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(Created page with 'Category:OtherSpace_Logs {{Infobox Log |title = And a'dying we shall go |summary = The members of Danu Chroi are given the opportunity to meet something in the haunted moors…')
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Alesia rubs the itchy areas with a whine, and glances around to see to two familiar, if slightly hard to see crew members. Noticing their clothing is off, she quickly takes her clothing as well; though she's not modest, screw that. No. She's getting bare-ass naked, without the blink of an eye. She sheds her clothes, leaving them in a heap, and groaning irritably.
Alesia rubs the itchy areas with a whine, and glances around to see to two familiar, if slightly hard to see crew members. Noticing their clothing is off, she quickly takes her clothing as well; though she's not modest, screw that. No. She's getting bare-ass naked, without the blink of an eye. She sheds her clothes, leaving them in a heap, and groaning irritably.
"What the HELL is this?!" She yelps, looking around with wide eyes, covering her body with a wince. She stares at the puddle, and then at her skin before looking at Xanya with a furrowed brow. "I.." She begins, but then grumbles in reply. "What the fuck."
"What the HELL is this?!" She yelps, looking around with wide eyes, covering her body with a wince. She stares at the puddle, and then at her skin before looking at Xanya with a furrowed brow. "I.." She begins, but then grumbles in reply. "What the fuck."
Kethren will find small bumps under his skin, the burrowed trails visible but quickly fading. The bumps themselves will move now and then, and with each motion they get smaller, already near invisible. All three will begin to feel a chill, a wind that is far from natural.
Kethren will find small bumps under his skin, the burrowed trails visible but quickly fading. The bumps themselves will move now and then, and with each motion they get smaller, already near invisible. All three will begin to feel a chill, a wind that is far from natural.
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Xanya walks to the edge of the fog and starts to slam against the fog wall with her right cybernetic arm. slammign as hard as she and her arm can muster at this time. "LET US GO, YOU BASTERED." She says loudly and filled with anger. "I'M SO GOING TO BLOODY KILL YOU."
Xanya walks to the edge of the fog and starts to slam against the fog wall with her right cybernetic arm. slammign as hard as she and her arm can muster at this time. "LET US GO, YOU BASTERED." She says loudly and filled with anger. "I'M SO GOING TO BLOODY KILL YOU."
Alesia falls to her knees, both from cold, and from overwhelming rage. Tears begin roll down her cheeks as she stares at the ground in absolutely raw, focused loathing. It's an off sight, though, because her teeth begin to chatter slightly as she starts to rock back and forth with a hint of insanity in her eyes. "I-I'll -kill- you." She mutters coldly, gritting her teeth. "I'll bleed you out, smother you with your own sickness." Alesia looks over at Xanya with a creepy smile. "They like seeing us writh like this." She states, her anger growing more fierce and wiping the smile off her face, promptly replacing it with a grimace.
Alesia falls to her knees, both from cold, and from overwhelming rage. Tears begin roll down her cheeks as she stares at the ground in absolutely raw, focused loathing. It's an off sight, though, because her teeth begin to chatter slightly as she starts to rock back and forth with a hint of insanity in her eyes. "I-I'll -kill- you." She mutters coldly, gritting her teeth. "I'll bleed you out, smother you with your own sickness." Alesia looks over at Xanya with a creepy smile. "They like seeing us writhe like this." She states, her anger growing more fierce and wiping the smile off her face, promptly replacing it with a grimace.
  to harden back around the attacking cybernetic arm. Soon it is just as hard and immovable as before, with one cybernetic arm trapped within. The yelling does not affect it. The words of the being however do. Thrummmmmmmmmm thrummmmmm WHUMP WHOMP WHUMPWHUMPWHUMP thrummmmmmmm The emotions flee as quickly as they came and instead an unnatural calm overtakes those within, a soporific fading into an inner gray.
  to harden back around the attacking cybernetic arm. Soon it is just as hard and immovable as before, with one cybernetic arm trapped within. The yelling does not affect it. The words of the being however do. Thrummmmmmmmmm thrummmmmm WHUMP WHOMP WHUMPWHUMPWHUMP thrummmmmmmm The emotions flee as quickly as they came and instead an unnatural calm overtakes those within, a soporific fading into an inner gray.

Revision as of 07:59, 30 November 2012

And a'dying we shall go

Summary: The members of Danu Chroi are given the opportunity to meet something in the haunted moors, something hungry.

Cast: Kethren Xanya Alesia Anshera Shuu

Air Date: 18 May 2654

Setting: The Forest - <Impiruil Baile>

Silvery trunks reach skyward, their shimmering heights capped only by a canopy of luscious golden yellow leaves. Looking up into the treetops, it is difficult to distinguish where one bough begins and another ends, each of the arbors apparently interwoven with the next. Like a vast, natural cathedral, the lowest limbs of the trees are well over twelve feet above the ground, allowing a plethora of bronze-leafed vines to coil and curl through the soil. Downy, gray and brown speckled owls hoot from their roots in the limbs above. Dew strewn spiderwebs string daintily between ivy leaves, and the aroma of fresh rain wells up from the ground itself. Narrow game trails weave between the dazzling flora, leaving stark black lines amongst all that glitters.Licks of acrid green mist flow in from the bog on the south, while frosty, clearing winds blow in from the mountain to the west. A dark clearing in the east permits a glimpse of an ancient tree, larger than any in the forest proper.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Kethren smiles as he leads the way into the forest "You can see, I'm sure, why I don't want major lumberjacking operations to go on here. What we need, sure, but we'll not be exporting our forest, I should think."

Silence seems to hold the forest in hand, the sunlight trickling through leaves to shimmer with undulating shadow and light playing across the leaf peppered earth. The only sounds, and those rare, being the rustling of the trees hight above, or the slithering of something along the ground. Perhaps a short sharp bark of something as it escapes what seems certain death of a predator. For you see a forest is never truly silent, for those who can hear. At least, that would be the case normally. It begins slowly, with little notice but to the extraordinarily observant, an oddly terrifying silence that comes from several quarters.

Xanya looks around at the trees with wide eyes and open mouth right now unable to speak.

Kethren looks around with a wary expression "Strange... I can't put my finger on it, but this place... it's different than when I last visited."

Xanya nods agreeing with keth. "I think I know what you mean. there is something about this forrest. I wonder what it is."

A fog begins to curl around our intrepid adventurer's feet seeming to cling and curl with a mind of it's own. Suddenly there is a burst of motion and sound as it seems all life flees the forest, a carpet of creepy crawling things moving as quickly as each bug can crawl and snake slither. Predator and prey fleeing side by side. A hissing growl begins to emanate from all around, sounding like air moving through long unused lungs. So low at first it is felt rather then heard.

Kethren glances over at Xan "I don't suppose you bothered to arm yourself while you were getting ready?" he then reaches into the holster for his dart gun "Kinda wish I had something a little stronger... but it's all I have."

Xanya is a bit distracted by whats happening to properly hear kethrens question. "huh what?"

Kethren and Xanya might begin to feel actual touch where the mist wraps around their legs. The silence has returned and the mist now encircles them. There are no longer trees visible, there is only white and grey shifting and blending into a mass, one that seems to be enclosing upon them.

Kethren starts looking around nervously "There's something not right about this fog... feels... heavy."

Xanya jumps out of the way. when she notices kethren still at is spot and having trouble she attempts to tackle him to get him out of his current spot.

With Xanya's brave attempt to pull Kethren to freedom, something happens, there is a shift and suddenly they are both wrapped tightly with thick ropes of fog that is a lot more real then could be previously thought. They are lifted and soon the ground is moving beneath them. They are being pulled to the Haunted Moor, the strength of the fog is incredible.

The two are pulled within the haunted moor, they struggle using everything they can think of at the time. Perhaps there is a soporific chemical, or perhaps there is simply too much fear, whatever the case they are currently helpless within the grasp of this creature.

Without ceremony both humans are released into a pool of water. They can see a few feet in any direction but a wall of fog surrounds them still, though they are no longer held. Should they attempt to go through the wall of fog they would find it hard and impassible, very like a solid brick wall.

Looking around carefully at things, Keth wonders aloud "Now what the hell do you suppose that was? And should we be grateful that it let go of us?"

Xanya she stands up and dusts herself off a bit. "gratefull? or worry for what is yet to come." She says and looks around. she tries to push the fog wall to see if she can walk trough it.

The wall stays stubbornly impassible and just as hard as stone. The two humans might find they have other things to worry over however, as tiny pinpricks of pain begin all over their body, under their clothing, and along all skin exposed to the water they are currently sitting or standing within. Initially all that would be seen is a slight silver sheen, closer inspection would find small insects burrowing within the skin.

Kethren stands up quickly when he feels a sudden stinging sensation "What the..." looking closer he sees a small swarm of tiny insects burrowing into him, and proceeds to unleash a litany of profanity that would make Vessa proud.

Xanya stands up as well at the sight of the tiny bugs getting into her. "eew eeew eew eew eeew eeew eew." She says and starts to slam at the parts where she sees the bugs.

Smacking at the things does no more then bruise the skin. The bugs /do/ seem to be coming from the water that both are still in and as time goes on the skin will begin to burn.

Kethren looks around franticly, and sees a decent sized patch of dry, hopefully bug-free land a couple feet away, and hurries towards it. "Xan! Dry land this way! Uh, see if you can find us something flammable. If these little bastards are anything like the parasitic insects of our Earth, they won't like flame."

Xanya notices the land to and heads over there. She grabs a few sticks and tries to make fire like they do on the discovery channel back home.

The burning becomes itching but as water falls away the bugs try to follow it. They stream off of the humans like the water they live in. Xanya's attempts at fire making result in smoke and smoldering, there is potential there.

Kethren cringes a bit as the small swarm of tick-like thingies flee back to the water, then starts scratching himself with his free hand, still looking around nervously.

Xanya keeps working on making fire. "KETH, Grab some large strong pieces of wood and try to wrap them with something burneble I want some torches to try and get out of here." She directs to kethren while she also tries to ignore the burning feeling and keep trying to make fire.

The small fire seems to begin to die, although Xanya successfully ignores the burning itch that seems to get worse with time. The water soaked clothing starts to be felt, the burning overtaking the itching where it touches.

Kethren starts looking around for dry wood and other suitable torch materials while keeping well away from the water's edge, and trying somewhat unsuccessfully to ignore the itching, stopping every few steps to scratch a bit.

Xanya looks around to help keth find the wood for the torches. While she keeps working on making the fire and tries to keep ignoring the burning itch so she can make the fire.

The fire actually becomes a fire with flames and heat, now to keep it going and alive. However Xanya will feel the full effects of the burning and itching now, which continues to intensify for both, particularly under their clothing. Kethren succeeds in building torches and soon there is a small stack of usable ready made torches.

Kethren sits down by the fire, hoping the warmth will make some of the itching go away.

Xanya gets the fire going and then can't handle the itchy feeling any more and she quickly takes of her clothing keeping her underwear on for now. then she quickly tries to use the torches made by kethren to light them up and get moveble flames.

Thick sounds of squishing mud can be heard as well as a noise of disgust not far away; Alesia had just emerged from the bog somewhere (only to enter more), it's sticky wet mug clinging to her even as she protests. "Well that was a horrible idea.." She mutters, grimacing at the filth all over her legs and, now ruined, shoes.

Kethren begins to feel sharp stabbing pain in certain locations. They get worse with time until, and perhaps more worryingly, they stop all together. Suddenly there is no itching, and no burning, at least not that he can feel. Xanya will begin to feel a bit better with the wet clothing off, except where her undies are of course. And then, WHUMP! WHUMPWHUMPWHUMP a noise from the very fog, audible only to Xan and Keth, this is all they can see but Alesia might notice that there is a fog coming, one that has been creeping for the past few moments.

Kethren suddenly screams at the sharp stabbing pains, and scrambles out of the armor so he and Xan can hopefully figure out what the problem is.

Xanya tries to ignore the pain again not yet willing to undo her undies. meanwhile she has gotten some of the torches light up. She gives kethren one and keeps two herself. she uses one to lookaround in the fog dome to find a exit. the other she tries to keep near herself to warm herself up but tries not to light herself up.

Alesia, with a grumble, advances unknowingly towards the fog; it's as good a direction as any when you're lost. At least there's not as much mud, anyways. She takes off her blasted shoes, and walks barefoot with displeasure, eyeing the eery fog wearily. A strange feeling creeps up her spine; one of impending danger, which lurks near. She stops and considers the feeling, but sees no other alternative solution other than back into the mud; and that is -not- an option. So, onward she goes, against her every animal instinct; trying to ignore her body's warning signs as she steps through.

Kethren still feels nothing out of the ordinary however some dead bugs are clinging to his clothing. Xanya finds nothing at all for an exit, just sheer fog wall. And Alesia, well she does feel something, she feels herself suddenly wrapped within a tight grip, lifted then dropped into a puddle. Moments after hitting the water she will feel something itching then burning along the skin that touches water.

Kethren looks over himself carefully, then looks rather worried. "That pain ended very suddenly... I do hope it's nothing serious, but if we ever get out of here, and I'm not conscious, find a doc immediately. If they can't fix me, find Al and get my clone ready. And break it to Aina gently." he then looks up surprised as someone drops into the puddle nearby "Get out of there! Quickly! Dry land this way!"

Xanya shakes her head to kethren. "Don't even go there mister. Where getting out of here alive and kicking. we just need to figure out how." She looks around to see if there is dry land where the fog ends. then she hears someone enter the fog dome and into the water and almost at the same time as keth. "get out of the water it's not save there!"

As the grip falls around her, Alesia is just fast enough to notice that she has no time to react; only a whimper emerges from her as she's lifted. Then a small *splash* and an "ACK!", as she looks at her wet clothes with dismay; but not for long. Soon the itching feeling covers the exposed wet skin of her body. Alesia barely has time enough to comprehend what the hell Keth is saying, and then realize who it is that's saying it before trying to comply. She scrambles up and out of the water with a mix of fear and anger, squeaking as she tries to get onto land. As the itching continues, she throws her jacket off and onto the ground in growing anger. Blinded by fear, pain, itching, and confusion, she doesn't really focus her attention on anyone else she knows is there.

The brief glimpses of himself are not sufficient to notice yet the small signs of life beneath Kethren's skin, Xanya will find that the heat does nothing to help with the burning itch, and Alesia will notice small bugs running for all they are worth back to the pool, her skin, where it is visible, is red and rashy, raw looking to be sure, as is Xanya's. Wherever clothing touches will burn/itch worse. Alesia was wise enough to leave the pools before too much damage could be caused so she has small splotches of pain rather then Xanya's almost full body rash.

Kethren decides he's not at all satisfied that he's been able to examine himself properly, so gets out of his clothes, leaving his shorts on out of modesty.

Xanya walks to the woman to see how she is doing. "how are you? I'm glad you got out of the water so quickly. it's got bugs in it but you probably already noticed that." Xanya says. all she is currently wearing is her underwear.

Alesia rubs the itchy areas with a whine, and glances around to see to two familiar, if slightly hard to see crew members. Noticing their clothing is off, she quickly takes her clothing as well; though she's not modest, screw that. No. She's getting bare-ass naked, without the blink of an eye. She sheds her clothes, leaving them in a heap, and groaning irritably.

"What the HELL is this?!" She yelps, looking around with wide eyes, covering her body with a wince. She stares at the puddle, and then at her skin before looking at Xanya with a furrowed brow. "I.." She begins, but then grumbles in reply. "What the fuck."

Kethren will find small bumps under his skin, the burrowed trails visible but quickly fading. The bumps themselves will move now and then, and with each motion they get smaller, already near invisible. All three will begin to feel a chill, a wind that is far from natural.

Kethren starts giving himself a better looking over now that he's de-clothed. "...Ohhh, shit. That cannot be good... Um, Xan? I think some of those bugs managed to get inside me..."

Xanya hands Alesia one of her light torches and then goes to kethren to look at him. "darn this can't be good." She says trying to examen him with the little bit of medical knowledge she gained from sadie. Trying to see if it will harm him and how.

Alesia takes the torch with a quirked brow, looking herself over carefully. "The hell kind of planet is this.." She mumbles, then looks over at Kethren as he speaks. "Did you guys get lost too? What the hell were you doing out here?" She asks, bothered with worry, but tinted in the eyes with determination. No nonsense here, not at all. "Can't even walk around the bloody place without risking your life. Are you all alright? How long have you been in here?"

All that would be visible from outside this little fog dome, would be more fog. Nothing is visible within, and nothing can be heard from within either. The moor would look peaceful, quiet as the grave. Inside however, the temperature is dropping rapidly, breath now fogs and skin breaks out in goosebumps. All can feel it except, oddly, Kethren who seems completely unaffected and cannot feel the cold.

Kethren sighs "Well, it's comfortable enough out here I suppose... though I really want to see a doc about whatever those things are. Insects burrowing into your skin isn't normally good. Even out here that seems a bit odd. How're you two holding up?"

Whispering through the fog and slowly getting louder, the haunting notes of a song in a language unknown drift around, the exact location they're coming from difficult to pinpoint. At moments it seems to come from all around, others from one specific direction, however that direction changes from time to time. The only sure thing is that the song is coming from within the thick mist.

Xanya shakes her head. "I have no idea what those things are." she says and stands up to walk on the land towards the edge of teh fog wall holding her torche closer to the fogs walls. "What the hell is this stuff and why does it keep us hear... and why is it getting so cold all of a sudden."

Alesia shivers and glares at Keth. "Are you mad? It's -freezing- out here Kethren." She looks him up and down with a frown. "If you're not feeling this bloody freezing cold then I'm worried." She notes, her eyes glancing around as she holds up the torch in cowering posture from the cold. "What the hell was that.." She says loosely with a strange calmness. Her eyes dart to Xanya. "We better do something. I'm not prepared to die naked and filthy." She says with a frown in a half joke; she couldn't help herself. With that she looks around at the ground and the surrounding area with a slight paranoid expression; it's as if she's bracing herself for what will come of the strange sounds around them.

If cold could pause, it would seem that this one does. This silence, if silence could have motion, would almost seem to pause taking in the song and suddenly there is sound, a LOT of sound audible to all but Kethren, a thrumming buzz almost seeming to answer the singing voice. If anything Kethren will begin feeling warm, this change in temperature seeming to radiate from the location the bumps were, but are no longer. Smooth skin where the evidence of the bugs used to be.

Kethren smiles at Alesia "Maybe I /am/ mad. But right now I feel pretty warm."

The thrumming buzz is met with laughter, crystalline and musical, which, like the song before, seems to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Silence, deep and unsettling, follows soon after, but it is broken by the voice to which the laughter belongs, speaking once more in that unknown language, "Mar shi pali, pasol shaer? Mar shi vae? Cestal eisi mai shysol, o cyrn."

Xanya looks around herself at the sound of teh voice. "if that means: 'Can I help you get out of this place' then yes please do help us get out of here." She says. and gets back to kethren and alesia meanwhile trying to think of a way out of here.

Alesia tilts her head at Keth with a mix of worry on her face. "Uh oh.." She murmurs at him, before frowning at their surroundings with uneasiness, and backing away slightly. She listens to the buzzing sound with a pause. "Please.. no more bugs.. PLEASE.." She says audibly and then pauses at the now speaking voice, before suddenly yelping, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" to the it with anger fuled by well-hidden nervousness. "Speak in our tongue, damn it!" She scowls, looking to Xanya and Kethren anxiously.

Kethren will begin to feel that it is getting a bit over warm, that it is nearing desert at midday levels of heat. The fog however, has gone still, the temperature having dropped further, the others might feel rather like they are in a frozen tundra during a blizzard. The stillness does not last. Thrum ~WHOMP WHOMP~ thrump WHUMP thrum. Answers the voice, not nearly as melodic it is more felt then heard, a bass vibration that reaches within each listener and resonates with a part of them. For the humans, emotions come to the fore, things that are specific to each but become overpowering, sadness, joy, anger, regret, one of these or another overtakes each with enough strength perhaps to bring them to their knees.

Kethren finds himself suddenly knocked to the ground by something he can't put a finger on. "Wha... wha happened? too warm now... but what happened?" At this point he starts looking rather sad, and hugs his knees.

Once more the laughter echoes all around, rising and falling in titters of amusement tinged with just the slightest hint of irritation, "Cestal? Ai eis byr cestal, pasol shaer. Pai byr vali ti shor saes." A quiet snort follows before the voice seems to change location, "Tal o byr maeli si paer sar mesy ti? Ai eis byr os sor shys."

Xanya walks to the edge of the fog and starts to slam against the fog wall with her right cybernetic arm. slammign as hard as she and her arm can muster at this time. "LET US GO, YOU BASTERED." She says loudly and filled with anger. "I'M SO GOING TO BLOODY KILL YOU."

Alesia falls to her knees, both from cold, and from overwhelming rage. Tears begin roll down her cheeks as she stares at the ground in absolutely raw, focused loathing. It's an off sight, though, because her teeth begin to chatter slightly as she starts to rock back and forth with a hint of insanity in her eyes. "I-I'll -kill- you." She mutters coldly, gritting her teeth. "I'll bleed you out, smother you with your own sickness." Alesia looks over at Xanya with a creepy smile. "They like seeing us writhe like this." She states, her anger growing more fierce and wiping the smile off her face, promptly replacing it with a grimace.

to harden back around the attacking cybernetic arm. Soon it is just as hard and immovable as before, with one cybernetic arm trapped within. The yelling does not affect it. The words of the being however do. Thrummmmmmmmmm thrummmmmm WHUMP WHOMP WHUMPWHUMPWHUMP thrummmmmmmm The emotions flee as quickly as they came and instead an unnatural calm overtakes those within, a soporific fading into an inner gray.

Kethren looks up at the others suddenly, some relief on his face "Very strange, this place... Uhm, Xan? Your arm seems kinda stuck. Gonna be able to get it out?"

"Syri cestal shaelyl sai ti. Koli saes shas, jhaer ai thysi o sai." Is the reply that's tendered to the fog, some small measure of impatience to the voice.

Xanya sighs shaking her head as her cybernetic arm gets stuck. "darn it." She says and then looks to kethren. "No idea, lets see shall we?" She then grabs her blade and uses it like a speer against the fog about a feet away from her arm, and the edged side of the blade facing down.

Alesia's body slumps, as if an immense weight has been taken from her. She blinks, staring at the ground, and breathing slowly. The grimace slowly disappears, being replaced with a content numbness. "What do we do?" She asks no one in particular, her voice soft. She looks over to Xanya with a tilted head. "Look what you've done now.." Her voice is becoming more distant, with less drive in every word. With the last bit of her resistance, she looks up, peering at the fog with a nonenthustiastic frown. "Shut up. You're boring me with your nonsensical babbling." She says, a weak smile tugging her lips for a moment. For a moment, she perks up. "PDA." She says, slowly turning to Kethren. "Is anyone's PDA still working? Could we translate it?" She wonders aloud, looking up at the fog again.

The blade makes no more progress then it would against stone. There is one noticeable difference however, the walls are shrinking, pushing, until there is a 5 foot radius to be within. The size of the dome has halved. thruuuuummmmmmmmmmthrummmmmmmm WHUMPWHOMP thrummmmmmmm humms throughout and the answer seems to bring with it amused tolerance.

Kethren fishes his pda out of his discarded pants and hands it over to Alesia as he's backing away towards the wall. "I've never used it for translating, see what you can get out of it."

Once again the air is filled with laughter, "Mai shar? Si Jhyri saes Jholaer eil o taeri sai aezor. Air air ei thas sadi." The sound of light footsteps can be heard, slippered feet trodding lightly over the ground, "Sael ai mar saji saes tysaer eil more cali shar ai paerosi.

Xanya puts her blade away after she hit the wall several times to no effect. She leans agains the wall a bit breathing heavy being excausted. she also closes her eyes. and slowly she falls a sleep. her body slowly drops as much as her stuck cybernetic arm will allow.

Alesia looks at Kethren and stares blankly, failing to catch the PDA. It flops on the ground, and she frowns, picking it up with reluctance that is not her own. "I have no idea.." She mumbles, pressing the button that she knows turns it on. If it works, she tries to sift through the basic programs for a translator; though what language it is, is a whole other problem entirely. As she fiddles with it, she speaks. "Do you think we should bother to try and call for help?" It's obvious any fight is seriously near it's end; so much so that she could even be considered irrational.

A faint rumbling within the dome is the first reply followed by another reduction in space. Now all three humans have a foot at best of dry land before the pool is all that is left to stay within. THRUMMMMMMMM whumpwhumpwhump thruum WHOMP. ZZZZZZZthrump whuuuum whuuum thrump whooooooom. Those within will begin to feel a sort of calling to enter the pool, it isn't very strong yet but it is growing. A feeling that it would all be better if only they entered the pool. It is so nice and cool, and they are getting so very very warm.

The tone of voice is bored, and quite simply unimpressed, "Mar ai ael os aezoraeli byrn, sael?"

Kethren stays as far away from the pool as space actually allows "Well, you can try... dunno if you'll find anyone, or if they could get us out in time..."

Aeon curses as he stumbles through the fog. Stopping temporarily, he grabs his PDA and turns it on. "Surely there must be a vay to turn the damn thing on!" In a moment of anger he throws it to the ground. Shaking his head, he picks it back up and manages to get the device on. "There must be some sort of light program...Damn!" The power to the device suddenly fails and Aeon puts the device back in his pocket. He continues his walk, holding his arms out in front of him to feel for obstacles.

Xanya has now fallen compleetly asleep. her right cybernetic arm stuck in the fogs wall and the rest of her body dangling underneath it.

Alesia stares blankly at the PDA, now without any care of what happens. She throws it lightly in Keth's direction, not seeming worried about their ordeal at all. In fact she inches towards the pool with a smile to herself, leaving the lit torch on the dry ground.

The fog moves like a striking snake this time, no warning of sliding slowly along feet and legs. Aeon will simply feel a moment of being grabbed, lifted, and then deposited within a pool, people inside. This time however, along with an itching, burning sensation, there is a sinking as well. The walls move once more so that there is a half foot of land left. Aeon will find that he is chest deep in water and slowly sinking, a layer of bugs sliding along the top like a silver wave to try to scurry beneath his clothes and burrow into skin. Whompewhompwhomp THRUM whompwhomp THRUM whompwhomp THRUMTHRUM Anger suffuses the feeling of this answer, anger and perhaps a touch of uncertainty.

Kethren grabs on the arm stuck in the wall in a bid to keep from getting shoved into the water anytime soon.

"Ai pai byr tasi. Pai o pasi saji si vor os ordoraesarol mostia mai sar o tae tylesti saeri olaer?" Is the reply that's tendered, crystalline voice retaining it's tone of boredom. The faint rustle of cloth indicates a gentle, patient shrug.

Alesia pays no mind to anything any longer, not even to the newcomer. She simply slides into the water, sinking down with a numb expression, without a word. She does begin to play with the water in her hand, staring at the bugs, and wincing if the familiar itching and burning sensation takes over her body.

Aeon feels the burning and itching all over his body as he is deposited in the water and begins to sink. "Vhat the hell?" He looks around. He sees a figure sinking into the water and another figure hanging onto a wall. A second person is also hanging onto the arm to avoid the water. "Help me! Vhere is land?" Panic rises in Aeon's throat as the bugs begin to get in his eyes and disturb his pores. "Acch!" he yells as he keeps sinking, slowly but surely. He turns to the person sinking in the water. "Vhy are you standing there? Help me!" He flails his arms wildly as he continues to go down.

A pause and the sinking stops. For now the bugs leave the humans in the water alone to return to the depths found within and the lethargy lifts just a bit, enough to have them stand under their own power anyway. Thrummmmm whump thrumthrum whompwhomp thrum. The reply is thoughtful, and considering. There is a sort of contemplative nature about it.

Kethren is still clinging to Xan's arm, trying to stay out of the water, and grins just a bit, with wide eyes "Hope you guys have your affairs in order!"

"Sar air eilaedardi. ai shor vaeres." The feminine voice replies to the fog's thrumming, soft footsteps dissapearing into the distance.

Alesia stares at Aeon with a bored expression, looking off to the fog with content before mindlessly lifting her hand with the water, and sipping it.

There is a lightening feeling in the air, the bugs are no longer apparent in any way and the water seems to be just that, innocent water. It isn't but that is another thing entirely. There is a patience, a waiting, but there is eagerness as well, and a hunger, a need. This feeling bleeds over to those inside, or would but two are now asleep and the other two are seemingly immune now to the effects of the fog. There is no more feeling of fear, no more feeling of haste. The danger, at least for now, seems to have past.

Kethren looks around nervously, the general forboding feelings of the place having subsided, then directs his gaze at the pool "Uhm... you feeling ok?"

For the time being there is nothing more of that crystalline voice that had been speaking with the fog.

Alesia's eyes widen, and she spits out the water with a cough. Strangely though she doesn't seem disgusted, smiling slightly, as she gets out of the water. "Uh-huh." She answers to Kethren, looking about. "Strange, but fine. What about you?" She asks, though she seems half distracted.

There is just quiet for now, a waiting and hunger the only noticeable feeling.

Kethren smiles "Um... I think I'm alright."

Alesia smiles back. "Well. I suppose we're stuck here." She says contently, sitting down next to Kethren against the fog wall.

Silence remains for a while yet, until the singing of earlier returns. With it comes the musky scent of one of the planet's animals - a big, six-legged, shaggy-blue furred beast with a snout similar in appearance to an anteater's, nothing but death in it's glassy, staring eyes. A gesture unseen to those within offers the animal to the fog, the singing fading away.

Unceremoniously the humans are SHOVED, out of the dome. In fact they will find themselves at the very edge of the forest, the beast however disappears within the pool. For a moment there is a frenzy of activity and then all is still. The fog is now simply fog, there is no form, emotion, or movement unnatural about it. It simply is.

Kethren stumbles a bit at the edge of the forest, looking content, but utterly baffled "What the hell just happened? Ooo, we dropped some things." then heads back to his stuff to get dressed again, and get his PDA an other accoutrements. "So uh... back to camp?"

Alesia "OOMFS!" as she's shoved, sighing wearily, exhausted from these endeavors as she still sits on the ground with a frown. She looks over at Kethren. "We can't just leave Xanya and.. whoever that person is here." She says. "I can't lift them. And I'm not putting those clothes back on." With that she stands, her frown strangely turning back to a slight smile.

Kethren nods "Oh, yeah. Don't wanna leave Xan. She'd be cranky. Not sure who that other guy is but he sounded prone to crankiness. Wanna help me drag em? I don't think I could lift em either."

But wait! Just outside the fog, and in /gigantic form/, Shuu is waiting for those who'd been kept within the dome of fog, semi-curled up on the ground. Her tails thud heavily against the ground, faint whine rumbling loudly from her throat. Her big, wet nose shoves at Kethren, tongue slipping out to SLURP him.

Alesia "stares wide eyed at the fox-like giant creature. "I....Uhm.." Is all she can muster.

Kethren laughs as he gets slurped "Shuu! Fancy seeing you here... um, I'm not realy sure what's going on, but could I trouble you to get Xan and that guy back to camp? I really don't have carrying em in me today."

"Shuuuuuuu~" The gigantic fox replies cheerfully to Kethren, warbling 'voice' possessed of a bit of a squealing, excited tone. Her tails sweep from side to side for a moment before stilling, the mystical fox raising to her feet thereafter. A big stretch and a tongue curling yawn follows, ears pulling back and then forward again. One big paw raises and gently prods at Xanya first, "Shuu? Shuu shuu shuuuu~"

Alesia continues to stare, looking bewildered but much too exhausted to react. "Xanya fell asleep.. They both did." She says blankly, before staring with a frown at her clothes, and then walking naked past Kethren.

Kethren smiles kinda distantly "Yeah, they're just asleep, but I'm sure they'd appreciate waking up in camp."