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The cafe is quiet and the servers are moving with quick efficient motions they move to each table seemingly so quickly that the people there didn't realize one was needed until after they arrived. The guard at the door invisible unless someone who does not have authorization enters. Torin herself is sitting at a table with a cup of tea and some paperwork.
Major Nevski sits across from Commander Torin sipping on his chai tea while reviewing the file with an occasional mutter about the rescheduling. He casually reaches into his pocket and loads his his pipe with the tobacco from his leather pouch. He comments casually, "I suppose this is fairly normal, Madame Commander?"
The door to the Cafe opens, and the one and only Mister Morden appears into the Cafe. The forced smile on his face, and hands in his pocket, he quickly veers towards Torin's table. He offers a polite nod, "Good evening." He says.
Torin looks up from her final review and cocks an eyebrow, "What is? Rescheduling? It happens at times, mostly because marks never want to be polite enough to make their lives convenient to us."
Torin looks up at Mordan and nods, "Good evening, I am glad you are here. I have a job but I need one more." She scans the Cafe but more as though she is expecting someone and doesn't seem surprised to see Pyotr. Crooking a finger in a come hither expression she silently calls him over and indicates two chairs at the table, "Have a seat Mordan."
Major Nevski chuckles ruefully as he finishes loading the pipe and puts it away then looks back up to her saying "A shame, I reckon. Perhaps we should send them a castigating letter of rebuke for their impertinence, Ma'am? I reckon the reaction would be amusing at the least."
Nodding to Torin, Morden sits across from his commander. He leans back, crossing his legs. "I trust it is something urgent and important, and something you don't want anyone to hear otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion here."
Torin smirks in amusement, "Oh yes, they would be absolutely guilt stricken surely. Now then, you have about five minutes until it is time. Are you prepared?"
Pyotr Nevski steps over as directed and has a seat as the waiter brings his cup of chai latte. He sniffs at it deeply and offers up a quick thanks to Iuno Regina and takes a sip. He cracks his knuckles after setting the cup down and folds his hands as he speaks evenly, "Good evening, Madame Commander. I trust this will be interesting as usual?"
Major Nevski effects a sagely nod as he replies, "Yes indeed I am. I will play the role of a typical ruffian and relieve him of all his pocket goods to include the target. I have a stun pistol in case he is prepared for such. Sound good, ma'am?"
Everyone has been given 10 Saga Points! Bravo! points brought to you by: Wik!
Torin nods in agreement, "That should be fine but remember, do not be recognized. You do not want them to be able to know who you are or who you work for."
Torin smiles to both, "Why of course, of course. I was thinking a bit of espionage would really cap off the evening. What say you?"
Major Nevski grins widely and replies, to her concern,"What self respecting ruffian fails to wear some sort of concealment of identity, ma'am? Naturally I will strive to engage him from behind per standard lowlife techniques to further minimize the chance of recognition as well, Madam Commander."
The talk of espionage as now perked the interest of Morden. Nodding intently, listening and smiling, Morden replies. "I believe it would. What did you have in mind?"
"Very good, then proceed as I do believe your date awaits." Torin notes with dry amusement.
Pyotr Nevski chuckles mildly in reply at first, an amused glint on his face. "I have nothing better to do, as you may have suspected Madam Commander."
In a nearby park are two men, one wiry framed and twitchy, seeming to watch everything and the other a big muscular man who seems more intent on his PDA then anything else. Neither speaks and the both seem less then thrilled to be where they are.
Torin gives a small innocent grin to Pyotr then nods more seriously and hands a file to each of the men, "Inside you will find particulars of a certain pair, each have a disk we want, they both need to, lose, those disks without them knowing how they did so. I will stay here and direct you remotely. Do not let them know it is you, I don't care how you do it so long as neither dies and neither know who has the dsk. Understood?"
Major Nevski nods taking a long drink from his tea before setting down and rising to his feet to salute her properly. "By your leave, Madame Commander." He then turns on heel to head to the door, taking a subtle inventory of his possessions to ensure what he has on his person on the way out and indeed confirming them. He heads casually to the park keeping an eye out for his target.
Pyotr Nevski raises his brows in mild surprise and runs a hand through his hair in consideration. He asks quizzically, "Would it be out of line to inquire when I fell under consideration for potential in matters of...delicacy?"
Major Nevski spots them and begins working his way to behind them, not doing anything different from what he had been doing since stepping out of the cafe. His hands are in his pockets where he palms a cap and sunglasses, donning them and pulling the cap down low to ensure that he is not recognized. It is a simple cap bearing the logo of the local rugby team. Once he is within a couple moments walking distance he turns to survey his surroundings in final preparation as well as to reduce any immediate suspicion without regard to whether he has been detected.
Morden nods, looking at the file. "You take all the fun out of this if no one can die." He muses jokingly, as he reads the file.
The two men pause briefly and look in a certain direction. Oh what is this? It seems that there might be others about but the good Major can see that there are two others, noticeable by their apparent unenjoyment of the evening in a lovely park with birds and flowers, and oh yes one just sneezed. These fine folks are also dressed in bland clothing that shows no taste. These two keep their eyes moving for anything that could be out of the ordinary around their charges. Pyotr might also note the ice cream stand nearby that might be of use.
Major Nevski steps on over to the ice cream stand, deciding to observe the group for a couple minutes casually in the event that at least one of them should depart to use the bathroom or something. He orders a vanilla and chocolate swirl and immediately returns to where he was as he proceeds to briefly enjoying the afternoon, mentally plotting how to go about this escapade while noting the positions of the others in his vicinity and keeping his face low to minimize his profile, muttering to himself in martian about how bright it is today.
Torin grins to Pyotr, "Yup it would. Just know that if you pull this off and do it well that your career might actually mean more then you know. Oh and don't ask questions." she smiles at him sweetly then says, "Any /valid/ questions?" she winks at Mordan, "Oh I know but them being dead makes the game less fun in the long run."
One of the two guards sneezes again, what is this? Some muttering I think on allergies, the other scowls at him and sighs before pulling the man over to a nearby drug store, talking into his cuff as he does, the thin mark nods and gets twitchier.
"You take all the fun out of everything, you do know that?" Morden says jokingly again, chuckling. "No questions. We shall not fail, as failure is not acceptable."
Major Nevski grabs his mark around the neck in a modified sleeper hold, shoving his icecream into his face and spinning him towards his body guard as well, taking care not to do serious harm as he does. He sharply commands the body guard to get on the ground in martian, not caring that he probably cannot understand him, but he emphasizes the point by gesturing at the ground with his head while lightly pulling up on the mark's head menacingly. He notes with secret glee that the man has nothing in hand to argue the point.
Pyotr Nevski chuckles and smirks as he takes the file and studies it momentarily before setting it down to look back to her while shifting tactile preference to his chai latte that he had been neglecting for the past couple moments. "Very well then, since you put it that way. I suppose there is a prearranged ideal location for their apparent misfortune, Madam Commander?" He then takes a sip from his drink.
The Schmuck twists out of the sleeper hold and begins to move back reaching into his jacket as he does so, the guard decides that this is a good time to attack the attacker and tries to punch the good Major.
Torin smirks at Morden, "Well yeah, that is why they pay me the big bucks." To Pyotr she grins, "Read the file man, it is all in there. The frequent a park around here, you should probably do it then as there is always someone going about but enough places to do the deed quietly."
Major Nevski attempts to defend against the other man's punch and counter with a grapple on him in turn to defend against what he suspects is going to follow from his mark by taking him as a shield.
Pyotr Nevski sets his cup down after taking one more sip, then flips open the file and glances through it at the particulars of the assignment while clearing his throat. A mild smirk tugs at his features as he does so and he glances across at her to mention, "Well, seems simple enough, I reckon."
Major Nevski successfully blocked the punch but embarrassingly fumbled on his grab attempt. He is starting to get frustrated at this entire affair and begins considering the fact that only the mark was explicitly required to survive.
Torin nods more seriously this time, "Just remember, don't get caught, don't kill them, and get the disks. I don't care beyond that. We do not want this coming back to us."
The mark does look about to pull a weapon until he realizes that this will cause a scene and, oh look, the park is empty. Out comes the pistol. "Get on the ground." He says clearly in unaccented speech, "I think you will be coming with us. We do not track with thieves." The guard reaches down to try and pull Pyotr up, and attempts to remove his disguise.
The cafe is not busy, but neither is it deserted. The guard at the door doing a damn good impression of a shadow when not needed and the servers like ghosts with ESP. Pyotr is at Torin's table with a folder, another is sitting by her and she seems to be waiting still for someone as Pyotr reads his folder. The man himself has a chai tea before him, and Torin has a cup of black tea with proper milk and sugar of course. Torin then looks surprised a moment as she is handed a small sheet of paper and nods, "Well it seems I will be heading out to get a disk myself, with partner. This will be fun." Torin says with an excited grin.
Major Nevski understands fully that failure is not an option here and is wearing armor underneath his clothing. He rushes the man to try to knock him to the ground and overpower him understanding that only he actually has a gun out at this point.
Rissa saunters into the cafe, wearing her typical 'uniform'. Of course, her typical uniform doesn't really bear any insignia or other identifying markings. She takes a quick glance around the cafe before striding over to Torin's table. She flicks a bit of hair back over her shoulder and gives a little smirk, "This seat taken?"
The Schuck watches in bemused amusement as Pyotr rushes past him looking rather distracted at that. He indicates the guard should go get the good Major and stands covering Pyotr. This is a Schmuck who doesn't want to get his hands dirty.
Pyotr Nevski smirks and sits back in his seat with a mild air of triumph seeing this new development as he sips on his tea then glances up at his Boss. He looks between the two of them and sets the cup before him and clears his throat. "Well, pleased to this little convention of ours expanding properly."
Major Nevski is cross at this point, and turns to try to deflect the oncoming attacker once again. He moves to try to sidestep then shove him back at the schmuck wondering how much longer his bad luck would last this evening.
Torin waves to the chair and holds out a file, "Oh and I am not sure if you have both been briefed or not. This building is the only place we can speak with any freedom about missions. It is impossible to record in here and only those of appropriate clearance can enter. Anywhere else and it is not so secure, including the castle."
The guard dodges the attack and moves to punch this dude out. The Schmuck seems to think this is free entertainment.
Rissa nods and pulls her chair back, slipping into it, "I've received only cursory information thus far. Little more than directions to report here." She picks up the folder and flips it open, "So what is the op? Anything exciting? Someone need 'removal'?"
Major Nevski is thwarted yet again and knocked back by the rushing attacker and prays that his commander isn't off somewhere watching him make a fool of himself. He moves to defend this next punch by brushing aside the fist with a raised elbow, which would translate yet again into an attempted redirect at the schmuck.
Pyotr Nevski chuckles sardonically at her initial line of questioning, "Would that that were the case, Madame Commander..." He leaves it at that. He then clams up and goes back to reading the file for himself and drinking his tea in silence.
Poor Major Nevski gets a good punch to the shoulder, yay for being tall. The guard gets to punch armor and mutters a curse. Schmuck is less then impressed by that but figures that his guard can be whipped later. Once done with happy curses the Guard attempts to kick Pyotr's legs from under him.
Torin smirks and shakes her head, "Well exciting maybe but no offing. We need them to stay alive and completely clueless as to who nicked em. We need to get some disks and it seems agent Mordan had to leave for assignment, that leaves his mark to us. This one is harder then HQ initially thought so they are sending us both Rissa. Feel like a sexy tag team?"
Major Nevski attempts to drop down to a knee as he perceives the man attempting to sweep him. He mutters a small prayer to his goddess to try to amend his ill fortune this evening, in martian as per his ruse.
Rissa leans forward and purrs low in her throat, "Oh yes.. but do you think you can handle a sexy tag team with moi?" She winks to Torin, then licks her lips, "I can be a bit.. hard to keep up with.." She casts a glance at Pyotr to see his response. Secretly hoping to make him a bit uncomfortable.
Major Nevski follows up this by trying to snatch his leg and bring him around towards the schmuck to capitalize on his hopeful break.
Pyotr Nevski has a deadpan look on his face as his eyebrow reaches to the ceiling. He raises his file to block the view and comments, "Do I need leave you to privacy, ladies? Not that I mind, of course..."
And the Guard is down firing randomly as he is pulled into the Schmuck who cannot defend. The Schmuck fires his pistol in surprise and thankfully for the guard, he just makes it out of the way. The Scmuck tries to pull the guard off of him and out of the way, anger now in his face he aims at Pyotr.
"Oh, I think I can keep up. If for nothing else you can distract them with your sexy and I can nick the disk, either or." Torin says with a grin to Rissa then laughs at Pyotr, "No need. Now then we ahve work to do, Questions?"
Major Nevski attempts to rush headlong at the schmuck, his Marine training superior to the intimidation of corporate yuppie with a gun especially with his armor present beneath his clothing.
Rissa laughs lightly at Pyotr's response, "Oh, I'll try to keep myself under control while you're around. I was just having a bit of fun." She lifts the folder back up, scrunching her nose a bit, "So we sneak in, nick some disk, sneak back out and no one's the wiser? Sounds fun. Who's the target and when do we move?"
The good Major is shot in the shoulder and the Schmuck dodges to the side. The guard meanwhile rushes at Pyotr.
Pyotr Nevski just shakes his head ever so slightly and sets his folder down and clicks his tongue a couple times before replying, "Oh I have no worries..."
Major Nevski takes the shot with a grunt and turns to meet the guard's rush without skipping a beat by catching him then he would try to finish this by bringing his elbow down on the back of his head for the annoyance he gave him.
Torin chuckles then says to Rissa, "They carry them with them always so we have to take them off of the people involved, we get the toughie and Pyotr gets the other one. Not sure who has the real disk so we have to take them both. We can't kill them and we can't let them know who we are. So we can't be seen either."
And the guard is OUT for the count. Beaned on the head with an elbow. The Schmuck is not pleased at all by now and makes a move to aim and shoot at Pyotr once more.
Pyotr Nevski just shakes his head ever so subtley and comments offhand,"The confidence level is inspiring...
Major Nevski turns to swing at at the man if for no other purpose than to put a stop to getting shot for a moment while trying to ignore the pain of his injuries.
Rissa purses her lips slightly, "Got a plan?" She glances to Pyotr and grins, "Hey, when you're the best you can afford to be cocky." She looks back to Torin, "The tricky part is going to be the not being seen."
Dodging out of Pyotr's way, the Schmuck decides to just try and punch the good Major.
Torin nods her head, "Well, they will be in a park in a few moments, the one just across the way as it happens. I can shoot and I can take ours out near the trees if you can distract him. Pyotr, you will need to plan yours out and execute it as we will be busy."
Major Nevski tries to do his old fashioned block and counter gritting his teeth as he takes up a low boxing stance, thankful that nothing important had been hit as yet.
Pyotr Nevski grins and sips on his tea before replying, "Well now, I reckon that if I am going to get the simple one, I can take advantage of the crime rate around here. They should know better than to frequent the park after dark."
Major Nevski successfully blocks his attack and throws a hard left uppercut targetting his jaw that misses once again, surprise surprise fighing keanu reeves.
Torin is once more handed a piece of paper and sighs, "Seems they changed their minds. Our sources say they are holding a private party tonight. Looks like tomorrow is going to have to do. Meet here tomorrow and we will resume." she nods and gives the paper back to be disposed of.
And Schmuck dodges that one, he goes to kick at Pyotr for being an irrition.
Major Nevski tries for the block that will translate into a leg breaker if successful as he drops forward with his superior size.
Major Nevski successfully defends by stepping into the kick and grabs at the offered leg while dropping forward into a forward crouch at the same time intending to hyperextend his hamstrings, a forced instruction in contortion.
And ouch for poor Schmuck, his leg is quite painfully pummeled he is too busy rolling around in agony to do much at the moment.
Major Nevski smirks at the man's agony while proceeding to rifle through his pockets and relieve him of all his present worldly possessions. Just for spite, he removes his clothing as well in the process as he finishes going through individual pockets.
Trying to get away and call for help is the poor Schmuck, oh look here are the other two who went to the drug store. Seeing the goings on the begin running towards Pyotr and Schmuck. Pyotr finds, some credits, a wallet, 3 disks, and a picture of a Demarian trying to look sexy.
Major Nevski tries to run away rather than get mixed up in another scrap. He gambles on his head start in the process of this, taking up everything he had retrieved in the process and mildly cursing and applauding his arrogance all at once.
Pyoter gets away as the other two were too far away to make good. They stop by the guy and seem to begin making calls. Seems their eyes are following Pyotr for as long as possible. Meanwhile at the cafe, Torin has long since died laughing (silently cause she does have an image to maintain) and sits watching the whole thing on a tablet while drinking tea.
Major Nevski eventually rounds a corner and pockets the items while ducking in a walkway between a couple of businesses. He removes his cover and his jacket and proceeds walking towards the cafe where he had absolutely no doubt he would be thoroughly humiliated for his performance.
Torin sits at the table, tablet long since put away and waits.
Major Nevski steps in and proceeds to fingering the holes in his shirt, a nonchalant expression on his face as he sets all of the man's worldly possessions on the table before her."Certainly not my best performance, Ma'am, but I trust he is sufficiently embarrassed presently."
Torin eyes the good Major for a long moment. "Hmmmm, that was an interesting mission you had there Major. I didn't realize that stripping him was part of the mission statement. Emotion should be kept out of missions and next time try not to steal delegate's clothing hmmm?" a smile is trying to tug itself upon her lips as she waves and a nameless someone takes the items except for the disks. "They will be found with no DNA marking them somewhere to be found easily and the credits will go to some orphanage."
Major Nevski smirks widely as he replies. "I was under the impression that embarrassment was the point of the excersise, my apologies Madame Commander. Pleasure to see that some good came of it. Rolling in the dirt with corporate lackeys and getting shot was not at the top of my itenerary for the evening, Madame Commander, is there anything else to tend to?
Torin chuckles and nods, "Yes, your wounds should be seen to. I don't think Zachary is available at the moment but do see about getting yourself to stop bleeding. And well done Major. Next time I think we should get you some backup."
Major Nevski chuckles somewhat as he replies to her, "I appreciate the consideration. Royal Marine training is improv not subterfuge, Madame Commander. Was a novel experience that I do not mind repeating albeit with more success in the future. Good evening, Ma'am." He then salutes her and steps out.

Revision as of 23:34, 23 March 2012

This is the first logged mission by the SHILDS

Sivadian Spy Games 2

Summary: Having been given his orders Pyotr gets to attempt to actually carry it out, here is what happens.

Cast: Torin, Major Pyotr Nevski

Air Date: 09 March 2651

Setting: Black Velvet Cafe - Queen's City, Sivad

Bathed in elegance, this cafe is nothing if not richly designed. Thick carpets, velvet curtains, carved mahogany chairs and tables can be found within the walls of this unmarked building. Next to the door is an alcove, found within is a bouncer who checks each new entrant to verify that they are of sufficient rank or station to enter this cafe, and any unknown is promptly removed.

Serving staff move with efficiency and speed, dressed in clothing that is meant to be forgettable as well as make the wearer forgettable. A bar of rich mahogany, lines along one wall, a door behind going to the kitchens.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Major Nevski sits across from Commander Torin sipping on his chai tea while reviewing the file with an occasional mutter about the rescheduling. He casually reaches into his pocket and loads his his pipe with the tobacco from his leather pouch. He comments casually, "I suppose this is fairly normal, Madame Commander?"

Torin looks up from her final review and cocks an eyebrow, "What is? Rescheduling? It happens at times, mostly because marks never want to be polite enough to make their lives convenient to us."

Major Nevski chuckles ruefully as he finishes loading the pipe and puts it away then looks back up to her saying "A shame, I reckon. Perhaps we should send them a castigating letter of rebuke for their impertinence, Ma'am? I reckon the reaction would be amusing at the least."

Torin smirks in amusement, "Oh yes, they would be absolutely guilt stricken surely. Now then, you have about five minutes until it is time. Are you prepared?"

Major Nevski effects a sagely nod as he replies, "Yes indeed I am. I will play the role of a typical ruffian and relieve him of all his pocket goods to include the target. I have a stun pistol in case he is prepared for such. Sound good, ma'am?"

Torin nods in agreement, "That should be fine but remember, do not be recognized. You do not want them to be able to know who you are or who you work for."

Major Nevski grins widely and replies, to her concern,"What self respecting ruffian fails to wear some sort of concealment of identity, ma'am? Naturally I will strive to engage him from behind per standard lowlife techniques to further minimize the chance of recognition as well, Madam Commander."

"Very good, then proceed as I do believe your date awaits." Torin notes with dry amusement.

In a nearby park are two men, one wiry framed and twitchy, seeming to watch everything and the other a big muscular man who seems more intent on his PDA then anything else. Neither speaks and the both seem less then thrilled to be where they are.

Major Nevski nods taking a long drink from his tea before setting down and rising to his feet to salute her properly. "By your leave, Madame Commander." He then turns on heel to head to the door, taking a subtle inventory of his possessions to ensure what he has on his person on the way out and indeed confirming them. He heads casually to the park keeping an eye out for his target.

Major Nevski spots them and begins working his way to behind them, not doing anything different from what he had been doing since stepping out of the cafe. His hands are in his pockets where he palms a cap and sunglasses, donning them and pulling the cap down low to ensure that he is not recognized. It is a simple cap bearing the logo of the local rugby team. Once he is within a couple moments walking distance he turns to survey his surroundings in final preparation as well as to reduce any immediate suspicion without regard to whether he has been detected.

The two men pause briefly and look in a certain direction. Oh what is this? It seems that there might be others about but the good Major can see that there are two others, noticeable by their apparent unenjoyment of the evening in a lovely park with birds and flowers, and oh yes one just sneezed. These fine folks are also dressed in bland clothing that shows no taste. These two keep their eyes moving for anything that could be out of the ordinary around their charges. Pyotr might also note the ice cream stand nearby that might be of use. Major Nevski steps on over to the ice cream stand, deciding to observe the group for a couple minutes casually in the event that at least one of them should depart to use the bathroom or something. He orders a vanilla and chocolate swirl and immediately returns to where he was as he proceeds to briefly enjoying the afternoon, mentally plotting how to go about this escapade while noting the positions of the others in his vicinity and keeping his face low to minimize his profile, muttering to himself in martian about how bright it is today.

One of the two guards sneezes again, what is this? Some muttering I think on allergies, the other scowls at him and sighs before pulling the man over to a nearby drug store, talking into his cuff as he does, the thin mark nods and gets twitchier.

Major Nevski grabs his mark around the neck in a modified sleeper hold, shoving his icecream into his face and spinning him towards his body guard as well, taking care not to do serious harm as he does. He sharply commands the body guard to get on the ground in martian, not caring that he probably cannot understand him, but he emphasizes the point by gesturing at the ground with his head while lightly pulling up on the mark's head menacingly. He notes with secret glee that the man has nothing in hand to argue the point.

The Schmuck twists out of the sleeper hold and begins to move back reaching into his jacket as he does so, the guard decides that this is a good time to attack the attacker and tries to punch the good Major.

Major Nevski attempts to defend against the other man's punch and counter with a grapple on him in turn to defend against what he suspects is going to follow from his mark by taking him as a shield.

Major Nevski successfully blocked the punch but embarrassingly fumbled on his grab attempt. He is starting to get frustrated at this entire affair and begins considering the fact that only the mark was explicitly required to survive.

The mark does look about to pull a weapon until he realizes that this will cause a scene and, oh look, the park is empty. Out comes the pistol. "Get on the ground." He says clearly in unaccented speech, "I think you will be coming with us. We do not track with thieves." The guard reaches down to try and pull Pyotr up, and attempts to remove his disguise.

Major Nevski understands fully that failure is not an option here and is wearing armor underneath his clothing. He rushes the man to try to knock him to the ground and overpower him understanding that only he actually has a gun out at this point.

The Schuck watches in bemused amusement as Pyotr rushes past him looking rather distracted at that. He indicates the guard should go get the good Major and stands covering Pyotr. This is a Schmuck who doesn't want to get his hands dirty.

Major Nevski is cross at this point, and turns to try to deflect the oncoming attacker once again. He moves to try to sidestep then shove him back at the schmuck wondering how much longer his bad luck would last this evening.

The guard dodges the attack and moves to punch this dude out. The Schmuck seems to think this is free entertainment.

Major Nevski is thwarted yet again and knocked back by the rushing attacker and prays that his commander isn't off somewhere watching him make a fool of himself. He moves to defend this next punch by brushing aside the fist with a raised elbow, which would translate yet again into an attempted redirect at the schmuck.

Poor Major Nevski gets a good punch to the shoulder, yay for being tall. The guard gets to punch armor and mutters a curse. Schmuck is less then impressed by that but figures that his guard can be whipped later. Once done with happy curses the Guard attempts to kick Pyotr's legs from under him.

Major Nevski attempts to drop down to a knee as he perceives the man attempting to sweep him. He mutters a small prayer to his goddess to try to amend his ill fortune this evening, in martian as per his ruse.

Major Nevski follows up this by trying to snatch his leg and bring him around towards the schmuck to capitalize on his hopeful break.

And the Guard is down firing randomly as he is pulled into the Schmuck who cannot defend. The Schmuck fires his pistol in surprise and thankfully for the guard, he just makes it out of the way. The Scmuck tries to pull the guard off of him and out of the way, anger now in his face he aims at Pyotr.

Major Nevski attempts to rush headlong at the schmuck, his Marine training superior to the intimidation of corporate yuppie with a gun especially with his armor present beneath his clothing.

The good Major is shot in the shoulder and the Schmuck dodges to the side. The guard meanwhile rushes at Pyotr.

Major Nevski takes the shot with a grunt and turns to meet the guard's rush without skipping a beat by catching him then he would try to finish this by bringing his elbow down on the back of his head for the annoyance he gave him.

And the guard is OUT for the count. Beaned on the head with an elbow. The Schmuck is not pleased at all by now and makes a move to aim and shoot at Pyotr once more.

Major Nevski turns to swing at at the man if for no other purpose than to put a stop to getting shot for a moment while trying to ignore the pain of his injuries.

Dodging out of Pyotr's way, the Schmuck decides to just try and punch the good Major.

Major Nevski tries to do his old fashioned block and counter gritting his teeth as he takes up a low boxing stance, thankful that nothing important had been hit as yet.

Major Nevski successfully blocks his attack and throws a hard left uppercut targetting his jaw that misses once again, surprise surprise fighing keanu reeves.

And Schmuck dodges that one, he goes to kick at Pyotr for being an irrition.

Major Nevski tries for the block that will translate into a leg breaker if successful as he drops forward with his superior size.

Major Nevski successfully defends by stepping into the kick and grabs at the offered leg while dropping forward into a forward crouch at the same time intending to hyperextend his hamstrings, a forced instruction in contortion.

And ouch for poor Schmuck, his leg is quite painfully pummeled he is too busy rolling around in agony to do much at the moment.

Major Nevski smirks at the man's agony while proceeding to rifle through his pockets and relieve him of all his present worldly possessions. Just for spite, he removes his clothing as well in the process as he finishes going through individual pockets.

Trying to get away and call for help is the poor Schmuck, oh look here are the other two who went to the drug store. Seeing the goings on the begin running towards Pyotr and Schmuck. Pyotr finds, some credits, a wallet, 3 disks, and a picture of a Demarian trying to look sexy.

Major Nevski tries to run away rather than get mixed up in another scrap. He gambles on his head start in the process of this, taking up everything he had retrieved in the process and mildly cursing and applauding his arrogance all at once.

Pyoter gets away as the other two were too far away to make good. They stop by the guy and seem to begin making calls. Seems their eyes are following Pyotr for as long as possible. Meanwhile at the cafe, Torin has long since died laughing (silently cause she does have an image to maintain) and sits watching the whole thing on a tablet while drinking tea.

Major Nevski eventually rounds a corner and pockets the items while ducking in a walkway between a couple of businesses. He removes his cover and his jacket and proceeds walking towards the cafe where he had absolutely no doubt he would be thoroughly humiliated for his performance.

Torin sits at the table, tablet long since put away and waits.

Major Nevski steps in and proceeds to fingering the holes in his shirt, a nonchalant expression on his face as he sets all of the man's worldly possessions on the table before her."Certainly not my best performance, Ma'am, but I trust he is sufficiently embarrassed presently."

Torin eyes the good Major for a long moment. "Hmmmm, that was an interesting mission you had there Major. I didn't realize that stripping him was part of the mission statement. Emotion should be kept out of missions and next time try not to steal delegate's clothing hmmm?" a smile is trying to tug itself upon her lips as she waves and a nameless someone takes the items except for the disks. "They will be found with no DNA marking them somewhere to be found easily and the credits will go to some orphanage."

Major Nevski smirks widely as he replies. "I was under the impression that embarrassment was the point of the excersise, my apologies Madame Commander. Pleasure to see that some good came of it. Rolling in the dirt with corporate lackeys and getting shot was not at the top of my itenerary for the evening, Madame Commander, is there anything else to tend to?

Torin chuckles and nods, "Yes, your wounds should be seen to. I don't think Zachary is available at the moment but do see about getting yourself to stop bleeding. And well done Major. Next time I think we should get you some backup."

Major Nevski chuckles somewhat as he replies to her, "I appreciate the consideration. Royal Marine training is improv not subterfuge, Madame Commander. Was a novel experience that I do not mind repeating albeit with more success in the future. Good evening, Ma'am." He then salutes her and steps out.