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|title =  A Time For Diplomacy
|title =  A Time For Diplomacy
|summary = Phone menus are fun. Even in the future.
|summary = Phone menus are fun. Even in the future.
|cast = [[Xanya]], [[Kethren]], [[Aina]]  
|cast = [[Xanya]], [[Kethren]], [[Aina]]  
|air_date = April, 2013 
|location = IND Cro na Mthar - Conference Room
|location = IND Cro na Mthar - Conference Room
|setting = Dominated mostly by a large conference table of dark red wood that has been polished to a very high shine, and surrounded by large comfortable chairs with enough space to fit a very large number of people. the room is richly appointed and the back wall is made up of large windows that afford a glorious view but can be covered by a retractable wall. A small section in the table's center can be opened to reveal a holoprojector which extends out to display needed information to the room, the controls for which are at the head of the table.
|setting = Dominated mostly by a large conference table of dark red wood that has been polished to a very high shine, and surrounded by large comfortable chairs with enough space to fit a very large number of people. the room is richly appointed and the back wall is made up of large windows that afford a glorious view but can be covered by a retractable wall. A small section in the table's center can be opened to reveal a holoprojector which extends out to display needed information to the room, the controls for which are at the head of the table.

Revision as of 09:47, 22 November 2013

A Time For Diplomacy

Summary: Phone menus are fun. Even in the future.

Cast: Xanya, Kethren, Aina

Air Date: April, 2013

Setting: IND Cro na Mthar - Conference Room

Dominated mostly by a large conference table of dark red wood that has been polished to a very high shine, and surrounded by large comfortable chairs with enough space to fit a very large number of people. the room is richly appointed and the back wall is made up of large windows that afford a glorious view but can be covered by a retractable wall. A small section in the table's center can be opened to reveal a holoprojector which extends out to display needed information to the room, the controls for which are at the head of the table.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

It's a quiet morning, and Kethren is seated in the Cro's conference room looking a bit stressed. Pressing the intercom button for a moment he announces "Would Gea, and any available council members kindly report to the conference room? There's urgent business."

That out of the way, he leans back in his chair, deep in thought.

Xanya walks into the conference room leaving her guard outside.

In one hand she is holding a Strawberry milkshake and in the other she is holding a plate with taco shell's and a mixture of meat, some red sous and brown beans. She nods to kethren and then sit's down into a chair putting her plate on the table and continues eating.

A flicker of light, followed by the dim glow and a low hum precede the positronic's entrance. She's simply there the second after, bluer-than-blue eyes trained upon the Councilman. "What's the problem?"

Aina appears not long after the summons, a brow arched as she heads toward Kethren and her seat, "What's going on? Is everyone ok?"

Kethren nods to Aina as she takes her seat "Everyone's fine, far as I know. And thank you everyone for arriving so quickly. This should be enough of us that we can proceed. I trust you all recall from the earlier meeting that we agreed to turn over certain assets to the Hek government. Assuming of course they have any interest in them. Captain... do you have any suggestions how we should present the situation to them?"

Aina purses her lips, pondering a moment. With a slight shrug she glances at Kethren, "I'm not really sure...Maybe we should contact them, let them know we have them, see if they do want them. And assure them we aren't harboring anyone. We don't want them to show up guns blazing."

Kethren nods "Well, contacting them is actually the purpose of this gathering. Any objections to that basic plan before we make the call?"

Xanya swallows some of her food then shakes her head.

"I can't think of anything else to add to that at this time."

Kethren nods "Alright then. Gea, if you have anything to say, now's a great time. Otherwise, if you'd be so kind as to place a call to get us in touch with the Heks, that would be a great help."

"Certainly, Councilman," the positronic intones. In a matter of seconds, the large emitter at the center of the conference table flares to life, a three-dimensional holographic model of the dialing protocol spinning. The request for communication is sent directly to the Hekayti's public relations division of government, and the assembled Danu have naught to do but wait.

Xanya finishes her meal and starts to sip her strawberry milkshake as they wait.

The holographic image of a Hekayti female appears. Before she speaks, text appears in a rotating circle around her abdomen in a variety of languages. Hekayan is one and so is Terran Standard. Others might be recognizable as B'hiri script, Pyracani calligraphy, Falari scratchings. "Vocalize your choice of language," they say.

Kethren smiles from his chair. "Terran standard, please."

“Thank you for contacting the Hekayti Central Government Communications Network in Kjernkor,” the holographic female speaks, this time in the chosen language of Terran Standard. “Your transmission is important to us. Please be aware that our options have changed. Select from the following options: Tourism, Colonial Management, Trade and Transit, Immigration Services, Caste Assignment, Interstellar Diplomacy, Environmental Services or Media Inquiries.”

Xanya smiles and for now lets Kethren do the talking as she finishes her milkshake and puts it away out of view.

Aina has been quiet the entire time, waiting for things to be connected. When the image of the female Hek appears she straightens, hands folding atop the table. Her lips purse a moment before she speaks, "Interstellar Diplomacy." A frown forms for a brief second before she shakes her head slightly and glances at Kethren.

“You have selected Interstellar Diplomacy,” the holographic female replies. “Please choose from the following departments: Embassy Services, Diplomatic Documentation, Reception Venues, Extradition Services, Interplanetary Concerns or Media Inquiries.”

The architect looks thoughtful for a moment. "Let's go with extradition services."

“You have selected Extradition Services. Please stand by as your transmission is routed to the appropriate office,” the holographic female replies.

There’s a brief pause before she flickers out of existence and a male Hekayti of the Konterbeid caste materializes into view. “Extradition Services,” he growls, taking a PDA off his desk and activating a form to fill out. “Are you reporting an off world suspect for Hekayti collection or seeking a suspect currently believed to be on Hekayt Prime or one of our territorial colony worlds?”

Kethren nods "We'd like to report and turn over three Dominion assets: The positronic A.M.I., suspected Dominion spy, her military ship the Shadowcaster, and the ISV Truthseer, last assigned to the Dominion Council's Operational Director of Mercantile Operations, Xul'Quaras."

"Who are you?" the Hekayti bureaucrat inquires. "And how did you come by these assets?"

Kethren nods seriously "I'm Councilor Kethren of the Danu Chroi Empire. Councillors Aina and Xanya Harden are also with me. The ISV Truthseer landed some time ago when the Dominion attempted to convince us to ally with them, and the positronic was attempting to infiltrate our organization under the guise of seeking employment. We believe that the Council's Director of Mercantile Operations is still at large."

Xanya listens carefully at the conversation Kethren has with the Hekayti male. When she sees Aina Straighten herself Xanya follows the example and sits straight as well.

"I am taking note of your claim," the bureaucrat replies. "The Hekayti government appreciates your cooperation. As is standard custom at this point, we insist that the assets remain isolated from unauthorized entry. Superior agents of this office may be dispatched to confirm your claim and assist in the apprehension of any fugitives from justice. Those agents will have authority to negotiate rewards for your cooperation. You will be notified in advance of their arrival. Transmission ends."

The image flickers and fades.

Kethren sighs a bit "Alright, guys. Let's see about moving any other ships from that landing site, and hope that they're more prompt in their response than they were with that burial probe."

"We can only hope. and Wait. For time will tell what will happen next."