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(Created page with 'Category:OtherSpace_Logs {{Infobox Log |title = Tours and Science |summary = Leu gets to see the ship and Conner gets to chat with Vessa and Leu about future fixes. |cast = …')
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Conner blinks as Zu takes up residence on her shoulder again, but doesn't comment on it, "Ah, yeah. Good morning. And I got right plastered, though I took it back to the room that I was given and drank there. Didn't, um.. Didn't wanna get drunk around a bunch of people I didn't know.. like.. this." She looks down at herself and frowns, then looks over to Kethren and nods, wincing a bit, "It's not /that/ bad. I've had worse." She nods a bit more, "I kinda got it, just took a bit for my brain to process it." She then looks to Leu, "Holographic multimedia? No, we didn't have that kinda stuff but it sounds damn cool. That like a holodeck program or something?" She shrugs at Leu's question, "I dunno. I drank a little water from the sink, but that's all I've had.." She shrugs slightly, trying not to displace Zu on his perch. She moves over to a chair and sits down, slumping and slouching a bit in the chair.
Conner blinks as Zu takes up residence on her shoulder again, but doesn't comment on it, "Ah, yeah. Good morning. And I got right plastered, though I took it back to the room that I was given and drank there. Didn't, um.. Didn't wanna get drunk around a bunch of people I didn't know.. like.. this." She looks down at herself and frowns, then looks over to Kethren and nods, wincing a bit, "It's not /that/ bad. I've had worse." She nods a bit more, "I kinda got it, just took a bit for my brain to process it." She then looks to Leu, "Holographic multimedia? No, we didn't have that kinda stuff but it sounds damn cool. That like a holodeck program or something?" She shrugs at Leu's question, "I dunno. I drank a little water from the sink, but that's all I've had.." She shrugs slightly, trying not to displace Zu on his perch. She moves over to a chair and sits down, slumping and slouching a bit in the chair.
Zu isn't bothered much by the shifting and replies to Conner "Yes, I can imagine. Too many spirits in your system and they tend to possess you, so I hear." He shrugs a bit himself and replies "Not that I can say much either. I was at least a little high off my pain meds."
Kethren nods to Lue "Of course, I meant in no way to imply that you didn't study science. It was more a rhetorical complaint regarding everyone else's disinterest in the nature of everything." He then takes a seat in one of the chairs nearest Vessa.
Everyone has just entered the conference room, Vessa standing near a chair, Kethren sitting in one of the ones nearest, Conner in another chair with a Zu using her shoulder as a perch, and Leu having just darted inside and I presume standing nearby a chair where she can control the holo projector. Quirking an eyebrow she sighs, "Can we keep the substance abuse talk to a minimum? We do have a guest." she nods to Leu, "The room is yours." and goes about placing an order for dinner and drinks for everyone present.

Revision as of 19:58, 17 April 2012

Tours and Science

Summary: Leu gets to see the ship and Conner gets to chat with Vessa and Leu about future fixes.

Cast: Vessa Leucohyle Conner Zu Kethren

Air Date: 17 April 2654

Setting: Deck 2 - Crew Services - <IND Cro na Mthar>

The bottom half of the walls in this hall are covered in a dark red wood, the top half is painted a rich cream and the floor is made of wood of the same type as the lower half of the wall. With the Levimodule at one end there are four doors, two on each side, with an image of the Danu Chroi logo at the far end. Next to each door is a small gold plaque that indicates what each room is. On the right side are the recreation center and mess hall, while across from those are Security and the Med Bay.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Leucohyle has returned to the Cro na Mthar, as promised, with Omicron the security bot apparently on high alert for food-related hijinks and Iota the conveyance bot dragging a small wheeled crate behind it. The crate is filled with some rather interesting relics; hard-covered books, a few rolled-up poster-size sheets of paper, and even a small polycarbonate 'transparent body' model. She peers down the hall, still looking moderately out of her element.

What Leu will see is a crew of many and varied races of all different shapes and sizes. Some take not of her and oogle at her and her bots and some are /far/ too busy being either heading to the mess hall or the recreation center to bother with some odd human person not in uniform. Stepping from the levimodule is Vessa, papers in hand and seems on her way to the mess hall, the crew knowing from experience that she is not paying attention and likely to run into any of them if /they/ don't pay attention, and thus they move. Soon there is a small pathway opening around Leu, rather similar to the parting of the seas.

Leucohyle comes out of her instinctive 'small animal in a bright light' freeze when the crowds finally part with a tiny, nigh-inaudible sigh of relief. "M-Miss-Vessa," she pipes, raising a pale hand in a wobbly hail. "I er, well. I've brought the educational-materials for your transgendered friend."

Those near enough to hear around Leu give her an odd look at the transgendered friend bit then eye Vessa, who either doesn't notice the looks or doesn't care. Looking up she smiles to Leu and tucks her papers away, "Wonderful, I think he is still sleeping off all of that alcohol he consumed last night. Would you like a tour of the ship? We can put the materials in either the med bay or my office if you like."

Leucohyle returns the odd looks from passing crewmembers with tiny squints of rabbitlike disapproval along with an affronted little 'pip' or two. Padding closer to Vessa, with Omicron the Security 'bot keeping a stalwart patrol radius and Iota obligingly toting a wheeled crate of educational materials. The two humans (and howevermany robots) appear to have just encountered each other in the hall. "Er, c-certainly, whatever's most convenient, of of course."

Vessa blinks at the looks going around and nods to Leu, "Alright, we can go from the top down. It was my intention that the design be straight forward but with a ship this large it is never easy to do that." she leads the way to the levimodule and selects deck 4

Leucohyle follows along obligingly behind Vessa, her hands clasped at approximately chest level, not entirely unlike some manner of small animal on its hind legs. The attending robots stay close; at one point one of the walnut-sized Observationals scuttles out from a pocket in her jacket and points its lensed underbelly at the surroundings. "Ah. This is is a rather large ship, yes? I'd I'd mistaken it for a station."

The levimodule ride is very short and soon the doors open onto the bridge, "It is a very large ship. I will have a station at some point but for now we have a planet that will need exploring and colonizing. I am planning to have a tour of the known planets first though, so that people have first hand knowledge about them. Here and in the other universe. Mostly because I plan to expand business to hauling so that the Empire can continue to be funded." Vessa smiles proudly at the bridge. "This ship can handle a lot. We have a fighter squadron that will be docked in the docking bay soon enough too."

"Oh... fighter squadrons... I see." Leu continues moving very very carefully. "Er, what would you need er, a fighter squadron for? Do you do you anticipate any intercultural hostilities?"

Vessa shrugs, "Precautionary. The whole point to me of arming this ship is to make certain we can get away from an altercation but say we are attacked by pirates and they have us tied up, or our electronics get knocked out so the weapons would be sketchy at best, with shields questionable if we didn't have another form or potential protection then it is possible that the ship could be taken, unlikely with the size destroyed as they would also try and take the ship, generally anyway. I want to be certain that I give the people here every opportunity for safety as I can."

Leucohyle blinks a few times, and looks at Vessa just about as blankly as Vessa looks at her when she's prattling on about equations and quantum entanglement and the molecular weight of cobalt. "Oh," she says, somewhat distantly. "Well I I suppose that you'd want to have something like that. I er suppose well that's significantly out of my ken, yes? I er think the closest I've I've come to any sort of military -anything- was when I was visiting with Minister Razorback. That's a lovely station they had, and the Confederacy's cooperation with regards to the er Rift Drive was very valuable."

"We each have our skills. I am rather protective of my people and my friends so tends to be my main focus." Vessa says thoughtfully and then nods, "Oh Minister Razorback has been great. I cannot wait to see the stations and more of the OC worlds. Shall we head to the next deck below? When we get to engineering you can have a look at the rift drive we have there."

"Erwell... all, all right," Leu says, her little fluting voice carrying tinges of awkwardness. Not much for tourism, it seems. "You rather don't anticipate anyone just trying to er, to come and take the ship, do you? Does that happen frequently?"

Vessa indicates the security officers posted around the bridge as well as the crew who are moving about. "The bridge is always secured but I am going to try and have locks installed on this level soon. There is too great a risk for me to feel comfortable that is true. I think I might well speed that process up now that you mention it." Vessa holds the door for Leu then selects deck 3 once both are inside. "There is security all throughout the ship. Particularly in specific sections."

Leucohyle crinkles her nose. "Terribly uncivilised," she pipes, nudging at the faux-marble flooring in the levimodule with the toe of her boot. "Well this is pretty," she muses, reading the plaques as they go by. "So er, 'Guardian,' that's an unfamiliar title, it's it's not the Captain, as well I'm seeing designations for both. What does it designate, exactly? Contextually and er linguistically, I I would hypothesize that it's related to to safety and or security?"

Kethren strolls in from the crew quarters, stretching, then stops when he sees the tour group and blinks a few times. "Oh, hey boss, evening Leu."

Vessa grins at the uncivilised comment and nods at the question, "I asked my people what title they wanted me to go by as we are no longer really a business and not yet an Empire it is something that would need to carry over once we settle and colonize. They voted for Guardian so my official designation is Guardian Vessa Harden of Danu Chroi. It somewhat encapsulates what my job truly is. To guard my people's health, happiness, and safety. I have not yet, but am in the process of, hired a Captain for the ship." she gives Keth a nod of greeting, "Hey Keth, just showing Leu around, she brought some materials for Conner to check out."

Leucohyle cants her head to Kethren as he arrives, and offers a wobbly wave. "H-hello, Mister-Kethren. How, how are you this evening? Er Miss-Vessa is giving me a er tour of the vessel... rather insisted... er." She clears her throat. "Y-yes, I I have some materials with regards to natural sequential hermaphrodism, XY sex-determination and and intersexuality. F-father appears to be on a bit of a 'sabbatical' at-the-moment," my, those Sivadian speech patterns are terribly good at inserting air quotes without the gesture, "So so well Mister Conner will have p-plenty of time to deliberate, etcetera."

Conner was just walking out of the hall with all the crew quarters in it when she heard her name mentioned. She looks a little nervous being out on her own, walking with a bit of a slouch. She moves towards Vessa, "Did you say something about someone showing me something?" She then hears Leu speaking and blinks at all of the sciency talk, "Bwuh?"

Kethren nods at Leu briefly "Oh, things're going well enough. Should have the designs for the apartment complex done soon. If the boss there doesn't change her mind about what she wants in it again, anyway. Finding the tour interesting?" he then regards Conner for a moment "Doing alright today? Hope the hangover wasn't too aweful."

Zu comes out of his own room at the sound of some familiar voices, and appears to be doing better than he was, still bandaged, but not holding his wing like it's killing him to move it. To the crowd gathered he notes as Conner blinks at the scientific talk "Seems techno-babble is still something she isn't fluent with."

Vessa grins at Leu's assessment of her invitation and nods to Conner, "Leu brought you some sciencey stuff about your going from guy to girl and what you can do about it." she eyes Zu and nods at what she sees then smirks, "Hell man, I am not fluent with techno-babble. stuff is right over my head."

"W-well that's all right, I've got pictures," Leu replies to the allegations of excessive technobabble, as serious as the universe is deep. Iota, the beach-ball sized conveyance bot, scuttles forward, dragging the little wheeled crate of actual hard-covered books, rolls of poster paper, and a small transparent 'model of the human body'. With a quick glance around, the little scientist catches sight of the Conference Room, and gestures in that direction. "W-would we be allowed to er, make use of the conference-room, perhaps?"

Conner nods to Kethren, "Yeah.. I found out I can't drink as much as I used to. Luckily I was in my room so I just passed out on the bed. Only woke up about an hour ago.." She scratches the back of her head, drawing attention to her very messy hair, "But I'm fine for the most part. A bit of a headache is all." She nods at Vessa and gives a bit of a smile, "Ah, that I understand.." She then looks to Leu, then blinks at the crate of books, "W-wow. That's a lot of reading.." And oh look, it's batman! "Hey Batman..Yeah, where I come from that kinda talk isn't your everyday conversation.."

Zu shrugs a bit and flaps his way onto Conner's shoulder, though he appears to be trying to do it rather gingerly, to reply "Good morning, then. I take it you dipped into the liquor supply at the party after I'd left?" To Vessa he replies "Does anybody? Only kind I even vaguely understand is the kind that has to do with explosives."

Kethren nods to Conner "Oh, good. Thought the hangover would be a lot worse, as much as you were drinking." he then smirks a bit "I'll grant you that this particular techno-babble's not exactly in my field of expertise, but it's not /that/ hard to understand. Does nobody study science anymore?"

Vessa nods to Leu and leads the way into the conference room, the lights coming on as the door opens, "Of course, this will give a bit of privacy as well as giving you a holo projector to use. I will have the mess hall crew send up some food and drink for everyone as well." Once inside she moves to her usual chair and waves everyone else in, the door closing automatically after the last person inside.

Blinkblinkblink. Behind the flickering greenish lenses of her holo-spectacles, Leucohyle's eyes are wide with confusion. "-I- study Science. Granted not biology but but I have gathered some proximital information f-from Father and the labs after all..." She trails off, blinking some more at Conner. "Erwell, that's wh-why I brought printed media, I I wasn't certain if you would be discomfited by a a holographic-multimedia-presentation. I I could not find any evidence that such technology was available so far in the past, after-all..." Then, absolutely mid-sentence, she switches gears. "Are you sufficiently-hydrated, Mister-Connor? I'm I'm afraid I do not carry any quick-detox, on account of well I do not indulge in recreational-intoxicants." Sniff. Then, without further ado, she darts into the conference room after Vessa, robot entourage scuttling after.

Conner blinks as Zu takes up residence on her shoulder again, but doesn't comment on it, "Ah, yeah. Good morning. And I got right plastered, though I took it back to the room that I was given and drank there. Didn't, um.. Didn't wanna get drunk around a bunch of people I didn't know.. like.. this." She looks down at herself and frowns, then looks over to Kethren and nods, wincing a bit, "It's not /that/ bad. I've had worse." She nods a bit more, "I kinda got it, just took a bit for my brain to process it." She then looks to Leu, "Holographic multimedia? No, we didn't have that kinda stuff but it sounds damn cool. That like a holodeck program or something?" She shrugs at Leu's question, "I dunno. I drank a little water from the sink, but that's all I've had.." She shrugs slightly, trying not to displace Zu on his perch. She moves over to a chair and sits down, slumping and slouching a bit in the chair.

Zu isn't bothered much by the shifting and replies to Conner "Yes, I can imagine. Too many spirits in your system and they tend to possess you, so I hear." He shrugs a bit himself and replies "Not that I can say much either. I was at least a little high off my pain meds."

Kethren nods to Lue "Of course, I meant in no way to imply that you didn't study science. It was more a rhetorical complaint regarding everyone else's disinterest in the nature of everything." He then takes a seat in one of the chairs nearest Vessa.

Everyone has just entered the conference room, Vessa standing near a chair, Kethren sitting in one of the ones nearest, Conner in another chair with a Zu using her shoulder as a perch, and Leu having just darted inside and I presume standing nearby a chair where she can control the holo projector. Quirking an eyebrow she sighs, "Can we keep the substance abuse talk to a minimum? We do have a guest." she nods to Leu, "The room is yours." and goes about placing an order for dinner and drinks for everyone present.