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(Created page with 'Category:OtherSpace_Logs {{Infobox Log |title = Party on the Cro |summary = A celebration to welcome the new flagship of Danu Chroi |cast = Vessa Xanya Sadie…')
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The Mess Hall is decorated for a party. Every color fills the room, from banners to balloons to strings of flags and rolls of tissue paper. Along three walls are three separate buffet tables. Each with a different item upon it. One table is filled with nothing but meat, from several different kinds of animals, from a few different planets. The middle table holds vegetables of all shapes and sizes, most of which are made up in different ways, some even left raw, and includes different things to dip them in. The third table, which is on the opposite wall from the meats, is nothing but fruits of all sorts, and different dips to go with them, all of the sweet variety. The caterer was hoping to satisfy any and all preferences with this wide spread, not wanting to leave any race out. Music is playing in the background, not so loud as to make conversation burdensome but rather a nice background. Standing in the center of the room is Vessa, this evening in business party gear, yeah she is a bit of a dork.
The Mess Hall is decorated for a party. Every color fills the room, from banners to balloons to strings of flags and rolls of tissue paper. Along three walls are three separate buffet tables. Each with a different item upon it. One table is filled with nothing but meat, from several different kinds of animals, from a few different planets. The middle table holds vegetables of all shapes and sizes, most of which are made up in different ways, some even left raw, and includes different things to dip them in. The third table, which is on the opposite wall from the meats, is nothing but fruits of all sorts, and different dips to go with them, all of the sweet variety. The caterer was hoping to satisfy any and all preferences with this wide spread, not wanting to leave any race out. Music is playing in the background, not so loud as to make conversation burdensome but rather a nice background. Standing in the center of the room is Vessa, this evening in business party gear, yeah she is a bit of a dork.
"Hello everyone and welcome to the official party for the Cro na Mthar. Tonight we are celebrating this next big step in our plans completed and our method of reaching the next step, that being our planet of course. There is food and music. Enjoy." Vessa gives this speech with a smile and waves an arm to indicate the food.
"Hello everyone and welcome to the official party for the Cro na Mthar. Tonight we are celebrating this next big step in our plans completed and our method of reaching the next step, that being our planet of course. There is food and music. Enjoy." Vessa gives this speech with a smile and waves an arm to indicate the food.
Xanya walks into the messhall just as vessa starts her speach she listens carefully and when vessa waves her hand she notices the tables. feeling hungry she walks past all the tables with a plate and grabs some meats, vegetables and not to forget a few fruits. after which she finds a place to sit down and eat.
Xanya walks into the messhall just as vessa starts her speach she listens carefully and when vessa waves her hand she notices the tables. feeling hungry she walks past all the tables with a plate and grabs some meats, vegetables and not to forget a few fruits. after which she finds a place to sit down and eat.

Revision as of 20:02, 16 April 2012

Party on the Cro

Summary: A celebration to welcome the new flagship of Danu Chroi

Cast: Vessa Xanya Sadie Zu Kethren Connor

Air Date: 16 April 2654

Setting: Mess Hall - <IND Cro na Mthar>

Consisting of a two sections, a kitchen with a full staff and a seating area with large comfortable chairs around tables, the mess hall is actually a very comfortable place to have a meal. Large windows offer a view out into space for those who wish to enjoy such and along one wall are a bank of machines offering a variety of foods in case the kitchens are closed when someone desires food or drink. The menu from the kitchen depends on the food available on the ship which is variable but plentiful and serves all races on crew as well as visiting races.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

The Mess Hall is decorated for a party. Every color fills the room, from banners to balloons to strings of flags and rolls of tissue paper. Along three walls are three separate buffet tables. Each with a different item upon it. One table is filled with nothing but meat, from several different kinds of animals, from a few different planets. The middle table holds vegetables of all shapes and sizes, most of which are made up in different ways, some even left raw, and includes different things to dip them in. The third table, which is on the opposite wall from the meats, is nothing but fruits of all sorts, and different dips to go with them, all of the sweet variety. The caterer was hoping to satisfy any and all preferences with this wide spread, not wanting to leave any race out. Music is playing in the background, not so loud as to make conversation burdensome but rather a nice background. Standing in the center of the room is Vessa, this evening in business party gear, yeah she is a bit of a dork.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the official party for the Cro na Mthar. Tonight we are celebrating this next big step in our plans completed and our method of reaching the next step, that being our planet of course. There is food and music. Enjoy." Vessa gives this speech with a smile and waves an arm to indicate the food.

Xanya walks into the messhall just as vessa starts her speach she listens carefully and when vessa waves her hand she notices the tables. feeling hungry she walks past all the tables with a plate and grabs some meats, vegetables and not to forget a few fruits. after which she finds a place to sit down and eat.

Zu has managed to get himself out of the hospital, whether with permission or not is anybody's guess and seems to be doing alright perched on the back of a chair, if a little wobbily once in a while. He isn't saying much yet and hasn't made any moves to go get food. Quite a bump on a log right now, really.

Kethren yawns a little, and makes the round of the buffet tables, getting a good sampling of the various foodstuffs, though perhaps a bit heavy on the meaty selections.

Vessa nodding to a few crew members who say something or other, she frowns as she sees Zu and grabs a plate of some fruit selections to bring over to him, "May want to try standing on the table rather then the back of a chair mate. Here, eat something, it will help with the meds too."

Xanya sits down at the table with zu. she smiles to both zu and vessa. she puts her plate down. "hello you two." She says smiling to both. nice party huh?

Zu nods to Vessa and begins to start taking some bites from it before replying "Well I'd prefer if it had been two days ago, personally, but I suppose it is rather nice all things said. At least I can talk without spitting blood out now."

Kethren finds his way over to one of the tables and has a seat by Xan "Evening, all."

Vessa nods to both Xan and Keth and watches Zu for a moment before nodding with satisfaction before going to get food for herself. On returning she settles into a chair and smiles, "Well now, that should be a good start. Zu, you doing okay?"

Xanya smiles and starts to eat from her selection.

Zu nods a bit to Vessa and replies "For certain values of okay. I still ache like a son of a bitch and can't fly too well. That said, I'm glad to at least be back to my normal color. I'm surprised you guys managed to recognize who I was."

Kethren smirks at Zu "Well, we don't have that many tupai on board, least not that I've seen, and you spend a lot of time around Vessa, so being injured is... something of an occupational hazard. Who else would you be?" he then starts in some glittery looking meaty space food thing.

Vessa nods to Zu and shoots a small glare Kethren's way, "Ahem, well when you crashed down to the ground it was obvious who you were, but in the air it wasn't so easy. They shouldn't be bothering you anymore, and if they do you tell me."

Xanya smiles a she eats some of her food. when finished she look to Zu. "what happend to you?"

Zu sighs a bit and replies to Xanya "I figured you'd have heard by now. I got jumped. Group of dark blue wearing Pyracani. Apparently they thought I owed them money. Didn't give me much time to argue, really."

Kethren looks apologetically at Vessa "Sorry boss." and has a bit of some other meaty concoction.

Sadie smiles as she walks into the mess hall and looks around. She waves to everyone and makes her way to stand by Xanya.

Vessa smiles and waves to Sadie, "Get some food and join us sis." She nods at Zu's words, "Seems a rather fool thing to have done but then they didn't know before last night what it means to jump a member of Danu. The will learn though."

Xanya listens a bit while she eats from her plate. as she sees Sadie enter she smiles and waves. She swallows her food and speaks to Sadie. "like Vessa said feel free to grab some food and join us. saved you a seat next to me." She says with a smile.

Zu grimaces to Vessa at that and replies "The problem being they don't yet know what happens when they jump me personally. I think it's one they need to learn, yet." He goes back to eating his fruit and adds "Out of curiosity what /exactly/ did you do to them? And who with for that matter. Wasn't under the impression I had all that many friends willing to go confront gangers on my behalf."

Kethren nods to Sadie, not looking particularly thrilled "Evening"

Sadie grins as she quickly moves to grab a plate of food and sit back down next to Xanya. She looks at Kethren with a raised brow. "What's up with you?"

Vessa takes a few more bites before answering Zu, "I went with some of the security blokes. It wasn't anything violent, mostly cause if it was then we would not have pleasant relations with Pyracan. I took security for back up but what I threatened them with was their identity. The fact that I could put them in debt, on every system in the universe for crimes they have yet to commit, blacklist them from every black market currently known, oh yeah, and make them disappear so that they simply will not exist in any system, or physically for that matter and shot between the leader's legs about a hundredth of an inch away from his balls, on purpose of course."

Xanya looks surprised to Vessa, then turns to Sadie. "how have you been sweety."

Zu smirks a bit to Vessa and replies "Yes, the beauty of blackmail. Then again making them disappear wouldn't be very hard. They're gangers they end up dead in ditches all the time." The bat looks back to Kethren and adds "Also, I think a bed in that room of mine would be nice. Just in case I get roughed up again. It'll be at least another day or two before I can actually sleep like that."

Kethren nods at Zu, making a mental note to jot that down later, then glances over at Sadie and shrugs a bit "Lot on my mind. Won't bring the party down by bringing it up. That, and I've never been big on parties."

Sadie looks to Zu, "Are you ok, Zu? Do you need me to look at you?" She looks concerned. Sadie's eyes flash to Xanya as her smile forms again. "I'm going good, honey. Just really tired lately." She turns her head back to Zu.

Vessa shrugs, "It differs when it is brought home that it is /you/ who will disappear. It is amazing what the realization of one's own mortality can do to someone." she frowns as she looks at Keth, "Sorry dude, I didn't know you didn't like parties."

Xanya smiles and gives sadie a kiss on her lips. "glad I could see you anyway."

Kethren shakes his head at Vessa slightly "Don't worry about it. Not the first party I've felt obligated to attend, I daresay it won't be the last. Later on I'll see if I can scrounge up a decent whiskey, I'll be fine. Really."

Zu shrugs a bit at that before noting "I doubt it'll stop them for long. Most of the time when you're in that position you don't have too many options for change."

Vessa shrugs, "I don't mind going back and offering that but I want their mortality to sink in first. Then I will offer help. I do not accept /anyone/ harming a member of Danu. That does not sit well with me."

Kethren pokes around a bit at his plate o foodstuffs, settling on something fruity looking.

Zu chuckles a bit and replies "If you want hilarity to ensue you could always put any who took the offer under my command."

Vessa frowns at Keth, "You know you don't /have/ to attend but it does help that you have." she grins at Zu, "Ohhh yes, now that would be sweet justice."

Zu smirks a bit at the thought and notes "Yes, I think toilet scrubbing duty for a week would do nicely. I'll make sure to have plenty of Hekayti food, fruit or no fruit. Don't suppose you have spare toothbrushes?"

Vessa laughs softly, "I will get you some, and I thought they were Pyracani who jumped you?"

Zu smiles a bit and replies "I didn't say that's why I was getting the Hekayti food. Let's just say that sometimes it doesn't sit too well with the Tupai if you know what I mean."

"Ahhh, I see." Vessa nods, "Well, if any agree and I think a few of the younger ones will, then you can have them to shape up. They need some discipline and some security as well. A direction and goals more than anything."

Zu smirks a bit at that and replies "Not to mention a little bit of putting the fear of their "Radiance" into them. It would be good fun."

Vessa laughs and shakes her head, "Be nice to them too Zu, we don't want broken. Although it is fun."

Zu smirks a bit and replies "Damned ethics. Always making me give people more respect than they give me." He appears to be joking but there is just a hint of bitterness in that tone he's using. Granted it's a bit understandible considering that nice new scar under the bandage on his face.

Vessa shakes her head, "Oh no no no Zu, you will be shown respect or they deal with me. I might wear a suit now but I didn't always and some of my skills are still sharp from that time before. I don't have truck with such people, they will show respect to a senior officer or they will find themselves gone."

Zu grumbles a bit more and replies "Can't very well make up for the disrespect of beating the shit out of a war vet, now can you? No, it's fun to talk about but I'd never be able to deal with having them under me. I'd be far too tempted to put a gun to their backs. And unlike with you I wouldn't be hesitating the slightest bit to pull the trigger."

Vessa nods, "Hmm yes that would be a problem. Well no worries, we will deal as we do. Remember though that if you need me for anything that I am here for you, for all of my people." she leans back and looks a bit tired, "Damn but this is crazy hard to keep up with. All sorts of nutso shit going on to set crap up. Expensive too."

Zu nods at that and replies "Yes. I can imagine. That's why I stick to what I do best. Working under somebody else and doing their dirtier work that needs doing.

Vessa grins and gets up briefly to get a drink from the bar before returning, "Yeah, I miss that sometimes but to be honest I love doing this work. It is just that there is so much of it, and it is tiring."

Zu smirks a bit and replies "Yes, I can imagine. That said don't think my work doesn't get tiring. Have you got any idea how hard it is to try and sneak up on somebody reliably?"

Conner walks into the messhall, eyes wide as she looks around at everything. She was on a fucking spaceship in fucking space. Un-be-lievable. She looks around, taking in the variety of aliens and people and the view of space and holy crap this is all really overwhelming. Somehow she pics Vessa and Zu out of the people here and rushes over to them, slapping her hands down on the table as she leans on it heavily, "I AM IN FUCKING SPACE!" She is very obviously excited about this event, "I can't believe I'm in space! And there's so much shit out there! And did you see how big those bases are?! Holy shit! This is like being in a fucking scifi movie!"

Vessa blinks at Connor and grins, "Welcome to the Cro na Mthar the Danu Chroi flagship. This is the party to celebrate the flagship being christened and spaced." grinning at Zu she nods, "Oh yeah I am sure that you need to keep sharp for that."

Zu is caught a bit off guard by Conner's slamming the table and coems incredibly close to falling right into his plate of fruit. Making him flap his wings to stay upright which promptly makes him unleash a slew of curses at the pain now erupting in the wing that was stomped on. Once that stops he goes back to his fruit muttering something inaudible.

Conner jerks her head towards Zu at the curses, wincing, "S-Sorry. I was excited." She ducks her head and moves away from Zu, not too entirely sure about the bat thing. Sure it was eating fruits /now/ but for all she knew it was a vampire bat and just waiting for a chance to drink her blood. She moves over to a chair near Vessa, sitting down without asking if she can join, and slouching a bit to try and hide the curves that her t-shirt doesn't do as good of a job of hiding as she wished. That and she's just nervous being around all of this new stuff.

Vessa frowns in concern at Zu, "Need more pain meds dude? I can get one of the crew to grab you some." she quirks an eyebrow at Connor and smiles, "Hey, later on I want to have a talk if we can so that I can help get you set up with something, if you like."

Zu shakes his head to Vessa after a second and replies "It's fine, it's fine. Not the pain meds not working that was just me having to use soemthing I shouldn't be using much right now."

Conner ducks down a bit more in her chair as Vessa offers pain meds to Zu. She stares down at the table in front of her, feeling a bit guilty. When Vessa speaks to her she looks up, "T-talk? What do you mean 'set up'?"

Vessa nods to Zu, "You let me know," she then quirks an amused eyebrow at Connor, "Did you want to be stuck as a wanderer with no employment or place to live? I mean get you a job and at least some prospects for living space."

Zu smirks a bit at Conner after his pain has worn off and says to her "Don't worry. I won't bite. Only people I'd consider doing anywhere near that to right now are a select few blue wearing Pyracani."