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[[Category:Logs That Include Alenya]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Alenya]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Thalia]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Thalia]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Aukam]]
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|cast = [[Kethren]] [[Xanya]] [[Alenya]] [[Thalia]]
|cast = [[Kethren]] [[Xanya]] [[Alenya]] [[Thalia]]
|air_date = January 14, 2655
|air_date = January 14, 2655
|location = Multvaros City Center - Aukam
|location = Multvaros City Center - [[Aukam]]
|setting =  The view of the sky is occluded by the tall peaks of surrounding crystalline towers and complexes crowded together along the streets. A semi-circle of trees ring the Bright Temple, and two tall statues of Aukami garbed in toga-like drapery flank the temple's entrance. The architecture of the city involves right angles and clean, straight edges.
|setting =  The view of the sky is occluded by the tall peaks of surrounding crystalline towers and complexes crowded together along the streets. A semi-circle of trees ring the Bright Temple, and two tall statues of Aukami garbed in toga-like drapery flank the temple's entrance. The architecture of the city involves right angles and clean, straight edges.

Latest revision as of 08:53, 25 November 2013

Truncated Tourism

Summary: Brief Sightseeing

Cast: Kethren Xanya Alenya Thalia

Air Date: January 14, 2655

Setting: Multvaros City Center - Aukam

The view of the sky is occluded by the tall peaks of surrounding crystalline towers and complexes crowded together along the streets. A semi-circle of trees ring the Bright Temple, and two tall statues of Aukami garbed in toga-like drapery flank the temple's entrance. The architecture of the city involves right angles and clean, straight edges.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Xanya walks from the spaceport towards the city center. armed with her Photocamera she looks around ready to make pictures of things she sees. her aid mark is not far behind and her guard has come along too.

Alenya shadows Xanya, however unintentionally, off the shuttle. As small as the crafts are, it's a miracle she didn't see Councilman Harden aboard. However, fate would deem that the two should realize the other is on the planet, as the preoccupied Alenya stumbles into the back of Xanya's Aide-de-camp. Mumbling a hurried, albeit distracted apology, the rogue continues to tap away at the bane of her existence: a woefully under-used PDA which beeps at her dismally, almost reluctantly. "Ugh stupid contraption!" The exclamation is barely holding back a wellspring of contempt for the little black machine.

Kethren comes strolling out of possibly the very same shuttle as the others, tailed by a penguin.

Lacking any urgent business, he heads towards the exclamation of misbehaving consumer electronics. The aid Mark is not bothered by the woman who stumbled into her. At first Xanya does not take notice of it but when she exclamation she turns to look who it is and notices Alenya and walks to her. when she gets close she puts the camera a few feet in front of Alenya's face and takes a picture of her. Then she smiles to her. "need any help?" She asks.

Alenya blinks, the camera's simulated shutter-noise causing her to look up from her infernal, hell-damned PDA. "Oh! Xanya!" Several more blinks ensue, and she takes in her surroundings, the Danu Chroi guard and retained Aide both given nods of acknowledgment. "Well, I did not expect to see you here! Offical business, or just leisure?" Mentally shaking herself, she then answers Xan's question, the sentence truncated as a wobbly penguin robot steals her interests. "I was just hoping that it already had a map of this place, but it doesn't. It said I could erm...ahh...." Quickly, the rogue's attentions are snapped up to Kethren, and she waves vivaciously before finishing her sentence. "It said I could er...down..load? Yes, I think that's it. Download one, but I've no idea how to go about doing that!" Then, after a brief pause in speech once more, the bandit looks up to Xanya beseechingly, "How do I do that?"

Wark! Keth smirks a little at the penguin's sudden greeting and waves as he heads the rest of the way over. "Afternoon!"

Xanya smiles to Alenya. "I can help you with that. easily enough. watch your screen please? " She says and waits for Alenya reply. "you will now see a button blinking." she says without having moves a single bit. "I'm making it do that. click there and follow the blinking buttons. you'll get to where you can download the map. when your done with that I'll install it for you so you can use it without any problems." She says still not having moved other waving to Kethren. "good day Keth."

Alenya casually, almost as an aside, speaks to Kethren while training her sight on her PDA's screen. "What brings you here?" A nod of assent is given to Xanya, and the rogue awaits the flashing buttons, tapping them as they come up until a slowly-filling meter appears on the device's screen. Flipping the screen to face Xanya, she shows the techno wizard the bar. "Whassit doing? Is it supposed to do that?" Kethren shrugs "Eh, just thought I'd go see somewhere I'd not yet visited."

Xanya giggles. "yes it's supposed to do that yes. that means it is downloading the map. once the bar is filled up I will make sure the file gets installed. you don't have to show me your screen I know what it shows." She says smiling a bit more wondering when Alenya might ask how she does it. "You haven't been here either he?" She says to Kethren. "Me too. I got curious and thought of taking a stroll here. Naturlay those two wanted to come along with or without my consent." She says pointing to the aid and her guard.

Alenya glances over her shoulder at the aide and the guard, knowing that despite the sentence being meant for Kethren, she could be of some use here. "If you need them er...retrained...I'm available for that. I did it with Vessa's guards, and she had no problems with them afterward. I think they're still afraid of me, to be honest." With a positively impish grin, the rogue nods at Xan's assertion that she doesn't need to be shown the screen, and instead goes back to staring at it herself. "I myself intended on having some of the food here, it was recommended by a trader on Hekayti Prime." A pause is given and she squints up at Xanya. "You're like a wizard or something, right? I mean know I people have very weird Especially the Rifters, which kind of explains me, too."

Kethren grins as Kail starts to tap dance. "Dunno bout Xan, but I'm not a wizard. Or if I am, the job is seriously overrated."

Xanya shakes her head. "oh no, I'm no wizard. I just have a piece of technology called a neural interface implant. it helps me connect to electronic devices from a distance without actually having to touch it myself. if that makes sense to you." she says.

Alenya frowns and looks down at her PDA. "Well, that seems awfully dangerous. What if I don't want people in it? How many other people can do that, and how do I keep them from doing it? I mean they could be spying on me, tracking my movements, and other nefarious activities!" Now a bit grumpy, she grumbles at the PDA further. "I Keep track of my credits on here, too! Almost seems to be more trouble than it's worth."

Kethren nods "Well, I can, though I don't make a habit of it. Not outside my own devices, anyway. Still, I'd suggest you invest in a decent firewall."

Xanya nods and thinks a bit. "well if you want I can see about your protection. there are some programs that can help against unwanted intruders." She says and her eyes go out of focus a bit. When there back again she says: "oh those maps are installed now."

Alenya grumbles a bit. "I thought Kethren helped me when I first got it, to put something on it that I don't know...needed my fingerprint? I think that was it. Anyhow, if you would be so kind as to protect me from prying eyes...or brains...or whatever...that would be much appreciated." Flashing the new Mrs. Harden a smile, the rogue then clutches her PDA to her chest.

Kethren nods "Yeah, now you mention it, I do recall installing something of that nature. Apparently that sort of thing won't keep people out from a distance if you already have it up and active. More's called for."

Xanya nods to Alenya and her eyes go out fo focus again. Alenya's PDA then starts to have her screen flash about doing lots of things. after a little while Xanya's eyes would go back in focus and she would turn Alenya's pda to look at the screen and presses a few more buttons. "There that should do it. the stuff Kethren installed needed updating. I put that on automatic now. and I also increased the security. now not even I will be able to get in as easily as I just did. just be careful with what you download oke?"

Alenya smiles and nods, her grin stretching from ear to ear, "Oh thank you! I really...I really do hate this thing. I was trying to get off Comorro unseen yesterday and the dastardly little thing kept /buzzing/ at me. I had no idea why!" Scoffing once more at the thin instrument, the thief looks up to Xanya. "Oh, but you must let me buy you dinner as a thank-you! Everyone is welcome to come, of course." Her glance passes over the guard and the aide, settling on Kethren with an encouraging nod.

Kethren nods "Sure, a meal doesn't sound half bad, now you mention it."

Xanya nods smiling. "not bad at all. but it was a minor thing you don't have to buy me dinner, dear." she says kindly to Alenya.

Alenya shrugs and sighs, clapping a hand against her thigh. "Should we er..go exploring? Or would you both rather go off on your own? I'm up for company, personally."

Kethren smiles "I wouldn't mind some company. Kail's nice, but he doesn't really hold his end of a conversation." Wark?!

Xanya giggles to Kethren and smiles to Kail. "What... is that cute kwark not enough?" She asks teasingly to Kethren.

Alenya chuckles and shakes her head at the two of them. "Very well, then, any requests in particular? I honestly don't know er...anything...about this place. But you seem to, since you were taking pictures." The latter half of the rogue's oration was directed to Xanya.

Kethren reaches down to scratch Kail, and shrugs "I've never been here either."

Xanya Raises her shoulders. "I have no idea either I...." She is interrupted by her aid who speaks something in her ear. "What? already?" She says in reply and sighs. "fine fine. Give me a minute." She says and takes a deep breath. "sorry Alenya but I will have to pass on your offer for now. Seems I forgot I planned a checkup of the Cro." She says as she gets ready to go again.

Alenya nods and frowns at Xanya's sudden departure. "Oh that is a pity. Well, if you'd like, I shall hold my exploration of this world until you're sure you have a day off? Wouldn't want to spoil it before you get to go, too. I'm sure Keth and I can find something to do in the meantime!" Kethren, Alenya, Xanya and Xanya's guard and aide are all standing on the landing pad, obviously having recently disembarked from a shuttle. The group appears to be conversing.

Kethren nods "Yeah, I don't mind putting the exploring off. Lots of other interesting places to go if the mood strikes."

Xanya nods "indeed. I will see you again soon and we will see if we will explore this world some more or perhaps an other one." She says and then leaves together with her aid and guard.

A shuttle descends from the atmosphere, touching down on the landing pad. From the shuttle steps a tall, pale woman with striking emerald eyes and snow white hair. She looks around, giving the slightest touch of a smile and inhaling deeply of the air. Then, she notices the aliens, raising an eyebrow and moving over in their direction. "Kethren? What are you doing here?" she asks neutrally, tilting her head curiously and, for now, ignoring the other two.

Alenya looks between Kethren and the woman, a vague recognition sparking in her eyes. Almost instinctively, the bandit sidesteps and turns, pretending to admire the surrounding vistas. this planet..(Wherever they are).

Kethren glances over at Thalia "Eh, just hopped a random shuttle to do a little sightseeing. Ran into some friends who'd done similar."

" just told them to take you wherever. That is not extraordinarily wise, my friend...however, as this is my home planet, I could possibly act as a guide." says Thalia, her smile faint and thin. "I was actually just coming to visit friends. You are a welcome sight." Then, she gestures with a hand to Alenya (or Fish), asking, "Who's your friend?"

Alenya gently rubs the back of her neck, pretending that she's unaware she's the topic of conversation. Nimble fingers come up to toy with the errant curls at the nape, mahogany wound 'round and 'round. Perhaps the Akumai did not remember their chance encounter on Baile, or she was too polite to broach the subject. Either way, the thief was determined to wait out any forthcoming revelations like any law-shirker: with her back against the wind.

Kethren glances over at the potentially unaware figure "Oh, tha's Fisher." Wark!

"Fisher?" asks Thalia, raising a brow. "Is that a surname or simply her profession?" She looks over to the other woman without the least bit of recognition and extends a hand. "Good to meet you...Fisher." she says, neutrally, "I am Thalia Kael."

Alenya slowly turns and, after glancing down, accepts the proffered hand and shakes it heartily. "It's a..moniker, I guess you could say. It was given to me by the Empress, before her unfortunate accident." The handshake is firm, but brief. As soon as she's able to, without seeming rude, the rogue breaks the physical contact and retracts her hand. A swirling eddy of malachite and molten gold looks up to the striking (or so she thought) female who stands before her, and a wary smile is given. The plying eyes search the Aukami's mein for...something. What in particular, perhaps only time would tell. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Kael."

Kethren scratches Kail, but doesn't interfere in the indtroductioning.

"You feel familiar." says Thalia, narrowing her eyes a bit. But then, she shrugs, and asks Kethren, "So, where are you off too first" She doesn't seem to touch on the feel comment any more, and her expression is far too unchanging to give any indication of any other thoughts.

Alenya harumphs in a self-satisfied way, and shifts her gaze toward Kethren. It would seem the rogue was also awaiting an answer.

Kethren shrugs a little "Didn't have any concrete plans. What's nice?"

Thalia Kael smiles just slightly and says, a little teasingly, "Everything here is nice, my dear Kethren. My personal favourite feature is the Kamir ruins that dot the landscape. We could start there." She nods to him and then looks over to Fish. "Are you sure I can trust this one around precious relics, however?" she then asks, "I get the feeling she is not entirely within the law."

Alenya smiles in a simpering manner, first up to Thalia, and then at Kethren. "By all means, carry on your courtship. I've other business to attend to. With a sarcastic half-salute, the rogue heads toward the shuttle.

Kethren raises an eyebrow at Thalia "I'll thank you to be less accusatory towards my friends. Anyway, I must be off. I also have business to attend to." With that, the architect and penguin head back towards wherever the shuttles were.