From OtherSpace: Encyclopedia Galactica
- Benti, Olled
- B'hira: Homeworld of the B'hiri.
- B'hiri: Spider-like sentient insectoid aliens native to B'hira.
- Blackstone: Sivadian Navy destroyer torn apart during attack by the Yaralu Kemetti in 2651.
- Bradbury Dome: Domed city on Mars.
- Brashword, Longleg
- Brazen Star: Nall exploration ship commanded by Tyalavikil.
- Bumbler: Herd cattle on Demaria.
- Busby, Robert (Bob): Founder of Spark Industries. Funded development of the Tilsworth-Cooke Drive in the mid-2500s.
- Busby, Jeremiah: President of the Stellar Consortium.