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(Created page with 'Category:OtherSpace Logs Category:Kethren's Logs Category:Logs That Include Kethren {{Infobox Log |title = Long Distance House Calls Pt 6 |summary = Investigating an…')
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|title = Long Distance House Calls Pt 6
|title = Long Distance House Calls Pt 6
|summary = Investigating an anomaly
|summary = Investigating an anomaly
|cast = [[Kethren]] [[Aina]] [[Leucohyle]] [[Gea]]
|cast = [[Kethren]] [[Xanya]] [[Leucohyle]] [[Gea]]
|air_date = Feb 18, 2655
|air_date = Feb 22, 2655
|location = Computer Center - Deck 2 - ISV Galactix
|location = Computer Center - Deck 2 - ISV Galactix
|setting =  Restricted to very few authorized personnel, the ship's computer center houses the control computers of Galactix, as well as the positronic brain of Galactix himself. Since Galactix maintains control over all of these systems, this room has very few operator consoles, and no seats. Access panels are available in case of emergency. The banks form a maze of sorts, running in every direction in order to maximize space, rather than conform to any aesthetic code. The banks themselves are housed in clear blue plastic cabinets, inside of which the computer circuits glow softly from the light which runs through their fiber optics. Galactix' core resides in the center of this maze, mostly to maximize his access to everything but at the same time to make it difficult to get to him without a painstaking search through the maze.
|setting =  Restricted to very few authorized personnel, the ship's computer center houses the control computers of Galactix, as well as the positronic brain of Galactix himself. Since Galactix maintains control over all of these systems, this room has very few operator consoles, and no seats. Access panels are available in case of emergency. The banks form a maze of sorts, running in every direction in order to maximize space, rather than conform to any aesthetic code. The banks themselves are housed in clear blue plastic cabinets, inside of which the computer circuits glow softly from the light which runs through their fiber optics. Galactix' core resides in the center of this maze, mostly to maximize his access to everything but at the same time to make it difficult to get to him without a painstaking search through the maze.

Revision as of 13:19, 23 February 2013

Long Distance House Calls Pt 6

Summary: Investigating an anomaly

Cast: Kethren Xanya Leucohyle Gea

Air Date: Feb 22, 2655

Setting: Computer Center - Deck 2 - ISV Galactix

Restricted to very few authorized personnel, the ship's computer center houses the control computers of Galactix, as well as the positronic brain of Galactix himself. Since Galactix maintains control over all of these systems, this room has very few operator consoles, and no seats. Access panels are available in case of emergency. The banks form a maze of sorts, running in every direction in order to maximize space, rather than conform to any aesthetic code. The banks themselves are housed in clear blue plastic cabinets, inside of which the computer circuits glow softly from the light which runs through their fiber optics. Galactix' core resides in the center of this maze, mostly to maximize his access to everything but at the same time to make it difficult to get to him without a painstaking search through the maze.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

"Welcome back, my friends. I must admit it feels good to be docked in a safe harbor. And indeed, a familiar one." Galactix says.

Leucohyle pokes her head out from behind a bank. She has been, SURPRISE, cleaning! There is a tiny cacophony of metallic limbs scuttling all over metallic surfaces. "Hello! I I hope you had a pleasant rest period. Doctor-Aina is is working on your replacement parts for your er cybernetic avatar. I may be able to get you at at least moderately operational but er well anatomy isn't my field."

Kethren stretches a bit as he walks further into the computery room. "It /is/ a rather nice location. Love the view from the observation deck."

"I can provide the schematics to the construct's skeletal structure." Galactix says. "Truly the only non-metallic part of the unit is the synthetic outer covering."

Leucohyle looks up from where she is painstakingly clearing a fan bank of a blockage. "Errr... Well? I I can give it the proverbial 'go'. I've no amount of cybernetics expertise but I'm I'm certain I can at the very least restore -some- operational-capacity... She's really going to have to put that arm back on I mean it's got all sorts of joints and suchlike and well I'm more of a -gears- kind of girl? Along with some -delightful- fluid hydraulic designs from FXR-0130T..."

Kethren looks around some more as he walks kind of idly around "You're definitely looking a lot better than when I found you. Is there anything that really needs fixing, apart from the avatar?" Leu is cleaning her way along as usual, and Keth is kinda milling about with his penguin, both looking pleased at the overall progress.

"Indeed, at this point, what remains is repairs of my external hull plating, my shields and my armaments. At that point I should be sufficiently able to defend myself should lesser elements decide to take action against me." Galactix says. "Thankfully with the repairs done thus far, my synthesizer system has come back online. Now it can produce nanites that will assist with the repairs, and can help with the integrity of my outer hull, but until I can get a full load of fuel I will be unable to sythesize any complex molecules.

"Indeed, at this point, what remains is repairs of my external hull plating, my shields and my armaments. At that point I should be sufficiently able to defend myself should lesser elements decide to take action against me." Galactix says. "Thankfully with the repairs done thus far, my synthesizer system has come back online. Now it can produce nanites that will assist with the repairs, and can help with the integrity of my outer hull, but until I can get a full load of fuel I will be unable to synthesize any complex molecules. Thus the materials delivered will help in those repairs as they can utilize it."

Leucohyle starts working her way back towards the entrance of the maze, pausing once in a while to tidy something else up. "Oh! That sounds, er, exciting. I I don't work with nanites, they're -awfully- fiddly, but obviously with your er own synthesizer you can do as you will with them..." Murmur, murmur... "Oh h-hold on that's -scuffed-." She disappears again, and there is the soft whirring of a portable dremel. "Can't have jaggedy edges, that just won't do."

Emerging from the corridor, the positronic's hardlight form enters the room with little more than the high-pitched whir from her interior holoemitter. Catching the last part of Galactix's oration, the avatar inquires, "What do you use for fuel?"

Xanya walks into the room and looks a round. "Anyone in here?" Xanya asks and then hears galactix's voice and not long after sees Gea flying ahead of her. "Ahm... Any repairs I can help with to have them done sooner?" She asks

Kethren nods at the new arrivals, as he's still kinda near the entrance "Evening, you two. Sounds like there's not much left we can do but general tidying up." After tapping his chin with a thoughtful expression he calls out "Hey, Leu! Are you anywhere near the core right now?"

"My primary fuel source is polydenum but my reactor is adaptable enough that I can fuel it with anything that is fusable." Galactix says. "I believe it would be most helpful to repair the primary shield generator coils. I will be unable to project the graviton shell until they are repaired and aligned. Repair of my armaments will require external work."

Leucohyle pads out from behind a server bay. "Begyourpardon? Oh, er, no, I'm I'm not near it at all," she pipes, perhaps somewhat unnecessarily. "Oh! Hello, Miss-Gea, Mrs-Xanya. Delightful to er, to see you here. Th-there's still polydenum here, er, Mister-Galactix, so er no worries there. So er are we going to perform preliminary-repairs on on the avatar or should we repair the primary shield generator coils first?"

Gea awaits a decision, and orders. For now, she returns greetings to her in kind, starting with Kethren, then Leu, and finally initiating salutations with Xanya. Appeased that she's covered everyone, she begins to speak to the Ship's sentience again. "And how effective are your nanites, if we get more polydenum into your reactor? Will they be able to do the outer work themselves, or will you require hands-on assistance for them?"

Xanya smiles and jumps a bit excitedly. "I was hoping you'd say that. Can you guide me to those Coils? I'd love to repair those for you? that is if you don't mind me doing it Leu? that way you can work on the avatar system."

Kethren nods to Leu "Ah, ok. That's fine. Was just wondering how the cables I'd fixed the first night are holding up." Everyone seems to be more or less near the doorway at the moment. Easier to talk that way. About what's left of the repairs and materials for repairing, and so forth.

"The coils are centrally located, you will find the access door in the aft wall of this compartment." Galactix says. "If we get my reactor fully fueled the nanites could potentially repair the outer hull completely but it will take quite some time. Any assistance would speed it up considerably."

Leucohyle blinkblinkblinks at Kethren. "Actually I I didn't notice anything amiss in any cabling within two metres of the core, so, well. Bravo, then, yes?" She blinks a few more times, owlishly, this time at Xanya. "Er well I... er." She fiddles her fingers together. "Of of course you can, Mrs-Xanya..." Carefully, she brushes a bit of lint from her sleeve, nose wriggling. "Let me er, let me assist you with the access-panel..."

"Hmm, well, perhaps I'll be useful more on the outside than the inside." The construct muses to Galactix before looking at Kethren. "Ah, where is the stock? I can be of service now, carrying it up if it's not already here."

Xanya nods to leu. "sure. no problem leu." She says smiling happy about being able to repair the shield systems and ready to follow leu.

Kethren nods to Gea "Should still be in engineering. I'll come with if you need a hand. Not a lot of repair work left I'm qualified for."

"There is little else I can do to assist at this point. Your efforts on my behalf however are greatly appreciated." Galactix says.

Leucohyle goes back to fiddling her fingers together. "Er. Well. I... hm. Well. I can go through my er tools... see what kind of er spare parts I've got that er -may- be a-appropriate for the restoration of the interactive avatar... And er perhaps see about getting some -tea-."

Gea nods to Kethren and begins to exit the room, moving slowly so as to converse with the Architect along the way.

Xanya heads to the aft of the room and towards the indicated room with the shield generator coils.

Kethren nods to Gea and follows along for the short and not particularly treacherous journey to fetch materials "Once we get these moved, I'm going to see if I can't aid a bit in patching up the hull's exterior."

Gea looks toward Kethren, lowering her head to look up at him as if a granny over the rim of glasses, "Do you have a protective suit? I realize that we've reached Sanctuary, but I've not taken any time to research and find out if we're fully encompassed, or if just portions of the ships are. Hmm.."

Leucohyle and Iota head over to a small area to the side of the entrance. She rummages a neatly folded tarp out of his cargo compartment and spreads it out, settling down for a bottle of cold tea. "W-we've fully landed in the er, the er flight deck of Sanctuary, M-Miss Gea. Completely safe. And and monitored by my Observationals!"

Still wearing her smartsuit and jetpack she sets to work on repairing the shield generators. She scan's the systems first. then she starts cleaning and repairing the ship parts as best as she can, taking her time to make sure it's all done as perfect as she can.

Kethren chuckles "Well, if it'll make you feel better I left it by those materials on my way in."

Gea gives the Councilman a hard look, hardlight lips pushing against one another, without the humanistic charm of blanching. "It would, Councilman." A wave of thanks is given to Leu, her chipmunk voice drifting down the hall as the two go to snag more materials from engineering. "Though it appears that it won't be too much of an issue."

Leucohyle blinks a few times in the burgeoning quiet, if quiet is possible in this room full of humming machinery. It's entirely possible that this -is- quiet to the little clone. She looks around the sparkling computer banks and server racks, her sensibly booted feet moving in such a manner as to suggest toes curling in contentment as she sips her tea. "What a what a -nice- diversion," she muses. One of the passing Observationals, pausing to transmit another load of photomosaic imaging for the master map, utters an electronic chirp.

Kethren smiles as they go "Well, I'd feel better with it on during the repair work anyway. Makes it easier to keep my tools at hand... think Kail might be prone to slipping off the hull."

Gea nods in responds, white and colored hair all wagging in unison, "Oh yes, I don't think the little penguin would do too well on the outside of a ship. Not unless he's equipped with his own propulsion device, or a form of adherent."

Leucohyle hrrms thoughtfully and rummages a little pouch of fruit/vegetable sauce out of Iota's cargo compartment, fastidiously stowing the cap before settling down again. Slurrrp. Somebody is in her tiny glory today.

Kethren grins as they get to the room with the materials and smartsuit "Well, Aina could probably work some form of propulsion in... but it'd probably sacrifice what storage space he has."

"Yes that is logical," comes the response from the positronic. "It would seem more equipment would take up more room, though I'm no robotics expert. But, anyway, I can carry a few things, so toolbelt and my assistance should be enough. I /do/ have my own propulsion system."

Precisely fifteen minutes later, Leu gets up, fastidiously packs away all of the containers for reclamation, and fiddles her fingers together. "Hm!" she says, and then pads off down the hallway to where the poor broken android has been laid out on a tarp. Crinkling her nose, she murmurs some things about the strangeness of the organic form before laying her tools out in very precise order.

Kethren takes a moment to stretch out a bit before stepping back into that confining suit and triggering the mechanism that starts to close it up around him.

Already floating, the positronic simply follows along, moving behind the heavily geared architect as he goes outside, to begin refinishing the outer hull.

Leucohyle works diligently away at attempting to repair the damaged robo-avatar, although her squeamishness for its humanoid form is very, very evident and is very much slowing her work. Well, at least no one's here to watch. She squeaks every time she comes into contact with anything resembling skin, and has herself a very, very poor time attempting to move the severed arm. Eventually she just summons Iota to deal with it, and leaves it on the side of the tarp.

Duly laden with materials and some tools strapped into and onto various convenient locales, the intrepid architect leads the way through the airlock out to adventure. Or possibly just fixing up dents in the hull.

Gea just follows along, providing tools where she can, and repairs where she can, otherwise simply staying out of the way.

Leucohyle re-wires a few things, and then draws a very, very battered power cell out of the poor beaten-up robo-avatar. "Hrrrrrrm. Perhaps I've, got something here..." With a series of little fluting murmurs, she peers at the power cell and then starts moving things out of the way in the cargo compartment.

Kethren tromps around a bit on the outside looking for something that actually needs attention. He crouches down by it, possibly looking thoughtful, but the faceplate is tinted right now, so it's hard to be sure. "Hermmm... Going to need some industrial grade putty, and one of those things they use for smoothing concrete."

"Uh..a trowel, I believe they are called. WE didn't bring one of those with us, but fortunately, I can simply turn into one." Adjusting her hardlight form, the positronic extends a newly-shifted arm toward Kethren, for his immediate use. Handing him the putty with her other hand, she looks down the curvature of the ship, and points to a small indentation on a plating scale not too far removed from their current position. "There's another one over there. We should check the integrity."

Leucohyle finds something that is approximately the same size and shape as the broken power cell, and starts running diagnostics between them, murmuring something about amperage and delivery vectors and contacts and at one point chuffs a tiny 'Oh, bother!' into the empty room.

Kethren nods as he fills in the modest gap with a good dose of putty "Smooth that out, and then we'll go over and take a look. But don't forget we'll need to give that a good jolt in say, ten minutes."

Gea does as instructed, using her float hand to pass over the putty, making sure the gouge is blended well into the rest of the panel. "I will set an internal reminder, Councilman," is the nearly autonomous reply before the avatar moves to follow Kethren for further assistance.

Pad pad pad pad pad. Tickticktickticktick. Leu meanders around the empty ship, beelining for the exit and straight over to the Temperantia. The Limbics of varying sizes truck along behind her like an odd, scuttling train. Well, she -seems- to know what she's doing.

Kethren nods and heads on over to the next large ding, and kneels down to inspect closer "Hrmmm. I think putty will work here, but if we start finding anything more serious, we'll need to consider replacements."

Crab-walking over toward the previously spied dent, the avatar gets to work, filling in the dent with putty, and then using the float to smooth out the edges, feathering them just so. Once she's finished, her head tics to the side once, and she points to the previous caulking. "Sir, it's time to apply electricity."

A crate, with little pale arms wrapped around the sides and little sensibly-clad legs poking out from the bottom, comes wobbling out of the Temperantia. Iota scuttles along behind, dragging a wheeled crate himself. Moving as if by rote memory, Leu wobbles her way back onto the Galactix and beelines for the 'avatar bot repair center'.

Kethren nods briskly then scampers over as quickly as one /can/ scamper over a rather beat up hull. Stopping by the now smooth spot, he crouches down and fishes out a couple of alligator clips that lead into a compartment in the suit's arm. "Hold the red one at that corner of the putty if you would."

Gea does as instructed, making sure that the rest of her holoform is completely removed from the rest of the hull's surface. Not wishing to get shocked, the positronic takes pains to remain fully functional.

Line, up! Leu, with the help of several arachnobots, racks up literally dozens of power cells, all the approximate size and shape of Galactix's broken one, and starts running little electrical tests. This is apparently an involved process which consists of a lot of little fluting murmurs, placing small instruments on either side of each power cell, varying noises of interest, and then a squeaky exclamation of "BOTHER!" Then, the rejected cell is stowed and the next is tested.

Carefully picking his location, he toches the black clip to one corner, and touches a button on his arm with the other for a couple seconds. Face plate darkens, sparks fly, and then silence. Until he picks another spot and repeats. Letting go of his own clip, it retracts itself back inside the arm. "...Did you bring the hardness tester?"

Digging around in a sidepouch attached around her waist, the positronic produces the calibration tool requested, and hands it over to Kethren. "Indeed, I did!"

Bleep. Bloop. Murmur. "Bother!" This goes on for quite some time, before there's a Bleep and a Ping instead of a Bloop. "Eureka!" Leucohyle squeaks, and leaps over to the broken android to install the selected power cell with little fluting murmurs of excitement. The cadre of spider bots are left to stow the rest of the power cells that didn't make the grade.

Kethren smiles as he takes the pen-like object "Ah, good." And placing what would normally have the ink applicating device at the end on the putty, he presses a button. Bounce! This peculiar test is performed several more times, each in a different spot "Yeah, this one looks like it'll hold."

Another silent alarm goes off in the construct's head, and another tic jolts her head sideways before her cyan blue eyes alight upon the other patchjob. "Time for that one to be finished, Kethren." And without much more ado, she makes her way over (again) to the dented panel.

Leucohyle is hunched over the still form of the robotic avatar now, not entirely unlike a tiny, frizzy, 'pip'ing mad scientist of legend. There are sparks, there is welding, there are wires being uncoiled... there is a small squeak of alarm when she missteps and nearly tumbles over the disembodied arm. "R-really!" she pipes at it, before getting back to work again.

Kethren chuckles as he heads over, again kneeling down by the smooth looking putty, and again pulling out the gator clip he'd let slide back into the compartment. "Alright, put the red one... right there, if you could."

Gea places the clip where indicated, again her body gently floating away from the hull of the ship. She waits for the sparks, face turned away as customary for normal humans, but unnecessary for a positronic with little more than a sensor array by which to see.

With a very, very awkward series of huffs and puffs, Leucohyle maneuvers the -somewhat repaired- avatar bot into a chair. Its severed arm is still severed, but there's a very very tidy 'cap' on the stump end, crafted painstakingly from a bit of tarp and electrical tape. The twisted leg has been braced, and also wrapped in a tarp and electrical tape. A few other damaged spots on the skin have been carefully covered up, sometimes with bits of tape, and in a few places, with little stick-on adhesive bandages. Huffing, the little clone observes her work with tired pride.

Really, there's not much difference between electrifying one putty patch and another. Shape's a little different, the best spots to zap aren't the same, and the ball in that hardness tester won't bounce exactly as high. All the same though, once the sparks have flown, and the ball has bounced, the youn architect looks pleased. "Alright. Let's head back in and see how Leu's doing. I think the quality on any repairs I try doing from here on out tonight is going to dip sharply."

Gea follows Kethren with subdued duty, the positronic puttering her holoemitted way along the hull, skirting it with the tips of her fingers like a boater across watery surface. After floating her way down the hallway, she comes to a stop in the room most recently vacated by the team, and should still hold Leu. Peeking her head around the corner, she inquires of the petite roboticist, "Almost wrapped up here for the night?"

Leucohyle nods sleepily. "Oh.... very much so yes," she pipes. One of the tiniest 'bots, only the size of a coin, scuttles across her forehead and hoovers up a droplet of sweat with an infinitesimal whir. "I... am -extremely- glad that the er, the Temperantia is nearby. I am -quite- ready for a a shower, and then a generous rest period."

Kethren nods, still in that confining suit "Indeed. A good evening's work. At this point though, I think I should hop a shuttle back home and see if Aina's still awake."

Gea lifts a hand in farewell, first to Leu, along with dulcent-voiced tones of "sleep well, Miss Hall." Then Kethren is given the same half-raised salute, the brainy beauty wishing him a safe trip.