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[[Category:Kethren's Logs]]
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Latest revision as of 09:11, 25 November 2013

Long Distance House Calls Pt 4

Summary: Investigating an anomaly

Cast: Kethren Xanya Leucohyle Gea

Air Date: Feb 17, 2655

Setting: Computer Center - ISV Galactix

Restricted to very few authorized personnel, the ship's computer center houses the control computers of Galactix, as well as the positronic brain of Galactix himself. Since Galactix maintains control over all of these systems, this room has very few operator consoles, and no seats. Access panels are available in case of emergency. The banks form a maze of sorts, running in every direction in order to maximize space, rather than conform to any aesthetic code. The banks themselves are housed in clear blue plastic cabinets, inside of which the computer circuits glow softly from the light which runs through their fiber optics. Galactix' core resides in the center of this maze, mostly to maximize his access to everything but at the same time to make it difficult to get to him without a painstaking search through the maze.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

In the days since Galactix' discovery and the subsequent repairs, this room has undergone a transformation. The computer banks, originally dark, have sprung to life, beams of light flashing through the fiber optic links between the various secondary computers that Galactix uses to run his huge body. "Welcome back, my friends. It is good to see you again."

Kethren stretches a bit where he stands, still in that smartsuit. "You're looking a lot better today." Wark! Kail doesn't want to be overlooked, apparently.

Gea flickers into being, her portable holounit going from hovering black ball to fully realized hardlight in a flash. "Good to see you're feeling better, Galactix. I'm going to check the files on the mainframe. Is there any damage to you in particular? I might be able to help with that, as well."

The clatter of myriad metallic limbs ticktickticking against deck plating and walls heralds Leucohyle's arrival long before any visual confirmation can be made. It seems that now that the emergency period has passed, the little clone is no longer pelting through the corridors like a chipmunk on espresso. "G-good afternoon, everyone," she pipes, cheerily, as she sips from a capped ceramic mug.

Xanya is walks around the room wearing her smartsuit and jetpack system. She smiles hearing Galactix voice again as she looks at all the systems and computers. "Hiiiii Galactix. How have you been? Do you got any more repair work for me? I mean for us?"

"Indeed. All my readings indicate my engine systems are operating sufficiently to reach Sanctuary. However with long range sensors mostly inoperative, the dangers out pursuing a course at this time are considerable." Galactix voice says. Readings of the sensors themselves indicate they are operable, however the digital signal processor among my computer banks is still inoperative. It would seem to have detached from the main data bus." Indeed, a glance shows a row of computer banks have tipped against the ones beside them, their connective conduits beneath torn from their connections.

Kethren winces "Well, we best get to work... Someone who understands the computers better'n I better take the lead though. I can see about untipping stuff and the like, but I'm reluctant to do much to the circuits and so forth."

Gea gives a short nod before kneeling to take a look at the conduits, and if any of the pins have been broken, or if they're merely bent. To Kethren, she speaks in particular, after greeting both Xanya and Leu with a small wave. "Don't tip it back yet, let me make sure that none of these need to be replaced, first."

Leucohyle fiddles her fingers together, peeping at all of the precariously tipped hardware, and instead decides to send the Observationals out for an initial mapping and survey. "Let us, let us take a er look, shall we? See what sort of damage we've got."

Xanya hearing about the computer based repairs she looks to leu and Gea to see if they are willing to see to those repairs and notices Gea taking the lead. "I'm willing to help out with the repairs. if you think I can be of use." Xanya says and notices Leu's little bots scattering to map the place. "Leu if you find anything I can fix let me know. I'd rather do something and feel useful then do nothing at all." She says and thinks a bit to herself a bit out loud. "I wonder if I should try to make robots myself." She says as she looks at Leu's Observationals.

Fortunately it seems the tipping merely pulled the connectors from their sockets, bending some of the pins but not badly. The mountings, however, are a different story, and the force that tore the banks loose tore holes in the deck plate as the mounting bolts tore loose.

Kethren kneels down to take a closer look "Hrm. These mounting bolts are shot. Did we bring any half inch by three? A few of those should be good for fixing that, once the the connectors and such are good to go..."

A shake of the hand is all the construct needs, and two fingers morph down to the size of tweezers. The pins a readjusted back into alignment, and the female-identifying posi looks toward Kail, "Well if you didn't bring some, and if Miss Hall didn't, then I can certainly go find some. Do we have any plating segments? We should replace those, too. I'm concerned about the integrity otherwise."

Leucohyle's eyes drift out of focus, and Iota goes scuttling over to Kethren. Two by two, a little parade of the coin-sized Limbics hauls the requested fastenings. "Er, Mrs. Xanya if if you'd like some Observationals of your own, they are available commercially, and and as Danu Chroi has a very fine business relationship with Hall Robotics you could make an order at considerable discount. I can retrieve some references from our other clients if if you'd like to consider?" There is an amount of blinking as her eyes come back into focus and she peers at the images being returned by the Observationals. "Oh... -my-, that's untidy," she murmurs, "Well, Mrs. Xanya, how good are you at reworking metals? There's a a lot that's bent and broken here, I'm afraid."

"I suspect from the amount of damage sustained that if I remained for a fraction of a second longer in the range of the Phyrrian weapons, I would have been destroyed." Galactix says. "I must say this rift was a blessing in disguise."

Xanya nods to Leu. "I'd love some of those Observationals. Do they come in batches? and if so how many are there in a batch? and are the little ones capable of being carried by a larger one?" Xanya asks then turns around to look at what Leu mentiones about bent metals. "ahm... yes I think I can work on that. I don't work with bending metal often but I can handle my own. where do you want me to work first?" She asks.

Kethren nods to Gea and leans back a bit. "Yeah, let's do things properly. Let's pop back to engineering and retrieve some of the larger plates we brought. Should be able to find some serviceable bolts while we're there." And with that he stands back up, ready to retrieve some useful doodads.

Gea nods toward Kethren before turning to smile at Leu and Xanya. The avatar's blue eyes slide over the two women before she speaks her mind, "Xanya's the best when it comes to ships and their construction." A wave is given to Kethren's departure, and she intones, "You don't need me for that, I'm going finish recoupling these connectors, just to make sure none are missing, and then I'll start making sure it's safe to remove the old panels and mountings." She sets to doing just that.

Leucohyle nods in agreement with Gea. "I'll er, I'll get to cleaning up... The Observationals are available for purchase singly or or in four-unit 'squads', Sanctuary Station presently has twenty four active squads on patrol. The er chart for what they can carry, depending upon how many units, size and general volume, is is available on our whitepapers on the Synapse storefront." Then, she sets about 'cleaning up,' which in her case is a repeat of the previous salvage procedure. The tarp is laid out, and she starts bustling around looking amongst the debris for things that can be reused or refurbished.

Quite a good bit is salvaged for re-use from Leu's scavenging.

Xanya nods and smiles at Gea's complement. "Thanks Gea. I do take pride in my work on ships. I tend to want to deliver perfect work." She says while she finds some of the bend and broken panels and starts working on them. She gets her metal working tools out and starts to repair the panels that can be repaired. She then yells after Kethren hoping he can still hear her as he leaves. "oh Kethren can you get some metals as well? I might need to replace some for these." She says and looks to Leu. "Ahm... single or squads of 4? how many do you take along with you?" She asks and then begins her repair work.

Kethren nods as he starts to leave "Be back in a few. I'm leaving my comm open, so give a yell if you need something from there before I make my way back here."

Gea looks around that the repairs that Xanya has managed to make, and inquires quietly, "Is that good enough for us tip this upright, at least temporarily? I'd like to check the circuits inside."

Leucohyle is very meticulously sorting fasteners and trimming/coiling lengths of cable. She blinks a couple of times. "Er I I generally have at least one set of four with me. With more Limbics, there is an an exponential reduction in in mapping times."

Xanya wipes off some sweat and looks to Gea then to her work. "well it's not perfect. I mean it has had a beating so it will never be truly like brand new. but ...I'd say it's current strength can be anywhere between 90% and 95% give or take. So it should be save for you to work on those circuits." She says to Gea and turns to Leu. "One set of four sounds like a good start to experience how they work. if I am pleased I can always get more." She says and thinks, while she looks around for more repair work. "I'm sorry if this next question is a repeat of what I asked before but... do those limbics come on a sort of container to easily carry them around in?" She says and remembers. "wait.. didn't I ask that already?"

Clang Clang Thud. Whirrrr. Spark. Whirr. Spark. Ow! Whirrrrrr. crackle. Whirrrr. Fzt. Hrmm. THUD. Wark!

Gea smiles at Xan and proceeds to pull the sides off of the bank portion to look inside. Her hands poke into various open areas, mountings, circuit boards, and diodes all prodded and assessed.

"The er, charge slash control base can be constructed to your specifications," Leucohyle pipes, even as she expertly clips the end off of a wire, coils it up, and adds it to a pile. She makes some adjustments to her coat, hiking it up a bit so Xanya can see the little belt case, covered in solar fabric on the outside and with little cushioned hollows on the inside for the little guys to curl up in. "I've a holoprojector unit that they're linked to for the maps. You can synchronize it with er, any current on market holoprojector." Still working as she talks, her pale fingers flicking between the tarp where all of the components are being laid out and the small piles of remaining unsorted salvage.

Xanya nods listening to Leu and looks at her too noticing the compartments. "that looks cozy." Xanya says as she looks around the room for more metal work to be repaired. "I'll think about the design for the control case. part of me is thinking of something in the shape of a large limbic like a mother limbic or big brother, so to say. Next to that I have been thinking of making a portable holoprojector and pda in one. perhaps something that can fit on my lower arms or something."

With the aid of Kail, who is using his head, Keth returns with a shiny new stack of drive plates which he deposits out of the way for now. "You guys get enough repaired for us to start swapping out plates?"

"Well the existing Limbics do come in er, varying sizes..." Leucohyle pipes, pointing out the basketball-sized Security 'bot Omicron and the beach-ball sized Conveyance 'bot Iota. "So if if you'd like a Conveyance Assistant I could also er, construct one of -those-." She looks up at Kethren's approach. "You'll er want to check with Mrs. Xanya or Mr. Galactix. I'm still er, cleaning."

"From what connections have been restored I am beginning to re-integrate the system into my primary network." Galactix says. "I believe it is safe to restore their physical integrity while I perform diagnostics on the circuits."

Xanya nods and heads over to the computer banks. "I'll see what I can do to repair these. I don't have the experience with them like Gea or Leu have but I think I will manage." She says and begins to examine and then repair the computers as much as is needed and safe to do at this time.

Kethren nods and takes hold of one of the plates to move it over so it's close enough when there's room to replace the old one.

Leucohyle finishes sorting and cleaning parts. After rising, and straightening her clothes, she heads over to the next station in the damaged bank of computers and sets to work, Iota scuttling along beside her bearing tools. Once again, she starts that little fluting murmur to herself, interspersed with cheerful, if off-key, humming, not entirely unlike what a tone-deaf baby cricket would express itself with.

Xanya keeps working on the computer banks to repair them. when ready she replaces the parts that need to be replaced. When done she starts cleaning the parts as best and safely as she can.

Kethren starts maneuvering himself around enough that he can begin installing the new deck plating. Things'll be properly secure again soon.

"Diagnostics indicate minimal circuit damage within. Digital signal processing is back online." Galactix says. "I believe it is now safe for me to plot a course to Sanctuary."

Now that the next round of repairs are done, Leucohyle claps her hands politely and starts... cleaning up. "Well I'd say we're making -splendid- er, progress. This is quite delightful. Bravo to to everyone..."

Xanya nods agreeing. "We are doing great work indeed. I am thinking of working on the shields next. that should be quite the task in itself. and perhaps an important one before we let Galactix travel. but thats my opinion."

Kethren nods "Well, it's a risk either way. But it would be nice to have those ready for the trip."

"Yes now that we have operations taken care of, I do agree that defensive protocols should should be our next priority. I would also recommend, if Galactix agrees when the time comes, to er make small jumps, perhaps plot out a course between safe planets, yes?" Leucohyle pipes, busily cleaning away as she goes.

Xanya nods and stretches a bit. "sounds good to me leu. Short jumps can be saver to start with. thats how I tend to test my new ships too. and before we even jump we should make sure everything is running properly, by making a dry run as it where. turning everything on and letting it run."

Kethren nods "Quite. Let's not take unnecessary risks."

Leucohyle has stacked all of the salvaged parts in small, collapsible crates, neatly labeled, (and clean). "So er, yes, Mrs-Xanya if if you're interested in making an order of Observational Assistants... I believe Mister-Kethren has the list of what it takes to construct them. I will draw up a simple quote based upon labor and any necessary parts used in the construction. Once I I have completed this project I have a project for Miss-Gea that is in the queue and then I can get to work on whatever you choose to order."

Xanya nods and thinks. "hmm.... I think ... I will place an order for a batch of four of those Observational Limbic to start with." She says and continues to think. "would it be possible to have a large limbic model to serve as the charge and control base? one that can carry one or more batches of those Observational Limbic, collect all the data they collect and make sure they are charged and such?" She asks.

Kethren sits down and starts to re-stow his tools into Kail, half listening to the mercantile chatter.

"Yes, Mrs.-Xanya," Leucohyle pipes, gesturing towards Iota. "The the Conveyance Assistant would be best suited for such things and I would be more than capable of of constructing a small one for the purpose of housing the charge station, holoprojection receiver, and data collection unit."

Xanya thinks a bit. "and .. if you where to make a conveyance assistant the same size as Iota. how many Observational Limbic's would you be able to have stored in it while having everything still run smoothly?"

Kethren closes up Kail and leans against him while the others chatter.

"Er, Iota is the the average-sized Conveyance Assistant, and the standard cargo compartment is two cubic feet. If your needs differ we could always make one of a a different size. Observational Limbics, as you can see, are very small and I would estimate..." Leucohyle's eyes drift out of focus for a moment, "That y-you could comfortably fit four squads within one cubic foot, including the charge base, holographic projector, and and data storage. With just the Limbics and some appropriate crating, you would be able to fit three layers of of four squads each, for a total of thirty six Limbics."

Xanya nods aproving. "so 16 to 36 Limbics in one Conveyance assistant? Nice numbers." She thinks a bit and yawns. "ahm... could you make me an estimate pricing list for one conveyance assistant outfitted to carry the 36 limbic and also let me know how much each squad will cost me. including a combined cost for the ... maximum you just mentioned that could fit in a conveyance assistant. that way I can see if I have what I need to place the order." She says and yawns again getting ready to leave to her ship for some rest.

Kethren stands up with a large stretch, staying quiet so as to not interrupt the others.

Leucohyle blinks several times. "Er... if you'd like a Conveyance Assistant capable of holding thirty-six Observationals, it will not contain the projection unit, data storage, and charging base as requested. Unless I made it -very- large. As stated the unit with all of the features you requested will hold sixteen."

Kethren nods "Well, if you two will excuse me, I'm afraid I have pressing business back on the planet."