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(Created page with ' <>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><( Ancient Expanse )<<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~ Alhambra Impiruil Baile 12:42 PM In Character …')
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[[Category:OtherSpace Logs]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Alhambra]]
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[[Category:Logs That Include Sadie]]
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[[Category:Logs That Include Maina]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Ladek]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Xanya]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Suleyk]]
<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><( Ancient Expanse )<<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~><<>~
[[Category:Logs That Include Impiruil Baile]]
        Alhambra                Impiruil Baile               12:42 PM       
      In Character                The Field                30 July 2654     
        Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast.
                A camp has been set up here. Designed to cause the least damage to the landscape possible. A med tent, a mess tent, a tent for meetings, and several tents of all different sizes are set up for people to live in. There is a fence which surrounds the perimeter with guards stationed in intervals as well as certain openings which are also guarded with towers. Along with the fence is a laser perimeter that will alert security if anything larger than a small insect breaches it.
  Visitors to the planet please do not leave the camp without escorts from Danu. Wildlife, plant, animal, or mineral, is not to be removed without permission from the Danu Chroi government. The local wildlife is dangerous, should you not follow the rules and should you be injured or killed, Danu Chroi will not be responsible for your actions.
{{Infobox Log
This tag can be changed. See +tag/help for commands.
|title = Standoff
|summary = An unwelcome guest causes trouble.
|cast = [[Xanya]], [[Kethren]], [[Alhambra]], [[Sadie]], [[Naoi]], [[Maina]], [[Ladek]], [[Suleyk]] 
Kethren <RP>                  Wanderer Naoi <RP>         
|air_date = july 30th, 2654
Engineer Xanya <RP>          Docking Registry           
|location = Field - Impiruil Baile
Shuttlecraft                  1 Textile Potential Node   
|setting = Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast.
<MO> Moor                    <B> Bog                     
<HM> Haunted Moor            <H> Hills                   
<M> Meadow                 
          Type +shuttle/hire to hire a shuttle from this location.         
Shuttlecraft lifts off and heads to its next pickup.
Shuttlecraft lifts off and heads to its next pickup.
"Oh, I had heard of these out of time experiences." Naoi says with a frown, "I have not been chosen for these expeditions, something I consider fortunate indeed." She sticks another plump piece of red fruit in her mouth, biting down hard. Chew-chew-chew.
"Oh, I had heard of these out of time experiences." Naoi says with a frown, "I have not been chosen for these expeditions, something I consider fortunate indeed." She sticks another plump piece of red fruit in her mouth, biting down hard. Chew-chew-chew.
Xanya walks out of the celeste that just landed and walks over to the mess tent for a milkshake but before she can enter the tent she is stopped by her aid Mark and also her guard. "and where did you go to lady Xanya." Mark Says a bit angry. her gaurd is showing the same amount of dispease. "sorry you two." Xanya says "I totaly forgot. I just went up to the Cro for a suprise inspection fo engineering nothing more." She says as she stands near the mess tent. Kethren and Naoi are seated not far from the mess tent.
Xanya walks out of the Celeste that just landed and walks over to the mess tent for a milkshake but before she can enter the tent she is stopped by her aid Mark and also her guard. "and where did you go to lady Xanya." Mark Says a bit angry. her gaurd is showing the same amount of dispease. "sorry you two." Xanya says "I totaly forgot. I just went up to the Cro for a suprise inspection for engineering nothing more." She says as she stands near the mess tent. Kethren and Naoi are seated not far from the mess tent.
Kethren nods at Naoi "Can't say I found it a barrel of laughs, no. Did prove rather nicely that the armor I've made works, though."
Kethren nods at Naoi "Can't say I found it a barrel of laughs, no. Did prove rather nicely that the armor I've made works, though."
Alhambra, lacking both ship and entourage, steps out of a dusty public shuttle, holding her cowboy hat to her head and squinting into the noon-ish brightness on the field. After a moment or two to stretch her legs, she makes a lumbering beeline straight for the mess tent, for "I have a great need for a nice cold beer, for my trails and travels have been mighty dusty and... oh hey howdy folks!" Course altered, she heads over to the outdoor table.
Alhambra, lacking both ship and entourage, steps out of a dusty public shuttle, holding her cowboy hat to her head and squinting into the noon-ish brightness on the field. After a moment or two to stretch her legs, she makes a lumbering beeline straight for the mess tent, for "I have a great need for a nice cold beer, for my trails and travels have been mighty dusty and... oh hey howdy folks!" Course altered, she heads over to the outdoor table.
Naoi watches the disagreement between Xanaya and her personal protection, somewhat symphathetically. Alhambra though, warrants a rare smile, and a nod of greeting. "Please join us. Would you like one of my strange red fruits?"
Naoi watches the disagreement between Xanaya and her personal protection, somewhat symphathetically. Alhambra though, warrants a rare smile, and a nod of greeting. "Please join us. Would you like one of my strange red fruits?"
Naoi says, "Kethren was just talking about how his armor saved his life."
Naoi says, "Kethren was just talking about how his armor saved his life."
A shuttle comes in to land.
A shuttle comes in to land.
Xanya's aid mark shakes her head a bit. "well at least your save. just don't let it happen again. I asume your here for a milkshake?" The aid asks and with that xanya nods. "yes please. a large one wiiiith..... well ... suprise me for once." She says and with that mark and xanya part ways. mark goes into the mess tent to get the milkshake and xanya heads over to kethren and the group.
Xanya's aid mark shakes her head a bit. "Well at least you're safe. just don't let it happen again. I asume your here for a milkshake?" The aid asks and with that xanya nods. "yes please. a large one wiiiith..... well ... suprise me for once." She says and with that mark and xanya part ways. mark goes into the mess tent to get the milkshake and xanya heads over to kethren and the group.
Kethren waves to Al "Hey there!" before going back to his steak.
Kethren waves to Al "Hey there!" before going back to his steak.
Alhambra plunks down at the table, her not-rare-at-all grin widening for Naoi. "Sure thing, I'll eat weird red fruit. What's it taste like? Also yeah armor saving folks' lives is nice. You'd be amazed how many people ain't yet figured out that folks are actually -squishy-." She removes her hat, politely, and while there is no immediate sign of her usual attendant Ser, a sharp eye could catch a tiny russet foot dangling limply from a particularly unkempt segment of her hair.
Alhambra plunks down at the table, her not-rare-at-all grin widening for Naoi. "Sure thing, I'll eat weird red fruit. What's it taste like? Also yeah armor saving folks' lives is nice. You'd be amazed how many people ain't yet figured out that folks are actually -squishy-." She removes her hat, politely, and while there is no immediate sign of her usual attendant Ser, a sharp eye could catch a tiny russet foot dangling limply from a particularly unkempt segment of her hair.
Naoi just pushes the plate over a little, "It's very sweet, and be careful... there is a lot of juice. It is easy to make a mess." She leans forward onto her elbows, "Did you come back to speak with that Maina, the Riftwalker? She was here last night..."
Naoi just pushes the plate over a little, "It's very sweet, and be careful... there is a lot of juice. It is easy to make a mess." She leans forward onto her elbows, "Did you come back to speak with that Maina, the Riftwalker? She was here last night..."
Xanya waves her right cybernetic arm and hand. "I found out that squishy human being lesson a while back. not one I recommend to other thought." She says and sits down as well. "So kethren... did I ask you to make me one of your heavy smartsuites already?" She says with a smile and looks at the red fruit and takes on as well to try it.
Xanya waves her right cybernetic arm and hand. "I found out that squishy human being lesson a while back. not one I recommend to other thought." She says and sits down as well. "So kethren... did I ask you to make me one of your heavy smartsuites already?" She says with a smile and looks at the red fruit and takes on as well to try it.
Ladek has arrived.
Shuttlecraft lifts off and heads to its next pickup.
Kethren smiles at Xan "Don't recall, really. But as someone on the council, you get one anyway. Ever settle on your house symbol so I can get the paint job properly done?" then nods to Al "Yeah, kinda makes me glad Vessa's caused so much trouble. Wouldn't have had armor if I hadn't realized that someone around here needed to make the stuff."
Kethren smiles at Xan "Don't recall, really. But as someone on the council, you get one anyway. Ever settle on your house symbol so I can get the paint job properly done?" then nods to Al "Yeah, kinda makes me glad Vessa's caused so much trouble. Wouldn't have had armor if I hadn't realized that someone around here needed to make the stuff."
Alhambra leans slightly away from the table to dig her fingers into the sweet red fruit and tear it (albeit not neatly) in half, spraying juice all over the dirt. "Whoo, yeah, that's a bleeder," she hoots, and then shakes the fruit off before setting the uneven halves on the table. Everyone appears to be sitting around one of the tables outside of the mess tent, enjoying various meals. "Neh I come to visit once in a while anyhow, it's a nice place. Although it's great to have Missy Maina back, I figure she needs herself some rest before she gets all entertaining and shit."
Alhambra leans slightly away from the table to dig her fingers into the sweet red fruit and tear it (albeit not neatly) in half, spraying juice all over the dirt. "Whoo, yeah, that's a bleeder," she hoots, and then shakes the fruit off before setting the uneven halves on the table. Everyone appears to be sitting around one of the tables outside of the mess tent, enjoying various meals. "Neh I come to visit once in a while anyhow, it's a nice place. Although it's great to have Missy Maina back, I figure she needs herself some rest before she gets all entertaining and shit."
Ladek disembarks from a shuttle and walks over to the main gates to ask one of the Guards something, and sighs walking to the general area that everyone else is, albeit he attempts to hide in the crowd a little or about others with a hood on so he isn't much noticed.
Ladek disembarks from a shuttle and walks over to the main gates to ask one of the Guards something, and sighs walking to the general area that everyone else is, albeit he attempts to hide in the crowd a little or about others with a hood on so he isn't much noticed.
The problem with a hood is when no one else is wearing them, you stand out. Naoi doesn't seem to mind that Xanaya taste-tested the strange fruit as well, instead neatly plucking one from the plate and sucking at the end as she stares at Ladek curiously.
The problem with a hood is when no one else is wearing them, you stand out. Naoi doesn't seem to mind that Xanaya taste-tested the strange fruit as well, instead neatly plucking one from the plate and sucking at the end as she stares at Ladek curiously.
Xanya shakes her head. "realy keth, did that brain surgery of yours mess up your memory? did you realy forget the day that i showed you my jetpack system?" She says pointing on her back. She even turns a bit to show the heraldy logo on the back of the jetpack. "that right there is the house symbol I am settling on. Remembering it now?" She asks kethren. She notices Al's testingof the fruit and smiles. "good to know it is that leaky." She says and takes her bite in the red fruit wich couses some of it's juices to leak out past her lips and on the table.
[Item System] Xanya shows you her Shield jetpack XHFJ-001-X1:
Shield jetpack XHFJ-001-X1 - Horizon Finder Jetpack
Manufactured By: XanyaModel number XHFJ-001-X1, This jetpack is shaped like a heater shield. It has 2 jet engine nozzles sticking out of the bottom. The shield is black in color and has Xanya's Heraldic logo on it. A silver shield with a purple dragon head on it and stretched white bird wings on each side of the shield. The nozzles can controlled to alow some steering during flight. The jetpack is held in place by shoulder straps and a thick belt. The user can control the jet engines with either the manual controls the hands free options which can be accessed via a neural interface implant or via datajack. This is a rocket-powered jetpack, which can be used for a +3 bonus to Jumping and Dodging when in use during a scene. May be used to fly/hover when situations require it.
Xanya shakes her head. "Really Keth, did that brain surgery of yours mess up your memory? did you realy forget the day that i showed you my jetpack system?" She says pointing on her back. She even turns a bit to show the heraldy logo on the back of the jetpack. "that right there is the house symbol I am settling on. Remembering it now?" She asks kethren. She notices Al's testingof the fruit and smiles. "good to know it is that leaky." She says and takes her bite in the red fruit wich couses some of it's juices to leak out past her lips and on the table.
Kethren grins at Xan "Oh, right right. Sorry, had a lot on my mind lately. I'll get your armor together soon." then goes back to his steak. Floriana's still happily eating her way through her bowl-o-fruit.
Kethren grins at Xan "Oh, right right. Sorry, had a lot on my mind lately. I'll get your armor together soon." then goes back to his steak. Floriana's still happily eating her way through her bowl-o-fruit.
Alhambra takes a great big bite of fruit and chews a little bit noisily, rumbling with approval. "Man. I do like sweets," she says, somewhat un-necessarily. The burly human has not yet taken notice of Naoi staring at Ladek; perhaps the fruit is that tasty, or she's just used to Naoi staring curiously at people. Or perhaps it's because... "Holy fuckapples you got a JET PACK?! Holy shit, that is like six shades of awesome. Whoooo, doggie, we in the future now, ain't we? Hehehehe."
Alhambra takes a great big bite of fruit and chews a little bit noisily, rumbling with approval. "Man. I do like sweets," she says, somewhat un-necessarily. The burly human has not yet taken notice of Naoi staring at Ladek; perhaps the fruit is that tasty, or she's just used to Naoi staring curiously at people. Or perhaps it's because... "Holy fuckapples you got a JET PACK?! Holy shit, that is like six shades of awesome. Whoooo, doggie, we in the future now, ain't we? Hehehehe."
Ladek gently moves to stand by the corner of the tent and continues observing those at the table, pointedly analyzing every person around as if studying, adjusting the hood for less noticing.
Ladek gently moves to stand by the corner of the tent and continues observing those at the table, pointedly analyzing every person around as if studying, adjusting the hood for less noticing.
Naoi just stares back at the hooded person, particularly when he parks at the tent and doesn't move. Doesn't speak. Just stands there and watches, and the way she bites down on the fruit could be percieved as a threat or simple annoyance. She doesn't rise to the bait but those pretty blue eyes do narrow to slits.
Naoi just stares back at the hooded person, particularly when he parks at the tent and doesn't move. Doesn't speak. Just stands there and watches, and the way she bites down on the fruit could be percieved as a threat or simple annoyance. She doesn't rise to the bait but those pretty blue eyes do narrow to slits.
Xanya smiles to kethren and pats his back. "I know you will get it done. just write it down so you won't forget." She says and smiles brightly to all. "Yup, this is an actual jet pack and even works too. I've already been able to hover several feet in the air with it. I need to practice some more thought before I start selling them to others. Mostly because I want to be able to train people how to use it." She says and bites on her red fruit some more. "Also the more I train the easier I can find any bugs in it and make changes if needed." for now she has payed no attention to the hooded man.
Xanya smiles to kethren and pats his back. "I know you will get it done. just write it down so you won't forget." She says and smiles brightly to all. "Yup, this is an actual jet pack and even works too. I've already been able to hover several feet in the air with it. I need to practice some more thought before I start selling them to others. Mostly because I want to be able to train people how to use it." She says and bites on her red fruit some more. "Also the more I train the easier I can find any bugs in it and make changes if needed." for now she has payed no attention to the hooded man.
Kethren notices where Naoi's looking "Who's the doof in the hood? It's hardly hood weather out here." then nods to Xan with a grin "Let me know when they're ready. Even if I had no legitimate use for one, I couldn't pass up the chance to own one." and goes back to his steak.
Kethren notices where Naoi's looking "Who's the doof in the hood? It's hardly hood weather out here." then nods to Xan with a grin "Let me know when they're ready. Even if I had no legitimate use for one, I couldn't pass up the chance to own one." and goes back to his steak.
Well, jet packs are pretty damn amazing, but Al's at least sharp enough to pick up on Naoi's narrowed eyes. She follows the line of sight and just rolls her eyes at the pointedly analyzing man. "Oh, -fuckapples-, whut the hell's up with the creeper?" she says, but this time it's not enthusiasm attached to the epithet. Buzz, killed. There is a lazy 'Rikktccnn' from her hair, and the little russet Ser disentangles himself from the unkempt locks before descending to the table and upon the other half of Al's fruit.
Well, jet packs are pretty damn amazing, but Al's at least sharp enough to pick up on Naoi's narrowed eyes. She follows the line of sight and just rolls her eyes at the pointedly analyzing man. "Oh, -fuckapples-, whut the hell's up with the creeper?" she says, but this time it's not enthusiasm attached to the epithet. Buzz, killed. There is a lazy 'Rikktccnn' from her hair, and the little russet Ser disentangles himself from the unkempt locks before descending to the table and upon the other half of Al's fruit.
Ladek continues watching the group and gently moves behind the tent, a little later he slides to look from another point on the other side of the tent, and reaches to gently rip up a wildflower from the dirt and sniffs it, looking to the group.
Ladek continues watching the group and gently moves behind the tent, a little later he slides to look from another point on the other side of the tent, and reaches to gently rip up a wildflower from the dirt and sniffs it, looking to the group.
Naoi was almost about to return to her conversation when Ladek left behind the tent. She doesn't spot his reemergence, so relaxed, she looks back to her plate of fruit. "How very curious."
Naoi was almost about to return to her conversation when Ladek left behind the tent. She doesn't spot his reemergence, so relaxed, she looks back to her plate of fruit. "How very curious."
Xanya nods to kethren. "I sure will I might even organize sale when there done to get them into the market and let people know what they can do." She sais and is about to look into the direction that naoi, kethren and even Al are looking at if it wasn't for Al's Ser making an entrance and starting to eat on the half of the red fruit. "those creatures are amazing. She says, just as cute as the cats I had back home." She says and looks into the direction the group is looking at but doesn't notice anyone yet. "what where you looking at?" She says and looks around finaly spotting the hooded figure and keeps looking at him to excamen him and his actions.
Xanya nods to kethren. "I sure will I might even organize sale when there done to get them into the market and let people know what they can do." She sais and is about to look into the direction that naoi, kethren and even Al are looking at if it wasn't for Al's Ser making an entrance and starting to eat on the half of the red fruit. "those creatures are amazing. She says, just as cute as the cats I had back home." She says and looks into the direction the group is looking at but doesn't notice anyone yet. "what where you looking at?" She says and looks around finaly spotting the hooded figure and keeps looking at him to excamen him and his actions.
Kethren sighs a little, and has some steak before nodding at Xan "Yeah, they are rather cute." Floriana pops her head out of the fruit she had it buried in long enough to chitter happily at Xan, then dives back in.
Kethren sighs a little, and has some steak before nodding at Xan "Yeah, they are rather cute." Floriana pops her head out of the fruit she had it buried in long enough to chitter happily at Xan, then dives back in.
"Oh that's Rikki, he's a dirty lil' butthead," Alhambra drawls, reaching out to prod the fruit thief, who is not even a little bit deterred in his quest to tear off a piece of the red fruit. His little clawed paws are dug in to the fruit's skin, and his shoulders are all tinily tense as he pulls at the fruit with those tiny paws and fangy jaws. "FFF" he replies, through the mouthful of fruit. "Huh." Poke. "Huh!" Poke. "Ain't you a dirty little butthead!" "CHRF."
"Oh that's Rikki, he's a dirty lil' butthead," Alhambra drawls, reaching out to prod the fruit thief, who is not even a little bit deterred in his quest to tear off a piece of the red fruit. His little clawed paws are dug in to the fruit's skin, and his shoulders are all tinily tense as he pulls at the fruit with those tiny paws and fangy jaws. "FFF" he replies, through the mouthful of fruit. "Huh." Poke. "Huh!" Poke. "Ain't you a dirty little butthead!" "CHRF."
Ladek watches over to the animals and then slips behind the tent to mess around with the flower, once again coming to the other side of the tent and reaches to pull up more wildflowers as he watches the group from the hood, his gaze moving to Floriana and Rikki.
Ladek watches over to the animals and then slips behind the tent to mess around with the flower, once again coming to the other side of the tent and reaches to pull up more wildflowers as he watches the group from the hood, his gaze moving to Floriana and Rikki.
Naoi watches the antics of Alhambra and her 'pet', snorting as Rikki digs into his prize despite the threat of a poking finger. She, patiently, stirs her soup. "How is Eiru? Was that Mister Kane ever caught?"
Naoi watches the antics of Alhambra and her 'pet', snorting as Rikki digs into his prize despite the threat of a poking finger. She, patiently, stirs her soup. "How is Eiru? Was that Mister Kane ever caught?"
Xanya ignores the hooded figure for now and smiles to floriana after her happy chittering. "now that fact, that you ser can understand us and respond back makes you way better and cuter then actual cats." then she nudges Kethren. "and it makes me jealous for not having a ser friend of my own." She says with a smile then looks back to Floriana and Rikki.
Xanya ignores the hooded figure for now and smiles to floriana after her happy chittering. "now that fact, that you ser can understand us and respond back makes you way better and cuter then actual cats." then she nudges Kethren. "and it makes me jealous for not having a ser friend of my own." She says with a smile then looks back to Floriana and Rikki.
Kethren nods to Xan and reaches over to scratch Floriana a little "Yeah, I'm rather glad I was there when that pack of Ser paid us a visit. And that she decided I was worth keeping."
Kethren nods to Xan and reaches over to scratch Floriana a little "Yeah, I'm rather glad I was there when that pack of Ser paid us a visit. And that she decided I was worth keeping."
"No surprise, ain't seen the fucker since. -Gee- I guess he really din't wanna actually woo me with his smoothness and snake tonguey bullshit. Gawd, if I wanted insincere crap I'd just go on and have dinner with fuckin' Majors. At least he don't have his head so far up his ass that he thinks a muhfuckin' top hat is a good idear," Alhambra grouses, although she continues poking Rikki's side as he continues to rebelliously stuff his little face with fruit. Her grin starts returning before long. "Heheheh."
"No surprise, ain't seen the fucker since. -Gee- I guess he really din't wanna actually woo me with his smoothness and snake tonguey bullshit. Gawd, if I wanted insincere crap I'd just go on and have dinner with fuckin' Majors. At least he don't have his head so far up his ass that he thinks a muhfuckin' top hat is a good idear," Alhambra grouses, although she continues poking Rikki's side as he continues to rebelliously stuff his little face with fruit. Her grin starts returning before long. "Heheheh."
Ladek takes step from behind the tent, clump of wildflowers in one hand, shifted to where the jacket hides the other side's area of where an arm generally is, places the wildflowers on the table a little further towards an end of the table than close enough for noticing, glint of eyes gently challenging the two Ser with quick glances, before he moves to go to the general tent corner again.
Ladek takes step from behind the tent, clump of wildflowers in one hand, shifted to where the jacket hides the other side's area of where an arm generally is, places the wildflowers on the table a little further towards an end of the table than close enough for noticing, glint of eyes gently challenging the two Ser with quick glances, before he moves to go to the general tent corner again.
Naoi watches the man place the flowers down on the table, and her face is just the perfect image of 'what the fuck?'
Naoi watches the man place the flowers down on the table, and her face is just the perfect image of 'what the fuck?'
Xanya looks curioous to kethren. "that you where worth keeping?" She says curiously. "mind explaining that?" She says as she keeps her gaze on the two ser's.
Xanya looks curioous to kethren. "that you where worth keeping?" She says curiously. "mind explaining that?" She says as she keeps her gaze on the two ser's.
Kethren grins at Xan "What? Didn't you ever hear that cats were really the owners, and people the pets? More seriously, if she hadn't taken a good look and decided that I was in some way worthwhile, she would've left with all the others." then he unobtrusively taps a few things into the pda he has in his pocket.
Kethren grins at Xan "What? Didn't you ever hear that cats were really the owners, and people the pets? More seriously, if she hadn't taken a good look and decided that I was in some way worthwhile, she would've left with all the others." then he unobtrusively taps a few things into the pda he has in his pocket.
"All right whut the -hell-, man," Alhambra thunders, ceasing in her Rikki poking to just glare at Ladek, since he's just placed flowers right at the table at which they are all sitting. "Go on, -git-." She snaps at the departing, hooded back, as though one addressing a wandering neighborhood dog. With a shake of her head, she turns back to the rest of the table. "Yeah basically a whole fuckton of 'em showed up and raided our food when we was all hanging out eatin', and like, after they left, a couple of 'em stuck behind. Rikki here stowed away in my bra. I din't even find him till I got back to Eiru. I don't own him, he just hangs. Eats my food. Steals my cigs." Rikki stops in his fruit devouring to utter a little 'feeffeeffeeffeef'. Al flips him the bird. He flicks his tail at her.
"All right whut the -hell-, man," Alhambra thunders, ceasing in her Rikki poking to just glare at Ladek, since he's just placed flowers right at the table at which they are all sitting. "Go on, -git-." She snaps at the departing, hooded back, as though one addressing a wandering neighborhood dog. With a shake of her head, she turns back to the rest of the table. "Yeah basically a whole fuckton of 'em showed up and raided our food when we was all hanging out eatin', and like, after they left, a couple of 'em stuck behind. Rikki here stowed away in my bra. I din't even find him till I got back to Eiru. I don't own him, he just hangs. Eats my food. Steals my cigs." Rikki stops in his fruit devouring to utter a little 'feeffeeffeeffeef'. Al flips him the bird. He flicks his tail at her.
Ladek watches on to the scene and nods gently as he moves to the group again, and simply stands to Kethren, hood on, and pokes at the bowl of fruit, either insane or with motive, and nods to the group.
Ladek watches on to the scene and nods gently as he moves to the group again, and simply stands to Kethren, hood on, and pokes at the bowl of fruit, either insane or with motive, and nods to the group.
Naoi's patience can be counted as it ticks away. First by the glare as it returns, and then the twitch of narrow lips downward. Then by the fact that the spoon is clenched in a white-knuckled grip. Finally, with a sharp exclamation of breath, she rises to her feet.
Naoi's patience can be counted as it ticks away. First by the glare as it returns, and then the twitch of narrow lips downward. Then by the fact that the spoon is clenched in a white-knuckled grip. Finally, with a sharp exclamation of breath, she rises to her feet.
Xanya shakes her head to kethren. "No I didn't know that one." She says then looks to Al. "That ser of yours hid in your bra and you didn't notice?" She asks curiously then the hooded man grabs her atention as he pokes the bowl of fruit. "Ahm. sir. mind not doing that? I'm sure that the ser in there doesn't like you doing that. So please stop what your doing." She says kindly but with a serious and firm tone.
Xanya shakes her head to kethren. "No I didn't know that one." She says then looks to Al. "That ser of yours hid in your bra and you didn't notice?" She asks curiously then the hooded man grabs her atention as he pokes the bowl of fruit. "Ahm. sir. mind not doing that? I'm sure that the ser in there doesn't like you doing that. So please stop what your doing." She says kindly but with a serious and firm tone.
Floriana pokes her head out at suddenly being jostled and hisses at Hooded Ladek before scampering up on Keth's shoulders. As this is going on, a pair of the guards approaches the hooded person, and Keth looks over at him. "Xan's right. Don't interfere with the indiginous life. Everybody who lives here understands that. For instance, those guards behind you understand that."
Floriana pokes her head out at suddenly being jostled and hisses at Hooded Ladek before scampering up on Keth's shoulders. As this is going on, a pair of the guards approaches the hooded person, and Keth looks over at him. "Xan's right. Don't interfere with the indiginous life. Everybody who lives here understands that. For instance, those guards behind you understand that."
Alhambra bangs the flat of her hand on the table, and stands up, nearly in tandem with Naoi. Rikki also hisses, baring a fangy maw stained red with fruit juice, and disappears back into Al's hair. But where Naoi is sharp and wordless and Xanya is diplomatic, Al is all thunderous growls. "All right, man. I was more'n willing to give your ass the benefit of the doubt but now you're just being a jackass. Mary Mother of God whut the hell makes you think this is okay? You come around Eiru starting mess, you come around here starting mess, I was honestly thinking maybe Tam was being too tough on you but look at yourself. Puttin' a hood on and layin' flowers on the table like none of us are sittin' here just trying to have a nice dinner and conversation." She bangs her hand on the table again, lips writhing back from her teeth. "Get the fuck away from this table, before I thump you and -drag- you away from it. Which will mean I will have to apologize to Missy Vessa's guards, but it won't be the first time."
Alhambra bangs the flat of her hand on the table, and stands up, nearly in tandem with Naoi. Rikki also hisses, baring a fangy maw stained red with fruit juice, and disappears back into Al's hair. But where Naoi is sharp and wordless and Xanya is diplomatic, Al is all thunderous growls. "All right, man. I was more'n willing to give your ass the benefit of the doubt but now you're just being a jackass. Mary Mother of God whut the hell makes you think this is okay? You come around Eiru starting mess, you come around here starting mess, I was honestly thinking maybe Tam was being too tough on you but look at yourself. Puttin' a hood on and layin' flowers on the table like none of us are sittin' here just trying to have a nice dinner and conversation." She bangs her hand on the table again, lips writhing back from her teeth. "Get the fuck away from this table, before I thump you and -drag- you away from it. Which will mean I will have to apologize to Missy Vessa's guards, but it won't be the first time."
Ladek looks up to Al and gently chuckles, most of the comments don't seem to faze him, as he looks to the group, "Tamkul is young, and prideful," he says, "That aside as Xanya here has politely pointed, Kethren says he is -worthy to keep-?" he adds, "It is like about ya do not realize that this place is trying to control and change you, as I have mentioned, this place is quite dangerous, it reminds me of the experiments, and these creatures are just as likely aware of it, I don't want to keep coming here but this place seems to draw me, if it were up to me I would trade you people 10 planets to keep anyone from this one," he says, everyone is at a table in front of the mess hall, Ladek pulls on the hood to reveal his face standing near the group's table.
Ladek looks up to Al and gently chuckles, most of the comments don't seem to faze him, as he looks to the group, "Tamkul is young, and prideful," he says, "That aside as Xanya here has politely pointed, Kethren says he is -worthy to keep-?" he adds, "It is like about ya do not realize that this place is trying to control and change you, as I have mentioned, this place is quite dangerous, it reminds me of the experiments, and these creatures are just as likely aware of it, I don't want to keep coming here but this place seems to draw me, if it were up to me I would trade you people 10 planets to keep anyone from this one," he says, everyone is at a table in front of the mess hall, Ladek pulls on the hood to reveal his face standing near the group's table.
Naoi gathers her dishes, her disproval expressed in cold silence.
Naoi gathers her dishes, her disproval expressed in cold silence.
Xanya stands up and loosk to ladek. "WHAT did you say?" She says angry. "This planet isn't chaging us we are becomming used to it and found of it just like in any relationship where two different people become used to eachother." She says. "and like Al said leave us alone and stop intervering with our dinner and convertations. before I have you removed by the guards." She says, her voice angry and slighty raised. but unlike Al she keeps her fists from the table.
Xanya stands up and loosk to ladek. "WHAT did you say?" She says angry. "This planet isn't chaging us we are becomming used to it and found of it just like in any relationship where two different people become used to eachother." She says. "and like Al said leave us alone and stop intervering with our dinner and convertations. before I have you removed by the guards." She says, her voice angry and slighty raised. but unlike Al she keeps her fists from the table.
Kethren nods at Ladek "See those two guards behind you? We can make this very simple. If you hate being here so much, and given that you've already said it's an evil planet unfit for human habitation..." Floriana bares her teeth at Ladek for that one "We can have them, rotated with a few others of course, they do need to sleep after all, stationed permanently at the landing pad. So anytime you feel some strange urge to hop on the shuttle? They'll be right there to remind you that you don't like being here."
Kethren nods at Ladek "See those two guards behind you? We can make this very simple. If you hate being here so much, and given that you've already said it's an evil planet unfit for human habitation..." Floriana bares her teeth at Ladek for that one "We can have them, rotated with a few others of course, they do need to sleep after all, stationed permanently at the landing pad. So anytime you feel some strange urge to hop on the shuttle? They'll be right there to remind you that you don't like being here."
"Then go," Alhambra thunders. "Leave us to our grizzly fates of hanging out in clean fresh air and being enslaved by cute fuzzy critters who like to eat and don't want us to smoke. Jesus Criminy on the high wire juggling chainsaws Christ, you make about as much sense as a bowl of Fruit Loops. Tam may be young and prideful but you're blind to the shit you're standing in. Please, we're beyond saving, go whilst you still got the legs to carry you." 'CHFF', Rikki says, from behind her ear.
"Then go," Alhambra thunders. "Leave us to our grizzly fates of hanging out in clean fresh air and being enslaved by cute fuzzy critters who like to eat and don't want us to smoke. Jesus Criminy on the high wire juggling chainsaws Christ, you make about as much sense as a bowl of Fruit Loops. Tam may be young and prideful but you're blind to the shit you're standing in. Please, we're beyond saving, go whilst you still got the legs to carry you." 'CHFF', Rikki says, from behind her ear.
Maina wanders in from who-knows-where. Possibly through a wall. She raises a brow as she sees the crowd, and it soon turns into a scowl as she sees the center of it. She approaches, "The hell are you doing here, again? I thought I told you to go. You better listen to Al here. She may break your legs. I'll take your other arm. You're the type I created Danu to avoid."
Maina wanders in from who-knows-where. Possibly through a wall. She raises a brow as she sees the crowd, and it soon turns into a scowl as she sees the center of it. She approaches, "The hell are you doing here, again? I thought I told you to go. You better listen to Al here. She may break your legs. I'll take your other arm. You're the type I created Danu to avoid."
Ladek growls over to Maina, "And you say that I am the one who is a bigot," he says, looking to the group, "Friendship and enslavement yes, that does sound like something to do," he goes to gently grab the wildflowers, "If ya want for me to go sure, but I'm taking the flowers with me," he struggles when he says it, yet seems determined, he stares to the Ser and speaks, "I'm not sure the game ya critters are gettin' at, but I know ya don't have people's best interest in mind, tell that to the ones that got hurt," he directs the more latter of the sentence towards the group in general, "Listen to the Riftwalker threatening, it is what alot of them do best," he adds.
Ladek growls over to Maina, "And you say that I am the one who is a bigot," he says, looking to the group, "Friendship and enslavement yes, that does sound like something to do," he goes to gently grab the wildflowers, "If ya want for me to go sure, but I'm taking the flowers with me," he struggles when he says it, yet seems determined, he stares to the Ser and speaks, "I'm not sure the game ya critters are gettin' at, but I know ya don't have people's best interest in mind, tell that to the ones that got hurt," he directs the more latter of the sentence towards the group in general, "Listen to the Riftwalker threatening, it is what alot of them do best," he adds.
Xanya folds her arms together looking to ladek. "You better not be threatening this planet or it's creatures mister. or you will quickly find out that Al and I have some things in commen, when I show you a side I rather not let out." She says trying to remain calm.
Xanya folds her arms together looking to ladek. "You better not be threatening this planet or it's creatures mister. or you will quickly find out that Al and I have some things in commen, when I show you a side I rather not let out." She says trying to remain calm.
Kethren reaches up to scratch Floriana affectionately "I don't think there's realy anything left for me to say, Ladek. Suffice to say, you're paranoid, and need to leave."
Kethren reaches up to scratch Floriana affectionately "I don't think there's realy anything left for me to say, Ladek. Suffice to say, you're paranoid, and need to leave."
Naoi had already removed herself from the table, disappearing inside the tent so as to rid herself of dirty dishes.
Naoi had already removed herself from the table, disappearing inside the tent so as to rid herself of dirty dishes.
Alhambra looks like she's just about fit to flip the table, and her lips writhe back from her teeth again. Her shoulder blades bunch together, and the muscles along her back and legs twitch. Her knuckles grow white as she tightens her grip on the side of the table and literally vaults onto it, booted feet landing on the plucked wildflowers. Her hands flex again, and the subvocal growl building in her throat escalates into a roar.
Alhambra looks like she's just about fit to flip the table, and her lips writhe back from her teeth again. Her shoulder blades bunch together, and the muscles along her back and legs twitch. Her knuckles grow white as she tightens her grip on the side of the table and literally vaults onto it, booted feet landing on the plucked wildflowers. Her hands flex again, and the subvocal growl building in her throat escalates into a roar.
Maina scowls at this outburst, "You were warned. You're trespassing and trying to take things that don't belong to you." She's standing near a table with all the others. Alhambra has just jumped onto it, looking like she's going to rip Ladek a new one. Maina is just starting intently at Ladek. He may notice he suddenly cannot move away from Alhambra.
Maina scowls at this outburst, "You were warned. You're trespassing and trying to take things that don't belong to you." She's standing near a table with all the others. Alhambra has just jumped onto it, looking like she's going to rip Ladek a new one. Maina is just starting intently at Ladek. He may notice he suddenly cannot move away from Alhambra.
Ladek stares over to Al as she jumps up on the table, and growls, not really noticing that Maina is doing anything until he feels he can barely move, he growls, "Riftwalker," is what he says,him standing by the table the rest of the group there Al standing on the table.
Ladek stares over to Al as she jumps up on the table, and growls, not really noticing that Maina is doing anything until he feels he can barely move, he growls, "Riftwalker," is what he says,him standing by the table the rest of the group there Al standing on the table.
"ENOUGHT!!" Xanya shouts to get the attention. "I will not let any combat or bloodshead happen here today." She says with a firm tone. "Ladek You will leave this planet and since you hate it so much I will ask you to let every flower pant flora and founa that belongs to this planet behind. None of it are to be taken with you no matter what. Also I will advice you to ignore this planet from now on and never come back. seeing as you distrust this planet so much that will be your best course of action." She sais then points to the shuttle. "Now please, leave this planet while you still can. because I have no idea how long I can keep This woman from doing whatever she wants to do to you." She says looking to Al. For now she is uncertain as to why ladek suddenly stopped moving.
"ENOUGHT!!" Xanya shouts to get the attention. "I will not let any combat or bloodshead happen here today." She says with a firm tone. "Ladek. You will leave this planet and since you hate it so much I will ask you to let every flower pant flora and fauna that belongs to this planet behind. None of it are to be taken with you no matter what. Also I will advice you to ignore this planet from now on and never come back. seeing as you distrust this planet so much that will be your best course of action." She sais then points to the shuttle. "Now please, leave this planet while you still can. because I have no idea how long I can keep This woman from doing whatever she wants to do to you." She says looking to Al. For now she is uncertain as to why ladek suddenly stopped moving.
Kethren looks like he was tempted to draw his tranq pistol on the immobile Ladek, but stops when Xan yells, and nods to Ladek. "She's quite right. You could have been welcome here. We gave you every chance. What do you do? Accuse us of being enslaved? Living on an evil planet? Not to mention your xenophobia. Go." then reaches up to scratch Floriana reassuringly.
Kethren looks like he was tempted to draw his tranq pistol on the immobile Ladek, but stops when Xan yells, and nods to Ladek. "She's quite right. You could have been welcome here. We gave you every chance. What do you do? Accuse us of being enslaved? Living on an evil planet? Not to mention your xenophobia. Go." then reaches up to scratch Floriana reassuringly.
Alhambra appeared to have been winding up for -something-, both arms drawing back until the muscles were strained, fingers splayed wide and tense, and then the target stops moving, and Xanya speaks up. Teeth still bared, throat still thrumming with a growl, head still ducked, she holds. Waiting.
Alhambra appeared to have been winding up for -something-, both arms drawing back until the muscles were strained, fingers splayed wide and tense, and then the target stops moving, and Xanya speaks up. Teeth still bared, throat still thrumming with a growl, head still ducked, she holds. Waiting.
Suleyk meanders into the field, his hands clasped behind his back, humming a low, slow tune tohimself. His hooves make small indents in the grass, a stark contrast to his large frame. He smiles pleasantly as he walks into the scene, his eyes flicking over the individuals involved. He turns to Ladek. "Have you gotten yourself in trouble, captain?" He smiles warmly as if discussing the weather.
Suleyk meanders into the field, his hands clasped behind his back, humming a low, slow tune tohimself. His hooves make small indents in the grass, a stark contrast to his large frame. He smiles pleasantly as he walks into the scene, his eyes flicking over the individuals involved. He turns to Ladek. "Have you gotten yourself in trouble, captain?" He smiles warmly as if discussing the weather.
Maina releases her focus, allowing Ladek to move again. "Choose your next actions very carefully. I'd suggest not including words with them." She glances over to the new arrival addressing him, raising a brow slightly.
Maina releases her focus, allowing Ladek to move again. "Choose your next actions very carefully. I'd suggest not including words with them." She glances over to the new arrival addressing him, raising a brow slightly.
Ladek growls as the Psionic power releases him and he looks to stare to Maina, then, he smiles, and gently moves to sit at the table, "My apologies, Al ya crushed the pretty flowers," he sighs gently, and with a gentle glance to Maina he makes a fist and focuses, albeit where just about most people wouldn't notice, and attempts to create Psionic Static around her general area, likely causing discomfort if successful, anger driving attempt, and sits in the chair as he looks to Suleyk, "I am doing okay, you are a scientist, please tell them about this planet," he says.
Ladek growls as the Psionic power releases him and he looks to stare to Maina, then, he smiles, and gently moves to sit at the table, "My apologies, Al ya crushed the pretty flowers," he sighs gently, and with a gentle glance to Maina he makes a fist and focuses, albeit where just about most people wouldn't notice, and attempts to create Psionic Static around her general area, likely causing discomfort if successful, anger driving attempt, and sits in the chair as he looks to Suleyk, "I am doing okay, you are a scientist, please tell them about this planet," he says.
Xanya steps to ladek and puts her right cybernetic arm on his shoulder. "You better leave sir. sitting down is not a wise idea right now." She says trying to remain calm. "You are no longer welcome here. So leave. Now." She says with a firm tone. "Before I ask the guards to dragg you away."
Xanya steps to ladek and puts her right cybernetic arm on his shoulder. "You better leave sir. sitting down is not a wise idea right now." She says trying to remain calm. "You are no longer welcome here. So leave. Now." She says with a firm tone. "Before I ask the guards to dragg you away."
Kethren nods at the arriving scientist as he draws his tranq pistol "Evening. Your boss there is... well, he's not exactly welcome. Not to mention fairly arrogant. We've got our own scientists. Hell, I'm one myself. I like to think we've got a slightly better idea of what's going on on this planet than some random passersby with an axe to grind. He's threatened us numerous times, insulting our planet, and our people. And given that he just took a seat? I think maybe you should help him to the nearest shuttle. Clearly he needs it."
Kethren nods at the arriving scientist as he draws his tranq pistol "Evening. Your boss there is... well, he's not exactly welcome. Not to mention fairly arrogant. We've got our own scientists. Hell, I'm one myself. I like to think we've got a slightly better idea of what's going on on this planet than some random passersby with an axe to grind. He's threatened us numerous times, insulting our planet, and our people. And given that he just took a seat? I think maybe you should help him to the nearest shuttle. Clearly he needs it."
Alhambra remains standing on the table, although when Ladek sits she crouches down, posture just about as bearlike as it's going to get without her being on all fours. She doesn't take her eyes off him when she addresses Suleyk. "Take your Captain outta here, pal. He don't like it here, he don't like us, he don't wanna listen to nothin' and when folks don't listen I tend to get to thumpin."
Alhambra remains standing on the table, although when Ladek sits she crouches down, posture just about as bearlike as it's going to get without her being on all fours. She doesn't take her eyes off him when she addresses Suleyk. "Take your Captain outta here, pal. He don't like it here, he don't like us, he don't wanna listen to nothin' and when folks don't listen I tend to get to thumpin."
Suleyk nods slowly, unclasping his hands and stepping forward cautiosly. "I shall do this. He is clearly unwelcome, and I do not wish to anger anyone." He bows in apology, sinking his torso low, and turns to Ladek. "I would also have you understand, Captain, that the word 'scientist' is extrodinarily broad. I am a man who enjoys the pursuit of knowledge-- This does not render me an expert in every subject nor alien worlds I have not set foot upon." He motions towards the way he came, a low rumbling noise accompanying the motion. "You have overstayed your welcome here. It is best that you leave. I would advise being more respectful and tactful next time, whatever you have done to anger these kind people."
Suleyk nods slowly, unclasping his hands and stepping forward cautiosly. "I shall do this. He is clearly unwelcome, and I do not wish to anger anyone." He bows in apology, sinking his torso low, and turns to Ladek. "I would also have you understand, Captain, that the word 'scientist' is extrodinarily broad. I am a man who enjoys the pursuit of knowledge-- This does not render me an expert in every subject nor alien worlds I have not set foot upon." He motions towards the way he came, a low rumbling noise accompanying the motion. "You have overstayed your welcome here. It is best that you leave. I would advise being more respectful and tactful next time, whatever you have done to anger these kind people."
Maina narrows her gaze, feeling the discomfort from the 'static'. "He's using his powers on me. We told you to leave, asshole. So you sit down like you own the place? Get the hell off my planet. Going to see about making you 'shoot on sight' if you ever come back. And if you don't leave -now-, I won't even wait until you leave."
Maina narrows her gaze, feeling the discomfort from the 'static'. "He's using his powers on me. We told you to leave, asshole. So you sit down like you own the place? Get the hell off my planet. Going to see about making you 'shoot on sight' if you ever come back. And if you don't leave -now-, I won't even wait until you leave."
Ladek looks over to Maina thoughtfully, "I get peaceful and you give more threats, and I simply do not want your Psionics causing harm," he uses the arm to gently get a drink of water from a bottle he has in his jacket, looking to Al, "You arent doing nicely either," he looks over to Kethren, "You are about the only that isn't continuing to threaten me at this level, I would get up and go, but one, my arm is here, two, what is keeping ya from trying to shoot at me when I stand to go," he looks over to Suleyk, "I simply want a flower to take with me and my arm, these people are being as ya notice over saying a planet makes me uncomfortable and they chat about how they are worthy to keep to the animals around here," he drinks more water, "When you ask of me nicely, I will heed the request, and only if my arm is still going to be attached," he adds, "Flower is optional, ya import food and a flower is some amazing power," he looks to Xanya, "Ah, you threatened," he nods, "All of ya did and I did not threaten anyone except in self-defense, I want safety," he says.
Ladek looks over to Maina thoughtfully, "I get peaceful and you give more threats, and I simply do not want your Psionics causing harm," he uses the arm to gently get a drink of water from a bottle he has in his jacket, looking to Al, "You arent doing nicely either," he looks over to Kethren, "You are about the only that isn't continuing to threaten me at this level, I would get up and go, but one, my arm is here, two, what is keeping ya from trying to shoot at me when I stand to go," he looks over to Suleyk, "I simply want a flower to take with me and my arm, these people are being as ya notice over saying a planet makes me uncomfortable and they chat about how they are worthy to keep to the animals around here," he drinks more water, "When you ask of me nicely, I will heed the request, and only if my arm is still going to be attached," he adds, "Flower is optional, ya import food and a flower is some amazing power," he looks to Xanya, "Ah, you threatened," he nods, "All of ya did and I did not threaten anyone except in self-defense, I want safety," he says.
Xanya shakes her head. "sir, you have over stayed your welcome. we asked you to leave nicely and yet you stay like an unwelcome gues. thats not a good choice to make. You say we threatend you as if you have done nothing and yet you threatend out planet and all of it's flora and fauna." She says to ladek. "You want your arm? I'm sure we can arange it to be connected once it's compleeted. Untill then, please leave. for your own safety."
Xanya shakes her head. "sir, you have over stayed your welcome. we asked you to leave nicely and yet you stay like an unwelcome guest. thats not a good choice to make. You say we threatend you as if you have done nothing and yet you threatend out planet and all of it's flora and fauna." She says to ladek. "You want your arm? I'm sure we can arange it to be connected once it's compleeted. Untill then, please leave. for your own safety."
Arcadia enters the area humming along lazily. She has a faint smile on her face as she moves along. Over her shoulder is a battered old messanger bag that seems to contain quite a few items.
Arcadia enters the area humming along lazily. She has a faint smile on her face as she moves along. Over her shoulder is a battered old messanger bag that seems to contain quite a few items.
Kethren rolls his eyes at Ladek "Funny how people get protective when their home's threatened. Now consider how much of you me you know. Do you really think I'd have drawn my pistol /at all/ if we were not all in full agreement that you need to get out of here? The arm's between you and Aina, but I'm sure arrangements can be made. Assuming your latest round of insulting our home doesn't make her decide to not help you at all." he then nods to a a pair of nearby guards who march up to Ladek, and calmly inform him "It's time for you to leave. We'll make sure you get to the shuttle in one piece."
Kethren rolls his eyes at Ladek "Funny how people get protective when their home's threatened. Now consider how much of you me you know. Do you really think I'd have drawn my pistol /at all/ if we were not all in full agreement that you need to get out of here? The arm's between you and Aina, but I'm sure arrangements can be made. Assuming your latest round of insulting our home doesn't make her decide to not help you at all." he then nods to a a pair of nearby guards who march up to Ladek, and calmly inform him "It's time for you to leave. We'll make sure you get to the shuttle in one piece."
"Fuck your niceties," Alhambra growls. "You come on in here, start shit with folks, and then go cryin' that you're being threatened for no reason whut the goddamn DAY AFTER you try and deck Tam in the face for talking mess to you? You're doing EXACTLY the same thing, and I will tell you I am presently stifling the urge to kick your teeth out the back of your head. You been told to leave. This is our planet, not YOUR planet. You don't make the rules, you don't get to make demands. Haul your ass out, and -so motherfucking help me- if I catch you on Eiru pulling this snake in the grass bullshit I will have you run out of town on a rail." She slams the flat of her hand against the table again.
"Fuck your niceties," Alhambra growls. "You come on in here, start shit with folks, and then go cryin' that you're being threatened for no reason whut the goddamn DAY AFTER you try and deck Tam in the face for talking mess to you? You're doing EXACTLY the same thing, and I will tell you I am presently stifling the urge to kick your teeth out the back of your head. You been told to leave. This is our planet, not YOUR planet. You don't make the rules, you don't get to make demands. Haul your ass out, and -so motherfucking help me- if I catch you on Eiru pulling this snake in the grass bullshit I will have you run out of town on a rail." She slams the flat of her hand against the table again.
Suleyk steps up to Ladek, towering over the smaller man. His shadow looms over, and his eyes narrow, his usually kind face contorting into an expression of anger and disappointment. "Captain, it is imperative that you leave this planet at once. There is no further reason for your presence at this world, and safety lies not here, but beyond the planet's atmosphere." He sweeps his arm out, indicating the mob of angry people gathered. "If you are to remain, you will sustain grevious bodily injury. You may not survive the assault, and I shall refuse to treat you even if you do, for it will be an injury of your own doing." He lifts his chin, looking down at the man. "Furthermore, if you do not leave, I hereby resign from your crew."
Suleyk steps up to Ladek, towering over the smaller man. His shadow looms over, and his eyes narrow, his usually kind face contorting into an expression of anger and disappointment. "Captain, it is imperative that you leave this planet at once. There is no further reason for your presence at this world, and safety lies not here, but beyond the planet's atmosphere." He sweeps his arm out, indicating the mob of angry people gathered. "If you are to remain, you will sustain grevious bodily injury. You may not survive the assault, and I shall refuse to treat you even if you do, for it will be an injury of your own doing." He lifts his chin, looking down at the man. "Furthermore, if you do not leave, I hereby resign from your crew."
Ladek stands gently and sighs, "Very well, I have not the capacity to let anything happen here, my apologies, I will however assure to save as many people as I might possibly be able to," he looks over to Al, "Wasnt aware that ya owned it," he adds, "As long, as I am safe and get my arm," he adjusts jacket with one hand and nods to the guards, "Get me away from this place," he says and follows along with them to the shuttle for safety, as he looks to the group a determined look might be noticed, and he moves to board the shuttle with the escort.
Ladek stands gently and sighs, "Very well, I have not the capacity to let anything happen here, my apologies, I will however assure to save as many people as I might possibly be able to," he looks over to Al, "Wasnt aware that ya owned it," he adds, "As long, as I am safe and get my arm," he adjusts jacket with one hand and nods to the guards, "Get me away from this place," he says and follows along with them to the shuttle for safety, as he looks to the group a determined look might be noticed, and he moves to board the shuttle with the escort.
Maina frowns faintly, remaining on standby. "Don't come back. That was your last chance."
Maina frowns faintly, remaining on standby. "Don't come back. That was your last chance."
Xanya sighs and takes a deep breah as ladek leaves. "glad this is over with, for now anyway." She says and makes her pda makes some noises as she makes some notes on it via her neural interface inplant.
You paged Colchek with 'Lord I wish I was exagerrating, but I checked the time stamp from after I had to reconnect, and it was 1:30. He's been doing this for five hours.'
Xanya sighs and takes a deep breah as ladek leaves. "glad this is over with, for now anyway." She says and makes her pda makes some noises as she makes some notes on it via her neural interface implant.
Idle message from Colchek: Currently traveling at Idle Speed. Use Sub-Idle Radio (IE @mail) for communications.
"Whoa shit.. like whats the hell is like tots going on here?" Arcadia asks with a mild bit of confusion.
"Whoa shit.. like whats the hell is like tots going on here?" Arcadia asks with a mild bit of confusion.
Suleyk releases a long winded sigh, and relaxes himself. He straightens out his coat a bit, and clasps his hands together, sinking into another bow. "I apologize for his behavior. I wish I could say he was in rare form, but alas, I do not know the man well enough." He frowns ever so slightly. "Perhaps I made a mistake. This incident is quite troubling." He turns around and begins to walk away, wistfully admiring the beautiful planet. "I hope I will be allowed to return, though I suppose it is only prudent for me to accompany him back wherever... For now."
Suleyk releases a long winded sigh, and relaxes himself. He straightens out his coat a bit, and clasps his hands together, sinking into another bow. "I apologize for his behavior. I wish I could say he was in rare form, but alas, I do not know the man well enough." He frowns ever so slightly. "Perhaps I made a mistake. This incident is quite troubling." He turns around and begins to walk away, wistfully admiring the beautiful planet. "I hope I will be allowed to return, though I suppose it is only prudent for me to accompany him back wherever... For now."
Kethren sighs and reaches up to scratch Floriana absently "It's alright. He won't be by to bother you again." then nods to Suleyk "Not my place to say, really. But apart from picking a lousy employer, I see no reason to bar you from visits."
Kethren sighs and reaches up to scratch Floriana absently "It's alright. He won't be by to bother you again." then nods to Suleyk "Not my place to say, really. But apart from picking a lousy employer, I see no reason to bar you from visits."
"I'm the law there, son, and you've already tried to deck one of my citizens right in front of me," Alhambra rumbles, turning without getting off of the table to follow Ladek's movements. "If you have a complaint about my appointment as Sheriff, please direct them to the Eiru Council. There's a member of it here right now." She points at Maina, her grin more a baring of teeth than an expression of any joy. "Try B'hira," she calls after Suleyk. "I hear it's nice this time of year." The comment is punctuated by a bull-like snort, nostrils flaring.
"I'm the law there, son, and you've already tried to deck one of my citizens right in front of me," Alhambra rumbles, turning without getting off of the table to follow Ladek's movements. "If you have a complaint about my appointment as Sheriff, please direct them to the Eiru Council. There's a member of it here right now." She points at Maina, her grin more a baring of teeth than an expression of any joy. "Try B'hira," she calls after Suleyk. "I hear it's nice this time of year." The comment is punctuated by a bull-like snort, nostrils flaring.
Xanya yawsn a bit and stretches then stands up. "I'm thinking of going to get some sleep. I will see you an other time, my friends." She says and then looks to floriana and Rikki. "and as far as I am concerend that means you too."
Xanya yawsn a bit and stretches then stands up. "I'm thinking of going to get some sleep. I will see you an other time, my friends." She says and then looks to floriana and Rikki. "and as far as I am concerend that means you too."
Maina rubs at her forehead, "So help me, if he comes back, whoever sees them has my permission to kill him where he stands. We founded this place to get away from assholes like that. Don't need them settling here with us."
Maina rubs at her forehead, "So help me, if he comes back, whoever sees them has my permission to kill him where he stands. We founded this place to get away from assholes like that. Don't need them settling here with us."
Kethren sighs and sinks back down into his chair, but smirks up at Al "Mind getting off the table? It's impossible to have a cup of coffee with you up there. Glad that guy finally left, though. Getting rather sick of him... Aina should charge him more for that arm."
Kethren sighs and sinks back down into his chair, but smirks up at Al "Mind getting off the table? It's impossible to have a cup of coffee with you up there. Glad that guy finally left, though. Getting rather sick of him... Aina should charge him more for that arm."
Alhambra exhales another snort, and sits down on the table with a solid 'whump'. "Nnnnnnh," she says, either still waiting for the adrenaline to settle down or for a cloud to cover the moon so that she changes back from her great big snarly (and entirely metaphorical) bear form. "I think she should stick it up his ass so he can punch himself in the mouth."
Alhambra exhales another snort, and sits down on the table with a solid 'whump'. "Nnnnnnh," she says, either still waiting for the adrenaline to settle down or for a cloud to cover the moon so that she changes back from her great big snarly (and entirely metaphorical) bear form. "I think she should stick it up his ass so he can punch himself in the mouth."
Kethren grins up at Al "Granted, but you know how nice Aina is. Apart from being protective of me, she's almost entirely friendly. So, the most likely course with her is either she charges him an obscene sum, or she keeps it as a display model." he idly reaches up to scratch Floriana a bit, before yelling over into the mess "Hey! Could one of you guys bring out the usual visitor giant tray table sampler platter of beer an such?" then smiles back at Al "Somehow coffee doesn't seem the appropriate beverage now."
Kethren grins up at Al "Granted, but you know how nice Aina is. Apart from being protective of me, she's almost entirely friendly. So, the most likely course with her is either she charges him an obscene sum, or she keeps it as a display model." he idly reaches up to scratch Floriana a bit, before yelling over into the mess "Hey! Could one of you guys bring out the usual visitor giant tray table sampler platter of beer an such?" then smiles back at Al "Somehow coffee doesn't seem the appropriate beverage now."
"If'n she wants, I can shove it up his ass," Alhambra offers, with as much grace as she can between clenched teeth. "Oh for the love of baby Jesus yes please beer me."
"If'n she wants, I can shove it up his ass," Alhambra offers, with as much grace as she can between clenched teeth. "Oh for the love of baby Jesus yes please beer me."
Kethren smirks "I rather doubt she'd let you. Though I think she'd be very tempted to look the other way." then nods appreciatively as the legged beer tray arrives "Help yourself! Plenty of variety there." and grabs one for himself, popping the top off as he goes.
Kethren smirks "I rather doubt she'd let you. Though I think she'd be very tempted to look the other way." then nods appreciatively as the legged beer tray arrives "Help yourself! Plenty of variety there." and grabs one for himself, popping the top off as he goes.
Arcadia Glances this way and that. "Anyone mind telling me like.. umm who Mister One-Armed-Twat-Face was
Arcadia Glances this way and that. "Anyone mind telling me like.. umm who Mister One-Armed-Twat-Face was."
Alhambra snags a beer, and pops it open using her belt buckle. A few gulps are taken before she answers Arcadia. "Uh, actually? That pretty much says it all. He's some twat-face with one arm who as far as I can tell goes around starting shit with folks and then pissing about it. Today the pants-on-head-retarded du jour was him... whut the fuck was he DOING, anyways, eyeing the Ser and then... putting flowers at 'em? The fuck even was that, Keth?"
Alhambra snags a beer, and pops it open using her belt buckle. A few gulps are taken before she answers Arcadia. "Uh, actually? That pretty much says it all. He's some twat-face with one arm who as far as I can tell goes around starting shit with folks and then pissing about it. Today the pants-on-head-retarded du jour was him... whut the fuck was he DOING, anyways, eyeing the Ser and then... putting flowers at 'em? The fuck even was that, Keth?"
Kethren takes a long swig of his beer "Erm... I /hope/ he was just trying to prove his worth to her. I think he's got it in mind to bond with a critter. Which is strange, considering his more or less pathological hatred of psionic stuff. The alternative is um... well, let's just say he's got an exceedingly poor grasp of anatomy." then takes another sip of beer. "He probably came by hoping Aina was around. She's making his new arm. It'll be better'n he deserves. Assuming he ever raises the funds, anyway. Those things aren't cheap."
Kethren takes a long swig of his beer "Erm... I /hope/ he was just trying to prove his worth to her. I think he's got it in mind to bond with a critter. Which is strange, considering his more or less pathological hatred of psionic stuff. The alternative is um... well, let's just say he's got an exceedingly poor grasp of anatomy." then takes another sip of beer. "He probably came by hoping Aina was around. She's making his new arm. It'll be better'n he deserves. Assuming he ever raises the funds, anyway. Those things aren't cheap."
"Huh.. okay then." Arcadia replies with a small shrug of her shoulders. The two get a glance and a smile. "So like.. I'm Cadie and stuff.. down from the fleet and stuff." She introduces though there is a hint to shyness in her posture.
"Huh.. okay then." Arcadia replies with a small shrug of her shoulders. The two get a glance and a smile. "So like.. I'm Cadie and stuff.. down from the fleet and stuff." She introduces though there is a hint to shyness in her posture.
Alhambra peers at Kethren, pausing mid-sip of beer. "Son, he was tryin' to tell a bunch of us in the middle of a resupply run that he thinks Nall is cute and wishes they'd be docile 'cause they remind him of dinosaur cartoon. He got an exceedingly poor grasp of EVERYTHING." She gestures with the beer bottle at Arcadia. "Hi Cadie, I'm Al."
Alhambra peers at Kethren, pausing mid-sip of beer. "Son, he was tryin' to tell a bunch of us in the middle of a resupply run that he thinks Nall is cute and wishes they'd be docile 'cause they remind him of dinosaur cartoon. He got an exceedingly poor grasp of EVERYTHING." She gestures with the beer bottle at Arcadia. "Hi Cadie, I'm Al."
Kethren raises an eyebrow at Al, and snickers a bit "That /is/ a bit odd, alright. Not that I've seen a lot of Nall... think there were a few on that warship?" he shudders just a little there, then nods to Cadie when he's calmed down again. "I'm Kethren, but I'm pretty sure we've met... briefly at least, anyway."
Kethren raises an eyebrow at Al, and snickers a bit "That /is/ a bit odd, alright. Not that I've seen a lot of Nall... think there were a few on that warship?" he shudders just a little there, then nods to Cadie when he's calmed down again. "I'm Kethren, but I'm pretty sure we've met... briefly at least, anyway."
Maina gives a sigh now that he's gone, "Some things really do never change. Get rid of one another comes flying at you." She notes Cadie now, giving a small smile, "Hey. Sorry you had to see that."
Maina gives a sigh now that he's gone, "Some things really do never change. Get rid of one another comes flying at you." She notes Cadie now, giving a small smile, "Hey. Sorry you had to see that."
"Oh..? Maybe." Arcadia replies towards Kethren. AL gets a bright smile. "Like.. Eiru or something I think?" She murmurs. "See what? Mister One-Armed-Twat-Face?"
"Oh..? Maybe." Arcadia replies towards Kethren. AL gets a bright smile. "Like.. Eiru or something I think?" She murmurs. "See what? Mister One-Armed-Twat-Face?"
Alhambra finishes another long swig of beer, then another, then another. The muscles in her back slowly stop twitching. Then, gulp, gulp, gulp. "Errrrp," she 'says', and then looks over at Cadie with her confused dog expression. "Whut?"
Alhambra finishes another long swig of beer, then another, then another. The muscles in her back slowly stop twitching. Then, gulp, gulp, gulp. "Errrrp," she 'says', and then looks over at Cadie with her confused dog expression. "Whut?"
Kethren takes a sip of beer and nods to Cadie "Probably the Eiru beach. Or the tidal pool. I spent a lot of time in both during my beach bum phase. Now I make armor and am planning our city out."
Kethren takes a sip of beer and nods to Cadie "Probably the Eiru beach. Or the tidal pool. I spent a lot of time in both during my beach bum phase. Now I make armor and am planning our city out."
Maina gives a nod over at Cadie, "Yeah. Him. And everyone being angry at him."
Maina gives a nod over at Cadie, "Yeah. Him. And everyone being angry at him."
"Well.. I am like tots sure he sucks if everyone like hates him." Arcadia grins happily. "So umm.. like whats up guys?"
"Well.. I am like tots sure he sucks if everyone like hates him." Arcadia grins happily. "So umm.. like whats up guys?"
Alhambra reaches over to the tray for another beer, which she also opens using her belt buckle. The rumbling exhalations have slowed a bit, and the muscles along her back and arms remain tense, but are no longer twitching. Her brow lowers at the conversation subject, but returns to 'puzzled dog' stage every time Arcadia talks. "Whut?"
Alhambra reaches over to the tray for another beer, which she also opens using her belt buckle. The rumbling exhalations have slowed a bit, and the muscles along her back and arms remain tense, but are no longer twitching. Her brow lowers at the conversation subject, but returns to 'puzzled dog' stage every time Arcadia talks. "Whut?"
Kethren takes a long drink of his beer, draining the bottle and puts it back down "Uh, not much. Healing up from raiding a Kretonian warship, and from getting a neural interface installed. And planning out the town when I can spare a few moments. Should have more such moments without that idiot around." Kail has apparently stopped chasing bugs, and is now waddling in the direction of Cadie. "Wark?"
Kethren takes a long drink of his beer, draining the bottle and puts it back down "Uh, not much. Healing up from raiding a Kretonian warship, and from getting a neural interface installed. And planning out the town when I can spare a few moments. Should have more such moments without that idiot around." Kail has apparently stopped chasing bugs, and is now waddling in the direction of Cadie. "Wark?"
Maina raises a brow over at Kethren, "... raising a warship? Hope that wasn't under Danu's flag. Hope Danu is still pacifistic like I wanted..." she looks over to Cadie, "... whole lot of nothing right now. Want to go out for that dinner...?"
Maina raises a brow over at Kethren, "... raiding a warship? Hope that wasn't under Danu's flag. Hope Danu is still pacifistic like I wanted..." she looks over to Cadie, "... whole lot of nothing right now. Want to go out for that dinner...?"
Arcadia looks down at the creature and kneels down. "Oh.. like..what sort of crazy little space creature are you umm Thingie Mcbob?" She asks the creature. Maina gets a shrug. "Pizza?"
Arcadia looks down at the creature and kneels down. "Oh.. like..what sort of crazy little space creature are you umm Thingie Mcbob?" She asks the creature. Maina gets a shrug. "Pizza?"
"Oh fuck Missy Maina -that- one is a long story. Danu ain't doin' it, though, it's some crazyburger sideways time Doctor Who rifting shit," Alhambra drawls. "I went on onna them trips, and so help me I'd prefer not to take another."
"Oh fuck Missy Maina -that- one is a long story. Danu ain't doin' it, though, it's some crazyburger sideways time Doctor Who rifting shit," Alhambra drawls. "I went on onna them trips, and so help me I'd prefer not to take another."
Kethren nods "As Al said. I didn't exactly volunteer for the trip... it was one of the ships in the fleet that invaded Ungstir. So Danu never would've taken the blame. I just did what I had to to survive. And yes, far as I know we're still very much on the pacifist path. Only weapon I've ever carried myself is this tranq pistol." Realizing he still has it in hand, he moves to put it back in the holster. Then grinning at Cadie "Oh, that's Kail. My hauler bot. Aina made him as a welcome home present for me awhile back."
Kethren nods "As Al said. I didn't exactly volunteer for the trip... it was one of the ships in the fleet that invaded Ungstir. So Danu never would've taken the blame. I just did what I had to to survive. And yes, far as I know we're still very much on the pacifist path. Only weapon I've ever carried myself is this tranq pistol." Realizing he still has it in hand, he moves to put it back in the holster. Then grinning at Cadie "Oh, that's Kail. My hauler bot. Aina made him as a welcome home present for me awhile back."
Maina gives a little nod to that, "Good..." she looks to Cadie, "We could check out Cafe Orion if you still wanted to?"
Maina gives a little nod to that, "Good..." she looks to Cadie, "We could check out Cafe Orion if you still wanted to?"
Arcadia nods her head slightly as she rises to her feet. "I'll like take a shower and stuff. Meet you there later?" She states.
Arcadia nods her head slightly as she rises to her feet. "I'll like take a shower and stuff. Meet you there later?" She states.
"I ain't a pacifist," Alhambra drawls, taking another slug of beer. "But I don't work for Danu so it's all good." Errrrp. "God-damn that pissed all over my mood, I tell you whut."
"I ain't a pacifist," Alhambra drawls, taking another slug of beer. "But I don't work for Danu so it's all good." Errrrp. "God-damn that pissed all over my mood, I tell you whut."
Kethren grabs a fresh bottle and pops it open before taking a long swig "I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say I'm a pacifist... the lawyer who got rifted onto that warship might have been. He got himself killed. I don't go looking for trouble, but I'll do what needs to be done when the time's right. By and large though, I'd rather leave that kind of thing to Al, here. She's so much better at it."
Kethren grabs a fresh bottle and pops it open before taking a long swig "I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say I'm a pacifist... the lawyer who got rifted onto that warship might have been. He got himself killed. I don't go looking for trouble, but I'll do what needs to be done when the time's right. By and large though, I'd rather leave that kind of thing to Al, here. She's so much better at it."
Maina gives a bit of a shrug, "I've gotten over my total pacifism. I just never wanted Danu to become a military power aside from protecting itself. No aggressive actions, but we'll defend ourselves. Not our place to stick our noses in other peoples' business."
Maina gives a bit of a shrug, "I've gotten over my total pacifism. I just never wanted Danu to become a military power aside from protecting itself. No aggressive actions, but we'll defend ourselves. Not our place to stick our noses in other peoples' business."
"Fuck yes, I am better at it," Alhambra drawls, -finally- settling down enough to get off of the table and plunk her ass in a chair. Rikki, who had wisely decided to bugger -completely- off while the fracas was going on, comes pelting out from the eaves of the mess tent and up the chair before worming his way under her ear with little 'chff chff' noises. "Awwwr, yes, the freakbucket is gone, sweetheart. I don't know whut the hell he's doing obsessing on you little guys but it's fuckin' like The Date That Wouldn't Leave."
"Fuck yes, I am better at it," Alhambra drawls, -finally- settling down enough to get off of the table and plunk her ass in a chair. Rikki, who had wisely decided to bugger -completely- off while the fracas was going on, comes pelting out from the eaves of the mess tent and up the chair before worming his way under her ear with little 'chff chff' noises. "Awwwr, yes, the freakbucket is gone, sweetheart. I don't know whut the hell he's doing obsessing on you little guys but it's fuckin' like The Date That Wouldn't Leave."
Kethren has another drink and nods "Indeed. Far as I know that's all our military's for. But you'd have to check with someone else for the fine details. I've never had a hand in that end of things" then smiles at Al "And we appreciate that you are. Us architects are no good at being intimidating."
Kethren has another drink and nods "Indeed. Far as I know that's all our military's for. But you'd have to check with someone else for the fine details. I've never had a hand in that end of things" then smiles at Al "And we appreciate that you are. Us architects are no good at being intimidating."
Maina gives a nod to that, glancing to Al, "Thanks for helping handle him, Al."
Maina gives a nod to that, glancing to Al, "Thanks for helping handle him, Al."
Alhambra rubs the little russet Ser behind the ear with the tip of her index finger. "Coulda fucked him up," she drawls, although her expression is exactly the opposite as the tiny creature chitters softly. "Already had to thump Majors one for talking shit, but at least he learned. Mostly. I mean he still talks a little shit but he's behavin' better now. That other asshole, I don't know whut the hell he's on about, he's cracked in the head I think."
Alhambra rubs the little russet Ser behind the ear with the tip of her index finger. "Coulda fucked him up," she drawls, although her expression is exactly the opposite as the tiny creature chitters softly. "Already had to thump Majors one for talking shit, but at least he learned. Mostly. I mean he still talks a little shit but he's behavin' better now. That other asshole, I don't know whut the hell he's on about, he's cracked in the head I think."
Kethren nods and takes a long drink of his beer, then looking thoughtful, puts his pda on the table and starts tapping some things into it, sparing a glance for Al as he does "Yeah, there's definitely something off kilter about him. Oh, uh... incidently, if you could get hold of Voluria for me, it'd be appreciated."
Kethren nods and takes a long drink of his beer, then looking thoughtful, puts his pda on the table and starts tapping some things into it, sparing a glance for Al as he does "Yeah, there's definitely something off kilter about him. Oh, uh... incidently, if you could get hold of Voluria for me, it'd be appreciated."
Maina shifts her weight a bit, "I don't care what's off about him so long as he stays away, frankly."
Maina shifts her weight a bit, "I don't care what's off about him so long as he stays away, frankly."
Alhambra looks over at Kethren, and shrugs. "Yeah sure, I mean if I see her. I ain't seen her in a while, but if'n I do, I'll let her know about you first thing." She nods to Maina. "Yeah, I don't like the way he was looking at the Ser, I don't like the way he was talking, and all the crackpot back and forth about how much he hates this place but don't wanna leave it... and then he just like STOPS and sits down like a four year old in the toy store and says he ain't goin' until we give him what he wants? The fuck's that?"
Alhambra looks over at Kethren, and shrugs. "Yeah sure, I mean if I see her. I ain't seen her in a while, but if'n I do, I'll let her know about you first thing." She nods to Maina. "Yeah, I don't like the way he was looking at the Ser, I don't like the way he was talking, and all the crackpot back and forth about how much he hates this place but don't wanna leave it... and then he just like STOPS and sits down like a four year old in the toy store and says he ain't goin' until we give him what he wants? The fuck's that?"
Kethren nods to Al as he keeps tapping away "Thanks... I was willing to let Rose do it, but the topic came up, and Aina was... well, she'd rather it be someone licensed. I don't want her worrying." then pauses his tapping for a moment to look thoughtful "No clue. Mainly I want him to stay away... I'd almost say that the symbiotes got him, but they've never compelled anyone else to be here. We just like the place. But we're fine if we're elsewhere."
Kethren nods to Al as he keeps tapping away "Thanks... I was willing to let Rose do it, but the topic came up, and Aina was... well, she'd rather it be someone licensed. I don't want her worrying." then pauses his tapping for a moment to look thoughtful "No clue. Mainly I want him to stay away... I'd almost say that the symbiotes got him, but they've never compelled anyone else to be here. We just like the place. But we're fine if we're elsewhere."
Maina gives a shrug, "I'd just as soon forget he exists before I go find him and chuck him out an airlock."
Maina gives a shrug, "I'd just as soon forget he exists before I go find him and chuck him out an airlock."
Alhambra scratches her midsection and just gives Kethren a chortle. "Son, I still don't know whut the hell -y'all- are on about with this symb-i-ote thing. Honestly, darlin', it's a nice place, an, look." Gently, she cups her fingers around Rikki and tugs him clear of her ear, holding him towards Kethren. "Okay now lookit that face." The kitteny face, with its little round olive-black eyes and combing whiskers, one little fang poking out from his tiny muzzle. "You see that face? You think somebody needs an alien doohicker to make you want to keep folks from messing with him? Lookit him." His little ears perk, and he starts radiating a combination of 'I'm cute' and 'I'm smug'. "C'mon now."
Alhambra scratches her midsection and just gives Kethren a chortle. "Son, I still don't know whut the hell -y'all- are on about with this symb-i-ote thing. Honestly, darlin', it's a nice place, an, look." Gently, she cups her fingers around Rikki and tugs him clear of her ear, holding him towards Kethren. "Okay now lookit that face." The kitteny face, with its little round olive-black eyes and combing whiskers, one little fang poking out from his tiny muzzle. "You see that face? You think somebody needs an alien doohicker to make you want to keep folks from messing with him? Lookit him." His little ears perk, and he starts radiating a combination of 'I'm cute' and 'I'm smug'. "C'mon now."
Kethren grins at Al "Hey, you'll get no argument from me about how adorable these fellas are. And I fell in love with this planet long before I got sick and the hamsters tried to steal my building plans. Speaking of, did I ever show you the fountain I was planning on putting in the middle of town?" Keth and Al are sitting at a table enjoying some beers. Maina's um... somewhere nearby. Close enough to talk, which she is. With the others.
Kethren grins at Al "Hey, you'll get no argument from me about how adorable these fellas are. And I fell in love with this planet long before I got sick and the hamsters tried to steal my building plans. Speaking of, did I ever show you the fountain I was planning on putting in the middle of town?" Keth and Al are sitting at a table enjoying some beers. Maina's um... somewhere nearby. Close enough to talk, which she is. With the others.
Maina smiles over at the critter, "I'm not sure what people mean about symbiotes, either. But, then, biological issues like that tend to not be a concern for me."
Maina smiles over at the critter, "I'm not sure what people mean about symbiotes, either. But, then, biological issues like that tend to not be a concern for me."
Announcement: Brody shouts, "As I announced on Facebook and Twitter - regrettably, I was sidetracked by a flat tire. We'll do the Dialogue event tomorrow night. Whose Pose Is It Anyway will go to Wednesday. Sorry!"
Sadie yawns as she comes back from the hills, the fast-growing Ubijit cub Thor on her heels, chasing after her medical coat. "Thor!" She gasps as he takes a big swat at the back of her legs, drawing a bit of blood. "Bad!" She turns around and waves a finger at him, then sighs as she takes out some supplies from her pack and bandages up the back of her leg that got it the most. "What am I going to do with you, little cutie?" She smiles as she sees Kethren and waves. As soon as she sees Maina, she stops walking. "M..Maina?!" She runs over to her, Thor quick on his feet behind her. "Where have you been? How have you been?!"
Sadie yawns as she comes back from the hills, the fast-growing Ubijit cub Thor on her heels, chasing after her medical coat. "Thor!" She gasps as he takes a big swat at the back of her legs, drawing a bit of blood. "Bad!" She turns around and waves a finger at him, then sighs as she takes out some supplies from her pack and bandages up the back of her leg that got it the most. "What am I going to do with you, little cutie?" She smiles as she sees Kethren and waves. As soon as she sees Maina, she stops walking. "M..Maina?!" She runs over to her, Thor quick on his feet behind her. "Where have you been? How have you been?!"
Alhambra opens a few fingers and tickles Rikki's little russet underbelly. 'Feeffeeffeef!' he says, his little feet swimming through the air. Then, she puts him on her head, where he drums his forepaws against her head for a few moments before disappearing into her unkempt hair. She leans over as Sadie and Thor arrive. "Wow, you are going to need one fuckin' huge old squirt bottle to break him of that habit," she comments.
Alhambra opens a few fingers and tickles Rikki's little russet underbelly. 'Feeffeeffeef!' he says, his little feet swimming through the air. Then, she puts him on her head, where he drums his forepaws against her head for a few moments before disappearing into her unkempt hair. She leans over as Sadie and Thor arrive. "Wow, you are going to need one fuckin' huge old squirt bottle to break him of that habit," she comments.
Kethren snickers a bit at Al, and waves at Sadie, before taking another sip of his beer and tapping a few more things into the pda. Once he stops a hologram of a fountain springs forth. A fountain that seems to be made of roots and vines, growing together tightly to form a wide basin, with a spiraled structure in the middle that the water fountains out of.
Kethren snickers a bit at Al, and waves at Sadie, before taking another sip of his beer and tapping a few more things into the pda. Once he stops a hologram of a fountain springs forth. A fountain that seems to be made of roots and vines, growing together tightly to form a wide basin, with a spiraled structure in the middle that the water fountains out of.
Maina glances over to Sadie in surprise, blinking. "Uhm... you're kind of hurt... anyway... I've been here. And I've been okay, I guess. I was on this planet the whole time anyway. how are you?" She glances to the hologram, "Oh, nice."
Maina glances over to Sadie in surprise, blinking. "Uhm... you're kind of hurt... anyway... I've been here. And I've been okay, I guess. I was on this planet the whole time anyway. how are you?" She glances to the hologram, "Oh, nice."
Sadie laughs at Alhambra's comment. "I know, right?!" She sighs. "Hopefully he and Valk will like their new enclosures. The other two are somewhere out in the wild learning to be wild again." She laughs as Thor growls at her and she wags a finger again. "Oh you be nice!" She turns to Maina and bites her lip. "Oh! I didn't know that! I'm glad you've been ok. I've been great!" She smiles and nods, then gestures to Thor. "This is Thor, Xanya has Valkyrie, his sister." She then notices the hologram. "Ooh, Keth! That's looking nice!"
Sadie laughs at Alhambra's comment. "I know, right?!" She sighs. "Hopefully he and Valk will like their new enclosures. The other two are somewhere out in the wild learning to be wild again." She laughs as Thor growls at her and she wags a finger again. "Oh you be nice!" She turns to Maina and bites her lip. "Oh! I didn't know that! I'm glad you've been ok. I've been great!" She smiles and nods, then gestures to Thor. "This is Thor, Xanya has Valkyrie, his sister." She then notices the hologram. "Ooh, Keth! That's looking nice!"
"Aw hell that's great!" Al enthuses to Sadie, with a big goofy grin as she takes another slug from her beer. "And y'all don't need to worry none about Majors tryin' to run off with the little darlin's, I thumped on him till he re-promised not to touch nothin'. Although apparently he already promised Missy Vessa but well shit you know she won't break his legs, right?"
"Aw hell that's great!" Al enthuses to Sadie, with a big goofy grin as she takes another slug from her beer. "And y'all don't need to worry none about Majors tryin' to run off with the little darlin's, I thumped on him till he re-promised not to touch nothin'. Although apparently he already promised Missy Vessa but well shit you know she won't break his legs, right?"
Kethren smiles at the kind comments, and has another sip of his drink "Thanky. Kinda hoped to have started the town already... but between this being a type of construction that, so far as I know anyway, has never been done... and it being my first city? I'm being rather critical of my work. People're gonna remember this place for a long time, and I don't want it to be because some visitor accidently burns the place down with a dropped lighter."
Kethren smiles at the kind comments, and has another sip of his drink "Thanky. Kinda hoped to have started the town already... but between this being a type of construction that, so far as I know anyway, has never been done... and it being my first city? I'm being rather critical of my work. People're gonna remember this place for a long time, and I don't want it to be because some visitor accidently burns the place down with a dropped lighter."
Maina gives a bit of a shrug, "Not too much a worry if you aren't using dead wood. Living wood is harder to burn. I'm sure it'll be fine."
Maina gives a bit of a shrug, "Not too much a worry if you aren't using dead wood. Living wood is harder to burn. I'm sure it'll be fine."
Sadie laughs and nods to Al. "I hope they'll be ok, but I'm sure they'll be fine. Thanks for getting on to Majors." She smiles to Kethren, nodding as he and Maina talk.
Sadie laughs and nods to Al. "I hope they'll be ok, but I'm sure they'll be fine. Thanks for getting on to Majors." She smiles to Kethren, nodding as he and Maina talk.
"Aw shit absolutely no problem, it was a goddamn pleasure thumping that dirty teatipping assface," Alhambra drawls, raising her beer bottle in a toasting gesture. Finally, she notices the fountain. Well, it's been an -interesting- day. "Hey, Keth, that's funky. And not like in a stupid way. That's pretty cool shit."
"Aw shit absolutely no problem, it was a goddamn pleasure thumping that dirty teatipping assface," Alhambra drawls, raising her beer bottle in a toasting gesture. Finally, she notices the fountain. Well, it's been an -interesting- day. "Hey, Keth, that's funky. And not like in a stupid way. That's pretty cool shit."
Kethren smiles at Al "Thanky. Just hope it comes out looking half so good." then glances back to the others "It's not that I'm necessarily worried about a fire. I'm just trying to keep in mind all the possibilities. This is a huge project, and I really want it to end up as something we can be happy to live and work in. Thankfully, I don't think we have to worry about axes. Those vines we're using harden up to an astounding degree. Just take a look at that rock yonder. The big one with the crack down it. A single whack with a sun-dried vine did it. And our chemists have been working on compounds to improve that."
Kethren smiles at Al "Thanky. Just hope it comes out looking half so good." then glances back to the others "It's not that I'm necessarily worried about a fire. I'm just trying to keep in mind all the possibilities. This is a huge project, and I really want it to end up as something we can be happy to live and work in. Thankfully, I don't think we have to worry about axes. Those vines we're using harden up to an astounding degree. Just take a look at that rock yonder. The big one with the crack down it. A single whack with a sun-dried vine did it. And our chemists have been working on compounds to improve that."
Maina raises a brow at that, "Impressive. I haven't played with the plants here much."
Maina raises a brow at that, "Impressive. I haven't played with the plants here much."
Sadie continues to smile and nod as she really doesn't have any knowledge in this area. "I think it looks pretty!" She smiles.
Sadie continues to smile and nod as she really doesn't have any knowledge in this area. "I think it looks pretty!" She smiles.
Alhambra appears to be a little bit lost, possibly remembering fondly her thumping of Majors and thinking about future thumping of Ladek.
Alhambra appears to be a little bit lost, possibly remembering fondly her thumping of Majors and thinking about future thumping of Ladek.
Kethren grins "Yeah, pretty is largely what I was going for with it. Gonna have benches, too, of course... mainly cause Aina asked for em. So uh, there's still time to chime in if there're things you wanna see in town. Incidently... any of you know anything about VCS?"
Kethren grins "Yeah, pretty is largely what I was going for with it. Gonna have benches, too, of course... mainly cause Aina asked for em. So uh, there's still time to chime in if there're things you wanna see in town. Incidently... any of you know anything about VCS?"
Maina gives a shrug at that, "No idea what it is... I should head off anyway. See you guys later, yeah?"
Maina gives a shrug at that, "No idea what it is... I should head off anyway. See you guys later, yeah?"
Sadie begins to get droopy eyed. "Oh.. that must be my sign that I need more sleep." She sighs and waves to everyone as she heads into the Celeste for sleep, Thor following. "Night, y'all!"
Sadie begins to get droopy eyed. "Oh.. that must be my sign that I need more sleep." She sighs and waves to everyone as she heads into the Celeste for sleep, Thor following. "Night, y'all!"
Alhambra comes back into focus just in time to wave at the departing Maina and Sadie. "Aww, well later, folks! Enjoy your food, Missy Maina, sleep well, Doc Sadie." She rumbles thoughtfully. "Y'know I think a nap might be a good idear. Y'all still got that tent that I crash in?"
Alhambra comes back into focus just in time to wave at the departing Maina and Sadie. "Aww, well later, folks! Enjoy your food, Missy Maina, sleep well, Doc Sadie." She rumbles thoughtfully. "Y'know I think a nap might be a good idear. Y'all still got that tent that I crash in?"
Kethren waves to Sadie and Maina "G'nite then." and nods to Al "Yeah, it's right where you left it. Give a yell if you need anything sent by. And heck, take a few of these beers with you if you like."
Kethren waves to Sadie and Maina "G'nite then." and nods to Al "Yeah, it's right where you left it. Give a yell if you need anything sent by. And heck, take a few of these beers with you if you like."

Latest revision as of 14:31, 9 January 2013


Summary: An unwelcome guest causes trouble.

Cast: Xanya, Kethren, Alhambra, Sadie, Naoi, Maina, Ladek, Suleyk

Air Date: july 30th, 2654

Setting: Field - Impiruil Baile

Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Shuttlecraft lifts off and heads to its next pickup.

"Oh, I had heard of these out of time experiences." Naoi says with a frown, "I have not been chosen for these expeditions, something I consider fortunate indeed." She sticks another plump piece of red fruit in her mouth, biting down hard. Chew-chew-chew.

Xanya walks out of the Celeste that just landed and walks over to the mess tent for a milkshake but before she can enter the tent she is stopped by her aid Mark and also her guard. "and where did you go to lady Xanya." Mark Says a bit angry. her gaurd is showing the same amount of dispease. "sorry you two." Xanya says "I totaly forgot. I just went up to the Cro for a suprise inspection for engineering nothing more." She says as she stands near the mess tent. Kethren and Naoi are seated not far from the mess tent.

Kethren nods at Naoi "Can't say I found it a barrel of laughs, no. Did prove rather nicely that the armor I've made works, though."

Alhambra, lacking both ship and entourage, steps out of a dusty public shuttle, holding her cowboy hat to her head and squinting into the noon-ish brightness on the field. After a moment or two to stretch her legs, she makes a lumbering beeline straight for the mess tent, for "I have a great need for a nice cold beer, for my trails and travels have been mighty dusty and... oh hey howdy folks!" Course altered, she heads over to the outdoor table.

Naoi watches the disagreement between Xanaya and her personal protection, somewhat symphathetically. Alhambra though, warrants a rare smile, and a nod of greeting. "Please join us. Would you like one of my strange red fruits?"

Naoi says, "Kethren was just talking about how his armor saved his life."

A shuttle comes in to land.

Xanya's aid mark shakes her head a bit. "Well at least you're safe. just don't let it happen again. I asume your here for a milkshake?" The aid asks and with that xanya nods. "yes please. a large one wiiiith..... well ... suprise me for once." She says and with that mark and xanya part ways. mark goes into the mess tent to get the milkshake and xanya heads over to kethren and the group.

Kethren waves to Al "Hey there!" before going back to his steak.

Alhambra plunks down at the table, her not-rare-at-all grin widening for Naoi. "Sure thing, I'll eat weird red fruit. What's it taste like? Also yeah armor saving folks' lives is nice. You'd be amazed how many people ain't yet figured out that folks are actually -squishy-." She removes her hat, politely, and while there is no immediate sign of her usual attendant Ser, a sharp eye could catch a tiny russet foot dangling limply from a particularly unkempt segment of her hair.

Naoi just pushes the plate over a little, "It's very sweet, and be careful... there is a lot of juice. It is easy to make a mess." She leans forward onto her elbows, "Did you come back to speak with that Maina, the Riftwalker? She was here last night..." Xanya waves her right cybernetic arm and hand. "I found out that squishy human being lesson a while back. not one I recommend to other thought." She says and sits down as well. "So kethren... did I ask you to make me one of your heavy smartsuites already?" She says with a smile and looks at the red fruit and takes on as well to try it.

Kethren smiles at Xan "Don't recall, really. But as someone on the council, you get one anyway. Ever settle on your house symbol so I can get the paint job properly done?" then nods to Al "Yeah, kinda makes me glad Vessa's caused so much trouble. Wouldn't have had armor if I hadn't realized that someone around here needed to make the stuff."

Alhambra leans slightly away from the table to dig her fingers into the sweet red fruit and tear it (albeit not neatly) in half, spraying juice all over the dirt. "Whoo, yeah, that's a bleeder," she hoots, and then shakes the fruit off before setting the uneven halves on the table. Everyone appears to be sitting around one of the tables outside of the mess tent, enjoying various meals. "Neh I come to visit once in a while anyhow, it's a nice place. Although it's great to have Missy Maina back, I figure she needs herself some rest before she gets all entertaining and shit."

Ladek disembarks from a shuttle and walks over to the main gates to ask one of the Guards something, and sighs walking to the general area that everyone else is, albeit he attempts to hide in the crowd a little or about others with a hood on so he isn't much noticed.

The problem with a hood is when no one else is wearing them, you stand out. Naoi doesn't seem to mind that Xanaya taste-tested the strange fruit as well, instead neatly plucking one from the plate and sucking at the end as she stares at Ladek curiously.

Xanya shakes her head. "Really Keth, did that brain surgery of yours mess up your memory? did you realy forget the day that i showed you my jetpack system?" She says pointing on her back. She even turns a bit to show the heraldy logo on the back of the jetpack. "that right there is the house symbol I am settling on. Remembering it now?" She asks kethren. She notices Al's testingof the fruit and smiles. "good to know it is that leaky." She says and takes her bite in the red fruit wich couses some of it's juices to leak out past her lips and on the table.

Kethren grins at Xan "Oh, right right. Sorry, had a lot on my mind lately. I'll get your armor together soon." then goes back to his steak. Floriana's still happily eating her way through her bowl-o-fruit.

Alhambra takes a great big bite of fruit and chews a little bit noisily, rumbling with approval. "Man. I do like sweets," she says, somewhat un-necessarily. The burly human has not yet taken notice of Naoi staring at Ladek; perhaps the fruit is that tasty, or she's just used to Naoi staring curiously at people. Or perhaps it's because... "Holy fuckapples you got a JET PACK?! Holy shit, that is like six shades of awesome. Whoooo, doggie, we in the future now, ain't we? Hehehehe."

Ladek gently moves to stand by the corner of the tent and continues observing those at the table, pointedly analyzing every person around as if studying, adjusting the hood for less noticing.

Naoi just stares back at the hooded person, particularly when he parks at the tent and doesn't move. Doesn't speak. Just stands there and watches, and the way she bites down on the fruit could be percieved as a threat or simple annoyance. She doesn't rise to the bait but those pretty blue eyes do narrow to slits.

Xanya smiles to kethren and pats his back. "I know you will get it done. just write it down so you won't forget." She says and smiles brightly to all. "Yup, this is an actual jet pack and even works too. I've already been able to hover several feet in the air with it. I need to practice some more thought before I start selling them to others. Mostly because I want to be able to train people how to use it." She says and bites on her red fruit some more. "Also the more I train the easier I can find any bugs in it and make changes if needed." for now she has payed no attention to the hooded man.

Kethren notices where Naoi's looking "Who's the doof in the hood? It's hardly hood weather out here." then nods to Xan with a grin "Let me know when they're ready. Even if I had no legitimate use for one, I couldn't pass up the chance to own one." and goes back to his steak.

Well, jet packs are pretty damn amazing, but Al's at least sharp enough to pick up on Naoi's narrowed eyes. She follows the line of sight and just rolls her eyes at the pointedly analyzing man. "Oh, -fuckapples-, whut the hell's up with the creeper?" she says, but this time it's not enthusiasm attached to the epithet. Buzz, killed. There is a lazy 'Rikktccnn' from her hair, and the little russet Ser disentangles himself from the unkempt locks before descending to the table and upon the other half of Al's fruit.

Ladek continues watching the group and gently moves behind the tent, a little later he slides to look from another point on the other side of the tent, and reaches to gently rip up a wildflower from the dirt and sniffs it, looking to the group.

Naoi was almost about to return to her conversation when Ladek left behind the tent. She doesn't spot his reemergence, so relaxed, she looks back to her plate of fruit. "How very curious."

Xanya nods to kethren. "I sure will I might even organize sale when there done to get them into the market and let people know what they can do." She sais and is about to look into the direction that naoi, kethren and even Al are looking at if it wasn't for Al's Ser making an entrance and starting to eat on the half of the red fruit. "those creatures are amazing. She says, just as cute as the cats I had back home." She says and looks into the direction the group is looking at but doesn't notice anyone yet. "what where you looking at?" She says and looks around finaly spotting the hooded figure and keeps looking at him to excamen him and his actions.

Kethren sighs a little, and has some steak before nodding at Xan "Yeah, they are rather cute." Floriana pops her head out of the fruit she had it buried in long enough to chitter happily at Xan, then dives back in.

"Oh that's Rikki, he's a dirty lil' butthead," Alhambra drawls, reaching out to prod the fruit thief, who is not even a little bit deterred in his quest to tear off a piece of the red fruit. His little clawed paws are dug in to the fruit's skin, and his shoulders are all tinily tense as he pulls at the fruit with those tiny paws and fangy jaws. "FFF" he replies, through the mouthful of fruit. "Huh." Poke. "Huh!" Poke. "Ain't you a dirty little butthead!" "CHRF."

Ladek watches over to the animals and then slips behind the tent to mess around with the flower, once again coming to the other side of the tent and reaches to pull up more wildflowers as he watches the group from the hood, his gaze moving to Floriana and Rikki.

Naoi watches the antics of Alhambra and her 'pet', snorting as Rikki digs into his prize despite the threat of a poking finger. She, patiently, stirs her soup. "How is Eiru? Was that Mister Kane ever caught?"

Xanya ignores the hooded figure for now and smiles to floriana after her happy chittering. "now that fact, that you ser can understand us and respond back makes you way better and cuter then actual cats." then she nudges Kethren. "and it makes me jealous for not having a ser friend of my own." She says with a smile then looks back to Floriana and Rikki.

Kethren nods to Xan and reaches over to scratch Floriana a little "Yeah, I'm rather glad I was there when that pack of Ser paid us a visit. And that she decided I was worth keeping."

"No surprise, ain't seen the fucker since. -Gee- I guess he really din't wanna actually woo me with his smoothness and snake tonguey bullshit. Gawd, if I wanted insincere crap I'd just go on and have dinner with fuckin' Majors. At least he don't have his head so far up his ass that he thinks a muhfuckin' top hat is a good idear," Alhambra grouses, although she continues poking Rikki's side as he continues to rebelliously stuff his little face with fruit. Her grin starts returning before long. "Heheheh."

Ladek takes step from behind the tent, clump of wildflowers in one hand, shifted to where the jacket hides the other side's area of where an arm generally is, places the wildflowers on the table a little further towards an end of the table than close enough for noticing, glint of eyes gently challenging the two Ser with quick glances, before he moves to go to the general tent corner again.

Naoi watches the man place the flowers down on the table, and her face is just the perfect image of 'what the fuck?'

Xanya looks curioous to kethren. "that you where worth keeping?" She says curiously. "mind explaining that?" She says as she keeps her gaze on the two ser's.

Kethren grins at Xan "What? Didn't you ever hear that cats were really the owners, and people the pets? More seriously, if she hadn't taken a good look and decided that I was in some way worthwhile, she would've left with all the others." then he unobtrusively taps a few things into the pda he has in his pocket.

"All right whut the -hell-, man," Alhambra thunders, ceasing in her Rikki poking to just glare at Ladek, since he's just placed flowers right at the table at which they are all sitting. "Go on, -git-." She snaps at the departing, hooded back, as though one addressing a wandering neighborhood dog. With a shake of her head, she turns back to the rest of the table. "Yeah basically a whole fuckton of 'em showed up and raided our food when we was all hanging out eatin', and like, after they left, a couple of 'em stuck behind. Rikki here stowed away in my bra. I din't even find him till I got back to Eiru. I don't own him, he just hangs. Eats my food. Steals my cigs." Rikki stops in his fruit devouring to utter a little 'feeffeeffeeffeef'. Al flips him the bird. He flicks his tail at her.

Ladek watches on to the scene and nods gently as he moves to the group again, and simply stands to Kethren, hood on, and pokes at the bowl of fruit, either insane or with motive, and nods to the group.

Naoi's patience can be counted as it ticks away. First by the glare as it returns, and then the twitch of narrow lips downward. Then by the fact that the spoon is clenched in a white-knuckled grip. Finally, with a sharp exclamation of breath, she rises to her feet.

Xanya shakes her head to kethren. "No I didn't know that one." She says then looks to Al. "That ser of yours hid in your bra and you didn't notice?" She asks curiously then the hooded man grabs her atention as he pokes the bowl of fruit. "Ahm. sir. mind not doing that? I'm sure that the ser in there doesn't like you doing that. So please stop what your doing." She says kindly but with a serious and firm tone.

Floriana pokes her head out at suddenly being jostled and hisses at Hooded Ladek before scampering up on Keth's shoulders. As this is going on, a pair of the guards approaches the hooded person, and Keth looks over at him. "Xan's right. Don't interfere with the indiginous life. Everybody who lives here understands that. For instance, those guards behind you understand that."

Alhambra bangs the flat of her hand on the table, and stands up, nearly in tandem with Naoi. Rikki also hisses, baring a fangy maw stained red with fruit juice, and disappears back into Al's hair. But where Naoi is sharp and wordless and Xanya is diplomatic, Al is all thunderous growls. "All right, man. I was more'n willing to give your ass the benefit of the doubt but now you're just being a jackass. Mary Mother of God whut the hell makes you think this is okay? You come around Eiru starting mess, you come around here starting mess, I was honestly thinking maybe Tam was being too tough on you but look at yourself. Puttin' a hood on and layin' flowers on the table like none of us are sittin' here just trying to have a nice dinner and conversation." She bangs her hand on the table again, lips writhing back from her teeth. "Get the fuck away from this table, before I thump you and -drag- you away from it. Which will mean I will have to apologize to Missy Vessa's guards, but it won't be the first time."

Ladek looks up to Al and gently chuckles, most of the comments don't seem to faze him, as he looks to the group, "Tamkul is young, and prideful," he says, "That aside as Xanya here has politely pointed, Kethren says he is -worthy to keep-?" he adds, "It is like about ya do not realize that this place is trying to control and change you, as I have mentioned, this place is quite dangerous, it reminds me of the experiments, and these creatures are just as likely aware of it, I don't want to keep coming here but this place seems to draw me, if it were up to me I would trade you people 10 planets to keep anyone from this one," he says, everyone is at a table in front of the mess hall, Ladek pulls on the hood to reveal his face standing near the group's table.

Naoi gathers her dishes, her disproval expressed in cold silence.

Xanya stands up and loosk to ladek. "WHAT did you say?" She says angry. "This planet isn't chaging us we are becomming used to it and found of it just like in any relationship where two different people become used to eachother." She says. "and like Al said leave us alone and stop intervering with our dinner and convertations. before I have you removed by the guards." She says, her voice angry and slighty raised. but unlike Al she keeps her fists from the table.

Kethren nods at Ladek "See those two guards behind you? We can make this very simple. If you hate being here so much, and given that you've already said it's an evil planet unfit for human habitation..." Floriana bares her teeth at Ladek for that one "We can have them, rotated with a few others of course, they do need to sleep after all, stationed permanently at the landing pad. So anytime you feel some strange urge to hop on the shuttle? They'll be right there to remind you that you don't like being here."

"Then go," Alhambra thunders. "Leave us to our grizzly fates of hanging out in clean fresh air and being enslaved by cute fuzzy critters who like to eat and don't want us to smoke. Jesus Criminy on the high wire juggling chainsaws Christ, you make about as much sense as a bowl of Fruit Loops. Tam may be young and prideful but you're blind to the shit you're standing in. Please, we're beyond saving, go whilst you still got the legs to carry you." 'CHFF', Rikki says, from behind her ear. Maina wanders in from who-knows-where. Possibly through a wall. She raises a brow as she sees the crowd, and it soon turns into a scowl as she sees the center of it. She approaches, "The hell are you doing here, again? I thought I told you to go. You better listen to Al here. She may break your legs. I'll take your other arm. You're the type I created Danu to avoid."

Ladek growls over to Maina, "And you say that I am the one who is a bigot," he says, looking to the group, "Friendship and enslavement yes, that does sound like something to do," he goes to gently grab the wildflowers, "If ya want for me to go sure, but I'm taking the flowers with me," he struggles when he says it, yet seems determined, he stares to the Ser and speaks, "I'm not sure the game ya critters are gettin' at, but I know ya don't have people's best interest in mind, tell that to the ones that got hurt," he directs the more latter of the sentence towards the group in general, "Listen to the Riftwalker threatening, it is what alot of them do best," he adds.

Xanya folds her arms together looking to ladek. "You better not be threatening this planet or it's creatures mister. or you will quickly find out that Al and I have some things in commen, when I show you a side I rather not let out." She says trying to remain calm.

Kethren reaches up to scratch Floriana affectionately "I don't think there's realy anything left for me to say, Ladek. Suffice to say, you're paranoid, and need to leave."

Naoi had already removed herself from the table, disappearing inside the tent so as to rid herself of dirty dishes.

Alhambra looks like she's just about fit to flip the table, and her lips writhe back from her teeth again. Her shoulder blades bunch together, and the muscles along her back and legs twitch. Her knuckles grow white as she tightens her grip on the side of the table and literally vaults onto it, booted feet landing on the plucked wildflowers. Her hands flex again, and the subvocal growl building in her throat escalates into a roar.

Maina scowls at this outburst, "You were warned. You're trespassing and trying to take things that don't belong to you." She's standing near a table with all the others. Alhambra has just jumped onto it, looking like she's going to rip Ladek a new one. Maina is just starting intently at Ladek. He may notice he suddenly cannot move away from Alhambra.

Ladek stares over to Al as she jumps up on the table, and growls, not really noticing that Maina is doing anything until he feels he can barely move, he growls, "Riftwalker," is what he says,him standing by the table the rest of the group there Al standing on the table.

"ENOUGHT!!" Xanya shouts to get the attention. "I will not let any combat or bloodshead happen here today." She says with a firm tone. "Ladek. You will leave this planet and since you hate it so much I will ask you to let every flower pant flora and fauna that belongs to this planet behind. None of it are to be taken with you no matter what. Also I will advice you to ignore this planet from now on and never come back. seeing as you distrust this planet so much that will be your best course of action." She sais then points to the shuttle. "Now please, leave this planet while you still can. because I have no idea how long I can keep This woman from doing whatever she wants to do to you." She says looking to Al. For now she is uncertain as to why ladek suddenly stopped moving.

Kethren looks like he was tempted to draw his tranq pistol on the immobile Ladek, but stops when Xan yells, and nods to Ladek. "She's quite right. You could have been welcome here. We gave you every chance. What do you do? Accuse us of being enslaved? Living on an evil planet? Not to mention your xenophobia. Go." then reaches up to scratch Floriana reassuringly.

Alhambra appeared to have been winding up for -something-, both arms drawing back until the muscles were strained, fingers splayed wide and tense, and then the target stops moving, and Xanya speaks up. Teeth still bared, throat still thrumming with a growl, head still ducked, she holds. Waiting.

Suleyk meanders into the field, his hands clasped behind his back, humming a low, slow tune tohimself. His hooves make small indents in the grass, a stark contrast to his large frame. He smiles pleasantly as he walks into the scene, his eyes flicking over the individuals involved. He turns to Ladek. "Have you gotten yourself in trouble, captain?" He smiles warmly as if discussing the weather.

Maina releases her focus, allowing Ladek to move again. "Choose your next actions very carefully. I'd suggest not including words with them." She glances over to the new arrival addressing him, raising a brow slightly.

Ladek growls as the Psionic power releases him and he looks to stare to Maina, then, he smiles, and gently moves to sit at the table, "My apologies, Al ya crushed the pretty flowers," he sighs gently, and with a gentle glance to Maina he makes a fist and focuses, albeit where just about most people wouldn't notice, and attempts to create Psionic Static around her general area, likely causing discomfort if successful, anger driving attempt, and sits in the chair as he looks to Suleyk, "I am doing okay, you are a scientist, please tell them about this planet," he says.

Xanya steps to ladek and puts her right cybernetic arm on his shoulder. "You better leave sir. sitting down is not a wise idea right now." She says trying to remain calm. "You are no longer welcome here. So leave. Now." She says with a firm tone. "Before I ask the guards to dragg you away."

Kethren nods at the arriving scientist as he draws his tranq pistol "Evening. Your boss there is... well, he's not exactly welcome. Not to mention fairly arrogant. We've got our own scientists. Hell, I'm one myself. I like to think we've got a slightly better idea of what's going on on this planet than some random passersby with an axe to grind. He's threatened us numerous times, insulting our planet, and our people. And given that he just took a seat? I think maybe you should help him to the nearest shuttle. Clearly he needs it."

Alhambra remains standing on the table, although when Ladek sits she crouches down, posture just about as bearlike as it's going to get without her being on all fours. She doesn't take her eyes off him when she addresses Suleyk. "Take your Captain outta here, pal. He don't like it here, he don't like us, he don't wanna listen to nothin' and when folks don't listen I tend to get to thumpin."

Suleyk nods slowly, unclasping his hands and stepping forward cautiosly. "I shall do this. He is clearly unwelcome, and I do not wish to anger anyone." He bows in apology, sinking his torso low, and turns to Ladek. "I would also have you understand, Captain, that the word 'scientist' is extrodinarily broad. I am a man who enjoys the pursuit of knowledge-- This does not render me an expert in every subject nor alien worlds I have not set foot upon." He motions towards the way he came, a low rumbling noise accompanying the motion. "You have overstayed your welcome here. It is best that you leave. I would advise being more respectful and tactful next time, whatever you have done to anger these kind people."

Maina narrows her gaze, feeling the discomfort from the 'static'. "He's using his powers on me. We told you to leave, asshole. So you sit down like you own the place? Get the hell off my planet. Going to see about making you 'shoot on sight' if you ever come back. And if you don't leave -now-, I won't even wait until you leave."

Ladek looks over to Maina thoughtfully, "I get peaceful and you give more threats, and I simply do not want your Psionics causing harm," he uses the arm to gently get a drink of water from a bottle he has in his jacket, looking to Al, "You arent doing nicely either," he looks over to Kethren, "You are about the only that isn't continuing to threaten me at this level, I would get up and go, but one, my arm is here, two, what is keeping ya from trying to shoot at me when I stand to go," he looks over to Suleyk, "I simply want a flower to take with me and my arm, these people are being as ya notice over saying a planet makes me uncomfortable and they chat about how they are worthy to keep to the animals around here," he drinks more water, "When you ask of me nicely, I will heed the request, and only if my arm is still going to be attached," he adds, "Flower is optional, ya import food and a flower is some amazing power," he looks to Xanya, "Ah, you threatened," he nods, "All of ya did and I did not threaten anyone except in self-defense, I want safety," he says.

Xanya shakes her head. "sir, you have over stayed your welcome. we asked you to leave nicely and yet you stay like an unwelcome guest. thats not a good choice to make. You say we threatend you as if you have done nothing and yet you threatend out planet and all of it's flora and fauna." She says to ladek. "You want your arm? I'm sure we can arange it to be connected once it's compleeted. Untill then, please leave. for your own safety."

Arcadia enters the area humming along lazily. She has a faint smile on her face as she moves along. Over her shoulder is a battered old messanger bag that seems to contain quite a few items.

Kethren rolls his eyes at Ladek "Funny how people get protective when their home's threatened. Now consider how much of you me you know. Do you really think I'd have drawn my pistol /at all/ if we were not all in full agreement that you need to get out of here? The arm's between you and Aina, but I'm sure arrangements can be made. Assuming your latest round of insulting our home doesn't make her decide to not help you at all." he then nods to a a pair of nearby guards who march up to Ladek, and calmly inform him "It's time for you to leave. We'll make sure you get to the shuttle in one piece."

"Fuck your niceties," Alhambra growls. "You come on in here, start shit with folks, and then go cryin' that you're being threatened for no reason whut the goddamn DAY AFTER you try and deck Tam in the face for talking mess to you? You're doing EXACTLY the same thing, and I will tell you I am presently stifling the urge to kick your teeth out the back of your head. You been told to leave. This is our planet, not YOUR planet. You don't make the rules, you don't get to make demands. Haul your ass out, and -so motherfucking help me- if I catch you on Eiru pulling this snake in the grass bullshit I will have you run out of town on a rail." She slams the flat of her hand against the table again.

Suleyk steps up to Ladek, towering over the smaller man. His shadow looms over, and his eyes narrow, his usually kind face contorting into an expression of anger and disappointment. "Captain, it is imperative that you leave this planet at once. There is no further reason for your presence at this world, and safety lies not here, but beyond the planet's atmosphere." He sweeps his arm out, indicating the mob of angry people gathered. "If you are to remain, you will sustain grevious bodily injury. You may not survive the assault, and I shall refuse to treat you even if you do, for it will be an injury of your own doing." He lifts his chin, looking down at the man. "Furthermore, if you do not leave, I hereby resign from your crew."

Ladek stands gently and sighs, "Very well, I have not the capacity to let anything happen here, my apologies, I will however assure to save as many people as I might possibly be able to," he looks over to Al, "Wasnt aware that ya owned it," he adds, "As long, as I am safe and get my arm," he adjusts jacket with one hand and nods to the guards, "Get me away from this place," he says and follows along with them to the shuttle for safety, as he looks to the group a determined look might be noticed, and he moves to board the shuttle with the escort.

Maina frowns faintly, remaining on standby. "Don't come back. That was your last chance."

Xanya sighs and takes a deep breah as ladek leaves. "glad this is over with, for now anyway." She says and makes her pda makes some noises as she makes some notes on it via her neural interface implant.

"Whoa shit.. like whats the hell is like tots going on here?" Arcadia asks with a mild bit of confusion.

Suleyk releases a long winded sigh, and relaxes himself. He straightens out his coat a bit, and clasps his hands together, sinking into another bow. "I apologize for his behavior. I wish I could say he was in rare form, but alas, I do not know the man well enough." He frowns ever so slightly. "Perhaps I made a mistake. This incident is quite troubling." He turns around and begins to walk away, wistfully admiring the beautiful planet. "I hope I will be allowed to return, though I suppose it is only prudent for me to accompany him back wherever... For now."

Kethren sighs and reaches up to scratch Floriana absently "It's alright. He won't be by to bother you again." then nods to Suleyk "Not my place to say, really. But apart from picking a lousy employer, I see no reason to bar you from visits."

"I'm the law there, son, and you've already tried to deck one of my citizens right in front of me," Alhambra rumbles, turning without getting off of the table to follow Ladek's movements. "If you have a complaint about my appointment as Sheriff, please direct them to the Eiru Council. There's a member of it here right now." She points at Maina, her grin more a baring of teeth than an expression of any joy. "Try B'hira," she calls after Suleyk. "I hear it's nice this time of year." The comment is punctuated by a bull-like snort, nostrils flaring.

Xanya yawsn a bit and stretches then stands up. "I'm thinking of going to get some sleep. I will see you an other time, my friends." She says and then looks to floriana and Rikki. "and as far as I am concerend that means you too."

Maina rubs at her forehead, "So help me, if he comes back, whoever sees them has my permission to kill him where he stands. We founded this place to get away from assholes like that. Don't need them settling here with us."

Kethren sighs and sinks back down into his chair, but smirks up at Al "Mind getting off the table? It's impossible to have a cup of coffee with you up there. Glad that guy finally left, though. Getting rather sick of him... Aina should charge him more for that arm."

Alhambra exhales another snort, and sits down on the table with a solid 'whump'. "Nnnnnnh," she says, either still waiting for the adrenaline to settle down or for a cloud to cover the moon so that she changes back from her great big snarly (and entirely metaphorical) bear form. "I think she should stick it up his ass so he can punch himself in the mouth."

Kethren grins up at Al "Granted, but you know how nice Aina is. Apart from being protective of me, she's almost entirely friendly. So, the most likely course with her is either she charges him an obscene sum, or she keeps it as a display model." he idly reaches up to scratch Floriana a bit, before yelling over into the mess "Hey! Could one of you guys bring out the usual visitor giant tray table sampler platter of beer an such?" then smiles back at Al "Somehow coffee doesn't seem the appropriate beverage now."

"If'n she wants, I can shove it up his ass," Alhambra offers, with as much grace as she can between clenched teeth. "Oh for the love of baby Jesus yes please beer me." Kethren smirks "I rather doubt she'd let you. Though I think she'd be very tempted to look the other way." then nods appreciatively as the legged beer tray arrives "Help yourself! Plenty of variety there." and grabs one for himself, popping the top off as he goes.

Arcadia Glances this way and that. "Anyone mind telling me like.. umm who Mister One-Armed-Twat-Face was."

Alhambra snags a beer, and pops it open using her belt buckle. A few gulps are taken before she answers Arcadia. "Uh, actually? That pretty much says it all. He's some twat-face with one arm who as far as I can tell goes around starting shit with folks and then pissing about it. Today the pants-on-head-retarded du jour was him... whut the fuck was he DOING, anyways, eyeing the Ser and then... putting flowers at 'em? The fuck even was that, Keth?"

Kethren takes a long swig of his beer "Erm... I /hope/ he was just trying to prove his worth to her. I think he's got it in mind to bond with a critter. Which is strange, considering his more or less pathological hatred of psionic stuff. The alternative is um... well, let's just say he's got an exceedingly poor grasp of anatomy." then takes another sip of beer. "He probably came by hoping Aina was around. She's making his new arm. It'll be better'n he deserves. Assuming he ever raises the funds, anyway. Those things aren't cheap."

"Huh.. okay then." Arcadia replies with a small shrug of her shoulders. The two get a glance and a smile. "So like.. I'm Cadie and stuff.. down from the fleet and stuff." She introduces though there is a hint to shyness in her posture.

Alhambra peers at Kethren, pausing mid-sip of beer. "Son, he was tryin' to tell a bunch of us in the middle of a resupply run that he thinks Nall is cute and wishes they'd be docile 'cause they remind him of dinosaur cartoon. He got an exceedingly poor grasp of EVERYTHING." She gestures with the beer bottle at Arcadia. "Hi Cadie, I'm Al."

Kethren raises an eyebrow at Al, and snickers a bit "That /is/ a bit odd, alright. Not that I've seen a lot of Nall... think there were a few on that warship?" he shudders just a little there, then nods to Cadie when he's calmed down again. "I'm Kethren, but I'm pretty sure we've met... briefly at least, anyway."

Maina gives a sigh now that he's gone, "Some things really do never change. Get rid of one another comes flying at you." She notes Cadie now, giving a small smile, "Hey. Sorry you had to see that."

"Oh..? Maybe." Arcadia replies towards Kethren. AL gets a bright smile. "Like.. Eiru or something I think?" She murmurs. "See what? Mister One-Armed-Twat-Face?"

Alhambra finishes another long swig of beer, then another, then another. The muscles in her back slowly stop twitching. Then, gulp, gulp, gulp. "Errrrp," she 'says', and then looks over at Cadie with her confused dog expression. "Whut?"

Kethren takes a sip of beer and nods to Cadie "Probably the Eiru beach. Or the tidal pool. I spent a lot of time in both during my beach bum phase. Now I make armor and am planning our city out."

Maina gives a nod over at Cadie, "Yeah. Him. And everyone being angry at him."

"Well.. I am like tots sure he sucks if everyone like hates him." Arcadia grins happily. "So umm.. like whats up guys?"

Alhambra reaches over to the tray for another beer, which she also opens using her belt buckle. The rumbling exhalations have slowed a bit, and the muscles along her back and arms remain tense, but are no longer twitching. Her brow lowers at the conversation subject, but returns to 'puzzled dog' stage every time Arcadia talks. "Whut?"

Kethren takes a long drink of his beer, draining the bottle and puts it back down "Uh, not much. Healing up from raiding a Kretonian warship, and from getting a neural interface installed. And planning out the town when I can spare a few moments. Should have more such moments without that idiot around." Kail has apparently stopped chasing bugs, and is now waddling in the direction of Cadie. "Wark?"

Maina raises a brow over at Kethren, "... raiding a warship? Hope that wasn't under Danu's flag. Hope Danu is still pacifistic like I wanted..." she looks over to Cadie, "... whole lot of nothing right now. Want to go out for that dinner...?"

Arcadia looks down at the creature and kneels down. "Oh.. like..what sort of crazy little space creature are you umm Thingie Mcbob?" She asks the creature. Maina gets a shrug. "Pizza?"

"Oh fuck Missy Maina -that- one is a long story. Danu ain't doin' it, though, it's some crazyburger sideways time Doctor Who rifting shit," Alhambra drawls. "I went on onna them trips, and so help me I'd prefer not to take another."

Kethren nods "As Al said. I didn't exactly volunteer for the trip... it was one of the ships in the fleet that invaded Ungstir. So Danu never would've taken the blame. I just did what I had to to survive. And yes, far as I know we're still very much on the pacifist path. Only weapon I've ever carried myself is this tranq pistol." Realizing he still has it in hand, he moves to put it back in the holster. Then grinning at Cadie "Oh, that's Kail. My hauler bot. Aina made him as a welcome home present for me awhile back."

Maina gives a little nod to that, "Good..." she looks to Cadie, "We could check out Cafe Orion if you still wanted to?"

Arcadia nods her head slightly as she rises to her feet. "I'll like take a shower and stuff. Meet you there later?" She states.

"I ain't a pacifist," Alhambra drawls, taking another slug of beer. "But I don't work for Danu so it's all good." Errrrp. "God-damn that pissed all over my mood, I tell you whut."

Kethren grabs a fresh bottle and pops it open before taking a long swig "I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say I'm a pacifist... the lawyer who got rifted onto that warship might have been. He got himself killed. I don't go looking for trouble, but I'll do what needs to be done when the time's right. By and large though, I'd rather leave that kind of thing to Al, here. She's so much better at it."

Maina gives a bit of a shrug, "I've gotten over my total pacifism. I just never wanted Danu to become a military power aside from protecting itself. No aggressive actions, but we'll defend ourselves. Not our place to stick our noses in other peoples' business."

"Fuck yes, I am better at it," Alhambra drawls, -finally- settling down enough to get off of the table and plunk her ass in a chair. Rikki, who had wisely decided to bugger -completely- off while the fracas was going on, comes pelting out from the eaves of the mess tent and up the chair before worming his way under her ear with little 'chff chff' noises. "Awwwr, yes, the freakbucket is gone, sweetheart. I don't know whut the hell he's doing obsessing on you little guys but it's fuckin' like The Date That Wouldn't Leave."

Kethren has another drink and nods "Indeed. Far as I know that's all our military's for. But you'd have to check with someone else for the fine details. I've never had a hand in that end of things" then smiles at Al "And we appreciate that you are. Us architects are no good at being intimidating."

Maina gives a nod to that, glancing to Al, "Thanks for helping handle him, Al."

Alhambra rubs the little russet Ser behind the ear with the tip of her index finger. "Coulda fucked him up," she drawls, although her expression is exactly the opposite as the tiny creature chitters softly. "Already had to thump Majors one for talking shit, but at least he learned. Mostly. I mean he still talks a little shit but he's behavin' better now. That other asshole, I don't know whut the hell he's on about, he's cracked in the head I think."

Kethren nods and takes a long drink of his beer, then looking thoughtful, puts his pda on the table and starts tapping some things into it, sparing a glance for Al as he does "Yeah, there's definitely something off kilter about him. Oh, uh... incidently, if you could get hold of Voluria for me, it'd be appreciated."

Maina shifts her weight a bit, "I don't care what's off about him so long as he stays away, frankly."

Alhambra looks over at Kethren, and shrugs. "Yeah sure, I mean if I see her. I ain't seen her in a while, but if'n I do, I'll let her know about you first thing." She nods to Maina. "Yeah, I don't like the way he was looking at the Ser, I don't like the way he was talking, and all the crackpot back and forth about how much he hates this place but don't wanna leave it... and then he just like STOPS and sits down like a four year old in the toy store and says he ain't goin' until we give him what he wants? The fuck's that?"

Kethren nods to Al as he keeps tapping away "Thanks... I was willing to let Rose do it, but the topic came up, and Aina was... well, she'd rather it be someone licensed. I don't want her worrying." then pauses his tapping for a moment to look thoughtful "No clue. Mainly I want him to stay away... I'd almost say that the symbiotes got him, but they've never compelled anyone else to be here. We just like the place. But we're fine if we're elsewhere."

Maina gives a shrug, "I'd just as soon forget he exists before I go find him and chuck him out an airlock."

Alhambra scratches her midsection and just gives Kethren a chortle. "Son, I still don't know whut the hell -y'all- are on about with this symb-i-ote thing. Honestly, darlin', it's a nice place, an, look." Gently, she cups her fingers around Rikki and tugs him clear of her ear, holding him towards Kethren. "Okay now lookit that face." The kitteny face, with its little round olive-black eyes and combing whiskers, one little fang poking out from his tiny muzzle. "You see that face? You think somebody needs an alien doohicker to make you want to keep folks from messing with him? Lookit him." His little ears perk, and he starts radiating a combination of 'I'm cute' and 'I'm smug'. "C'mon now."

Kethren grins at Al "Hey, you'll get no argument from me about how adorable these fellas are. And I fell in love with this planet long before I got sick and the hamsters tried to steal my building plans. Speaking of, did I ever show you the fountain I was planning on putting in the middle of town?" Keth and Al are sitting at a table enjoying some beers. Maina's um... somewhere nearby. Close enough to talk, which she is. With the others.

Maina smiles over at the critter, "I'm not sure what people mean about symbiotes, either. But, then, biological issues like that tend to not be a concern for me."

Sadie yawns as she comes back from the hills, the fast-growing Ubijit cub Thor on her heels, chasing after her medical coat. "Thor!" She gasps as he takes a big swat at the back of her legs, drawing a bit of blood. "Bad!" She turns around and waves a finger at him, then sighs as she takes out some supplies from her pack and bandages up the back of her leg that got it the most. "What am I going to do with you, little cutie?" She smiles as she sees Kethren and waves. As soon as she sees Maina, she stops walking. "M..Maina?!" She runs over to her, Thor quick on his feet behind her. "Where have you been? How have you been?!"

Alhambra opens a few fingers and tickles Rikki's little russet underbelly. 'Feeffeeffeef!' he says, his little feet swimming through the air. Then, she puts him on her head, where he drums his forepaws against her head for a few moments before disappearing into her unkempt hair. She leans over as Sadie and Thor arrive. "Wow, you are going to need one fuckin' huge old squirt bottle to break him of that habit," she comments.

Kethren snickers a bit at Al, and waves at Sadie, before taking another sip of his beer and tapping a few more things into the pda. Once he stops a hologram of a fountain springs forth. A fountain that seems to be made of roots and vines, growing together tightly to form a wide basin, with a spiraled structure in the middle that the water fountains out of.

Maina glances over to Sadie in surprise, blinking. "Uhm... you're kind of hurt... anyway... I've been here. And I've been okay, I guess. I was on this planet the whole time anyway. how are you?" She glances to the hologram, "Oh, nice."

Sadie laughs at Alhambra's comment. "I know, right?!" She sighs. "Hopefully he and Valk will like their new enclosures. The other two are somewhere out in the wild learning to be wild again." She laughs as Thor growls at her and she wags a finger again. "Oh you be nice!" She turns to Maina and bites her lip. "Oh! I didn't know that! I'm glad you've been ok. I've been great!" She smiles and nods, then gestures to Thor. "This is Thor, Xanya has Valkyrie, his sister." She then notices the hologram. "Ooh, Keth! That's looking nice!"

"Aw hell that's great!" Al enthuses to Sadie, with a big goofy grin as she takes another slug from her beer. "And y'all don't need to worry none about Majors tryin' to run off with the little darlin's, I thumped on him till he re-promised not to touch nothin'. Although apparently he already promised Missy Vessa but well shit you know she won't break his legs, right?"

Kethren smiles at the kind comments, and has another sip of his drink "Thanky. Kinda hoped to have started the town already... but between this being a type of construction that, so far as I know anyway, has never been done... and it being my first city? I'm being rather critical of my work. People're gonna remember this place for a long time, and I don't want it to be because some visitor accidently burns the place down with a dropped lighter."

Maina gives a bit of a shrug, "Not too much a worry if you aren't using dead wood. Living wood is harder to burn. I'm sure it'll be fine."

Sadie laughs and nods to Al. "I hope they'll be ok, but I'm sure they'll be fine. Thanks for getting on to Majors." She smiles to Kethren, nodding as he and Maina talk.

"Aw shit absolutely no problem, it was a goddamn pleasure thumping that dirty teatipping assface," Alhambra drawls, raising her beer bottle in a toasting gesture. Finally, she notices the fountain. Well, it's been an -interesting- day. "Hey, Keth, that's funky. And not like in a stupid way. That's pretty cool shit."

Kethren smiles at Al "Thanky. Just hope it comes out looking half so good." then glances back to the others "It's not that I'm necessarily worried about a fire. I'm just trying to keep in mind all the possibilities. This is a huge project, and I really want it to end up as something we can be happy to live and work in. Thankfully, I don't think we have to worry about axes. Those vines we're using harden up to an astounding degree. Just take a look at that rock yonder. The big one with the crack down it. A single whack with a sun-dried vine did it. And our chemists have been working on compounds to improve that."

Maina raises a brow at that, "Impressive. I haven't played with the plants here much."

Sadie continues to smile and nod as she really doesn't have any knowledge in this area. "I think it looks pretty!" She smiles.

Alhambra appears to be a little bit lost, possibly remembering fondly her thumping of Majors and thinking about future thumping of Ladek.

Kethren grins "Yeah, pretty is largely what I was going for with it. Gonna have benches, too, of course... mainly cause Aina asked for em. So uh, there's still time to chime in if there're things you wanna see in town. Incidently... any of you know anything about VCS?"

Maina gives a shrug at that, "No idea what it is... I should head off anyway. See you guys later, yeah?"

Sadie begins to get droopy eyed. "Oh.. that must be my sign that I need more sleep." She sighs and waves to everyone as she heads into the Celeste for sleep, Thor following. "Night, y'all!"

Alhambra comes back into focus just in time to wave at the departing Maina and Sadie. "Aww, well later, folks! Enjoy your food, Missy Maina, sleep well, Doc Sadie." She rumbles thoughtfully. "Y'know I think a nap might be a good idear. Y'all still got that tent that I crash in?"

Kethren waves to Sadie and Maina "G'nite then." and nods to Al "Yeah, it's right where you left it. Give a yell if you need anything sent by. And heck, take a few of these beers with you if you like."