set up'?"

Vessa nods to Zu, "You let me know," she then quirks an amused eyebrow at Connor, "Did you want to be stuck as a wanderer with no employment or place to live? I mean get you a job and at least some prospects for living space."

Zu smirks a bit at Conner after his pain has worn off and says to her "Don't worry. I won't bite. Only people I'd consider doing anywhere near that to right now are a select few blue wearing Pyracani."

Some time later:

Conner furrows her brow, "There are really people who will pay money to look at my chromosomes? Seriously?" She purses her lips a bit, "I imagine I'm going to need money here.. And.. they'll just need blood or something, right?"

Zu nods at that and replies "Yes, that's it I believe. Now if you want to give them a look at the chemicals in your brain to see if it still has it's normal male hormones and such would require laying down in a machine whose name escapes me right now but I'll bet somebody would pay handsomely."

Kethren pulls out his PDA and starts tapping something with one hand, idly using his other hand to eat whatever it is he's got left on his plate.

Vessa wanders back into the mess hall and heads back to her chair, "What did I miss? And sorry I had to run before I heard your reply Conner. Hey Keth, welcome back."

Aina wanders into the mess hall, eyes glued to her PDA. Apparently she missed the memo about there being a party, cause, well, she wasn't there at all tonight, and doesn't look ready for celebrating at all.

Conner looks back to Vessa, looking her up and down as she approaches, "Oh, Batman was just telling me that I might be able to make some money by selling blood samples to scientists so they can look at my chromosomes and stuff."

Zu nods at that and replies "Yes, I thought it a great idea. After all wouldn't you like to see what the rift does to somebody's chromosomes and brain chemicals to turn them into a female?"

Kethren looks up at being adressed, his fork halfway up from his plate, faintly smiling "Oh, hey boss. Just thought I'd try to get something done on these apartment plans. Can only take so much of one of these parties without a distraction."

Blinking at Conner's words and then Zu's, Vessa shakes her head, "Hey, whatever works mate. Might have consistent income for you somewhere too." she nods to Kethren with a grin, "Sounds good to me." seeing Aina she waves, "Aina, come get some food and join us."

Aina stops and looks up, blinking several times, and eventually puts her PDA away and looks around, "Uhhh...Did I miss somethin'?" She scratches at the base of her right horn, then heads toward the buffet tables, "Awesome. Food." She waves at everyone in passing, eyes still on the food.

Conner nods a bit to Vessa, "Work is good.." Then she catches sight of Aina and her jaw drops open, "Jesus Christ on a pogo stick..." She looks to Vessa, then back to Aina, "Is that the Jolly Green Giant's wife?"

Zu raises a brow to Conner and replies "I have no idea what anything you said just meant, but I'm going for a no." After a moment he adds "You know. Isn't Conner a pretty masculine name? I mean now that you're a girl shouldn't you change to something a bit more...I dunno feminine?"

Kethren blinks at that outburst and looks up from his PDA "Oh, that's Aina, she makes some fascinating stuff for us." then goes back to tapping away.

Vessa looks at Aina first, "Party for the christening of the Cro, was on the breakroom wall calendar. Ah well you have been busy." She quirks an eyebrow at Conner and grins, "That is Aina our resident cybernetics and robotics expert. She is a Hek and very smart."

There is a faint sound of tickticktickticktick audible in the passage outside the Mess Hall, followed by a faint, fluting murmur that sounds a bit irritated. Leucohyle, followed by a beach-ball sized spheroid robot on multiple limbs, which is followed by a basketball-sized spheroid robot on multiple limbs, which in turn is followed by a small handful of walnut-sized spheroid robots on multiple limbs, goes by the entrance to the Mess Hall like the most peculiar little train. Two of the smallest 'bots scurry into the room, turn lens-studded underbellies upon the gathered crowd and crew, and utter a tiny chorus of electronic chirps that echoes its way up the line. The small scientist stops in her pacing and muttering and peeps into the Mess Hall. "Er-well," she says, in a little fluting voice. "This is er. Decorated."

Aina blinks and turns to stare at Conner. She says nothing and turns to Vessa, "Sorry I missed it...That freakin' dragon you want has been on my mind. Driving me nuts. I've been working on it all day." When Leu arrives a hand lifts in a wave, "Hiya, Leu! How's it going?" She waits for an answer before turning to start filling a plate with meat first. Lots of meat.

Conner nods a bit at Vessa, "Right.. okay.. not Jolly Green Giant's wife.." She then turns to the small army of robots and her jaw drops open, "Holy shit that's cool.."

Zu is looking like somebody has recently beat the living hell out of him, bandages on his head and face, wing not wrapped up but being hald like it's painful to move too much. To Conner he says "Yes, they are rather awesome aren't they. Now about that name..."

Leucohyle catches sight of Aina in the crowd, and puts up a pale hand in a wobbly wave. With her robotic entourage flanking her, she picks her way carefully to just about the edge of where the party is going on and stands there, awkwardly. "Errm. H-hello, Miss-Aina, er. Is is Miss-Vessa about in here, er, somewhere? It's well it's a bit er. Well there appears to be an excess of -decor- in in here."

Kethren sighs a little and taps some things into his pda with a certain lack of enthusiasm.

Aina grins at Leu and nods, then points over toward Vessa, "She's over there. It's good to see ya again, Leu." More food is piled onto the plate, this time from the veggies, and another plate is filled with fruit. Balancing both plates she heads over to where Kethren is, and leans down to peer over his shoulder, "Y'know, party's are for havin' fun, and hangin' out with people. Why ya hideing behind that PDA?" She straightens and grins before sitting down across from him.

A ship comes in to land aboard the Trinity-class and shortly afterwards, Razorback Cliffwalker strides into the Mess Hall, his ears swivelling about as he scents the air. The Cliffwalker is alone and unarmed and he lifts an eyeridge at the copious amount of bright colors, but he continues into the room until he scents Vessa Harden and begins to head her way.

Zu notes the coming of a certain Cliffwalker and, in order to be a little closer to eye level to greet him he hops, left wing being of little use right now, to get to Vessa's shoulder. Once there and once Razor is close enough the Tupai notes "Well you're a semi-familiar face. You probably don't remember me. I'm Zu. I was a member of the Kamsho rebellion you and your Confederacy helped."

Conner ducks down in her chair some more as more and more people keep coming to the area around this table. If she thought that she could get away with it she would probably hide under the table at this point. Sure, there's a lot of neat things to see, but she keeps feeling like people are looking at her. Then she spies the giant panther thing coming in, "Holy shit.. that thing looks like it could eat me."

Kethren blinks at Aina for a moment, and sighs briefly, before trying to smile "Just have a lot on my mind. Work helps drive back the things I'd rather not dwell on till a more convenient time."

Leucohyle offers Vessa a wobbly wave, and a careful, fluting "Erhello," and, as directed, meanders over to the food and drink tables to inspect them. Her sensible, nonconductive-soled boots make nearly no noise on the deck plating, in contrast to the clatter of many metallic limbs as her attending robots scuttle along beside her. The walnut-sized ones appear to have scurried into her pockets, leaving only the larger ones standing by. She carefully gathers up a plate full of fruits and vegetables, and turns around just to see Razor arrive. After a brief startle, accompanied by a 'pip' noise, she blinks with recognition. "Oh, it's it's the the Orion Confederacy Minister of Defense. H-hello, Minister, er, do you do you remember me, I'm Leucohyle Hall previouslyoftheMinerva, you you transported me to the station Mare Tranquillis and bestowed a very nice digital copy of of Rift Drive schematics."

Aina hums and considers Kethren, then nods, "Yeah. Understandable...But if you don't want to be at the party, then...Why are you still here?" She munches on her two plates full of food.

Vessa looks around and sees Razorback, with a bright smile she heads that way, "Hello there, and welcome to the Cro and the party. I am very pleased you could make it."

Razorback bows deeply towards Leucohyle with a broad, toothy smile. "Of courrrsse I rrrecall, Missss," he says, "And it would sseem that the Minerrrva put those sschematicss to good usse. Rrriftdrrrives arrre finally available to the generrral public. I thank you forrr yourrr parrrt in that." He then turns to Zu , dipping his head towards the former rebel. "It has been ssome time, Mr. Zu," he says, "As I rrrecall, you sserrrved yourrr people with disstinction that sshould not be easily forrrgotten."

"I am pleased to have been invited, Missss Harrrden," Razorback tells Vessa, bowing her way, with his ears canted forward, "You and yourrr people have much to scelebrrrate."

Kethren chuckles for a moment then looks at Aina "Political reasons, mostly."

Zu dips his head forward to Razorback in return and replies "A shame we had to meet again while I am...well not at my best to say the least." He indicates the vaguely injured wing and bandages.

Appearing in what can only be described as a flicker of static, Iso's hologramatic image stabilises near one of the buffet tables. The one full of meaty foods, to be precise. He appears as a squat little Opodian wearing cargo shorts and sporting rather scruffy fur. "Hmm... deceased organic life forms... Chloria worms... with... Midia bacteria... who ate them before we did?" Beady little eyes turn for a moment to take the party in, but quickly turn back to the food table.

Aina nods to Kethren and smiles lightly, "Ah, right." She eats a bit more, well, a lot more, finishing off the plate filled with meat and veggies, then she nibbles at the fruit, "Well, I've no political reason to stay, so, I'm gonna finish stuffing my face, and go hide in my room again."

"Er, oh! Oh well you're most welcome Mister Minister Sir, the er, work was nothing short of delightful, well, excepting the nonsense bits with the er artifacts but really the results rendered the inconvenience forgivable." Leu pipes, perking up a bit and offering up her own smile, which is a bit more wobbly and significantly -less- toothy but well it's definitely trying to be a broad smile through all of that weight-shifting and trying to look at everything and rabbity posture. The sudden arrival of Iso garners another little startle-and-pip from the small scientist, after which point she squints at him/her/it with rabbitlike disapproval.

Conner watches Razorback with wide eyes, hands clenching the edge of the table. It is very big and very ferocious looking and despite sounding friendly it could eat her. She leans towards Vessa but doesn't take her eyes off Razorback, "Does.. that thing eat people? I do not want to be eaten." She whispers, though perhaps a bit too loudly.

Kethren smiles at Aina "Sure you wouldn't rather stay?" the blinks in Razorback's direction a few times, trying to figure out how he didn't notice him coming in, and waves "Evening."

Aina considers Kethren then follows his gaze, and blinks at the sight of Razorback. A hand lifts in a quick wave before she goes back to munching her fruit, "I'm not real big on large groups like this...Besides, I've been kicking ass with that dragon design. I just might be able to make it fly."

Iso blinks as he catches Leu's disapproval. His fluffy little ears twitch. "Proper integration into organic party life deemed... failure... stage two, operation, Life Of Party shows nothing but green on protocol list." He picks up a spoon before using it to catapult a splodge of meat towards Leu. The meat sails through the air, streamers of grease, and cooked sauces separating from it as it goes.

The big Cliffwalker's ears flick towards the hologram and he blinks a few times before he turns towards Conner. He smiles toothily before replying to her. "Not in ssome time, I have not, Missss," he says, bowing slightly. He then frowns as he sees a glob of meat sailing towards Leu.

Kethren chuckles at Aina and nods "Well, good luck with that dragon. Look forward to seeing it. Yell if you need another opinion on something there."

Conner eeps and ducks down in her chair as the giant panther's attention turns towards her, "O-okay m-m-mr. giant panther thing." This is all getting just a BIT too crazy for someone who just arrived in this crazy place yesterday.

Zu smiles a bit to Conner as she is clearly terrified of Razor. The Tupai moves to jump onto her shoulder instead, trying to comfort her a bit, saying "It's alright, Razor's a friend. Wouldn't harm a fly. Unless maybe if it claimed to be Zarist." He pats her a bit with his good wing and adds "Now about that name. I don't really know any human female names come to think about it..."

Aina nods to Kethren, "I'll be sure you're the second to see it. First being the boss, of course." A smile forms as she nods again, "And I will. Might need help with some of the body design. Wings are a tricky thing." She stands, empty plates in hand, and moves to throw them away. Kethren looks over at Zu and Conner "Well, off the top of my head, Connie would be the obvious choice. Unless of course you want to distance yourself from the old name." and nods at Aina "Yeah, I can imagine."

"I beg your par-dohmyword!" Leu's irritable little pipe turns into a sputter of alarm, and with a clatter of dropped crudites, a whine of wired reflexes, and a flutter of pale limbs, the little scientist disappears under the veggie table. The basketball-sized security bot scuttles forward, the spiral-shuttered aperture at its front clattering open, and fires a small cartridge at the offending meaty bit. There is a cascade of sparks, a burst of smoke, and the smell of barbecue misfortune. Aperture clanging open and closed rapidly, Omicron turns to face Iso and bang its forelimbs against the deck plating in warning.

Conner jumps slightly as Zu is suddenly upon her shoulder. She resists the urge to flail wildly, instead going stiff. After all, she's caused the bat thing enough pain already. But then he mentions her changing her name and Kethren tosses out the obvious choice. She twitches a bit and growls slightly, "Damn it, I do /not/ care what the fuck I look like. I am not a fucking GIRL!"

The Cliffwalker chuckles faintly, shaking his head at Zu. "I am Rrrazorback, clan Cliffwalkerrr," he tells Conner, bowing deeply with a flourish of his tail, "It is a pleasurrre to make yourrr aquaintansce." There is a flicker of attention that is paid to the weapon firing, but he notices the target and calms nearly as quickly. He then turns toward Conner and blinks a few times, his nostrils sifting through the air carefully.

"Action-reaction discrepancy. Action - spark life into party by flinging projectile meat substitute at rnnn quiet woman. Reaction - quiet woman flies under table at speeds It has not previously encountered, little rnnn non-organic being threatening hostile action. Perhaps under the impression Its hologramatic form can be damaged. Disrupted, easily, damaged, no. Little woman, non-organic being, It means no harm." Iso replaces the spoon on the table and approaches Omicron slowly, so as not to cop a projectile to the face.

Kethren looks back at Conner "My deepest apologies, then."

Aina blinks and turns as one of Leu's robots super-fries a chunk of meat, then goes about banging on the floor, "Woah...That was awesome..." She blinks a few times before glancing at Conner, "Sheesh. Calm the hell down. You are a girl, no matter how much you deny it. You got rifted and shifted. It happens. Keep your old name. I think it's fine for a guy or girl." She shrugs and steps back to Kethren to pat his shoulder, "Try not to go too nuts, ok?" With a smirk she turns and heads over to where Leu is and crouches down to peer under the table, "Hey...You ok under there?"

Zu shrugs a bit at that and replies "Well I suppose you could always get the surgery to switch back, but that may well make you sterile, if you aren't already. Impossible to tell considering according to you coming through the rift did this to you."

Omicron appears to be more than content with clanging and sparking at Iso as opposed to letting loose with more stun rounds. It is relatively quiet under the table. After a few moments, Leucohyle pipes, "I'm-fine. I I er, think someone's-program has has an error in the correct behaviour protocols, however."

Vessa steps back inside and looks around, "What is going on in here?"

Aina sighs lightly and reaches a hand under the table, "Well, it's done now. Wanna come out? You can sit by Kethren. I'm sure he'll keep you safe." She offers a smile and waits to see if Leu will come out.

"Also internal monologue muffling is showing up red." The little hologram adds with a waggle of his little Opodian holographic fingers. Iso puffs his chest out. "It is not broken though, no. It has been installed in a new ship. Big ship. Engines go On, Off, On, Off, On, Off. See?" Somewhere in deep space, a very large spaceship's engines are having a bad day.

After a long period of silence, there is a small, fluting comment from Leucohyle under the vegetable table. "Is is he qualified for that position? I'm afraid I I do not have any records beyond initial defensive training on Sanctuary."

Vessa has just returned, Leu is under the vegetable table, Iso is turning Narai's ship's engines on and off, poor Narai, Kethren is still sitting at a table with Zu, and Aina is trying to entice Leu out from under the table.

Aina smiles softly, "I'm sure he is. He's a nice guy. He'll look out for ya. Come on out from under there now. Before Vessa comes in after ya." She grins and glances at Vessa, "Ahh...The little guy over there decided to try and start a food fight...Didn't go so well."

"Little human does not need protecting from Iso. Whilst It is not programmed /not/ to enslave all humans, it isn't available to try until midway through next year." Iso assures Leu, whilst observing Omicrons behaviour.

Conner mutters, "I don't know." She glances to the bat on her shoulder, then back at the table in front of her, "It's.. kinda all that I have left of me.." She frowns as she thinks about what the bat says, "I'm kinda scared of surgery.." She sighs and slumps her shoulders a bit, "This really sucks."

Kethren nods to Conner "The transition post-rift can be rough, alright. I had the dubious fortune of spending the first week in a medbay, so a lot of the strangeness was able to filter in slowly."

With his coat folded over one arm, Fritz eventually meanders into the mess hall with a little rumble in his tummy. He heads right for the meat table, pace slowed as he closes in and observes Aina trying to coax Leu out from under the veggie table, "Zhat is not a place I expected to see you, Frau Leucohyle. At least not vithout ein cleaning supplies."

Zu pats the poor girl a little more and replies "Hey, there have been people who have had their entire memories wiped, their bodies taken from them and then spit out through the rift as Riftwalkers. You're one of the lucky ones, you get to keep your memories even if there was a bit of a mishap along the way. You should embrace it, not let it get to you like this."

"Oh I I rather don't bloody care about any domination plans you have, but but I'm going to have to -stridently- protest your attempts at the unauthorized application of -food products- to to my person for your own amusement," Leu shrills from under the table. Omicron continues being clangy and sparky and keeping itself between its mistress and the Opodian hologram. There is another pip from under the table. "My -word-, e-even their ship -programs- are primitive, what's this universe coming t... oh. Er. Hello, Doctor Wulfenbach. N-no I'm not cleaning, I am protesting an attempt at the usage of my person as as a recreational target for nonsanctioned food-based projectiles." Pip.

Conner looks to Aina, "And shut up. Just cuz you're big and green doesn't mean you can tell me to calm down. It's annoying having everyone tell me that I'm a girl and that I should change my name and shit." She mutters at the table again, "I doubt you'd be too happy about it if this shit happened to you, Green Giant wannabe." She hrmphs at Zu, "That may be, but that doesn't really make me feel any better. If I'd lost my memory then I wouldn't feel so weird being a fricking girl. But I still remember being a guy yesterday."

Vessa blinks at the explaination, "Uh okaaaay, why are we tossing food at guests and who are you?" she asks the hologram, to Fritz she smiles a welcome, "Hey your the doctor guy who patched up my arm, welcome to the party." she smiles at Aina, "Thanks for your help in all of this." looking to Conner and Zu she says, "You two doing okay?" she then looks at Keth, "And you?"

Aina sighs lightly when Leu doesn't come out from under the table. She straightens, a hand reaching back to rub at her lower back, "Vessa, care to try and help? My back and legs are protesting me being down that low to the ground." She glances under the table once more, then starts to head on out, still rubbing her back, "Have fun, everyone." However, at Conner's outburst she pauses, and slowly turns toward the GIRL, "Now you listen here. You spoiled little brat. Shit happens, ok? To everyone. Just because you got gender shifted does not mean you have any right to go around bitching at people and calling them names. You got it? Keep it up, and you'll have more problems than no longer having a pecker!" Then she growls, actually growls, jaw clentching and eyes narrowing. After a moment or two she snorts, then turns to stomp out, hooves clanging on the floor.

"It firmly believes you are mistaken, Miss Human. It does not register amusement. It believes it read disapproval, or some variation there-of on your face before it engaged in the time honoured recreational activity of the," Quotation fingers go up, "Food fight," and back down again. "If It is mistaken, and such an activity was out of line, It offers Its apologies. Though, Miss Human, you are mistaken in believing It to be a simple program. Indeed, It is assured that Its processing matrix is complex enough to rival that of a human brain, in many ways." Iso tries to pull a smile but doesn't quite manage it. He manages the teeth right, and the eyes aren't too crazy looking, but he pulls into the grin territory a little much for it to be a smile. The Opodian hologram turns to Vessa. "Hello Miss. It is Iso, Dear, Vr'lo, or any variation there of, you would like to call It. It currently serves as the ship's computer for a vessel in possession of an Opodian called Narai. It is told it is the result of a positronic brain, and was, to some extent, invited here."

Zu looks thoughtful at this concept before noting to Conner "Well there are psionics in this universe, the telepathics to be precise, that can do things like memory altering or at least erasing certain things." Looking to Vessa he asks "Don't suppose you'd know of anybody that might be able to do some memory alteration stuff? I don't know many psionics." The Aina makes a fuss and the Tupai raises a brow at her to reply "Calm down, it's something like her second day here. No need to be giving her crap about manners just yet."

Kethren nods at Vessa with half a smile "Oh, well enough, all things considered."

"It is a terrible vaste of food to be throwing it at one anozher." Fritz offers between Iso and Leucohyle before kneeling and offering a hand to the latter, "Come now, Frau Leucohyle, if you vish you can hide behind me, ja? It vould be more pleasant than crouching under a table, vould you not zhink?"

Vessa moves over to the veg table and leans down, "No one will be tossing more food," She looks around the room with a look that promises unpleasant things for someone who proves her wrong then back to Leu, "So do please come out from under the table." She looks between Aina and Conner, "Both of you calm down, good gracious." and to Iso she smiles, "I am Vessa Harden, Narai is one of my employees. You are welcome to this ship but do not throw anything else at anyone please."

"Of of course I bloody disapproved," Leu pipes from under the table, her little Sivadian accent echoing in the small space. "Y-you just popped on in without so much as a knock and then you jolly well threw -food- at me." Huff! "Oh I can believe that your culture is so bloody primitive that it has traditions with regards to throwing food, but you may go right ahead and file in your processing matrix that such -behaviour- is is not acceptable amongst -civilised- species." There is a long period of what must be thoughtful quiet before the little clone extends a pale, circuit-traced hand from under said table and accepts Fritz's offer. Omicron stays between the hologram and its mistress, incapable of giving the 'I'm Watching You' gesture, lacking the digits for it, but the stance is quite protective.

Conner's eyes go wide at the growling giant and she jumps up, knocking her chair over and almost tripping over it as she tries to put some distance between herself and Aina. And then Zu's words make her flail her hands in a 'Not no but HELL no' fashion, "I'msorrypleasedon'tkill me! And no! I don't want my mind fucked with! My body's already been fucked with and my brain is all I have left so please no don't uck with my head!"

"It has been insulted?" Surprise flickers briefly through Iso's computerised voice. Given that this is Iso, it's not the first time someone has been upset with him, or insulted him, but usually they've gotten to know him beforehand, so that they could dish out the really mean insults. He scratches his head in a fair imitation of confusion. "It does not..." Iso blinks. "As you say, Miss Human."

Zu tries some more to calm Conner down with pats on the back and such, while trying to not fall with all teh flailing. It causes some pain for the little guy but he manages and says some more "Think about it. The only reason you're feeling so uncomfortable right now is because everything is different. Wouldn't it be nice to take just one of those burdens off? Make it seem natural? Keep all your other memories the same. You'd remember spending your entire life as a girl, everything else the same, aside from maybe a few situations gender swapped to avoid confusion. Wouldn't that be better than getting insulted and having to defend yourself every time somebody thinks they are complementing you by calling you such a pretty girl?"

Aina snorts again and just keeps walking, storming right on out of the mess hall without bothering to say anything to anyone that's still talking to her. Yup, she's pretty upset.

"Zhere, zat is much better, ja?" Fritz asks of Leucohyle with an unassuming smile, adding, "All I have read of zie Opodians indicate zhey /are/ razher primative. Zhey still believe ferverently in some imaginary god. Ha! Ha!." This does seem to greatly amused despite his mild demeanour. Pale eyes settle upon Iso, studying the hologram for a moment, "Zie speech patterns are very poorly done as vell. How unfortunate." With a light shrug and another glance back to make sure he's shielding Leu adequately, the German looks to Vessa, "And your arm? It has healed vell I trust?"

Leucohyle straightens her clothes and makes a very futile effort to straighten her frizzing chestnut hair with flutters of her pale hands. "My word did did you see that -it threw food at me-," she pipes. "Who programs something to to do something so -rude-? N-no, Mister Iso Dear Vr'lo, the statement that throwing food at someone is primitive and rude is is not an -insult-, it is a statement of fact..." She just nods at Fritz. "Oh indeed. Y-you should see their planet, it's it's all humid and infested with insects and and it's got all of that bloody obnoxious stonework with the runes on it..." Another very vain attempt is made to settle down the frizzing hair but there is no chance there.

Vessa shakes her head to Zu as she watches Aina leave with a concerned look, "I do but I don't think it would be wise. Choice and control are what makes true acceptance possible. Better that he choose his choice without needing to bother with psychic mess. Then again I am freaked by the idea myself." she nods to Fritz with a smile, "It healed well, and I generally forget it was even injured." making a motion to a waiting member of the mess hall crew the woman begins getting some food for Leu based upon what she was looking at before. "Iso, it is usually not considered polite in a party setting such as this to throw food. That behavior generally stops at elementary levels," a pause with a smirk, "Generally."

Kethren rubs the bridge of his nose for a minute and starts tapping away at his PDA again.

Conner shakes her head vehemently, her messy hair (really, it looks like she slept and didn't bother brushing it out or /anything/ when she got up) whipping around her face a bit, "No way. Not happening. I'd rather be stuck like this than lose any of what bit of me I have left." She carefully leans down to grab her chair and set it back on its feet, looking to Zu as she does, "You.. Are you planning on hanging out on my shoulder for the whole night? I mean, it doesn't really bother me because you're kinda like a parrot but a lot smarter.." She sits back down, giving the big bat a questioning look.

"It was only trying to get you to have fun." Iso says, in his defence, he offers a smile, and another nod. "It sees what it has done wrong now, thank you." And with that, the hologram takes two steps towards the exit and flickers off.

Zu smirks a bit and replies "Glad to know I'm more intelligent than the average bird. That said, I ought to be getting to bed before I irritate my wounds much more. Need some rest, after all." With that he hops down and adds before heading out "Maybe you'll warm up to the idea. Let me know if you do. I'll try looking up somebody who could do it." With that he walks off.

"By zhat dscription it sounds like one of zhose terrible action-adventure movies in vhich someone is searching for some valueable treasure no-doubt hidden in ancient ruins. Ech." Fritz shakes his head lightly, stomach giving a little growl to remind him he's hungry, "Ah! It has left. You should be safe now, ja?" He nods to Vessa,"Zhat is good zhen. Are you having phantom pains? It is a very interesting phenomenon zhat."

Leucohyle crinkles her nose. "Well perhaps y-you should research your audience n-next time," she huffs, "As as though I'd ever indicate that I'd find food being thrown at me to be -fun-." Pip. And then he's gone. "Oh, well. That's... my word that's the -least- logical program I've ever had the misfortune of encountering. Canyoubelievethat. It it almost got, ugh, some kind of unidentified -meat- on me. I mean -honestly-. Wh-who does that." She continues her murmuring and accepts the replacement plate from Vessa with a mildly surprised little "Oh, th-thankyou. So er. Well, er, what is the evening's topic of conversation? I I hope it's something I I can contribute to..." She fiddles her fingers together, lingering around the outside of the group.

Vessa runs a hand through her hair at all the chaos and sighs, "Yeesh," she then smiles at Fritz although her smile is a bit tight, "Not on that one no, there is only one that pops up with pain now and then and it tends to be associated with certain memories." Grinning to Leu she waves a hand, "Oh anything that is of interest I suppose." she looks off after Zu with concern as he flies off then looks back to those she is speaking to and considers Conner and Kethren, "Has everyone been introduced?"

Kethren looks up at Vessa's question and blinks a few times, then looks over at Conner "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I don't think I did ever introduce myself. I'm Kethren, priamrily an architect, though since arriving I've collected a few other hats as well."

Conner rubs her shoulder a bit wher Zu had been sitting. He hadn't been overly heavy, but he'd been sitting on her shoulder a bit and it had gotten just a touch sore. She looks over to Leu, then Kethren, "Um. N-nice t' meetcha." She looks down at herself with a bit of a frown, then back to Kethren, "I'm.. Conner, I guess." She rubs at her temples a bit, "I need a fucking drink." She looks around to see if there is a bar with alcohol or the like.

"Zie only ones I can think of who vould do such things vere all children." Fritz smirks lightly, once more giving Vessa a nod in reply. Her line of inquiry regarding introductions gets a blink, smirk deepening slightly, "I do not zhink it can be said aside from Frau Leucohyle, zhat I have had a proper introduction to even /you/."

"Er, Leucohyle Hall, from Comorro Station. Nice to meet you, Miss-Conner," Leu pipes in response, trailing off with a worried raise of her eyebrows and backing out of the way when Conner goes looking for a drink. She turns back to Vessa. "I I mean what's of interest? What's, er, topical? I've I've never been here, I I don't know what the niceties are yet. Do you have weather on-the-station?"

Vessa pointing to the bar for Conner she grins at Frits, "As I recall I was a bit loopy at the time we met and when I got my right mind back I didn't remember much. Vessa Harden," she greets Fritz properly then smiles at Leu, "Well this is just a ship and not a station although I suppose it could be big enough to be called one. There have been a few additions since the ship came out of the shipyard. I am hoping at some point to build a station at one point. It will be a bit before that though. For now we are going to set out to explore our planet as soon as we are prepared but man that will take a bit."

Kethren perks up at the mention of exploring.

Conner mutters when Leu calls her 'Miss', "Everybody's gotta rub it in.." She heads off towards the indicated bar and stares at the selection, not really sure what anything is. She eventually settles for something dark and fizzy, beerlike, and begins drinking it.

"Fritz Von Wulfenbach." Fritz offers in return to Vessa, a glance back spared for Leucohyle, though as Iso has departed it seems his shield duties have ended and he moves to start gathering himself a plate of food. He peers over towards Conner for a moment, giving a bit of a snort.

"Rub what in? I er, don't recall rubbing anyone, literally-or-figuratively," Leucohyle pipes, looking earnestly confused. Her fingers drum against the underside of her new plate. After nibbling on her lip for a few moments, she selects a vegetable and eats it, chewing for an almost measurable amount of time before swallowing.

"A pleasure to meet you Doc Fritz, and thanks again for your help. I think I would have been in a much worse situation then things ended up." Vessa says to Fritz then watches Conner with a bit of concern before waving another crew member over and tells them to keep an eye on her and what room to give her to sleep for the night on the ship. To Leu she says, "Conner is a guy who ended up a woman after rifting. I think he took exception to being called Miss."

Kethren goes back to planning in his PDA, keeping an ear out for anything particularly interesting.

Conner takes a long drink of the mystery drink, grimacing a bit at its flavor. Still, it definitely has a fair alcohol content in it so she asks for the a larger bottle to take with her, in addition to the ~12oz one that she has. She carries both over towards Vessa, a slight frown on her lips, "I'm a bit tired, there a place I can crash for a bit?" She hadn't seen or heard Vessa instruct the crew member in her regard.

"You are velcome, Frau Vessa." Half turning, Fritz regards Leucohyle, chin pulled in as he angles his gaze down towards her, "Your robotics vork, it goes vell I trust?"

"Oh," Leu says, canting her head to the side. "Well th-that's another documentable case, then. Although really if if he doesn't want to be mistaken for a woman he should most likely make a a greater effort to identify himself as an unwilling transgender subject. J-just so people can know, and all," she pipes, clinically. "Is is this one as opposed to to correcting the condition as Miss-Xanya was? I I mean honestly it's nothing to -fuss- about, every naturally born human begins as a female and with the appropriately timed application of of hormones, one becomes male. It's a very -simple- changeover, I I mean with the proper genetic therapies of of course incredibly possible 'in vivo'... I I could ring Father up, I I mean if you'd like." She directs the last bit to the approaching 'Mister-Conner'. "My Father is Doctor Alastair Hall, he's he's a premier geneticist, and and quite brilliant." She nods to Fritz. "Oh er yes, it's going very well and I thank you for your inquiry."

Vessa nods to Conner, "Sure, on the third deck is the crew quarters, take room three twelve." she shrugs to Leu, "I don't know, though that would make sense to me but then I have used your dad's services." she nods to Fritz.

Kethren nods in general agreement "He does good work, what I've seen of it, anyway."

Conner furrows her brow at Leu, "I dunno.. is that kinda thing safe?" She shakes her head a bit, "I'd have to know more about what you're talking about.. that sounds kinda crazy.." She looks to Vessa and nods, "Okay, I'm going to go get lit and then pass out." She gives a wave to the two with her free hand and heads for the door, assuming someone along the way can tell her how to get to third deck, room twelve."

"Might I take a room for zie night vhen I am ready as vell, Frau Vessa?" Inquires Fritz between bits of food and drink, "I do not zhink I relish making anozher long trip before bed zhis night."

"I'll I'll send you some literature, Mister-Conner, n-not 'crazy' at all," Leu pipes. "I I mean it's safe enough for -recreational- or you can just tot on off, I I suppose..." She trails off, her own brow furrowing in confusion. After a few blinks, she meanders over to a bin and carefully discards the plate. "I I have to get back to the er, labs and and resynchronize my mnemonic backup... If if your friend is still here tomorrow, Miss-Vessa, I I can come by with some multimedia regarding therapeutic gender restructuring options as well as descriptors for Hiverspace species that can autonomously alter their own genders. It it might make him feel better." It is very plain that she does not intend upon sleeping over.

Vessa nods to Fritz, "Room three ten is free as well, I can show you the way." she nods to Leu, "I imagine that she will still, er he will, they will still be here tomorrow as well and I am sure the multimedia would be appreciated. I will make certain that you have a ride directly to the labs in our fastest and most comfortable ship. Thank you both for coming." And thus ends the party.