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Revision as of 10:20, 3 November 2011 by ShanG (Talk | contribs) (Usage)

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The +look command is used similarly to look and provides a description and information about a player, thing, or vobject.


+look [here]
+look me
+look <target>
+look <object>'s <target>
  • If the target is 'here', or if it is omitted, you will look at the room you're in.
  • If the target is 'me' then you will look at yourself.
  • If the you use <object>'s <target> and <object> is in the same room as you, you will look at an item in that object's inventory.
  • Otherwise the command will attempt to match a player, object, room, or item nearby and look at that. You must be inside the room, or in the same room as the player, object, or item you want to look at.

Staffers can look at players, objects, items, and rooms from anywhere on the grid by using either dbref or object id.

The output varies depending on what you're looking at:

  • Looking at the room will show a list of items currently there.
  • Looking at a player will show you their name, description, any items they have equipped, and any wounds they have.
  • Looking at an item will show you its name, its parent if it has been renamed, its description, and other stuff.

Connecting: Connect Disconnect
Communication: Say Pose Semipose Emit Page Think @channel @mail +bbpost
Navigation: Who Where Look +look @rp Go Enter Leave
Skill: +sheet +roll +race +raise +lower +sinfo
Item: +inventory +get +drop +give +buy +sell +pay +craft +name +describe +einfo
Combat: +equip +equipment +unequip +damage +heal +repair
