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During Arc VIII: No Place Like Home, Sanctuary is back in the normal universe - if it can be called normal. It is the year 3000, and much has changed. Earth, for example, is the heart of the xenophobic Solar Consortium. The Consortium is defended by the Guardian Fleet. In this incident, we meet the leader of the Guardian Fleet: Colin Neidermeyer...
During Arc VIII: No Place Like Home, Sanctuary is back in the normal universe - if it can be called normal. It is the year 3000, and much has changed. Earth, for example, is the heart of the xenophobic Solar Consortium. The Consortium is defended by the Guardian Fleet. In this incident, we meet the leader of the Guardian Fleet: Colin Neidermeyer...
Command Center <SCD Falstaff>  
Command Center <SCD Falstaff>  

Latest revision as of 16:56, 28 February 2011

During Arc VIII: No Place Like Home, Sanctuary is back in the normal universe - if it can be called normal. It is the year 3000, and much has changed. Earth, for example, is the heart of the xenophobic Solar Consortium. The Consortium is defended by the Guardian Fleet. In this incident, we meet the leader of the Guardian Fleet: Colin Neidermeyer...

Command Center <SCD Falstaff>

A wedge-shaped chamber with a series of viewports taking up much of the forward bulkhead. The command center is cast in shadows of varying intensity, broken from time to time by flashing indicator lights and the glow of data displays.

The command chair is a slightly elevated and thickly cushioned chair with sloped armrests, which is able to swivel and oversee much of the activity around the command center. Forward of the command chair are the navigation and science consoles. The ship's lift can be accessed to aft.

The dim surroundings don't seem to reduce the air of urgency and action in a place like this, with incoming and outgoing comm traffic crackling on speakers, and the duty crew of the hour making reports to the supervising officer.

Pulver strides out of the lift, a scowl on his face.

Mellon nods sharply to Pulver.

Pulver nods, "Doctor..."

Mellon says, "Lt. Commander..."

The shaft door slides shut with a whoosh

Mellon says, "Have you spoken with the Commodore, recently?"

The shaft door slides open with a soft whoosh.

Pulver nods and looks Mellon over. "I have."

Neidermeyer steps out of the lift

Neidermeyer has arrived.

Neidermeyer steps off the lift, hands clasped behind his back

Pulver cringes his face a bit, "I am in need of a medical checkup immediately."

Pulver has his back to the lift. Talking to Mellon

Mellon nods sharply. "I've just come by..." Mellon turns to Neidermeyer. "Commodore"

Neidermeyer nods to Mellon. "How's the mission coming, Doctor?"

Pulver's face goes pale and he stands at attention.

Mellon says, "The virus is prepared, sir. I have not recieved a signal that it's been delivered"

Neidermeyer nods slowly. "Mr. Pulver, if you think you can stand the strain, I want you to fly us to Retribution. Mellon, you can come along."

Pulver doesn't turn to Neidermeyer behind him but salutes from where he is. "Just consulting with the doctor, Sir!"

Pulver salutes again, "Glad to, Sir! Yes! Does the commodore wish to hear my report on our new Security man?"

Neidermeyer strides down to the command chair. "Fly the ship, Commander. Report in due time."

Pulver nods and lowers his hand, "Thank you, Sir!" He quickly mans the navigation console.

Neidermeyer says, "Doctor, feel free to rest yourself at science."

Mellon nods sharply, and turns to the science console. "Yessir!"

The ship rumbles as it lifts off the ground and arches skyward.

Pulver taps some buttons.

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: Undocking procedure executing...

Neidermeyer glances toward Mellon. "Still no word from Dykstra?"

Pulver taps more buttons.

Mellon says, "I attempted to contact him on our frequency, but he did not respond."

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: Proceeding docking procedure with Retribution.

Mellon taps a few buttons on his console.

Neidermeyer draws back in his chair, furrowing his brow. "I certainly hope Mr. Dykstra has a good explanation. He hasn't answered my calls either."

Mellon says, "It is possible that he is not being left alone, or has had is commlink confiscated, sir."

Neidermeyer nods. "Possible. I won't kill him if that's why."

Pulver's eyes wander sideways toward Neidermeyer.

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: Increasing speed...

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: Sir, request permission to ask a question.

Neidermeyer nods to Pulver. "Ask."

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: Details of our current mission, sir...

Neidermeyer ahs. "Our current mission is to proceed to Retribution and dock. There, we will remain on call, providing potential defense and serving as a center of ops for Operation Purity."

Pulver nods, "Yes Sir!"

Pulver looks back, "Operation Purity, Sir?"

Neidermeyer smiles slightly, wickedly. "Operation Purity."

Pulver nods and turns his attention back to the com, not satisfied but not stupid enough to ask again. "Yes sir."

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: Cruising at Maximum speed....

Neidermeyer takes a breath, then sighs. "Fine. It has to do with this new menace. Sanctuary. If it is the ship it seems to be, it is a threat to everything the Solar Consortium stands for. Togetherness with *aliens*? Independence for the spawn of Specialists?"

Neidermeyer raps his fingers on his command chair. "The goal of Operation Purity is to eradicate this threat, once we determine anything of value to be gleaned from them."

Pulver shoots to attention after missing the first cue, "Yes Sir! Aliens! SCUM! Pah!" He spits on the floor.

Neidermeyer arches his eyebrows. "You will lick that up, Mr. Pulver."

Mellon glances over the science console at the spit.

Pulver looks down, "Yes sir!"

Pulver gets down on all fours and begins to lick up the spit.

Neidermeyer rests a hand on the holstered gun at his side, watching.

Neidermeyer smiles wryly at the sight of his second in command, swabbing the deck with his tongue. He glances toward Mellon. "No surprise he got dysentary. That's how he cleans the latrines."

After 4 or 5 good clean licks of the floor, Pulver rises, his tongue blackened. "Licking finished sir!"

Pulver climbs back into the com chair

Neidermeyer nods, looking back toward Pulver. "Don't miss the station, Mr. Pulver."

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: I won't Sir! You can COUNT on me!

Neidermeyer frowns, but nods.

Mellon chuckles.

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: Adjusting Heading...

Mellon says, "Is there any further news of Sanctuary, sir? Are they moving this way?"

Neidermeyer shakes his head. "From what our sensors showed, they lack FTL ability now. What I want to know is how they managed to do it at all without the Hivers."

Neidermeyer smiles faintly. "But one of their ships did come through Sol System a few days ago. Nearly got blown out of the stars."

Mellon says, "But it escaped...?"

Pulver scowls, "Lunites, Hivers, all the scum-sucking vermin."

A sparkling presence announces itself with a rasping multivoice: ~Scum-sucking vermin?~

Mellon glances at the ceiling. "Oh great..."

Neidermeyer ahs, glancing up in vague recognition of the Hiver. "Hello, there."

Pulver straightens up and turns, the whites of his eyes clearly revealed and his face progressively paling.

Neidermeyer seems to be listening to something. He nods to nothing in particular. The sparkling presence fades.

Pulver nods again, shaking, "Y-yes. Scum-s-sucking...."

Neidermeyer narrows his eyes. "Mr. Pulver, just land the ship and shut up."

Pulver turns around quickly and eyes the com nervously. He taps a few buttons.

Mellon says, "Mr. Pulver...?"

Pulver glares back at the console, "Scum sucking....aliens..."

Neidermeyer lifts his chin, jaw clenched, eyes locked on the back of Pulver's - for the moment - intact head.

Pulver continues mumblings, ""

Pulver taps some buttons

Mellon says, "Retribution passing by starboard, sir."

[Pulver (Lt. Commander)]: Docking sequence started...

You feel a slight force as the ship glides to a halt ...

Neidermeyer nods slowly. scowling.

The enormous bay doors slowly begin to slide open in front of the ship.

The SCD Falstaff pushes forward as it glides in and docks.

Neidermeyer unmans the Command Console - Falstaff.

Pulver tenses up and repeats into the com, "Docking sequence....complete!"

Neidermeyer says, "Doctor Mellon, take the commander into custody and deliver him to the execution chamber on Retribution."

Pulver stands quickly. "Sir! No Sir!"

Mellon steps over to Pulver, and grabs his bicep from behind.

Neidermeyer shows no emotion as he faces Pulver, unflinching. "You will cooperate. Or I will kill you right here. Right now."

Pulver does not resist Mellon's arm. "Sir I have successfully docked sir. Mission may carry on."

Mellon tugs on Pulver's arm, tugging him away from the navigation console.

Neidermeyer nods. "Disembark."

Mellon disembarks from the ship.

Mellon has left.

You disembark from the SCD Falstaff.

Pulver disembarks from the ship.

Hangar Bay <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>

Footsteps, the rumbling of heavy equipment and the shouts of hastily barked orders echo in this cavernous chamber that opens onto the stars beyond the station known as Retribution, the Solar Consortium's main point of defense.

Lethal-looking Defiant fighters are parked in docking berths, under frequent ministrations from the base technical staff. In some bays, confiscated civilian vessels are scrutinized by Guardian Fleet security personnel inspecting for contraband. A large hangar bay can be seen through a broad aft archway, housing several capital ships and authorized civilian craft.

Large double doors open into the Deck 3 corridor.

Neidermeyer exits from the SCD Falstaff.

Neidermeyer has arrived.

Mellon quietly guides Pulver into the station.

Neidermeyer takes the slugthrower pistol from his holster and aims it at Pulver's midsection. "Let's go to the execution chamber."

Pulver says, "Sir! Request permission to speak!"

Pulver backs away timidly from the barrel.

Mellon glances at Neidermeyer.

Neidermeyer nods slowly. "Denied. Mr. Mellon, contact the base staff. Let them know we have a delivery and need a cleanup crew."

Mellon nods sharply. "Yessir."

Mellon pulls Pulver along.

Mellon heads into Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Mellon has left.

Neidermeyer follows toward the corridor.

Pulver says, "Sir! You won't..."

You head into Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>

A broad corridor that seems eerily incomplete in its construction: bare rafters with conduits crisscrossing some thirty feet overhead.

Suspended from the girders are single-file cones of luminescence, casting pools of sulfurous yellow light on the deck plates below.

A sealable double-door to starboard grants access to the station's busy hangar deck. Side-by-side locked doors lead into Retribution's secure holding facility and execution chamber. Aft are the hydraulic security doors that lead to the starbase systems operations center.

The cylindrical lift tube rises in the middle of the corridor.

Neidermeyer arrives from Hangar Bay <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Neidermeyer has arrived.

You head into Execution Facility <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Execution Facility <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>

- SCB Retribution -

A fairly small room that reeks of lubricants, panic and finality. The bulkheads are drab gray. A single door leads into an audience chamber.

In the center of the chamber stands a metallic cylinder, about nine feet tall and four feet wide with a hatch - a sarcophagus.

Next to the cylinder, which has a small window in its hatch, is a control console.

Mellon arrives from Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Mellon has arrived.

Neidermeyer arrives from Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Neidermeyer has arrived.

Neidermeyer nods, keeping his gun trained on Pulver. "Go find a command staff member, Doctor."

Mellon lets go of Pulver, nods, and turns for the door.

Mellon heads into Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Mellon has left.

Pulver looks towards Neidermeyer, "Sir! Request to here charge against me Sir!"

Neidermeyer nods. "Soon."

Sterling arrives from Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Sterling has arrived.

Mellon arrives from Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Mellon has arrived.

Pulver says, "Sir! No Sir!"

Neidermeyer stares coldly at Pulver, aiming a slugthrower pistol at him.

Sterling snaps a sharp salute to Neidermeyer, lifting her chin.

Pulver says, "Sir! Request to hear charge now! Sir!"

Sterling blinks.

Neidermeyer nods over his shoulder at Sterling. "At ease, Commander. Doctor, Commander Sterling - into the audience chamber."

Sterling heads into Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Mellon heads into Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Sterling stands in front of the window, watching.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Mellon glances at the sign, then steps to the window.

Neidermeyer locks his flinty gaze on Pulver, right eye twitching slightly. "Turn around. Drop to your knees. Remove your helmet. Clasp your hands behind your back."

Pulver shakes his head, "I don't deserve this sir!" He shouts up at the audience chamber "Doctor! This is your fault!"

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Mellon glances at Sterling.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Sterling glances over at Mellon, then returns her gaze to watch through the window.

Neidermeyer repeats. "Turn around. Drop to your knees."

Pulver shakes his head, "I won't do it sir!"

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Sterling scowls.

Neidermeyer doesn't even blink. He drops the gun a few inches, aiming at Pulver's left knee, and fires. The shot echoes.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Mellon flinches at the noise, and continues to watch through the window.

The bullet rips into Pulver's knee and he falls down on it screaming, "Nooooooo! Sir! Don't!"

Pulver tries to stand on his other leg and holds his injured knee as blood pours out of it.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Sterling nods once, eyes narrowing as she studies Pulver through the window.

Neidermeyer glowers down at the commander, who is now bleeding profusely on the deck. "Drop to your knees."

Pulver tries to hop away on his good leg. "No Sir! I won't!" His hand reaches for his pistol.

Neidermeyer tilts his head slightly, an amused look coming across his face. He aims the slugthrower at Pulver's right knee. BLAM!

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Mellon winces, and shakes his head ruefully.

Pulver wails in pain. His whole body falls to the ground like a ragdoll. Pulver lays on his back screaming and looks down at his other knee.

Pulver pants heavily, "Sir!"

Pulver tries to reach for his pistol. He starts to take it out of the holster.

Neidermeyer aims for the hand reaching for the pistol. BLAM!

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Sterling watches silently, jaw set.

The bullet sinks into his hand. Blood spurts out and covers his uniform. A small flow has started and runs down and drips towards the drain.

Neidermeyer stalks closer to the commander, sprawling on the floor, and aims the gun at Pulver's face. "Now I'm glad you kept the helmet on. It can hold your brains inside." He smiles wryly. "Now I can tell the new recruits the real meaning of being...Pulverized."

Pulver looks blankly up at Neidermeyer, almost unable to scream now.

Neidermeyer squeezes the trigger. BLAM! The shot echoes throughout the deck.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Sterling bends back and squints.

The shot hits straight in the center of Pulver's forehead, streaking it black and red. His surprised, dumbfounded face stares up.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Mellon takes a deep breath, and runs a hand over his bald head.

Neidermeyer stares down at the commander. "Doctor, confirm his condition. Commander, get a cleanup crew in here to get what blood and gray matter doesn't dribble down the drain."

A large pool of blood trickles down towards the drain.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Sterling heads into Execution Facility <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Sterling arrives from Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Sterling has left.

Sterling has arrived.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Mellon heads into Execution Facility <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Mellon arrives from Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

From Audience Chamber <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>, Mellon has left.

Mellon has arrived.

Sterling salutes. "Yes sir."

Sterling heads into Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Sterling has left.

Mellon steps around the body, avoiding the blood, and kneels down.

Mellon finds Pulver's undamaged wrist, and takes hold of it, searching for a pulse.

Pulver's lifeless eyes stare up at Mellon.

No pulse is heard.

Mellon inspects the wound to Pulver's face for signs of blood pumping out.

Mellon mutters to himself, "Dumb bastard"

The wound entered cleanly into his forehead. Blood can be seen spattered on the inside of his helmet.

Sterling arrives from Deck 3 Corridor <Deck 3: SCB Retribution>.

Sterling has arrived.

Sterling says, "They should be here promptly, Sir."

Sterling steps through the blood to stand near Neidermeyer.

Mellon leans over and closes Pulver's eyes, then stands up. "He's dead, sir"

Mellon glances around for a place to wipe the blood off his hand.

Pulver's uniform contains a few unbloodied areas.

Mellon peers into his pocket, then thinks better of it, and wipes his hand on Pulver's uniform.

Neidermeyer nods slowly. "Incompetence repaid."

Sterling nods as a crew clad in grey walk in and begin mopping up the floor.

Mellon glances down at Pulver. "Fortunately, no one was killed."

Neidermeyer nods. "Yes." He looks over at the Specialist clones assigned the task of cleaning. "Hell, one of those tubers could do a better job than him."

Large spurts of blood gush out of Pulver's hand and knees. He is a bloodied mess.

Neidermeyer checks the ammo supply in his slugthrower, quirks his brow, then holsters the weapon. He turns toward Sterling. "We'll be docked aboard Retribution for the next few days. Doctor Mellon is cleared to brief you on Operation Purity."

Sterling nods once to Neidermeyer. "Yes Sir."

Neidermeyer turns to Mellon. "I'll be on Falstaff. Let me know if you get word from Dykstra or Salvador."

Mellon nods sharply. "Yessir."

The crew lifts his body and places it on a tarp, which they wrap up. Together they hoist it onto a small cart-like vehicle. The other crew members start swabbing the deck, showing no signs of surprise or disgust.

Neidermeyer turns on his heel, then marches away from the carnage.