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Latest revision as of 09:16, 25 November 2013

Coffin Fit

Summary: Funerary Shenanigans

Cast: Kethren Zu Xanya Alhambra Mert DS-3633

Air Date: December 1, 2654

Setting: The One Tree - Front - Impiruil Baile

No effort was made to hide the fact that the walls of the tavern are made of roots and vines. Spaced unevenly across the walls are many smaller vines, climbing their way up the building, putting forth colorful blossoms at random intervals. The only distinct gap in the vines are around the windows, door, and the sign proclaiming it to be "The One Tree."

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Lunchtime at the tavern. It’s fairly busy, but not overly so. Seated at the bar is a lone architect, enjoying a glass of whisky while his pda sits in front him displaying some changing holograms. Stretched out behind him is that white tiger, keeping an eye out for whatever.

Through the windows, one might catch the shimmer of cerulean light just before a faint thunderclap.

Xanya walks into the tavern and looks around for a bit. She heads to the bar and orders her favorite drink, Starberry milkshake. When she sees the shimer of cerulean light she heads over to the nearest window to see what it could be.

Zu is in the tavern himself, a ways off from the architect currently, and looks to be enjoying his own lunch of a bowl of mixed fruits before hearing the thunderclap, and turning to glance that way, apparently not thinking much of it.

Kethren blinks at the flash and hops off the stool, whisky in hand, as Nuala slinks out of the way so he can go look out a window. “Ooo… don’t think I’ve had a chance to see the local thunder storms.”

Outside, in the middle of the Impiruil Baile colony’s downtown, stands a spiky-looking metallic cylinder. It’s about thirty feet long, with Hekayti markings and a wedge-shaped viewport near the pinnacle of the cone at the top of the cylinder. Through that viewport, one might be able to make out a mummified figure with horns coming from the skull.

Xanya sees the cylinder and wonders who it might be that choose to use the down town area to land over the field. She walks out of the tavern to head over to the cylinder so she can great whoever might be inside the cylinder.

Zu flaps over now, about when Kethren mentions storms, apparently wanting to get a look himself, but upon seeing the enormous cylinder he rubs at his face a bit and mutter, “Son of a bitch.” Looking to Kethren he says as Xanya starts leaving, “BEst go see what the damage is.” With that he’s following Xanya.

Kethren sighs as he heads for the door just behind the others “Whatever that is, it can’t be good.”

The occupant of the cylinder doesn’t seem to be in any condition to greet anyone. Dead and mummified, though, he makes an irresistible target for gawkers who use their PDA cameras and holovid orbs to capture still images and footage of the object and its occupant.

Xanya slowly walks over to the cylinder and starts to examine it. Using her knowledge of enginineering and ships design, she walks around the metalic cylinder to try and find out what this is that only moments ago landed in the down town area and what it’s function is. For now she takes no notice of the occupant inside.

A large crowd seems to be gathering around the spiky metallic cylinder with the mummified Hekayti corpse inside it, right in the middle of the new downtown on Impiruil Baile.

Zu will unholster his weapons as he approaches the cylinder, looking around the ship to see what he can. To the crowd gathered he yells to disperse, and that, “There is nothing to see, here, go back to your business.” A small scowl has formed upon his face as he goes to investigate the corpse, weapons ready for any surprises.

“Nothing to see?” That gets a harsh laugh from a man with a holovid orb camera bobbing along behind him. “Thing just showed up outta nowhere! That ain’t nothing.”

Alhambra comes moseying into the downtown from the direction of the field, having arrived on the Baile for her usual weekend R&R. Rikki, the little russet-and-black Ser, is perched on the brim of her hat and is chittering excitedly. The two of them slow down, however, when they see the crowd and the cylinder that the crowd surrounds. “…whut in the name of Mary Queen of Scots is this mess?” As she shoulders her way closer through the press of people, her eyes widen. “All right,” she thunders, “Get the bloody holy hell outta my way criminy on a tricycle this hunk of shit -landed on somebody-. Move it, papa-razz-ey.” With that brief warning, she will start attempting to move people who are not inclined to move.

Mert hops happily into the bar with a smile on his face, but it shifts quickly to curiousity as he sees the spiky thingy and the people around it. Hopping close, he hops up and down between a couple folks to get a few glimpses of what’s going on.

Xanya’s eyes widen as she examens the cylinder up close. “This can’t be.” She says to herself. as she hopes around the cylinder to look at the wedge shaped view port and the occupant inside. “Could it really be?”

Kethren blinks a couple of times at Al’s declaration, then sighs “Well, today apparently sucks.” As he takes a sip of his whisky, Nuala walks away from him and tries to look menacing enough to get the crowd to back off a bit.

Zu wheels around on the man who’s decided it wise to argue with him and replies to him, and the rest of the crowd for that matter, “I’m sorry let me rephrase that. That meant, you’re all intruding upon a federal level investigation currently, and that if you don’t comply to leave, I’ll be having guards escort you away.” The bat looks quite serious, and irritable at the moment, pulling out his radio to call for crowd control guards almost immediately just in case some stragglers remain. Before looking from Al to the bottom of the ship to find the landed on person, stating simply, but loudly enough for all present to hear into his radio, “Alhambra stays.” Before he goes back into the ship to look around.

The cylinder is little more than a glorified coffin, a probe of some kind, with Hekayti markings along the hull.

The man with the holovid camera reaches up to snatch the orb from the air, scowling after Zu, but when the guards start approaching, the crowd begins to disperse.

Alhambra chuffs, as she crouches to see if the boot is attached to anything -living-. “Thanks, man,” she grunts at Zu, as Rikki disappears under her hat with a “CHRFF” of disapproval. “Jesus Criminy Rice Krispies Christ.”

Mert’s smile fades a bit, but curiousity gets the better of him and he hops back.. but just a bit to still see what is going on. “Hekayti in a box… ” he mutters, his expression shifting to worried. “Not good.. not good.. not good… not good…”

Xanya shakes her head. “not just a box. It’s an old Hekayti probe, probably a few centuries old. Looks like the one that went missing from New Lotor. But… what is it doing out here? and how did it get here?” She says as she keeps examening the cylinder.

DS-3633 steps into the tavern. It takes a quick moment to scan the room before stepping to the side to observe the situation, choosing not to approach at this time.

Zu nods at Al and looks once mroe to make sure the crowd is dispersing as he adds to nearby council members, “We need to make sure none of them that got pictures post it to the informatrix yet. The Heks find out about this, I want it on our terms. Any ideas?” He asks this while flapping down next to Al to try seeing just what this boot is. Just for the sake of making sure he squezzes the end of it to check that there is a foot in there.

Apparently nobody cared about an angry tiger, so Nuala returns to Keth’s side. For his part, Keth looks particularly irritated. “How the hell are we supposed to claim to be neutral with THAT here!?”

“They’ll be mad… very mad.” Mert says. “They’re stubborn… they never listen.”

Xanya shakes her head at Zu. “No idea’s about to best to inform the Hekayti about this. I don’t even know how it got here. I saw a shimmer and heard a thunder clap.” she says thinking. “Maybe it got rifted to this place?”

“Let the shitheads come and pick it up then,” Alhambra drawls, rising now that it’s been at least partially determined that there is not in fact a survivor to be taken care of. She rummages around in her coat and produces a battered pack of cigarettes. “If’n they bitch, I don’t know, just get ‘em off on a rant about folks getting married or something…”

Kethren glances over at Al “Oh, yeah. Like we need to give them /more/ reason to meddle in my affairs.”

Zu gives a small sigh and asks, “Would somebody kindly give an order to shut down connections to the infomatrix for a few hours if we can, then? I’m not letting the Heks find out about this from some social networking site.” He’s rather angry about this, apparently, as he adds, “No, if the Heks find out about this, it will be because one of us told them.”

“Not -you-, Keth, I know I’m stupid but I’m not a complete cheese-for-brains. I just meant in -general-. It’s not like they ain’t always on the news complainin. Maybe I’ll tell ‘em my boyfriend wants a house cat. That oughta distract them for a few hours while they dig up a bunch of folks to complain about the environmental impact,” Alhambra snorts, stuffing the cigarette into the corner of her mouth and rummaging around for a lighter. “An’ who knows maybe by then this holy sardine can will have hopped off to its next destination.”

DS-3633 steps forward, “Excuse me, if you need assistance with a computer network, I may be able to help. What is the purpose of this request?”

Zu looks over to DS, apparently willing to accept help for something crucial says, “We need to stop anybody from posting pictures or video about this to the webs. If we don’t the Heks may well try and claim this as their planet. If you can stop those signals from going out, I’d be grateful.” It’s followed by a call, presumably to somebody able to shut it down. And thought he does make an exceptionally good lie for the reason, it still isn’t good enough to get them shutting down. He’s looking at DS rather hopefully at this point.

DS-3633 nods its head, “Understood. This unit will attempt to access the network.” It stands still and silent, its ‘eyes’ occasionally flashing a pale light.

Mert hops over closer to Alhambra. “Is this gonna cause bad things?” he inquires, still glancing at the tin can.

Xanya sighs a bit at Zu’s words. “The Hekayti won’t claim this planet will they? I mean. it’s not theirs, we found it first.” She says a sounding worried of what might come of this and looks to the old Hekayti probe.

“Aw no, sweetheart,” Alhambra drawls to Mert, blowing a plume of smoke away from the conversation. “For one, the thing wasn’t there when we all got here ’cause I think we woulda noticed. For two, obviously the dang thing’s moving around somehow so they’re gonna have to figure -that- shit out first…” She rotates her shoulder with a soft groan. “An’ for three, I don’t reckon the Heks would give this planet the respect it deserves and therefore would be more than a lil’ bit rudely surprised when, oh… they tried some of that pushy bitchery on the killer fog, yeah?”

DS-3633 shakes its head. “Apologies. I am unable to affect this network. This units security protocols are out of date for this sector.”

Kethren sighs as he takes a seat on the tiger that has moved behind him for that purpose. “I know, Al. Their marriage stance is just… a bit of a sore spot for me.” And turning to glance at Xan “Xan, I really don’t care if they try and claim this world. It’s our home, and they are not taking it.” Floriana then decides to peek out of his collar, having apparently been hiding in there for some time. She looks suitably appreciative of his sentiment. And with the mention of fog, Keth visibly shudders, before downing the rest of that whisky he took from the bar.

Xanya sighs again to keth and Alhambra. “I see this world as my home as well. I will not be giving it up to the Hekayti.”

Zu sighs a bit rubbing at his face, replying, “Okay, we can’t stop this.” Looking to his fellow councilmembers, and even Alhambra seems to be getting recognized by him at this point, “Next option, I believe. We burn it, call any video of it a hoax, and let the Heks try and prove it. They may be stubborn but even they won’t start shit over a rumor they can’t prove.”

DS-3633 steps back to the sidelines. “If this unit can be of assistance, please inquire.” With that, it returns to observing the situation.

“Well. I reckon the can of asshole’s moved before. Stands to reason it would move again, right? Xan, can you and the other geeks figger out how it got here? Then we can chuck it, maybe leave it back on Hek Prime, that’ll really get their horns in knots,” Alhambra muses, taking another hard drag on her cigarette. “Unless somebody else has got a planet we don’t particularly like.”

Mert nods to Alhambra. “That’s good… there’s too many bad things going on. I don’t like bad things.” He glances at the probe again, but the mention of destroying it seems to worry him as his face shifts to an expression of concern.

Kethren rolls his eyes “We’re not going to burn the thing. Have a little respect for the hard headed idiots. Al’s right. What we need to do is figure out how it got here… and probably plan to get some defenses built pretty soon. As I said, I am /not/ letting them take this world. Anyone have scanning equipment that’d be particularly useful for this?”

Xanya shakes her head to Zu. “no zu. I won’t be a part of barying and covering up the fact that it landed here. I’d rather try and figure out how to get it to where it belongs, which is hek prime like Al mentioned.” she looks at the cylinder. “I could see if this device is able to get anywhere on it’s own power.” She says and starts to examen the cylinder to see if it has any kind of propulsion or way of moving. “I remember a shimmer of cerulean light just before a faint thunderclap. perhaps it was caugh in a rift or actualy rifted here itself?”

DS-3633 steps forward towards the probe again. A panel on its arm opens, revealing an integrated PDA. “I will attempt to analyze the device’s systems, if that is acceptable. If any other individual is familiar with this technology, perhaps we can work together.”

Zu scowls at the pair of Kethren and Xanya as he replies, “I don’t think you quite get it right now. We’re currently in possetion of a burial pod from Hek Prime. If you haven’t figured it out yet they are touchy about these things. So touchy, in fact that we’re likely already at the ‘lots of death and dismemberment’ stage of bad situation. We burn it, the Heks can’t be certain it ever existed, and peace is restored to the land. We tell them about it, they become they’re normal bitchy selves, try sueing us for it, or try taking over the planet.” Seems the bat doesn’t give up his plans without a fight.

“If you burn it, you’ll make them mad… very very very very very very mad.” Mert says. “You know the horn heads as well as I do… they are one-minded and can be meanies when they want to be.” he says with concern, bouncing nervously on his feet.

Alhambra tromps around the cylinder, peering at it and leaving a trail of huffed-out puffs of smoke as she rumbles in thought. “Yeah this thinger’s been to whut coulda been New Lotor, then it disappeared for a bit… so it prolly went on tour here an’ there, I reckon, before it landed here. Goddang droppin’ in uninvited…” There is a long, thoughtful pause, as she straightens and peers over at Xanya with a deeply furrowed brow. “…well I don’t recall if’n rifts make thundery noises but if cer-oo-le-in’ is some kind a fancy-ass word for ‘blue’, then that’d be it.” Pause. “Oh for shit’s sake, Zu, you burn this thing and it goes up on the interwebs and they gonna -glass- this place. Get your head out of your fuzzy ass for a minute. Peace will NOT be restored to the land. Also who the fuck talks like that?”

Kethren hops up off Nuala, squashing the holograms back into it before pulling out a hologram of a scanning display as he approaches the pod. “Let’s see what we can see… for a start, is it structurally intact? Moving it might be a problem if it’s about to crack in half…”

For Xanya: The probe has no functioning internal systems. Mechanically, it is inert. It did not arrive under its own power. For Kethren: It seems stable for now, but the hull plates don’t appear capable of sustaining a lot of hauling stress.

Xanya sighs after checking the ship. “Darn. it didn’t arrive on it’s own power. I can only imagine it got here by those mysterious natural rift thingies.”

Zu replies, stonily to Alhambra now, “They may well glass the place either way for us even touching one of their sacred burial pods. Like I said, they will try to make our lives hell for this in some way shape or form. I’m saying we make them unsure enough that no matter what they do, they can’t get on their morale high horse, and if they can’t do that, they don’t get bold enough to try anything.” Another look around, “But fine, if you want this to be settled trying to reason with the unreasonable, I can’t stop you.”

DS-3633 tilts its head to the side, “If the Hekayti wish the return of this probe, would it not be the best course of action to allow them to retrieve it as a gesture of goodwill?”

“Dude, so fucking help me don’t you take that Clint Eastwood motherfucking tone with me, you are NOT going to bank the future of this goddamn planet on making people ‘uncertain’ of whut actually fucking happened. I am not risking these people, this settlement, and everything else living here on BULLSHIT.” Alhambra thunders, turning around to face Zu. “They’re gonna make your life hell for absolute certain if you set their holy can on fire. If this was only -your- yard, I would absolutely let you let it ride on whut you think is a good muhfuckin’ idea. But it ain’t, and I ain’t standing for it. An’ if you don’t like it, you can suck the fire out of my ever-lovin’ ASS.”

Kethren walks around slowly, scanning the pod as he goes, checking the display now and then “…dammit. It’s intact, but it’s not going to be inclined to stay that way if it gets moved… Are any of the riftwalkers around? A telekentic lifting job might not stress it too badly. I’m not sure. I’d like to ask someone more knowledgeable about that… Anyway, as I recall, they’ll try to claim whatever planet this pod is on as their own. And for reasons I’m not going to divulge, I am /NOT/ letting them have it. Nor am I going to immolate their coffin. Even if I thought it was a good idea, I don’t think this material will burn. And if there’s anything they sure as hell WILL notice, it’s a scorched burial pod.”

Xanya sighs again. “Okay, so burning it is a bad idea. Letting them find it here could be a bad idea too. What other options do we have? Lift it somehow and deliver it to them?”

Mert bounces nervously on his feet once again. “If they find it, they get mad. If it is the one from the news, they’ll be even more mad!” he says nervously. “What if they think it was brought here on purpose?”

Zu turns on Xanya now, apparently content to completely ignore Al’s rant about risks, and replies, “Are you fucking insane? What were we just saying? No, letting them no we have it is the worst idea there is. They’ll just yell at us more for moving it.” Looking to Kethren he adds, “Fine, we’ll use the term cover-up literally, then. Bury it. Take it out, far out, into the wilderness and bury it. If nobody finds it, we’ll be fine.” Finally he turns back to Al, “And shaman, I advise you remember that you got to remain here because I said so, and my guards are still very much capable of escorting you out.”

DS-3633 says, “It appears this unit is not needed.” With that, it turns and walks out without any goodbye.

Kethren glares at Zu. “I’ll thank you to not take that tone with my friends. No matter how much you think you’re in charge, you are ONE member of the council.”

“You can’t just -do that-,” Alhambra thunders, rubbing her forehead with the back of her hand and taking a hard, hard drag on her cigarette. “You can’t launch a bunch of shit out into space and claim whutever the hell it lands on. Otherwise I mean takin’ death rates into consideration, even if they just launch their special folks, the Heks would be fightin’ with every damn planet on every side of every rift by now…” She trails off, and points at Mert, thoughtfully. “Well then they’re gonna have to figure out -who- brought it here, ain’t they? An’ well then we can all be mad at whoever brought it here. Presumably.” She doesn’t turn to address Zu, merely adds, “Son, you try and make me leave here and I will show you precisely whut sort of authority the planet gave me. Mister Kethren has stated, and you obviously ignored it because you pay attention like shit, that it is not going to stand up to being moved. So. When the Heks get here, you wanna explain to them why you’re covered in Nestle’ powdered war hero? Do you think -anything- through, or do you just make shit up in your head where you’re a superhero?”

Xanya raises her voice. “Zu!! I will not let you bury or burn it either. That sounds just as bad an idea. AND just so you know NOTHING stayes buried for long. They WILL find it no matter how well you manage to bury it.”

Zu replies simply to Kethren, “Yes, I am one councilor, and last I checked my position was security. Now unless you’re going to take teh time to pull evry councilor up into a meeting on the Cro in the middle of this I’ll thank you to let me do my job.” A look back to Xanya as he replies, “Not if we don’t let them search. Now, unless you have a plan that doesn’t involve trying out diplomacy on the race that makes public statements against housecats, and claims planets these things land on, I’ll invite you to come up with something better than making it look like it was never here.”

Mert looks at his own PDA in his pocket, and looks a bit relieved, but still worried, as the news flashes across. “They know… but at least they aren’t gonna come shooting.” he says. “But after all the stuff with the Lotorians… who knows what they’ll claim?” he says.

“Try the TRUTH, Captain Batshit Crazy,” Alhambra huffs, taking a drag on the cigarette that nearly ashes it all the way to the filter. “I mean I know it ain’t something you’re used to but I can assure you that bullshit is -not- the correct path and it ain’t whut the rest of your Council wants. Now are you going to make Missy Vessa’s hard work into a shit show or are you gonna stuff this fluffin’ up for long enough to get ready for the bitchiest neighbors in the universe to come around for tea?”

Xanya’s eye go out of focus a bit as she uses her neural interface implant to check the news on her PDA and shakes her head reading it. then looks to Zu. “I have to agree with Al. I’d rather tell them the truth then some lie. the truth lasts longer then a lie. Vessa would not want us to do anything that would put this world at risk. I only saw a shimmer of light before a thunder clap and after that this vessel was here. Thats the truth from my point of view. if we tell them that and that we are willing to help them get it back to there home in anyway they see fit, then I think we can be safe from harm.” She says. “But if it does go wrong I will pull on every resources I can to set up defenses to help protect this planet in case it does goes wrong. But I want to do everythign I can to prevent it without telling a lie or hiding something that does not belong to us.”

Kethren nods to Xan. “Do run any defense plans past me first, if you could. I don’t think I’ll raise a fuss, but I do need to be kept abreast of town construction. Also, we don’t want to find we’ve both been building the same things when we might need other things as well.”

Zu sighs a bit at Xanya, as he replies, “Everything but anyhing useful, then.” Then it’s Al’s turn as he’s now heard the news from his own PDA, “Well wonderful. They found that out quickly.” Another sigh as he rubs his face, “Alright then, fine, we’ll do things your way. Somebody schedule a council meeting with their investigator. Let’s see just how insane their claims get this time.”

“That’s some miserable shit if you don’t find the truth to be of any use to you,” Alhambra contributes from the other side of the coffin/probe thing. “See? They already know, an’ whut the hell good would -that- have been if they showed up and you was toastin’ smores over their can of holy relic?”

Wandering in from another part of town with his hands in his pockets, Wu stops a little short of the crowd to join those staring at the 30 foot cylinder. Wu doesn’t look particularly impressed. “Modern art..?” He wonders aloud to no one in particular.

Kethren nods “Indeed. Al? You’re as close to this planet as anyone. You may not be on the council, but as far as I’m concerned, you have every right to be at that council meeting if the be-horned zealots are willing to talk.”

Xanya nods to Kethren. “Of course, Keth. You’re the lead architect here, I will honour you and pass things by you.” She then looks to zu and Al. “I would like to ask you two one more thing when those Hekayti arive here. and actualy to everyone with the urge. No matter what they say. no matter how much you want to. PLEASE, do not use any bad words or any angry tone or such. No matter how much they might anger you or any of us. please stay calm, or don’t speak at all. Could you please do that? For Me,… and mostly out of respect for what vessa has been trying to build here?” Xanya asks kindly to all.

Zu replies to Xanya reasonably quickly with a, “No. If they make their normal stupid claims, I’m going to be replying to them in the manner I think will work best on them. If that involves anger, then so be it. If it doesn’t then so be it. It all depends on how they present themselves.” Looking to Kethren and then back to Al he replies, “Closeness to the planet aside, she’s hardly got any skill with any kind of politics, Kethren. And being close with the planet isn’t going to help much when the Heks come calling, is it?”

“I, on the other hand, know when talking out of my ass will result in a worse outcome,” Alhambra replies, agreeably enough, to Xanya, putting a one-fingered salute in Zu’s direction without looking at him. “After all it ain’t like I been on the Eiru Council for a damn sight now… oh wait, I -have-. And it ain’t like I was the bodyguard an’ advisor to a President… oh wait, I -was-. Well shucks, maybe I ain’t a useless turd after all. Would any of you people whose heads ain’t stuffed into their colons like my assistance in this?”

Kethren smirks and reaches down to scratch the tiger at his side. “I’ve already made my position clear, I think.” After a good tiger scratching, he finally notices Wu and waves.

As talk of councils and Eiru and Hekyati and probe and coffin drift over, Wu stands on his toes (which doesn’t increase his height much), a try to get sight on who’s talking. He has a little more success instead just moving side to side until he catches a glimpse of a face or two through the crowd. Recognition crosses Wu’s own face once or twice, and he quietly slips through the gathered people to move closer to that particular little group. Close enough to eavesdrop, but not to actually insert himself into the group.

Xanya sighs. “Fine, Zu. you can talk anyway you wish. BUT, if your anger management problems or anyone elses for that matter. Get us on the Hekayti’s bad side. I’m gonna hold them responsible for whatever bad thing happens to the planet as a result. Do I make myself clear, ZU?” She says Looking Zu straight into the eyes.

Zu replies to her, calmly toned. “I understand that actions I take are my responsibility, as much as I understand that the same applies to you, Xanya. If Hekayti wrath is brought down on us, it won’t be my doing. At least not mine alone.” Looking over to Al he replies, “Yes, because I send Vessa’s bodyguards on political missions all the time because they happened to have experiance on the school board.”

Alhambra takes the last drag on her cigarette and lifts her boot to grind the stub of it out, all the while rummaging up another one. “You awfully confident that you can do no wrong, fella,” she drawls. “Don’t seem to give a shit about the consequences of your actions. Still. If it is your fault it will -be your fault-. Don’t shit in Missy Vessa’s yard just so you can prove how awesome you are. You ain’t twelve years old, are you? You think ’cause she’s laid up you can just do whutever the shit you want? Come on now. Stop gettin’ all fixed on bein’ -right- and work on bein’ -correct- for a change.” Chuff. “School board. Man if you gotta shit on my work to make yourself feel better go ahead, Napoleon.”

Wu, for his part, is content to just listen. On the one hand he looks interested in the back and forth – from his little way off he watches Xanya and Alhambra and Zu trade Words. On the other, it’s not a firestorm Wu himself looks especially eager to step into.

Xanya turns and looks to the group. “All right, I think we all would want to talk to the Hekayti once they get here. But to prevent it getting out of controll I think it’s best if we pick one person to lead the convertations with the Hekayti and the rest should only advice the one doing the talking. I think we can prevent a lot of trouble that way. What do you folks think? And if you agree with me, who do you propose we should pick to lead the talks with the Hekayti once they arive?” She asks calmly mostly speaking to kethren, Alhambra and Zu.

Kethren smirks. “A senator I may be, but frankly I think Al’s going to do the best job of presenting our case.”

Zu replies again to Xanya, “No. All that will do is cause about another 15 hours worth of arguing over who it should be. We all talk to the Hekayti. Largely because I trust no one person no matter how well advised for a shitstorm like this.” To Kethren he looks after that and adds, “Especially not the woman who isn’t even on the council.” Then it’s Al’s turn for a reply, “I am not confident I can do no wrong. I am confident that I won’t do anything catastrophic enough to start this war if they aren’t already going to do it themselves. As for Vessa being laid up, you can ask her yourself, I acted exactly the same.”

Alhambra lights the fresh cigarette and takes a long, hard drag on it. “I don’t know whut she sees in you. But then again she sees something in that nasty man-skank teatipper, so I suppose there’s no accounting for taste. Besides, you shit on the folks that are on the Council just the same as me, so stop actin’ like that’d make any goddamn difference. The hell cares who you trust? You don’t like nobody…” Tucking the cigarette into the corner of her mouth, she hooks her thumbs in her belt loops and looks to the rest of the council.

Xanya shakes her head at zu. "You don't trust anyone. That includes yourself as well Zu. I know you want to prevent a war breaking out between us and the Hekayti. God know's I feel the same way. But we differ in opinion on how to achieve that goal. So far you came up with idea's that to me sounded like you did not respect the Hekayti and their ways."

Although still listening to the fighting, Wu makes his way around the arguers to Kethren and asks him something in a low murmur.

Wu whispers: What is all this?

Kethren ignores the others for the moment, having already stated his views, and really, Al's doing a better job of makingt he case for sanity, so he leans over to Wu and returns a few whispers.

Zu looks to Xanya first once again, "Because I don't. When their ways cause the evacuations of entirely unused planets they don't deserve to be respected. But it's for reasosn like our disagreeing so much that you won't find me willing to let another go to represent my opinion. I'm going, if you two want Alhambra to cover your asses then fine, but I'm not giving up my right as a council member to be present."

You whisper, "well, the pod there is a Hekayti burial pod. Some warrior they were fond of was buried in it, and it used to lay in rest on the planet recently dubbed New Lotor... things went weird, that crisis was averted, and it's now here, all of a sudden." to Wu.

Alhambra finds a bench to sit on and continues puffing away on that second cigarette, rumbling softly in her throat. Her shoulders are bunched, and her eyebrows are low and knitting together with considerable force. "If you folks want me to talk to the Heks, I'll do it. It might work, on account of I don't have no agenda and I am seriously only interested in speakin' the truth. But if somebody else wants to talk, that's fine, since it is correct that I ain't got no political connection. I think whoever does talk should just be very clear that this thing just showed up here, they are absolutely free to have it back an' put it in its rightful restin' place. I mean it's the truth, and if it'd showed up ages ago when it poofed offa New Lotor then well -everybody- woulda noticed before then. Also I am still concerned about who or whut may be under that thing."

Wu blink-blink-blinks, looking up at Kethren quizzically and then rapidly whispering something back. He still keeps a little of his attention on The Other Conversation, however, especially as Alhambra talks.

Wu whispers: /Really/ weird if it got out from the bottom of a planet's gravity well. Did the people that named it, uhm, just decide the planet needed cleaning?

Xanya nods to zu. "of course you can be present Zu. I will be the last one to take about that right from you. I'm just worried that your ... opinion of the hekayti can get us into trouble and possibly into war with them." She then turns to Alhambra. "I agree with Al that the truth should be told and like Al just mentioned. The hekayti can take there ... presious relic and take it back to where it belongs." She then turns to look to the probe. "now that you mention it Al. I also wonder what is underneath the probe and how ti got there."

Kethren sighs at Xan "Well, if the probe indeed rifted, as appears to be the case... the poor shmuck had the misfortune to be in exactly the wrong spot." With that, he goes to whisper another reply Wu's way

You whisper, "Well, the people who named it were Lotorians... they're seeking a new home world. Fair enough, but that world had been claimed a very long time ago." to Wu.

Zu replies to Xanya, "I'll do what I can to ensure no Hekayti wrath comes our way. That said. Once the unreasonable demands kick in, I'm not going to be rolling over like a dead dog for them. Assuming that they're halfways reasonable everything will be fine." Looking over to Al he notes, "I guess that means we're going together, Alhambra."

Alhambra leans back and blows a smoke ring. "Well I guess that means that these guys are fucked, then," she drawls, grin all wide and bearish. "Between the two of us, I reckon anybody who tries to sling bullshit's gonna wind up with that fancy fleet they wave around stuffed up their asses."

Wu nods once, distractedly thoughtful. And he continues to think for a fairly long moment before he murmurs something else up at the other man. He gestures with a hand towards Zu, Xanya, and Alhambra in the latter parts of whatever he says.

Wu whispers: Well, why can't you just send it back and be done with it? Why is everyone fighting over it?

Xanya giggles a bit and Al and Zu. "with all do respect to the both of you. But I'm tagging along. no matter what happens I want to see it with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears. this is my home where talking about and if the talks with the hekayti get messed up I want to be able to make up my own mind of who messed up."

Kethren smirks "I'm willing to let Al talk, I never said she'd be taking my place." He takes a moment to whsiper something to Wu before turning back to the others "Indeed. If I must assign blame later on, I'd /really/ hate to do it via a third party."

You whisper, "The Hekayti are known to be... uptight. Our concern is that they may want to go to war rather than just retrieve their item peacefully." to Wu.

Zu gives a smirk of his own at Al before replying, "Good, glad that's settled." His tone grows incredibly civil now that the actual arguing is done and he says to everyone, but with a focus on Al, "Right then. We should probably at least try getting on the same page. We all know how this will work if the Heks are reasonable. What's the plan for when the inevitable happens and they aren't?"

Wu's brow crinkles in the sort of confusion that comes with near disbelief as he murmurs something back to Kethren, as though seeking for confirmation.

Wu whispers: They're /that/ trigger happy?

Alhambra takes another pull on the cigarette, and exhales in a bull-like snort. "If they do not want to take the option of finding out how the can of man landed here and taking it back to its rightful resting place, then we do unto them as they do unto us, and get a buncha cameras and broadcast their assholery across the multiverse. Tit for ass, and all that shit."

Kethren leans over to whisper something to Wu briefly.

You whisper, "They sent an invasion fleet to kick off a small colony of squatters..." to Wu.

Xanya thinks a bit with Al's idea. 'interesting idea. We could have camera's around to broadcast the talks so that when tbhings do get out of hand no one can hide the facts of what happend. and if The hekayti do want to claim our planet for whatever reason. I'll be willing to sent up some defence shields to help us protect this world."

Wu's expression turns thoughful once again, but then hesitant as he continues murmuring whatever.

Wu whispers: Oh. But that's not the same as a shooting war. Ehm, well, unless... did they murder those colonists?

Zu gives a smirk at Al, "I actually don't dislike that idea. In fact I'm perfectly willing to have this thing documented." A thought before he adds, "I think we need a neutral location for the first meeting, though. Suppose Pyracan would be willing?" His tone remains very civil, almost nice.

"They like bein' on the tee-vee so much, they can swivel on it. Hoist 'em on their own pee-tard and whut-all," Alhambra rumbles, and then gets back to her feet with a groan. "Zu, since you's in charge of security, would you kindly have your folks set up like a crime scene like thinger up in here so we can assure our honored hornheads that nobody has tampered with or elsewise scuffed the paint on their precious can of Swiss Mister?"

Kethren nods "Oh, yeah. Cameras are fine." and takes a moment to whisper to Wu again.

You whisper, "No... they got turned back by a last minute diplomatic stunt. But, yeah. By all accounts they would've killed everyone." to Wu.

Xanya nods a bit and simply listens for now. unsure of what to add to teh convertation.

Zu nods at Al, radioing the guards once again who get on it asking to the group in general, "Everybody agreeable to having the delegations on Pyracan, or maybe Comorro if they'll allow it. Put everyone on even ground and not have just the native cameras showing the stupidity they reach during this? That way it's all neutral when it goes to the news."

Wu's mouth curves into a faint frown. He lets out a long breath and simply nods to Kethren. Finally done with the questions or just not having more to say - for now - he turns his full attention back to the others' discussion.

"Well if'n they -don't- wanna just take the tourin' space coffin home and have done with it, then yeah, there will be diplomacrap to get through," Alhambra muses, taking another drag on the cigarette. "If'n Comorro doesn't have objections to hosting yet another bitchfest then sure I wouldn't be bothered havin' it there. Lived there for many a year. Or Pyracan, 'cause well Pyracan's pretty excellent and I am fair to middlin' certain that the Heks would not try shit around the Sarr. I seen him kick a hole in a wall once. That was badass shit."

Kethren nods "Either venue is fine with me."

Xanya nods agreeing with kethren. "same here. Comorrow or pyracan, both are fine places to me if it comes to such."

Zu nods at Al, "Here's hoping they do, but you know the Hek's reputa...tion." Seems our Tupai's news app has gone off once more and he adds a nice solid curse to punctuate it, "Son of a bitchin' Lotorians." To any who ask what it is, he'll just show them the PDa screen displaying the news of them wanting to move back in.

"Gee, that ain't suspicious at -all-. Probe shows up somewhere else and the Lotorians are all like 'gosh whut a surprise, let us go and move back to the planet we wanted'," Alhambra drawls, a bullish snort sending smoke pluming from both of her nostrils. "Well I guess we don't -need- to distract them with other shit they are mad at... 'cause there's something now."

Kethren smirks "True enough. But it's going to do nothing for their disposition."

Xanya sighs reading the news. "great. I wonder how thats going to effect the hekayti and how their going to react once they get here."

Zu gives a grumble, almost Alhambra like, as he replies, "Little bastards. Well, like you said Alhambra, it means that they're likely to not be focusing any anger on us." A moment of thought as he notes, "Lotorians are just gonna end up killing themselves over this planet, I think."

Alhambra grunts thoughtfully. "Welp. Bottom line, if the Heks investigate they're gonna see this thing ain't been here long. Obviously we din't take it 'cause it disappeared a dang long time ago and it ain't been here. The evidence will show the truth an' then they can go be mad at whoever fucked with it. Or the Lotorians. Again. I mean I feel kinda bad but seriously them little monkeys keep steppin' in it..."