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Sornfin: Standing a story tall, this creature is six legged, shaggy furred, and blue. It has a long ant-eater like snout with sharp front teeth used to cut long grass and grinding teeth in back to consume that grass. These were found initially in the hills.
Sornfin: Standing a story tall, this creature is six legged, shaggy furred, and blue. It has a long ant-eater like snout with sharp front teeth used to cut long grass and grinding teeth in back to consume that grass. These were found initially in the hills.
Ubojiit: A fearsome large cat with razor sharp claws and teeth and glowing golden eyes, these creatures inhabit the caves of Impiruil Baile, generally coming out only at night to hunt. Their sleek black coat conceals them in the darkness, and their extremely photosensitive eyes allow them to see in the faintest of light, while their claws and teeth, both sharp and tough enough to rend steel with ease, allow them to hunt even much larger creatures with relative confidence. They have long, slim tails that help to keep their balance when performing feats of acrobatics or climbing. They are extremely territorial and hostile, but they usually get along with other members of their pack. They can be tamed, but only by the bravest and most determined breeders. Their packs consist of two to six members.
Ubojiit: Fearsome large cats with razor sharp claws and teeth and glowing golden eyes, these creatures inhabit the caves of Impiruil Baile, generally coming out only at night to hunt. Their sleek black coat conceals them in the darkness, and their extremely photosensitive eyes allow them to see in the faintest of light, while their claws and teeth, both sharp and tough enough to rend steel with ease, allow them to hunt even much larger creatures with relative confidence. They have long, slim tails that help to keep their balance when performing feats of acrobatics or climbing. They are extremely territorial and hostile, but they usually get along with other members of their pack. They can be tamed, but only by the bravest and most determined breeders. Their packs consist of two to six members.
[[Category: Impiruil Baile]]
[[Category: Impiruil Baile]]

Revision as of 17:55, 21 May 2012

Impiruil Baile

Image of Impiruil Baile

Universe Hiverspace
Galaxy Ancient Expanse
System Danu System
Coordinates X: -212
Y: -350
Satellites Guardas
Climate Mild, moist plains, forest and mountains
Terrain 30% land
70% water
Population 5,000 Danu Chroi
Government and Economy
Government Coimirceoir and Grand Council
Currency Hekayti Credit
Gross World Product (GWP)

Impiruil Baile


This is the home of Danu Chroi, the seat of it's governmental power and home of it's council and it's Imperial seat. It is currently in the process of being explored and as more is discovered the information here shall expand.


Blue Meridiem: This particular species of mushroom is rather large, the dome about the width of a small Frisbee and about two inches tall. The most notable characteristic about it is that its bioluminescence. It glows a deep blue color, from the stem to the tip, giving off quite a bright light for a mushroom. It is generally found growing around rotting tree stumps deep within the forest, though sometimes they can be found around living trees as well, feeding off the roots, though the relationship seems symbiotic, since the trees are not adversely affected. They have a slightly bitter taste, and their chemical makeup has a similar effect to caffeine on the body. They can be addictive if eaten in large quantities.

Green Meridiem: They look almost exactly the same as the Blue Meridiem, but larger and glowing a much fainter green. They can be found in the darkest depths of caves, but it does not give off quite enough light to see by. They have a musky, bland taste, and can cause mild visual and auditory hallucinations which tend to be frightening in variety in addition to being a stimulant. Unlike their forest dwelling counterparts, they can also bolster ones immune system if eaten in moderation. They are slightly more addictive than their blue cousins, and cause intense withdrawal symptoms, such as fever, vomitting, and vivid audiovisual hallucinations.

Rujan Tree: These trees are gigantic when mature, reaching heights of 100 feet at most, and 40 at least, their bases about 8 feet thick. Their leaves are small in comparison, about a foot wide and two feet long, and flat. The branches of an average tree stretch quite a distance out, though they are very high up on the tree, creating a sort of canopy when grouped together, and large, mango-like fruits hang from the lower branches. Their bark is a deep salmon color, and quite tough, making it hard to cut down. They are generally found in tropical areas, though some can be found in the temperate areas.

Rujan Fruit: Resembling a gigantic mango, this fruit's coloration can range from deep orange to soft light green. It has a thin, soft skin which does little to cover the sweet, cloying scent emanating from within. The skin can be easily peeled or cut through to reveal a juicy, sticky interior that is a bright yellow when ripe, and a light green when premature. It houses up to five peach-sized pits within. It tastes extraordinarily sweet with a tinge of tanginess, and is extremely juicy. It is very nutritious, containing a myriad of vitamins and a small amount of calcium, though it is also loaded with sugars and not very filling.


Feegan: Initially discovered on the landing field, these critters look like flying geckos. They appear to be harmless, and no larger then a normal Earth gecko with bat-like wings. They screech when angered and will attack if provoked but can be driven off.

Sornfin: Standing a story tall, this creature is six legged, shaggy furred, and blue. It has a long ant-eater like snout with sharp front teeth used to cut long grass and grinding teeth in back to consume that grass. These were found initially in the hills.

Ubojiit: Fearsome large cats with razor sharp claws and teeth and glowing golden eyes, these creatures inhabit the caves of Impiruil Baile, generally coming out only at night to hunt. Their sleek black coat conceals them in the darkness, and their extremely photosensitive eyes allow them to see in the faintest of light, while their claws and teeth, both sharp and tough enough to rend steel with ease, allow them to hunt even much larger creatures with relative confidence. They have long, slim tails that help to keep their balance when performing feats of acrobatics or climbing. They are extremely territorial and hostile, but they usually get along with other members of their pack. They can be tamed, but only by the bravest and most determined breeders. Their packs consist of two to six members.