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[[Category:Logs That Include Xanya]][[Category:Logs That Include Vessa]][[Category:Logs That Include Aukido]][[Category:Logs That Include Wormhole]][[Category:Logs That Include Comorro]][[Category:Logs That Include Logic Shortage]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Xanya]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Vessa]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Aukido]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Wormhole]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Comorro]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Logic Shortage]]
Docking Hub - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>~~
Docking Hub - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>~~

Latest revision as of 10:24, 25 November 2013

Docking Hub - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>~~ Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship - incapable of atmospheric flight - that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years. The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats. Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel's nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas - such as the Forgotten Quarter - are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs. )~~

The Docking Hub is busy with it being midday, and Aukido is speaking to people near a ship, some Opodians and others likely, near the Enlightenment.

Vessa Harden hops off of the shuttle and begins heading to a nearby coffee stand with a brisk no nonsense stride. When she gets there she greets the stand's owner by name and is handed the coffee right off. It seems she has been here before and he knows what she likes. After she pays for the coffee she looks around and wanders over to the nearby ships taking a look at the curiously. She hasn't really noticed anyone specifically yet as her attention up to this point has been on caffeine.

Aukido continues to speak with the group at the ship, and then nods to them, walking over to the same stand that Vessa is at, and lifts his hand in greetings to her, perhaps not recognizing her if she's in her gear, and gets some coffee himself, paying the man, and sipping it.

Wormhole departs a different shuttle craft that had landed moments before Vessa's. He looks around, his helmet retracted as he looks out for trouble. Looking around, he spots Aukido by another vessel, and alters course. As he approaches he smiles. "Hello Aukido. How are the swords?"

Vessa Harden sips her coffee, her helmet is down and for this very purpose. Waving back to Aukido she smiles around the lip of the cup, "Hello there, good to see you again Aukido." seeing Wormhole as he arrives she waves to him too, "Heya Wormhole, seen Diri around since the mission?"

Aukido flicks his ears at the conversation, and nods thoughtfully, sipping the coffee again, "Those swords handle nicely, yez, however, I had to drop zem to the ground and pull my pistol, to put a blazt in a would-be assassin," the Lyiri says, curling his muzzle into a frown.

Wormhole nods and smiles, "Glad they are treating you well...why not use the swords for protection?" He shrugs and then looks to Vessa, "Hey there. No, I haven' wondering what happened to him..."

Vessa Harden takes another sip of coffee and nods to the swords she sees Aukido wearing, "Those the ones you showed Aka and I that day? Ohh you got to shoot a would-be assassin? Might be fun to go to a shooting range with you at some point, I would love to see your skill with a pistol." she nods to Wormhole, "Yeah, a lot of us are wondering what happened to him. If you see him can you let him know he has peeps worried?"

Aukido flicks his ears thoughtfully, "I did not like doing such, however I do not wish to speak anymore of the matter, also, yes, these are the ones I showed Akamatsu," the Lyiri says, swishing his tail about, looking to Wormhole, "Ah, protection yes, however it was distance involved," Aukido, Wormhole, and Vessa are around a coffee stand, not far from where the shuttles are.

Theres a sensation of electrisity in the air, static on a dry day that makes your hair prickle, then a snap and a pop as Logic's hologram appears outside just below the ship's nose. His hair is standing on end, cartoon kid with a fork in an electric socket style and he blinks a few times as he looks around. The astute might also notice a slight hint of smoke. "That was weird." He says to nobody in particular.

Wormhole hmmms and looks in thought to Vessa. " long has he been missing? Might be about to time to file him missing..." He frowns slightly before looking to Aukido and nods. "Ah...but distance can be closed with swift moves." He pats the hilt of his sword. "Haven't used it against anyone yet, but had plenty of training." He turns around as his form begins to feel funny as dust particles attempt to break their hold on his body. He frowns as he looks to Logic. "What was that?"

Vessa Harden shrugs at Aukido, "Eh, killing is never fun but being able to protect others from someone attempting to kill them does give some satisfaction," she looks at Wormhole, "I figure he is on a mission, it has just been a couple of days so not that long, just people are getting a bit worried is all." feeling the odd static she looks over at Logic, "Hey, your that guy from when I got zapped to this universe thingy. Howz it going holo-man?"

Aukido flicks his ears thoughtfully, and turns as the static discharge... Floofs up his fur, "Ugh, you might want to work on your ship yez?" the Lyiri replies with his new and oddly Russian-sounding accent he's spoken for a bit over a week perhaps, "How are you, friend?" he asks of Logic, then turns to Vessa and Wormhole again, "Ah, well, I've got much business az well lately," Aukido says, before adding, "I could do with a bit of assistance for like non-dangerous work perhaps, if either of you would like to assist."

Logic walks on over to where the small group of organics is standing, making an attempt to flatten his hair as he does. "Hi. Sorry bout that." He looks from Wormhole to Vessa and finally to Aukido. "Not sure. Yep that's me. Going well. Maybe, I got stuck in a blizzard on MS I think ice mighta gotten into one of my emitters."

Wormhole hmmms, and wonders, looking to Logic. "I can help you with your ship. I'm an engineer as good as the most skilled." He smiles and then looks to Aukido. "What's the work?"

Vessa Harden shrugs to Aukido, "It depends on what it is and when. I am always up for a good bit of distraction." she grins at Logic's hair, "Not sure that will work mate."

Aukido flicks his ears a bit, "It will likely be working on my ship as crew," he says, before swishing his tail, "Which might also be in service to the Opodians, although maybe not directly, mostly different things," he says.

Logic looks to Wormhole and tilts his head, an expression forming that may suggest he's considering the offer. "Hmm, maybe." He then grins at Vessa, closes his eyes really tight and gives his head a good shake which sure enough seems to do the trick. "What are the Odopeian's doing?"

Wormhole tilts his head in wonder. "Hmmmm...maybe. I'd need to know the details of the Opedian mission or whatever...I can serve as an engineer, pilot or Security."

Vessa Harden seems to consider, "Well, if it doesn't interfere with my current duties then I don't mind helping out so long as I know what will be expected from me and what the situation is before we go. I do have to reiterate the same thing I mentioned the last time though, my first loyalty is the DMC and my second to REM, anything I do for you will have to be after those two."

Aukido frowns slightly and shrugs a bit, before flicking his ears, "Anyways, what are your credentials? And, it shouldn't interfere much really, considering everything," he says, tail swishing.

Logic tilts his head at Aukido, "That doesn't really answer my question but... well..." He turns to look back at 'himself'. "I'm a ship. I can jump from here to MS in around twenty minutes. I've got the best sensor package I know of." He looks back to Aukido. "I know a decent amount of Physics and Astronomy..."

Wormhole shrugs, "I'm up for it I guess." He holds brings up his tablet and does a few flicking motions, before Aukido's PDA beeps, indicating a message, Worm having sent his credentials over.

Vessa Harden a brief grin flickers over her face before she answers, "I can shoot pretty much anything and I am a fair hand at hand to hand too. Oh and I get the job done, and I have experience with leading people into battle. I think that about covers it." she grins at Logic, "The hair looks much better by the way." she then looks back to Aukido.

Aukido chuckles softly, and looks to Logic, "The Opodians are doing mostly exploration at the moment," he says, then nods thoughtfully, flicking his ears a bit, "Well then, thanks for the information, give me a moment," the Lyiri says and processes it as others speak.

Logic grins at Vessa, "Thanks." Then he looks to Aukido, smiles wide and bounces on the spot. "Cool! Exploring is great fun. That's one of the things I was built for." He pauses. "Well, not me. My body I mean."

Wormhole hmmms and shakes his head before looking to the doors. "Anyways, I need to move," he says and he turns for the doors. "Nice seeing you three."

Vessa Harden nods to Aukido, "Of course," she waves to Wormhole, "Good seeing you again." she then winks at Logic's response before looking at Aukido again, "But if I do help ya out, I want a full accounting of what will be expected and the option to choose whether to go or not before hand. Katrin and Aka were not happy with me last time."

Aukido waves softly and smiles, "Of course Vessa, anyways, I should be on my way, take care guys, ancestors know peace," he says, and moves towards the shuttle

Logic waves to Wormhole as he takes his leave. "Byeee." Then his attention goes back to the conversation about exploration, looking between Vessa and Aukido. The Lyiri being the next to take his leave gets a wave too. "Byee to you too." He then plonks down to sit right there where he's standing.

Vessa Harden laughs then shrugs, "I fear I am the next to leave and Aukido just stole my shuttle. Oh well, I can wait a moment until the next one arrives." she grins before waving to another of them. "I would offer you a trip to the bar but I don't think you drink." she chuckles.

Logic looks up from where he's sitting on the floor, his head tilting just slightly to one side, "Where are you going? I could take you there. I'm not doing anything else.".

Vessa Harden grins, "I am off to Eiru on Pyracan. If you felt the desire to go there then I wouldn't complain about a lift."

"Oh. Pyracan is nice, been there a couple times. Very short trip. Very, very short." Logic says as he bounces up. "Just let me deactivate my security system."

Vessa Harden smiles wider, "Wow, thanks man. Uh by the way, I don't think we ever got to names when we first met, I am Vessa by the way." she holds out a hand to Logic.

"Logic Shortage, or just Logic's fine." He looks back to 'himself' and a platform slowly lowers down from the underside of the IND Logic Shortage. "Should be able to come inside now." The 'kid' says with a grin.

Vessa Harden whistles appreciatively as she admires the ship, "Well Logic, it is a right pleasure to meet you formally. May I say you look like a damn fine ship too. Thanks for the lift, you are awesome!" she begins to head towards the descending platform of Logic's body as she speaks to his holographic image.

Xanya disembarks from the Opodion ship looking at her PDA for a bit before putting it away. She then stretches and yawns as if she just woke up. She walks slowly onto the Docking hub looking around. "What should I do today?"

Logic walks along with Vessa, though he probably doesn't have to. "Thanks. I think I'm a 'mighty fine' ship to and I really do like traveling around. So giving you a lift is no problem and like I said it's really not that far at all, I can "see" Pyracan from here.

Vessa Harden grins at Logic and peers at the nearby wall, "Then you have much better "sight" then I do." she chuckles. Seeing Xanya wander out she waves, "Hey Xan, come meet Logic the Awesome. He is giving me a ride home."

Xanya Looks over As she hears Someone call her name. As she sees Vessa she smiles, waves and walks over to meet her. As she gets closer she notices logics avatar and examens him a bit then looks to Vessa. "What was that dear? I think I might not have heard you correctly."

Logic stops and turns toward the person Vessa just called out to. The 'kid' beams a big smile. "Oh. Hi. Logic, that's me."

Vessa Harden laughs and nods to Logic, "This is Logic Shortage, I met him when I first rifted in. He says to call him Logic for short and he is giving me a ride." she turns to Logic, "Mind if I invite her along, I don't know if she has seen anything beyond Comorro?"

Xanya Looks to Logic and lowers herself to his height and then extends her hand. "Nice to meet you logic." She sais Kindly. "Logic sounds like weird name for a boy. But that is probably me because I rifted in not to long ago so this world is still new to me." She looks to Vessa. "Your right I have seen nothing past this place."

Logic chuckles when Xanya crouches down but takes her hand and gives it a typically childish exuberant shake. "Sure. If she wants." He says looking to Vessa then chuclkes and smiles at Xanya. "Well, there's a whole Universe actually. Lots of worlds."

Vessa Harden looks over to Xanya as she again steps up on the ramp, "If you be wanting to join then lets go! I wants me a beer!." she grins with a wink to show she is half joking but her step is quite quick as she makes it up the ramp and is half hanging out of the opening as she waves Xanya over, "Come on girl, there are people to meet and parties to join." she laughs and ducks inside at the last word.

Airlock - <IND Logic Shortage> ~~ The airlock in this craft is quite large, able to contain 15 people at once. Located centrally a circle of decking is marked by a twin ring of red and yellow LED Stripping and a control panel is located centrally on a streamlined stand. Wide opening, curved doors enclose this platform somewhat like a lift.

       Port and starboard a double sliding hatch provides access to one of two comparatively cramped emergency pods. A bank of lockers are also located here for storing atmosphere suits.


Xanya Looks to vessa disapear into the ship. "Alright alright I'm comming, I'm Comming. Hold on you you.... " She doesn't finish her sentence and follows Vessa On board. As she enter the ship she looks around. "This is some ship. Do your parents pilot it logic?"

Logic doesn't ride the lift platform up with the two women he's just there when it comes to a stop and the curved airlock doors cycle open. The 'kid' laughs, "I 'am' the ship." He says quite simply with a huge grin.

Vessa Harden nods at Logic's words and is practically bouncing with excitement, "Yay, I get to see you move! Oh and is there anything I can get for you when we get there?" she is practically vibrating with excess energy and the desire to move.

Xanya 's yaw drops and her eyes widen. "What do you mean you are the ship? Are you a robot? or an AI as in Artificial Intelligence. Your kidding me right?"

The huge grin still on his face Logic laughs in clear amusement. "I'm a Positronic. A Mechanical Lifeform. You could say I'm an AI, yes." He then looks to Vessa. "Yes. You do, I have to say please stay away from the door labled 'Restricted Access'." He looks back to Xanya. "No. I'm not kidding." He then turns and indicates a short stairway. "Passenger area is just this way." He then blinks off.

Vessa Harden nods and snaps off a salute to Logic, "Aye aye cap'n. she grins before heading there.

Passenger Cabin - <IND Logic Shortage> ~~ Hardly your typical mass transit shuttle with row upon row of seating, the greater amount of space afforded by this craft being larger has been used to provide passengers with more comfort.

       Large, leather trimmed, seats more akin to recliners are clustered in pairs down the centre of the space. Each pair of chairs clustered into a nook or pod and between each seat in a pair is module housing seat adjustment controls, reading light, pda dock and various other things including a screen on an adjustable arm and a headset for private listening. Along either side are single seats, each in their own partitioned nook with a sliding door for passengers who would like even more privacy. In all, 28 people can be seated.
       Forward of the seating area is a partitioned off, oval shape conference table and along the sides are six 'stations' which can be configured for various uses typically associated with exploration. Further, data from any of these stations can be displayed on the holographic display emitters in the conference table. A single hatch leads forward from this area, marked by blue LED stripping the glowing holo-sign reads "Cockpit" 
       Aft of the seating area are bathroom facilities and a kitchenette. Immediately aft of these, a few steps down is an airlock and a pair of life pods in case of emergency. Tucked away behind the kitchenette is a sealed hatch clearly marked by red LED stripping and a holo-sign stating "Engine Compartment. Restricted Access". There is no immediately obvious way to open the hatch from this side.


Xanya Still filled with surpise she follows Vessa along the ship.

Logic reappears standing at the front of the seating area near the partition that seperated off the Conference area. "Well, this is the main cabin. What do you think?" He asks, looking between both of his 'guests'.

Vessa Harden whistles appreciatively again, "Fancy, you know how to treat your guests man." she settles in one of the leather seats, "Very comfortable." she grins up at Logic, "Thank you again, this is much nicer then the shuttles."

Xanya Looks around her eyes would dropp out if they could. "this is amazing. I wish I had my camera with e right about now." She sits down in a chair close to Vessa's. "Comfy indeed. I might even be able to fall a sleep in here. Unless we get a bumpy ride that is."

Logic blinks off briefly and reappears by the seat Xanya sat down in. "Actually. The seats fully recline and become beds." He reaches across the woman and indicates the controls. "This control right here." He then looks to Vessa. "That's because I'm not just a shuttle."

Bull and Hawk Tavern - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~ The large first floor of is home of the Bull and Hawk Tavern, built entirely of dark woods. Walls have been paneled in the same wood as the bar, polished and kept free of dust or grime that could come from daily interactions. High on the walls, near the ceiling are carvings of the hawk in silent flight or the stampeding bull. The designs make their way around the entire border, lending to the establishment's name. A C-shaped bar sits against the back wall with cushioned stools lining the entire length.

       A hearth is located on against the right wall, with a large marble mantle carved with six figures - a wildcat, a raven, a mongoose, a horse and rider, a bear and in the center, a rampaging bull. Freestanding tables dot the open the floor, about a dozen in total, some near the hearth. In colder weather, a fire roars there, but during the warmer months, it remains empty, or has decorative baskets lying inside. Hanging above the mantle is a banner of brown silk with a rampaging bull featured prominently. Flying overhead and just slightly smaller is the image of a striking hawk.
       Lining both left and right walls are luxurious booths. Each of these booths is more of a cocoon of wooden warmth, lined by velvet cushions of a deep red. Instead of merely just a place to eat a meal and talk, the booths are literally carved from wood, with unique tables settled inbetween two high backed bench-liked structures that curve upwards to the ceiling. The outline of the two seats as they face each other is roughly oval shape, but each booth has its own small variation to create a uniqueness to each spot. To add to this uniqueness, designs have been painted on each of the wood frames, each depicting something different. Some are just flower designs, while others repeat the figures on display along the hearth's mantle. Gauzy red curtains are tied back at each booth, easily released in case the diners prefer a more intimate experience.
       On the left side of the bar is a door that leads into the kitchen, succulent smells drifting outwards at all times of the day from featured cuisines of many different cultures. To the right is a large staircase that leads to the second floor, the railing carved with a pattern of roses.
       Electricity has very subtly been brought into play through the whole tavern and inn, soft and subtle lights hidden high in the ceiling.


"Franceza! Fran!" Diri says, attempting to catch the woman before she can get past, trying to find her eyes with his own. "Fran. Please. We have to talk. Fuck whoever this is," He notes of Tracy, glancing back only a second before he gently nudges the woman towards the stairs that lead up to the inn. "Please, Franceza." There's a little situation right now. Nix and some woman on the floor, the Qua holding a revolver to said woman's head. Diri is holding off Franceza from getting nearer to the two, but they're not far away. "You see, you have run into a problem with that logic." the man replies, voice rather apathetic. The gun is pressed against her skull, letting her feel the reverberation of the hammer being pulled back again. "Ask me if I really give a damn. This isn't for me you see, I could care less." Nix replies again. "I'm not doing this for me." He pulls the trigger again. Again, nothing. "My my, you are a lucky one tonight. At best, you have three more chances to live. See, you think you have the upper hand, all the answers. The difference, the people you're trying to dupe? SOme of them have to care about what you're doing? Because your grand plan, which I am sure you have been monolouging? It doesn't matter to me. You just happened to annoy me by trying to put some kind of mental chip on me. But. What do you cherish more, hrm?" The barrel of the gun presses more against her skull. "Your life? Or her's?" he jerks his head back at Fran. "Which is more important to you?"

Diri is currently is process of trying to hold back Fran who is attempting to interrupting Nixkamich interrogating a woman named Tracy who just moments tried planting a neural chip on the Qua's neck. Nix's answer for getting answers out of her? Ungstiri Roulette. So far, the gun that's against Tracy's head hasn't gone off. Yet.

Dirionis will have a dmn hard time nudging Fran gently back towards the stairs, even though he was able to stop her from barrelling towards Nixkamich and Tracy, doing everything in her power to get to them, "You don't get it, I /have/ to!" she yells to Diri, while Tracy snorts at Nix, "Oh shoot her, by all means, who cares." SHe winces again when the gun doesn't fire, swallows, then narrows her eyes and raises her voice loud enough for Diri to hear. "Endgame," she nods. "Ask him if he remembers Fargon's Chance!"

Vessa Harden strides into the room and is about to call for a beer when she is rocked back on her heels, "What the fuck?" she asks out loud and heads over waving a hand at the one holding the gun, "Hey uh, maybe lets not point guns at people's heads yeah? That way I don't have to try to stop you from killing anyone or try and take you down if you succeed."

Xanya comes in soon after Vessa She keeps looking around with suprise at all the new things she sees. When sees the seemingly violent scene she looks even more suprised but soon gets a more serious look on her face. She follows Vessa but stays a few steps behind her. she stands ready to act if needed.

"Do not meddle in these affairs." is all that Nix is going to say to Vessa, his eyes still trained on her. "I have a friend, you know. A former Vollistan Interrogator. Very good at her job. Excells at rummaging around people's minds. I should really introduce her to you. However, that time is now. I would have to be bothered by whatever pathetic plan you want to unfold. Simply put, I have faced down enemies that instilled far more respect in me than one woman with dellusions of grandeur. But keep this mind," he suddenly lets her go, standing up. Taking his pistol up in both hands, he aligns that last bullet into the barrel. Then it's pointed at her Tracy's thigh, and this time the gun actually goes off, point blank at her leg. "Next time I see you near my friend, I will not be so kind. The pain in your leg will be a reminder of that."

Fargon's chance. Fargon's Chance. Diri blinks, eyes averting a moment. That was years ago. "Fine. Fine." Diri says to Franceza, holding her back a second longer before releasing. A look to Vessa, indicating Nix. "He's a friend. I'm leavin'. You make sure no one tries to pull any shit on him. Including law enforcement." A look to Tracy, "I was twenty one. Followin' orders. Whatever sick game this is...I don't want any part in it." He sets a hand on Nix's shoulder. "Is it worth it?...I don't know who she is, but you got a warm home and nice woman to go back too. Your call if you wanna splat her against the ground." A pause, a nod to Nix, "Lets get out of here." A look to Vessa, a small nod, and then he backpeddles to the door, hues locked on Franceza before he steps out, looking distraught.

The moment she's able, Franceza dives towards the wailing Tracy, plowing her way through anyone in her way if she needs to. Maybe Dirionis noticed her cringing sharply when the woman was shot, maybe not, but the spacer doesn't have eyes for her long lost lover, only for the woman who supposedly the one who found her, took care of her in her quest to find Diri - but her concern seems out of proportion, and for her to forget the merc's existance over Tracy's pain... The wounded woman wraps an arm around Fran's neck, murmuring, "Help me..."

Vessa Harden looks completely flummuxed as to what the hell is going on but nods at Diri before he walks out, "Sure thing Diri," she says quietly and shrugs, "Can we try not to make holes in my Boss's Tavern though, and blood stains are rather hard to get out of the floors." her voice is calm and she shrugs to Nix, "Sorry to be in your biz you may want to get moving though if you don't want cops coming after you, I will do what I can to keep the heat off though." she then turns her attention to Tracy, grabs some nearby napkins and makes a compress.

Xanya Stands quiatly near Vessa and as people start leaving she lowers her guard and then looks to vessa. "Anything I can do to help out?"

The metal barrel of the gun taps against Fran's head as she cradles the crying the Tracy. "Stay away from Dirionis. This is my only warning for both of you. I will kill you both should either of you try to interfere with his life again. You do realize she did not give once of compassion for the idea of you being killed? I suggest you let her go as well." That said, he nods to Vessa, then takes his leave out the back.

Vessa Harden shrugs as she steps back but her eyes go a bit hard, "Hey, I realize that you have something going on and that it involves Diri and Franceza. I ask that you not try and mess with him or his group cause as I am in his employ, however temporarily, I take it as my job to keep him and his safe." her eyes flicker to Franz before returning to Tracy, "I have nothing against you and I sure as hell don't want to cause trouble for you but," she suddenly moves closer and speaks very softly in Tracy's ear, "I am not cool with people controlling others and I would really appreciate it if you let go of the girl."

Xanya Sighs a bit feeling out of place and not needed. She makes way to the exit of the Inn. The close she gets to the door the more she gets lost in her thoughts.

Vessa's murmured words have a probably unexpected effect on Tracy, the woman staring at the other for a moment before she starts to snicker. No, make that laugh, shaking her head over so much ignorance. Franceza for her part seems to not even have heard, going about her business of helping Tracy walk out.

Vessa Harden watches the woman leave with a hard look and shakes her head, "It will not last if I can help it. Next time I see them, well, we shall see." turning to Xanya she nods and waves, "Take care of yourself Xan, if you see me around say hi."