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[[Category:Logs That Include Aina]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Kethren]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Alhambra]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Xanya]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Impiruil Baile]]
{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|title = Hamster-Kitten-Ferret Bandits
|title = Hamster-Kitten-Ferret Bandits
|summary = Business and Critters clash
|summary = Business and Critters clash
|cast = ((Aina)) ((Kethren)) ((Alhambra)) ((Xanya))
|cast = [[Aina]] [[Kethren]] [[Alhambra]] [[Xanya]]
|air_date = 06/10/2654
|air_date = 06/10/2654
|location = The Field on Impiruil Baile
|location = The Field on [[Impiruil Baile]]
|setting =    Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast. A camp has been set up here. Designed to cause the least damage to the landscape possible. A med tent, a mess tent, a tent for meetings, and several tents of all different sizes are set up for people to live in.
|setting =    Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast. A camp has been set up here. Designed to cause the least damage to the landscape possible. A med tent, a mess tent, a tent for meetings, and several tents of all different sizes are set up for people to live in.
|contents =  
|contents =  

Latest revision as of 09:31, 25 November 2013

Hamster-Kitten-Ferret Bandits

Summary: Business and Critters clash

Cast: Aina Kethren Alhambra Xanya

Air Date: 06/10/2654

Setting: The Field on Impiruil Baile

Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast. A camp has been set up here. Designed to cause the least damage to the landscape possible. A med tent, a mess tent, a tent for meetings, and several tents of all different sizes are set up for people to live in.

Contents: Exits:
((Moor)) ((Haunted Moor)) ((Hills)) ((Meadow)) ((Bog))

Aina has been wandering about the med tent, checking things over, and getting the scan of Kethren from the other day ready to be looked over. A monitor is set up, and she's just getting ready to connect everything and start it up.

Kethren wanders into the med tent, looking kinda bored, but that seems to be where the action usually is.

Xanya steps out from the IND Celeste walks out towards the mess tent to get her usual Strawberry milkshake.

Aina looks up and flashes Kethren a smile, "Hey there. Just about to check out the scan. How're you feeling? Anything feel not right?"

Kethren smiles at Aina "Just fine, thanks. And you? And what're you up to, for that matter?"

Xanya gets her milkshakes and while sipping from it she moves around the camp and ends up at the door of the med tent looking inside to see if there is anything going on in there.

Aina hums as she flicks the monitor on, "Feeling just fine as well. And I said, getting ready to look at the scan." She points at the holo monitor as it starts up the 3D projection of Kethren's scan.

Kethren grins and looks at the 3D projection "Ah, so you did. Must be coffee withdrawal. Snazzy looking, though."

Xanya steps in the med tent waving with her free hand and moves over to join Keth and Aina looking at the scan.

Aina smirks at Kethren, "Haven't had your fill yet?" She tsks and grins, then looks at the scan and reaches out to start fiddling with it, turning it and zooming in and out, looking for anything that's off.

Kethren laughs "Never! And anyway, you'll surely notice that I didn't have a cup on me when I came in."

Xanya smiles as she keeps looking at the scans and stays quite for a bit longer as she slowly finishes her milkshake.

As Aina zooms in closely on the substance she gets down to a molecular level. An analysis pops up on the screen.

Components: Carbon, Silicon, Calcium, Human Skin cells

The scan continues to list off a few smaller trace elements in the substance. A not quite so close look would reveal trace amounts of dirt floating about.

Kethren reads over the text as it appears "So uh... are these on me or in me? And do they qualify as abnormal levels?"

Aina blinks several times at the screen, then frowns and fiddles with the scan some more, turning it and zooming in a bit further, "I'm not really sure quartz is supposed to be in there...What the heck did you get into, Kethren? I swear...If you start transforming into some crystal being, I'll keep you locked up..."

Xanya giggles. "you'd better. if people find out he might be chopped up and sold for cash. and we can't have that." She says and walks to teh nearest trash can to trow her milkshake away.

As Aina zooms in closer she would find microscopic bits of that dirt in the substance. This begins to slowly shrink even smaller, until even the scanner can no longer pick up the trace bits.

Aina shakes her head again and sighs, "It's on top of your skin." She squints at the scan, then huh's, "Weird...Maybe we should take a scrapping or something...Maybe even some blood. I want to make sure there's nothing going on inside."

Kethren smiles at Aina "Already told you what I got into. Some alien space-blob-kitty-thing."

Xanya looks to kethren. "A what?"

Aina nods to Kethren, then flicks off the scanner and goes about getting a syringe and some vials ready, "You ok if I take blood, Kethren?"

Kethren looks over at Xan "Well um. Did you ever see The Blob? It kinda looked like that. But when it touched me, I felt... it was happy. Heard music. And happiness. And it felt like it was purring at one point." then turns back to Aina and sighs "Alright, just don't take any of my blood coffee"

Xanya listens with interest to Keth. "purring? Like kitty cats? cool. I had cats back home. I loved them. Shame I don't have them here." She says then snaps her fingers remembering something and think sit over a bit.

Aina smiles lightly at Kethren, then motions to a chair, "Have a seat." She waits till he sits, then steps over to start prepping his arm, "I promise, no coffee blood. Might be too thick for the syringe anyway."

Kethren smirks "Ew. Coffee blood just sounds disgusting" then smiles at Xan "Yeah, that's exactly the sense I got from it."

Xanya smiles and puts her thoughts aside to watch Aina work. "Aina? have you done some AI programming on robots before?" She asks hopefully not interrupting her.

Aina considers Kethren and snickers, "That does sound gross." Her nose wrinkles, then she goes about filling a few vials while speaking to Xanya, "I have, yup. Why do you ask?"

Kethren looks decidedly uncomfortable, but tries to be a good patient, and doesn't interrupt things. Xanya looks to Aina. "well I was thinking about trying to program an AI by myself. but I got no idea where to start."

Aina smiles lightly and nods, "What were you going to program, exactly?" She finishes rather quickly and puts a green bandaid on Kethren's arm, "There, all done. Sorry I took so much. I just want to be real thorough." Now she leans down and quickly kisses his cheek, "Best patient ever." With a grin she straightens and heads over to start analyzing the blood, putting some into a machine and some onto a microscope.

Kethren blushes a little bit smirks anyway "Considering the amount of interest the members of this empire have in staying put for a doctor to do much of anything, that doesn't say a lot."

The machine is set to work on the sample. The one under the microscope shows nothing unusual. Not under high, medium, or low resolutions. It all seems normal, as much as any sample can be normal. Xanya thinks a bit then raises her shoulders. "not sure. maybe a robot to aid me in certain tasks. and to give some company from time to time."

Aina peers into the microscope, then straightens and grins at Kethren, "Who has ever really stayed put, other than you? Best patient ever." She winks, then considers Xan, "Well, we could set it up so it can carry out a conversation. And to do easy tasks. Just depends on what you want it to do."

Kethren grins "Well, after Vessa got squished by that pillar she stayed put. For a little while."

Xanya thinks a bit more. "well considering that I build space ships and there parts tend to be heavy. I won't mind something to help me carry stuff around. Even the heavy stuff."

The machine finishes it's analysis and returns the results...normal.

Aina nods to Xan, a brow arching, "You wanted the bear for that, right? I'm sorry I haven't gotten to it yet...It's been kinda crazy around here lately." When the machine goes off she checks the readings, "Well, looks like your blood is fine, Kethren. So it's just something on the top of your skin."

Kethren nods "Well, I guess that's good. Has it in any way bonded, or is it just sorta there?"

Xanya nods and smiles. "yes right. the bear. I almost forgot about that one." She giggles a bit. "take your time with it. I rather have something that works then something with lots of bugs in it since it was rushed."

Aina nods to Xanya, "Of course. I won't give it to you till it's working perfectly." Then she steps over to Kethren and shakes her head, "It's not bonded, just sitting there, right where the creature touched you. We'll keep an eye on it, make sure it doens't change."

Kethren nods "So nothing to worry too much about for now, then?"

Xanya cheers a bit. "yeee, keths healthy." She says with a smile as well.

Aina flashes Kethren a smile, "Nah, nothing to worry about. We'll still watch it, just in case. But right now, it looks like it's just gonna sit on your skin."

Kethren grins "Ok. So... what has to happen for me to parlay this into super powers, and would said powers be worth it?"

Xanya shakes her head. "why would you want super powers?"

Aina giggles and shakes her head, "No super powers. You just kinda got...Marked, by whatever that thing was."

Kethren grins at Xan "The correct question is why would you /not/ want super powers?" then nods to Aina "Huh. Well, it seemed friendly enough, anyway."

Xanya shakes her head. "because if you get the wrong ones you will hate yourself or your powers for as long as you have them?"

Aina nods to Kethren and smiles, "It didn't do any harm. Like I said, it just marked you. Eventually it should wash off."

Kethren grins at Xan "Well, for a start they've already been ruled out, so it's purely fantasy. Obviously, therefor, they'd be the good ones." and nods to Aina with a bit of a smirk "Well, that's mildly disappointing, but I guess I'll survive. Hope I see it again sometime."

Xanya nods to kethren and then listens for a while.

Aina chuckles softly as she goes about cleaning up, "Super powers...Huh...I think I'd like to be able to shape-shift. Find out what it'd be like to not be so...Green and tall."

Kethren smiles warmly at Aina "I hope you'd not make the change permanent. Rather fond of you as you are."

Xanya smiles. "a power like that can be nice indeed. I'd probably want to change into a dragon and be able to fly in the air on my own. not with some... machine."

Aina blushes and glances at Kethren, "You wouldn't like me a bit shorter? Maybe a little shorter than you?"

Kethren smiles "Well, I won't deny that variety could be interesting, long as it was still you, but I'm not going to be heartbroken over you being as tall as you are."

Xanya smiles and thinks she is starting to be a 5th wheel. "Well thanks for the fun I think I will go and find some more info on AI's on my pda. I'll see you both next time." She says and gets up to leave the med tent.

Aina smiles softly and finishes cleaning up and putting machines away. She heads over to Kethren and wraps her arms around him in a hug, "Such a sweet man..." Blinks and looks at Xanya, blushing again, "Sorry...If you find anything interesting, let me know and we can both work on it together."

Kethren leans into the hug with a smile, and nods to Xan "Alright, have a nice evening."

Xanya nods and waves. "I will do that Aina. have fun you two." She says and leaves the med tent.

Aina smiles and turns back to Kethren, "So...When are we going to go somewhere special, so I can show you that dress? Or would you rather wait till after the meetings are done?"

Kethren smiles up at her "Much as it pains me to say it, we should probably wait for the meetings to be done. Or at least till we know we'll have a good chunk of time. Be a shame if we got interrupted."

Aina nods, "Sounds good to me. When do you think we should head back? Not that I'm in any hurry, mind you."

Kethren shrugs "Not for a little while yet. It's pleasant here."

Aina smiles and hums, "Well, what should we do then? I know you don't want to spend any more time in here than you have to."

Kethren yawns a little "Well, we could head over to the mess tent. See if anything good's been cooked today."

Aina nods, "Alright. I could use something to eat as well." She steps back, then reaches out to help him get up, just incase he's a bit light-headed yet from the blood loss.

Kethren takes her arm as he stands up slowly, still a little more wobbly than he really likes.

Aina wraps an arm around him to hold him up, then starts to head out of the med tent and toward the mess tent.

Kethren follows along, leaning into her the whole way.

Aina helps him to a table, "You sit. I'll go see what there is. Anything you had in mind? Other than coffee."

Kethren grins as he sits down "You know me so well. Um, something meaty. Maybe some fruit of some sort to go with."

Aina nods and smiles, "I'll be right back then." She heads over to the food and starts gathering things on a few plates, humming all the while. Once done, she heads back to the table, a plate in each hand, as well as two jugs that dangle from the fingers of each hand.

Kethren puts his elbows on the table and rests his chin on his hands while he waits patiently with a smile.

Aina sets the jugs down first, one infront of him, the other infront of her spot, then she sets the plates down, "I got you some of those chicken things we got. Seems someone caught a few that wandered into camp. And some fruit and veggies. If you don't want the veggies, I'll eat em." She points at his jug, "That's coffee, by the way." Next she pulls two cups from her pockets and sets them on the table as well, "I ran outta hands."

Kethren grins and pours a generous measure of coffee in his cup "I don't think I got to see any of the chickens when they were intact. What'd they look like?"

Aina hums as she pours juice into her own cup, "They were big, and kinda scary looking, but very pretty feathers. I kinda want one as a pet...That, or I can make a robotic version. Which would probably be best, cause it won't freak out and attack anyone..."

Kethren nods as he takes a sip of coffee before starting in on some of the chicken "Tha's not bad at all. Not quite chicken, but close enough."

Aina smiles, "I think it's pretty good. Oh." She pulls out her PDA and pulls up a picture before showing it to him, "I took a picture of one of the chickens. Dead, of course. Do they look like that where you come from?"

Kethren grins "Well, they were a hell of a lot smaller on Earth. And the beak was a little different. And, generally they weren't so shiny. But, yeah. That's pretty much a chicken."

Aina nods and puts the PDA away, "But they don't taste the same?" She hums and takes a few bites of her food, smiling all the while.

Kethren smiles and has a few more bites of dinner "Well, the taste is pretty similar. Most of the difference is probably due to their diet."

Aina nods again, "Could be. They do have pretty different plants to eat here. But you like it, yes?"

Kethren nods "Oh, yes. Verymuch so."

Aina smiles brightly, "Good! I was hopeing you would. I looked up ways to cook chicken from where you used to live. Maybe if we get more, I can try some of the recipe's for you."

Kethren grins "Sounds good. You'll have to get me some of the recipes you enjoy though."

Aina giggles, "You know I eat just about anything. And I like the stuff you like very much."

Kethren smirks "No childhood favorites? Something with a lot of nostalgia attached?"

Aina shakes her head slightly, "Not really, no..."

Kethren has some of the fruit and looks puzzled "That... just seems odd. No offense."

Aina shrugs and focuses on her food, "I know. But I didn't really have much of a childhood. I studied a lot, and went to school."

Kethren nods "Well, then. I'll just have to make something nice one of these days, so you'll just have to remember that."

Aina smiles at him, "I'd like that, very much."

Kethren nods to Aina "Well, I'll have to find something good, then." He and Aina are having a meal in the mess. Keth's still a little wobbly.

Aina smiles all the more at Kethren, "Anything you make will be good." She munches a bit more, then considers and glances at her ship briefly, "Oh. So, random question. I was working on Sadie's bot, and there was a bunch of extra material. Is that yours? Or is someone else storing stuff on my ship without permission?"

Kethren grins "Oh, yeah. Well, last night Vessa and I went out to Materi Syna to help Leu grab some bot making materials. Thought I'd get you a small pile of cobalt as long as we were there anyway."

Aina blinks, then smiles again, "So sweet of you! Thank you. Can always use that. Works great for bot making." She leans over and kisses his cheek, "Thank you so very much."

Kethren blushes a little "Well, I know you use the stuff, and have a fair pile of bots waiting to be built."

Aina smiles and refills his coffee, "Now I'll have to make you some proper chicken to thank you. And to make up for drawing blood...I know you didn't like that."

Kethren chuckles "Eh, don't worry about the blood. You were just doing your job."

Aina smiles and nods, "If you say so. I just don't like taking you into the med tent. I know you hate it in there." She eats more, then takes a drink of juice, "Wish I could take Ghost with me when we leave again..."

Kethren smiles "Well, I won't say it's my favorite place, no. Particularly after that recent and lengthy visit. Oh... sorry, I keep forgetting to bring it up, but I did have a question forya... Yeah, shame you can't bring him along. Hopefully the trip won't last much longer."

Aina nods and smiles lightly, "I hope so too. I hate being away from him. But it is pretty cute when I get back. He gets all clingy." Then she blinks and tilts her head, "What's the question?"

Kethren smiles and has a long sip of coffee "Just before Vessa called me in to the diplomatic gig, I was on Eiru, taking a walk. Whilst there though, ran into Tei again. She uh, offered me a partnership in her architecture firm."

Aina blinks a few times, then slowly chews the mouthfull of food she just took. It takes a minute or two before she swallows, "Partnership...Wow. That's big. So...What's the question, exactly?"

Kethren smiles warmly at her "Just wanted to make sure you were ok with it. I think it'd be a good arrangement, Vessa's ok with it, too. But I'd understand if you'd feel uncomfortable about it."

Aina considers a moment and nudges her food around with her fork, then she shrugs slightly, "If it's something you want to do, do it..." She looks up at him, a faint smile forming, "I want you to be happy, and I'm pretty sure having a partnership in an architecture firm would make you happy. I'm not going to keep you from that. And it would be a good arrangement."

Kethren smiles "It really doesn't look like you're thrilled about the prospect. How about we wait till after you've had a chance to meet her before I give a decision?"

Aina sighs softly as she gazes at him, "Kethren...It's ok. Go ahead and tell her yes. Sure, it means even less time with you, I'm sure, but I want you happy. And I can keep myself busy building bots and helping out here."

Kethren smiles warmly at her "Thanks. I'll try to not be there too often. Mostly it means I'll have an office to use if I happen to be there. Can work from anywhere, really." Keth and Aina are having a meal of space chicken in the mess tent.

Aina nod and smiles a bit more, "Good. Having an office would be nice." She smiles again, then goes back to eating.

Kethren grins "Anyrate, Vessa's main concern was that I prioritize the work I do for Danu, so I'll be here quite a lot. Specially at times like now."

Aina nods again and takes a drink of juice, "She's right. We've got a lot going on and all. Gotta get this place built and settled properly." She glances at him, head tilting slightly again, "So, what will you be doing as a partner, exactly?"

Kethren chuckles "Honestly, I don't remember the fine details at this point. I don't think we actually covered many of them at the time. It may turn out that the details are unfavorable, and I turn her down on those grounds. Don't think that'll be the case though. She's a good person, you'll like her."

Outside, a shuttle comes in for a landing, and a few random Danu NPCs meander out, followed by the distinctive tall, broad form of Alhambra. This is followed by a distinctive, "All right where the hell're the people I know? I ain't goin' off in the woods today."

Aina nods slightly, then nudges her plate away once she's done eating, "I'm sure she is. Looking forward to meeting her." Then she blinks and looks toward the landing pad and a hand lifts, "Hey, Al. Over here. Having something to eat. You hungry? We have chicken."

Kethren grins and waves at Al "Well, sorta. It's pretty close, though!"

Alhambra comes lumbering into the mess tent, perking up at the mention of food. Aina and Kethren are already here, eating dinner. "Sure I'll have some chicken," she drawls, plunking down at the table. "Figured I'd come on by, check on Missy Vessa, make sure she hasn't gotten into more trouble.

Aina smiles at Al, then chuckles as she stands, grabbing her empty plate, "Well, we've been trying to get a meeting in with Katrin. But." She shrugs, then drops off her dirty plate before filling one up for Al. Back at the table she sets the plate in front of the woman, "There's juice and coffee. Would you prefer something else to drink?"

Kethren has a sip of coffee and chuckles "Yeah, things've been busy and less than predictable lately."

"Eugh, politicking, I am so glad I don't gotta go near -that- crazy bullshit. I mean I got my job on the Council but so help me they try puttin' me in some diplo-matic talk bullshit and I will just about deck somebody. Nah honey coffee's just fine," Alhambra drawls, skipping from one topic to the next with barely a breath. "Well just be careful if you go on to that Tavros planet there was some sick folks there I heard."

Aina chuckles softly at Al, then pours her a cup of coffee from the pot sitting on the table. She blinks and stares at Al, "Sick people on Tavros? When? We were there not too long ago...Came back for a bit." She frowns and takes another drink of juice.

Kethren nods and has a sip of coffee, before eating the last of his meal "Yeah, I could deal without the diplomacy myself. Much rather be planning the city. Or even making a set of armor."

"Aw waaaay back like when Missy Vessa still worked for the DeeEmCee. I don't think they're still there. Shit if they was that would make things damn awkward, wouldn't it," Alhambra muses, and then shrugs. "I don't know I didn't go on the trip it was just sick people and crazy shit. You'd have to ask Missy Vessa for the specifics. I was back home on Eiru."

Aina wrinkles her nose and nods, "Oh, ok, so, not recent. Geez, Al, way to give me a heart attack." She sticks her tongue out, then smiles at Kethren, before turning back to Al, "How's the food? Can I get you anything else?"

Kethren drains the rest of his coffee "Not sure if I've heard that story yet. But, I'm sure she's got more than a few left." He returns Aina's smile before looking back to Al "So how's everything on your end, lately?"

Alhambra gives Aina a thumbs' up in response to the question about the food, as she currently has a big ol' mouthful, which she chews and chews before sheepishly replying, "Food's great, I'm okay." She nods to Kethren. "I'm okay," she replies. "Still, y'know, doing work, doin' Council shit, tryin' to figure out whut the hell to do with that robot fox my little sister made for me, and uh oh I visited a preggo buddy of mine Doc Kal out on the mainland, she's about a month away from due and poor girl's having a hard time getting around, but she don't let it stop her none."

Aina smiles at Al and nods, "Good. Glad ya like it." She sips at her juice some more and listens to the two, the smile still there. She considers Al a moment, "A fox bot? Nice. Been doing animal bots myself. Working on one for Sadie right now. It'll be a fox, too." Her lips purse at the mention of the pregnant friend, then she stands and heads back over to where the food is.

Kethren raises an eyebrow at Aina's sudden peckishness, and nods at Al.

"I have no goddamn idea whut to do with it, but it's funny, an' it's like voice commands and shit so sometimes it just does what I say," Alhambra drawls, continuing to tuck into her food. After a few more chomps, she adds, "Next time she comes around I'ma ask her to like teach it to work the remote for the holo, cause I can't figure that shit out none."

Aina tilts her head and glances at Al, "Voice commands too? Huh...Mine are like that, too." A slight frown forms, then she shrugs and goes about pondering the food.

Kethren pours himself another cup of coffee, and just stares at it for a bit.

Alhambra nods her head between bites. "Yeah Sinopa, that's uh, Nix's little sister, kinda awkward there but just 'cause her brother's gone lost his shit don't mean she doesn't need family, anyhow she made me the thing 'cause she worried that I was lonely and all. So uh it does, stuff... I don't know what I'ma do with it but I mean I couldn't tell her no, she's just a kid and it means a lot to her."

Aina nods and smiles lightly, then gets a bit of fruit before heading back to the table. She takes her seat and nibbles at the fruit, "Well, it was sweet of her. Nobody wants to see someone they care about be lonely." More fruit is eaten, then she glances at Kethren, "How ya doing over there?"

Kethren looks up and smiles faintly at Aina "Oh... uh, guess I'm ok. Think I'm just feeling the blood loss again. Or something."

Alhambra's brow furrows, and she looks up from the plate. "Uh. Everything okay? Got real quiet all of a sudden."

Aina considers Kethren and reaches over to feel his forehead, then take his hand, "That shouldn't be bothering you anymore...What's wrong?" She nods to Al, "Hope so. He's just pretty prone to close encounters with the local wildlife."

Kethren squeezes Aina's hand "I'll be ok. I think. Pretty sure." he then has a sip of coffee and looks much better. Nodding at Al, he opines "This place has some interesting stuff on it. It seems to like me. A bit too much, possibly."

Alhambra makes a bit of an 'ew' face, but just a bit of one. "Man I don't know I mean I ain't much of an expert but do you think it's a good idea for folks to be -living- here before you got the local wildlife uh... whatever they do, figured out, catalogued, put on a science thinger, I don't know."

Aina smiles lightly at Kethren, then grins at Al, "What do you think we're doing? Crew are the only one's living here. And we've been cataloging everything so far. The only place visitors are allowed to go to is right here in camp." A piece of fruit is lifted up to her horn, and it looks like something invisible takes it.

Kethren looks up at the disappearing fruit and grins "He seems to be doing well today."

Alhambra is quiet for a long, long moment, eyebrows working like those of a confused, large dog. Finally, she tries a, "Uh. So what's that thing."

Aina nods to Kethren and smiles, "Yup. He's dong pretty good." Then she turns to Al, "Oh, this is Ghost. He's a Kealion." She reaches up, and Ghost hops to her finger, allowing her to hold the little monkey out so Al can get a look, "Isn't he adorable?"

Kethren grins at Al "Pity you missed when he found Aina. That was hilarious."

Despite her size, the next noise that Alhambra emits is -quite- girly. "Aaaaaah holy shit it's a tiny goddamn monkey! Who's a little tiny monkey! Shit where did you find a tiny goddamn monkey that's all like National Geographic and shit."

Aina giggles at Al's reaction, but Ghost doesn't seem so sure and quickly jumps back up onto Aina's horn, "He's adorable, isn't he?" She glances at Kethren and blushes, "Shush...You only remember that cause I lost my shirt..." Her nose wrinkles and she grumbles, "Darn deer things..." Then she focuses on Al again, "He found me when we were exploring."

Kethren smirks at Aina "No, I think I'd have enjoyed that even if you'd remained shirted."

"Jesus on a pogo stick I wanna put the little guy on my head or something," Alhambra continues to girl out, to the extent in which she completely misses the entire thing about Aina's missing shirt. "Lookit his googly eyes. And he's all like camo and shit like a goddamn chameleon? I mean how the hell do you top that, really?"

Aina sticks her tongue out at Kethren, then snickers at Al, "I know, I love that about him too." She reaches up to pet Ghost, who squeaks and just sorta stares at Al, "He's kinda shy. Usually just hides in my hair and blends in."

Kethren grins "He is a cute little fella, alright."

"Well that's okay I probably look like a big ol' bear who could just eat him right up," Alhambra drawls, and then speaking of eating, finishes what's on her plate, leaning back with a yawn. "Cute as hell, I tell you whut." After a few moments of quiet contemplation of her coffee cup, she rubs the side of her face. "Shit, I have had a long-ass weekend. I am tuckered to hell and back. Gettin' -old-."

About now all three people in the tent might notice odd sensations under their clothing and movements of their cutlery and plates.

Aina blinks a few times and twitches, then glances down at the table, "Oh man...Now what...If they're bugs and not tiny monkeys, I'm gonna freak..." She stays still though, not wanting to squish anything that might be crawling on her.

Kethren suddenly looks avery panicy and gets his feet off the ground and onto his chair, trying to look everywhere at once. "Bugs? Theybetternotbebugs. Seenenoughbugs. Plentyofbugs."

Alhambra is still in the midst of pondering feeling very, very tired, and idly scratches her midsection. "...christ," she rumbles. "I musta stayed up way too damn la...te." The mention of scads of tiny monkeys does occupy her attention for some time, but eventually the realization that something is Not Right hits. Slowly, her brow furrows. "...okay that's weird. Feels like shit's like... vibrating. Like I fucked up my PDA or something. Anybody else fee... whoa, okay yes you are, okay, hold up now," with some effort, the medic levers herself out of her chair and makes the universal "easy there" gesture to Kethren. "All right now, s'okay, no need to freak out, man..."

Not tiny monkeys nor bugs, instead out of Al's shirt, probably not really felt by her, what looks like a cross between a kitten and a ferret pops out and curls around the back of her neck, whiskers tickling her ear. Keth might feel the same tickling against his stomach, and Aina might notice such tickling around cleavage area. They range in colors between whites, blacks, browns, reds, striped or dotted. Very small, and sleek, they are hard to see but larger then the camo monkey. When noticed they will make wheep noises and move to quickly to be caught. The party will notice that there is NO food on the table however.

Aina reaches for Kethren's hand, "Don't move. Just stay still, it'll be alright." She gives him a quick smile, then glances at Al, "Don't move too much. No telling what's going on..." Then she blinks and stares down into her shirt, "What the..." Instantly a hand reaches up, fingers cupping around Ghost to keep him safe, "Again with the tickling critters...And inside my shirt none the less!" She squirms a bit, unable to keep a few giggles from slipping free, but manages to keep Ghost 'caged' between her hand and horn.

Kethren calms down noticeably when Aina takes his hand, and then starts giggling at whatever's made its way into his shirt.

Alhambra busts into some more girliness, this time with amusement, that flips rather quickly right back to puzzlement. "Hee hee, y'all are covered in uh. Wait. Hamster kitten ferret sock puppet things god damn what kind of chicken did I eat?" Then, she freezes. "Hol up I think I got one pokin' on my ear. At least I hope I got one pokin' on my ear cause if somebody else is doin' that we gonna have to have words."

The one on Al's shoulder quickly goes down the front of her shirt, Aina's pops up and goes to the top of her head and seems to chat to Ghost, and Keth's just scurries around the inside of his shirt and probably tickles him horribly.

Aina watches the critter till it's atop her head. Not once does she let go of Ghost, determined to keep him safe, "Hey. He's not food. Don't even think it." She reaches up in an attempt to capture the critter, letting go of Kethren's hand in the process.

Kethren rolls off the chair amidst all the uncontrollable giggling from whatever's in his shirt, and lands on his side, totally unable to regain any kind of composure.

Alhambra checks her chair for any errant critters before very carefully moving to sit back down, uttering a helpless snort of laughter as the little creature disappears down her front. "Hey now little buddy, I don't recommend goin' down there, y'all's gonna get caught up in the cobwebs and shit." She leans her chin down, and addresses her now-occupied cleavage. "Seriously man."

The one Aina tries to catch is simply too fast for a Hek, or human to catch and goes back to chattering to Ghost who moves to the edge of Aina's fingers and for once does not camo to Aina's colorings. Instead he looks rather like a male peacocks colors, of deep purple and blue, and seems to shimmer slightly. His eyes now a deep gold. The one in Al's shirt pops up and seems to chatter at her, as though laughing and replying. Keth's is determined to continue tickling him it seems, perhaps because it finds amusement in the action. Should any of the three have the observation skills to notice they might see that the table is ringed with these creatures.

Aina blinks and looks up, trying to figure out what's going on up there. With a slight frown she gets a hold of Ghost and pulls him down to eye level. Seeing his colors she blink, "What in the world are you doing? How come you show off for that thing, and not me?" Kethren gets a glance and a few blinks, then she focuses on Ghost again.

Kethren keeps giggling uncontrollably, but manages to pop open a button on his shirt, rather curious what the heck is squirming around in there.

"Oh you think that's funny, do you?" Alhambra says to the... tiny kitten ferret thing... and then there's another long pause. "Uh, guys? So all right either we're all totally fuckin' wasted or we're being raided by like kitten ferret fairies or someshit. I am entirely uncertain as to my ability to deal with this right now 'cause I am already feeling wiped. And now I feel like I spent the weekend at my mom's getting a secondhand high from all the goddamn hippies."

And suddenly the one that was on Aina's head is on her hand and chattering to Ghost once more, soon Ghost replies and the kitten ferret thing is gone. The one in Al's shirt pats her jaw and chitters in amusement and dives back into her shirt and seems to disappear. It doesn't of course and is still there but would be unfelt and hidden. No finding this stow away. Keth's stops tickling him and chitters as it goes onto his chest outside of his shirt and seems to be laughing.

Aina is about to reach up and hide Ghost in both hands when the ferret thing vanishes. She frowns and cups Ghost in both hands anyway, and glances at the other two, "Where'd it go?" She focuses on Ghost again and peers at him between her fingers, "You ok in there? What was that all about, mister? You ok?" Now she glances at the other two again, "You alright? What just happened?"

Kethren has finally stopped giggling now that the thing is on the outside, mocking him. He smiles at it anyway, and holds his left hand out in as friendly a gesture as he can manage.

Alhambra sits there for a minute, looking tired and puzzled. "Man, I don't know. I got tired like after Thanksgiving dinner at ma's and then we got raided by some kinda alien fuzzy giggling things. Although I suppose they ain't technically aliens here on account of it's their planet and all. I don't know where they went, neither. Well except for that guy." She points at the one on Kethren. "Fast little shits, I tell you whut. Still pretty cute and all. And hell I still got my wallet, so we're good."

Ghost blinks at Aina and tries to look innocent it seems as he turns back to his camo green and blinks adorably. He chatters in answer and waves his little hands around in enthusiasm. Keth's looks thoughtful for a moment before nuzzling his hand and then appears to be gone, but like Al's is still with him, just that he won't find the little guy. Aina's is much the same but the surrounding ones are gone gone, or so it would seem anyway. One might notice that as any of the three sit down to eat, at least a quarter of their food will disappear from one moment to the next. Regardless of what planet they are on.

Aina watches Ghost go back to normal, then sighs and shakes her head, "I think you're sleeping in your habitat tonight, mister...I just don't trust that thing..." She reaches down with one hand to help Kethren up, "You alright? Looks like new friends, or something...They ate all my darn fruit...I think after that, I'm gonna put Ghost to bed and get some sleep myself." She pauses and considers Al, "If you want to stay, there should be a tent open."

Kethren smiles as Aina helps him up "Now that I can breathe normally again, I feel fine... But what /were/ those?"

Alhambra rubs the back of her neck. "Yeah I'm feeling like that's a good idea, stayin' here," she rumbles with a yawn, and obediently sacks out wherever she's led.

Aina shakes her head at Kethren, "No idea. But I don't think we've seen the last of them. Come on...You've had a rough day. Shall we get some sleep?" Someone escorts Al to a nearby tent, makes sure she has everything, then let's the woman sleep undisturbed.

Kethren nods at Aina "Yeah... let's find somewhere comfortable. I could use some calm."

Aina smiles and heads toward their ship, "Come on. The bed came in. Let's see if it's any good before I lock it in place."

Kethren grins "Sounds like a plan."