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Blue Meridiem: This particular species of mushroom is rather large, the dome about the width of a small Frisbee and about two inches tall. The most notable characteristic about it is that its bioluminescence. It glows a deep blue color, from the stem to the tip, giving off quite a bright light for a mushroom. It is generally found growing around rotting tree stumps deep within the forest, though sometimes they can be found around living trees as well, feeding off the roots, though the relationship seems symbiotic, since the trees are not adversely affected. They have a slightly bitter taste, and their chemical makeup has a similar effect to caffeine on the body. They can be addictive if eaten in large quantities.
Blue Meridiem: This particular species of mushroom is rather large, the dome about the width of a small Frisbee and about two inches tall. The most notable characteristic about it is that its bioluminescence. It glows a deep blue color, from the stem to the tip, giving off quite a bright light for a mushroom. It is generally found growing around rotting tree stumps deep within the forest, though sometimes they can be found around living trees as well, feeding off the roots, though the relationship seems symbiotic, since the trees are not adversely affected. They have a slightly bitter taste, and their chemical makeup has a similar effect to caffeine on the body. They can be addictive if eaten in large quantities.
Green Meridiem: They look almost exactly the same as the Blue Meridiem, but larger and glowing a much fainter green. They can be found in the darkest depths of caves, but do not give off quite enough light to see by. They have a musky, bland taste, and can cause mild visual and auditory hallucinations which tend to be frightening in variety in addition to being a stimulant. Unlike their forest dwelling counterparts, they can also bolster ones immune system if eaten in moderation. They are slightly more addictive than their blue cousins, and cause intense withdrawal symptoms, such as fever, vomitting, and vivid audiovisual hallucinations.
Rujan Tree: These trees are gigantic when mature, reaching heights of 100 feet at most, and 40 at least, their bases about 8 feet thick. Their leaves are small in comparison, about a foot wide and two feet long, and flat. The branches of an average tree stretch quite a distance out, though they are very high up on the tree, creating a sort of canopy when grouped together, and large, mango-like fruits hang from the lower branches. Their bark is a deep salmon color, and quite tough, making it hard to cut down. They are generally found in tropical areas, though some can be found in the temperate areas.
Rujan Tree: These trees are gigantic when mature, reaching heights of 100 feet at most, and 40 at least, their bases about 8 feet thick. Their leaves are small in comparison, about a foot wide and two feet long, and flat. The branches of an average tree stretch quite a distance out, though they are very high up on the tree, creating a sort of canopy when grouped together, and large, mango-like fruits hang from the lower branches. Their bark is a deep salmon color, and quite tough, making it hard to cut down. They are generally found in tropical areas, though some can be found in the temperate areas.
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Sornfin: Standing a story tall, this creature is six legged, shaggy furred, and blue. It has a long ant-eater like snout with sharp front teeth used to cut long grass and grinding teeth in back to consume that grass. These were found initially in the hills.
Sornfin: Standing a story tall, this creature is six legged, shaggy furred, and blue. It has a long ant-eater like snout with sharp front teeth used to cut long grass and grinding teeth in back to consume that grass. These were found initially in the hills.
Ubojiit: A fearsome large cat with razor sharp claws and teeth and glowing golden eyes, these creatures inhabit the caves of Impiruil Baile, generally coming out only at night to hunt. Their sleek black coat conceals them in the darkness, and their extremely photosensitive eyes allow them to see in the faintest of light, while their claws and teeth, both sharp and tough enough to rend steel with ease, allow them to hunt even much larger creatures with relative confidence. They have long, slim tails that help to keep their balance when performing feats of acrobatics or climbing. They are extremely territorial and hostile, but they usually get along with other members of their pack. They can be tamed, but only by the bravest and most determined breeders. Their packs consist of two to six members.
Ubojiit: Fearsome large cats with razor sharp claws and teeth and glowing golden eyes, these creatures inhabit the caves of Impiruil Baile, generally coming out only at night to hunt. Their sleek black coat conceals them in the darkness, and their extremely photosensitive eyes allow them to see in the faintest of light, while their claws and teeth, both sharp and tough enough to rend steel with ease, allow them to hunt even much larger creatures with relative confidence. They have long, slim tails that help to keep their balance when performing feats of acrobatics or climbing. They are extremely territorial and hostile, but they usually get along with other members of their pack. They can be tamed, but only by the bravest and most determined breeders. Their packs consist of two to six members.
Miniature Leghorn: Standing an average of three feet high, these birds resemble nothing so much as a giant chicken. They differ though, in that their legs are disproportionally short for a chicken, the feathers are iridescent, and it has two rather huge eyes, which never come in a matched set, color-wise. The beak is probably its least chickeny feature, looking like it was taken off a hawk that never made it out of the planning stage. Mostly they hunt insects and small rodents, but they'll go for anything that happens to walk past if it looks edible. Their sharp beaks are well up to the task of getting through bones to the meaty interiors, and they could probably bruise you pretty hard with their somewhat hawkish wings if they really wanted, but they rarely do.
Ser: These small very fast creatures look like a blend of Ermine and Kitten. The body is long and rather weasel like, however they have a very feline face, paws, and tail. They tend to be shy, empathic if they happen to choose a person, and very friendly. They tend to steal food and are very playful when comfortable. These guys will eat practically anything.
Falkin: Looking remarkably like wolves on Earth, although slightly smaller then your average wolf, they are winged (the wings akin to that of a hawk). They do not fly with their wings, they glide. This allows for quick getaways when in danger, pack homes in higher more defensible places, and makes attacking food easier. They are a very intelligent species who has a rough culture all it's own with two pack leaders (generally the main breeding pair), and one shaman. The shaman (who can be male or female) can bond to one creature for life, though biting said creature. They have a spiritual belief system based around the shaman, who is needed for the pack. When a shaman has bonded, if the creature they bond to isn't too dangerous, they return to the pack and continue protecting it and leading it's spiritual beliefs, if the creature is too dangerous then the shaman leaves the pack with the creature, and a new shaman is chosen from the apprentices that the shaman trains. They eat meat with the occasional specific greens, usually these hold spiritual value. They mate for life.
Kealion: A small creature that is no bigger then an inch in height. A long prehensile tail wraps around whatever it clings to and it is covered in rather short fur. It has large eyes that change color depending on surroundings as does it's skin and fur as well as large ears that can move with remarkable flexibility and range. These creatures are also empathic and very very smart. The males tend to be a peacock blue/purple when in natural color with varying degrees of individual expression, the occasional reds, greens, yellows, and oranges will sometimes show up in patterns along their spine and around their tail, depending on what tribe they are from and where on the planet. Females are far less bright in coloration, generally black in fact, but for their tails. These tend to be one solid vibrant color and it is not dependent on location or tribe. They also tend to be smaller then males. They eat fruit and some specific greens. They mate for life.
The Mist Death: This being, looks like fog however it can be as substantial as a steel wall, or as insubstantial as the fog it appears to be. It is found in the Haunted Moor and surrounding forest. It's sole purpose seems to be to catch things to eat, speed is key here, if the prey can get away before caught then it is safe, otherwise it is very easy for it to kill. It does this with wearing out the prey then pushing it into a pool filled with small silver colored insects. This pool is it's digestive system. The insects burrow into the prey and secrete a chemical that both makes the prey very happy so that it stops struggling, as well as breaks down the body of the prey and spreads the nutrients into the pool, the fog's main body is actually found within the pool, as are the insect's eggs.
Kestron: Looking rather like very large white deer, they stand about 10 hands high with either completely blue or completely green eyes with no whites. The males have enormous racks of antlers while the females tend to have two, one on each side of their brow. They will fight with these if they need to but tend to run away rather then face a potential predator. The male will often fight with these over a female when the female is in heat. Their pelt is incredibly soft, warm, and smooth and when made into leather it is incredibly strong too.
[[Category: Impiruil Baile]]
[[Category: Impiruil Baile]]

Latest revision as of 02:05, 6 December 2014

Impiruil Baile

Image of Impiruil Baile

Universe Hiverspace
Galaxy Ancient Expanse
System Danu System
Coordinates X: -212
Y: -350
Satellites Guardas
Climate Mild, moist plains, forest and mountains
Terrain 30% land
70% water
Population 5,000 Danu Chroi
Government and Economy
Government Coimirceoir and Grand Council
Currency Hekayti Credit
Gross World Product (GWP)

Impiruil Baile


This is the home of Danu Chroi, the seat of it's governmental power and home of it's council and it's Imperial seat. It is currently in the process of being explored and as more is discovered the information here shall expand.


Blue Meridiem: This particular species of mushroom is rather large, the dome about the width of a small Frisbee and about two inches tall. The most notable characteristic about it is that its bioluminescence. It glows a deep blue color, from the stem to the tip, giving off quite a bright light for a mushroom. It is generally found growing around rotting tree stumps deep within the forest, though sometimes they can be found around living trees as well, feeding off the roots, though the relationship seems symbiotic, since the trees are not adversely affected. They have a slightly bitter taste, and their chemical makeup has a similar effect to caffeine on the body. They can be addictive if eaten in large quantities.

Green Meridiem: They look almost exactly the same as the Blue Meridiem, but larger and glowing a much fainter green. They can be found in the darkest depths of caves, but do not give off quite enough light to see by. They have a musky, bland taste, and can cause mild visual and auditory hallucinations which tend to be frightening in variety in addition to being a stimulant. Unlike their forest dwelling counterparts, they can also bolster ones immune system if eaten in moderation. They are slightly more addictive than their blue cousins, and cause intense withdrawal symptoms, such as fever, vomitting, and vivid audiovisual hallucinations.

Rujan Tree: These trees are gigantic when mature, reaching heights of 100 feet at most, and 40 at least, their bases about 8 feet thick. Their leaves are small in comparison, about a foot wide and two feet long, and flat. The branches of an average tree stretch quite a distance out, though they are very high up on the tree, creating a sort of canopy when grouped together, and large, mango-like fruits hang from the lower branches. Their bark is a deep salmon color, and quite tough, making it hard to cut down. They are generally found in tropical areas, though some can be found in the temperate areas.

Rujan Fruit: Resembling a gigantic mango, this fruit's coloration can range from deep orange to soft light green. It has a thin, soft skin which does little to cover the sweet, cloying scent emanating from within. The skin can be easily peeled or cut through to reveal a juicy, sticky interior that is a bright yellow when ripe, and a light green when premature. It houses up to five peach-sized pits within. It tastes extraordinarily sweet with a tinge of tanginess, and is extremely juicy. It is very nutritious, containing a myriad of vitamins and a small amount of calcium, though it is also loaded with sugars and not very filling.


Feegan: Initially discovered on the landing field, these critters look like flying geckos. They appear to be harmless, and no larger then a normal Earth gecko with bat-like wings. They screech when angered and will attack if provoked but can be driven off.

Sornfin: Standing a story tall, this creature is six legged, shaggy furred, and blue. It has a long ant-eater like snout with sharp front teeth used to cut long grass and grinding teeth in back to consume that grass. These were found initially in the hills.

Ubojiit: Fearsome large cats with razor sharp claws and teeth and glowing golden eyes, these creatures inhabit the caves of Impiruil Baile, generally coming out only at night to hunt. Their sleek black coat conceals them in the darkness, and their extremely photosensitive eyes allow them to see in the faintest of light, while their claws and teeth, both sharp and tough enough to rend steel with ease, allow them to hunt even much larger creatures with relative confidence. They have long, slim tails that help to keep their balance when performing feats of acrobatics or climbing. They are extremely territorial and hostile, but they usually get along with other members of their pack. They can be tamed, but only by the bravest and most determined breeders. Their packs consist of two to six members.

Miniature Leghorn: Standing an average of three feet high, these birds resemble nothing so much as a giant chicken. They differ though, in that their legs are disproportionally short for a chicken, the feathers are iridescent, and it has two rather huge eyes, which never come in a matched set, color-wise. The beak is probably its least chickeny feature, looking like it was taken off a hawk that never made it out of the planning stage. Mostly they hunt insects and small rodents, but they'll go for anything that happens to walk past if it looks edible. Their sharp beaks are well up to the task of getting through bones to the meaty interiors, and they could probably bruise you pretty hard with their somewhat hawkish wings if they really wanted, but they rarely do.

Ser: These small very fast creatures look like a blend of Ermine and Kitten. The body is long and rather weasel like, however they have a very feline face, paws, and tail. They tend to be shy, empathic if they happen to choose a person, and very friendly. They tend to steal food and are very playful when comfortable. These guys will eat practically anything.

Falkin: Looking remarkably like wolves on Earth, although slightly smaller then your average wolf, they are winged (the wings akin to that of a hawk). They do not fly with their wings, they glide. This allows for quick getaways when in danger, pack homes in higher more defensible places, and makes attacking food easier. They are a very intelligent species who has a rough culture all it's own with two pack leaders (generally the main breeding pair), and one shaman. The shaman (who can be male or female) can bond to one creature for life, though biting said creature. They have a spiritual belief system based around the shaman, who is needed for the pack. When a shaman has bonded, if the creature they bond to isn't too dangerous, they return to the pack and continue protecting it and leading it's spiritual beliefs, if the creature is too dangerous then the shaman leaves the pack with the creature, and a new shaman is chosen from the apprentices that the shaman trains. They eat meat with the occasional specific greens, usually these hold spiritual value. They mate for life.

Kealion: A small creature that is no bigger then an inch in height. A long prehensile tail wraps around whatever it clings to and it is covered in rather short fur. It has large eyes that change color depending on surroundings as does it's skin and fur as well as large ears that can move with remarkable flexibility and range. These creatures are also empathic and very very smart. The males tend to be a peacock blue/purple when in natural color with varying degrees of individual expression, the occasional reds, greens, yellows, and oranges will sometimes show up in patterns along their spine and around their tail, depending on what tribe they are from and where on the planet. Females are far less bright in coloration, generally black in fact, but for their tails. These tend to be one solid vibrant color and it is not dependent on location or tribe. They also tend to be smaller then males. They eat fruit and some specific greens. They mate for life.

The Mist Death: This being, looks like fog however it can be as substantial as a steel wall, or as insubstantial as the fog it appears to be. It is found in the Haunted Moor and surrounding forest. It's sole purpose seems to be to catch things to eat, speed is key here, if the prey can get away before caught then it is safe, otherwise it is very easy for it to kill. It does this with wearing out the prey then pushing it into a pool filled with small silver colored insects. This pool is it's digestive system. The insects burrow into the prey and secrete a chemical that both makes the prey very happy so that it stops struggling, as well as breaks down the body of the prey and spreads the nutrients into the pool, the fog's main body is actually found within the pool, as are the insect's eggs.

Kestron: Looking rather like very large white deer, they stand about 10 hands high with either completely blue or completely green eyes with no whites. The males have enormous racks of antlers while the females tend to have two, one on each side of their brow. They will fight with these if they need to but tend to run away rather then face a potential predator. The male will often fight with these over a female when the female is in heat. Their pelt is incredibly soft, warm, and smooth and when made into leather it is incredibly strong too.