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Tucked carefully in the lee of the hill leading to the landing pad is the Eiru Medical Pavilion, a square, double-walled silicone-treated white polyvinyl fabric building. The floor is an expanse of bleached fused sand, leading out from the main building into a front entry vestibule as well as a side storage vestibule. The windows are a micromesh netting with zippered rain guards; the vents at the top are protected by mesh and an outer layer to block rain and excess winds. The rear wall is lined with plascrete storage lockers, some refrigerated, and each labeled and locked to prevent accidents and theft. A stack of movable 'walls,' polyvinyl fabric stretched over wheeled frames, is available to create or remove 'rooms' to meet a variety of needs.
Tucked carefully in the lee of the hill leading to the landing pad is the Eiru Medical Pavilion, a square, double-walled silicone-treated white polyvinyl fabric building. The floor is an expanse of bleached fused sand, leading out from the main building into a front entry vestibule as well as a side storage vestibule. The windows are a micromesh netting with zippered rain guards; the vents at the top are protected by mesh and an outer layer to block rain and excess winds. The rear wall is lined with plascrete storage lockers, some refrigerated, and each labeled and locked to prevent accidents and theft. A stack of movable 'walls,' polyvinyl fabric stretched over wheeled frames, is available to create or remove 'rooms' to meet a variety of needs.
      To the left, beside the storage area, is a walled-off section, designated "Intensive Care," and has its own exit to expedite patient transport. To the right is a row of wheeled hospital beds, separated by the same fabric 'walls' on the sides but open in the front. The beds are an older style, with sturdy metal frames, side rails, and feature cranks to adjust the head, foot, or total elevation. The linens are primarily white, with the exception of the blankets; these appear to have been sourced from the local artist's colony and feature natural colors and Pyracani native designs. A small area in the front corner has been set aside for visiting/waiting, and includes some simple tables, folding chairs, and a glass-top cooler filled with bottled water and local fruits.
To the left, beside the storage area, is a walled-off section, designated "Intensive Care," and has its own exit to expedite patient transport. To the right is a row of wheeled hospital beds, separated by the same fabric 'walls' on the sides but open in the front. The beds are an older style, with sturdy metal frames, side rails, and feature cranks to adjust the head, foot, or total elevation. The linens are primarily white, with the exception of the blankets; these appear to have been sourced from the local artist's colony and feature natural colors and Pyracani native designs. A small area in the front corner has been set aside for visiting/waiting, and includes some simple tables, folding chairs, and a glass-top cooler filled with bottled water and local fruits.

Latest revision as of 19:27, 12 April 2012

Medical Pavillion - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~

Tucked carefully in the lee of the hill leading to the landing pad is the Eiru Medical Pavilion, a square, double-walled silicone-treated white polyvinyl fabric building. The floor is an expanse of bleached fused sand, leading out from the main building into a front entry vestibule as well as a side storage vestibule. The windows are a micromesh netting with zippered rain guards; the vents at the top are protected by mesh and an outer layer to block rain and excess winds. The rear wall is lined with plascrete storage lockers, some refrigerated, and each labeled and locked to prevent accidents and theft. A stack of movable 'walls,' polyvinyl fabric stretched over wheeled frames, is available to create or remove 'rooms' to meet a variety of needs.

To the left, beside the storage area, is a walled-off section, designated "Intensive Care," and has its own exit to expedite patient transport. To the right is a row of wheeled hospital beds, separated by the same fabric 'walls' on the sides but open in the front. The beds are an older style, with sturdy metal frames, side rails, and feature cranks to adjust the head, foot, or total elevation. The linens are primarily white, with the exception of the blankets; these appear to have been sourced from the local artist's colony and feature natural colors and Pyracani native designs. A small area in the front corner has been set aside for visiting/waiting, and includes some simple tables, folding chairs, and a glass-top cooler filled with bottled water and local fruits. ~~

The Seamel's armor is off. The top part, anyway. Beneath, he is dressed in his Fastheldian silks. A Pyracani nurse is currently changing the bandage that covers a bite mark on his left hip. The sheriff is submitting to this indignity with patience, staring upwards as if being sorely put upon.

Vessa Harden walks in looking extremely grumpy, she checks in at the little desk and is shown to a gurney which just happens to be next to Lydds, a nurse begins to do the same for her bite wound as Lydd is currently having to suffer through. Looking over to her neighbor she smiles a large relieved smile, "Sheriff, your okay! You had me worried, I saw Marcus yesterday but all I know about you was that you were alive. I am happy to see that you are whole as well."

"It is a small matter," the ex-noble replies with a smile as the nurse finishes up and moves on. The Fastheldian readjusts his clothing and prepares to re-armor himself. "I am quite whole, indeed. I must confess no small amount of concern for your own well-being, after I saw you fall. Granted, once you were spirited away, I must confess I had other matters on my mind."

Vessa Harden laughs softly with a nod, "Oh I couldn't imagine what those other matters would be. Certainly not the masses of irritable, black furred, large fanged beasties." she says in a teasing tone, "Couldn't be that." she turns more serious, "I am sorry you and Marcus had to face that alone, Maina was dealing with fresh memories of a very similar situation and allowed her concern for me to overcome everything else. I tried to go back but when I got here they tackled me, sedated me, then taped me to a gurney." the nurse glares at Vessa at these words but just finishes the process with a sniff and moves on.

"You were wounded," Lyddmull replies, shaking his head emphatically, "Mistress Maina did the right thing. The gentleman and I are well-experienced in fighting those creatures. In fact, they nearly destroyed the land near my home when I was a child."

Vessa Harden looks at the shoulder and sighs, "I hate being wounded, it is so inconvenient. Want to know something odd? When on a mission for work, I excel and never have trouble but ohhh boy, all I have to do is take a hike up a mountain and I become a chew toy. Same for every wound I have had around here, it is always when I am relaxing that I get hurt." she shakes her head then looks over at Lydd, "Your home? How did they get here? I thought you were rifted in?"

"If I could be rifted here," Lyddmull replies, smiling awkwardly as he begins latching up his breastplate, "It stands to reason that they could as well. As well as any number of other creatures of far less friendly nature."

Vessa Harden nods agreeably enough, "That is true, but in such numbers?" she sighs and hops off of the gurney giving it a look of distaste before turning back, "Sheriff, I have to say that you showed truly impressive skills. You are a true warrior and I can only hope to someday be able to match such skill. I wish I had made a better showing myself."

"That was a small party, actually," the baron replies with a grim lowering of his eyebrows. He lightens up a bit at the compliment and dips his head in gratitude. "Skill alone is mark of a warrior, though Mistress," he says, smiling faintly, "You showed great courage and stood firm where many would have panicked. A cool head under pressure is worth more than all the skill in the world."

Vessa Harden frowns, "That was a small party? That, is not a happy thought." she gives a small chuckle, "Ah but I let myself be unprepared, that is not something I should have allowed to happen. I was a marine before I rifted here, I have been in war, death is death regardless of how it comes. You face that fear enough times and sometimes you don't run even when you should, but thank you. I hope if we ever have the chance that I can show better skill."

"Do not worry so much about what you show," Lyddmull says, then stops. He gets a bit sheepish as the possible meanings of that statement hit him, but then shakes it off. "I only hope you never again have need to use such skills," he adds, "As I hope I never will as well."

Vessa Harden blushes bright red as she remembers what she already showed, "Ah, yeah." she coughs softly and rubs a hand through her hair, "I am pretty sure that there will be other times where I will need to use what skills I do have but, I also hope that they will be infrequent and not to the level of danger that that situation presented. Are there plans to wipe those things out? They are too close to people and there are no warnings on that mountain. You could probably round up a good force of people and make a strategy to break them into even smaller and more manageable groups, use narrow areas to funnel them, and some serious firepower to blow them away. They are killed easily enough it seems if you can just keep them still, but man do those bastards move."

"I intend to return to the mountains with a sizeable force," Lyddmull says with a nod, "Once I am more fully healed, that is. They are not likely to attack the settlement just yet."

Vessa Harden nods thoughtfully, "A good idea, if you need any help, please let me know." she sighs as she looks at her shoulder again, "This healing thing is already taking too long in my book." she mutters

"This is precisely the sort of thing your help would be appreciated in," Lyddmull tells Vessa with a nod, "I am a fair swordsman, but my skill with a firearm leaves much to be desired."

"I am particularly good with a sniper rifle. If you can get me to a place that is higher then they are and far enough away that they can't mark the trajectory, then I can pick off a good number of marks for you." she nods as she thinks, "I know Everett is a good shot with a rifle too, and you might find some others with that skill as well. Use us to wean down the numbers then you can come in with a ground crew to clean up the rest. Especially if, like I said, you can break the remainder apart into even smaller groups."

"We have some deputies who have mounts that can be used to break them up," Lyddmull says with a nod, "Keep one group busy whilst snipers and riflemen destroy the other."

Vessa Harden grins widely, "That is a fantastic plan. It would be best to wait until I am fully healed, or near to, I can do it with one arm and a stand but that limits movement." she adds quietly, "Otherwise I think there will be a bit of protest from a couple of overly concerned friends."

"And from me," the Seamel says, chuckling faintly, "I do not take the wounded into battle."

"Gah, this is a town full of worry warts." she says with a teasing grin, "Don't worry Sheriff, I am not in any hurry to go into one-armed battle. As terrifying as I am sure the wildlings would find that. But that means that I will be using you as a measure stick of how healed is healed enough." she says with a smirk before going back to business, "We can use this time to start getting people and supplies taken care of, make sure we keep an eye on the enemy and figure out where their home base is. We can probably do that from the air or." she thinks a moment, "We could ask Altor and Arrgh to do that. I don't think that the beasties would be able to take either of them and they could get the intel that us fleshy folk couldn't."

Lyddmull nods quickly. "I shall consider that," he says, rising to his feet and dipping a slight bow, "Light keep you, Mistress. and do get well soon."

Vessa Harden returns the bow, "You as well Sheriff, do take care of yourself and don't work too hard." she says with a smile.