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Welcoming Party

Summary: The crew of the Minerva rifts from Hiverspace and into the domain of Lord Fagin the Pirate King.

Cast: Iseul, DS-3633, Newt, Sharai Dravik, Mert, Kaxina, Melania, Mern

Air Date: January 21st, 2651 CE

Setting: Tomin Kora

Clouds of steam hiss from vents along the edges of this broad gunmetal gray platform beneath a violet sky dotted with stars and gleaming with five moons of varying sizes. Some unsavory folks conduct their bleak business in the shadows, while others haggle with pilots over fares and freight charges. Mechanics clad in the silver-chased royal blue jumpsuits of the pirate king's technical squad wander from ship-to-ship, checking fuel levels and rad-ratings.

Contents: Exits:
<DC> Decon Corridor

"Relax," Iseul says quietly as she continues on her way. "Can we try and not look so obvious, please?" She growls and pushes her jacket back to better display the pair of pistols she has.

Newt replies, "Well you said to keep close." ut he backs off just a little.

DS-3633 walks the same as it always does.

The Equinox is one of a handful of vessels engaging the Minerva on a merry chase through the nebula, and finally it touches down within a waiting berth a short stretch from the mysterious shuttle. Among those disembarking is a tall drink of Timonae - Dr. Kaxina Nirali, whose purposed stride angles her directly toward the vehicle and crew in question. She is not smiling.

Sharai Dravik stanks by Izzy and stays close, pistol in ready reach.

Mert doesn't back off all that much... he's still looking very nervous as he hops along, looking at the various ships and people hanging about.

Probably because she had to be in the same room exchanging glances with the one-eyed sniper, otherwise known as Melania. But Lord Fagin can be known for a lot of things, one of them probably isn't having a flair for ironic humor. Teaming the two up, after one tried to get the other in deep most likely gives the Pirate King a chuckle wherever he resides. Still, the Martian plays her part as bodyguard, lazily carrying her battle rifle leaning against her shoulder. Her smoking suggests that she too isn't in the best of moods.

DS-3633 is quiet as it walks with the group.

As each ship touches down, Iseul takes a casual look in their direction before moving on, but the Equinox and the appearance of Kaxina and friends has her tensing a bit. "Sharai, move them along and keep the civilians away from any conflict." A hand inches down closer to her pistol.

Newt keeps an eye out also and on spotting Iseul's reaction to the happy-fun Equinix and friendshe asks, "Anything wrong?"

Mert picks up on it as well. "Bad people?" he inquires, looking even more nervous, a far cry from his usual nature.

Kaxina draws up short at the sight of the supposedly dead detective. "Koh," she utters, the word as much a gasp as it is the woman's name, and for ten startled seconds the good doctor's composure is entirely unguarded. She collects herself a piece at a time before advancing further, as suspicious as she is confused. "What in Maza's empty universe is going on?"

Sharai Dravik nods to Sharai and goes about trying to move people along though keeping an eye on the goings on and staying close enough to help Izzy if she needs it.

There is a wince when Kaxina's eyes land on her and she just gestures the others onward. A moment passes before Iseul strides in the Timonae's direction, hand staying on her pistol. "Give me one good reason that I shouldn't shoot you right now," she hisses out.

DS-3633 continues to move along, not watching the scene with Isual to avoid looking conspicuous. Just a big robot here.

"Apparently getting chummy with some interesting people." Melania utters dryly, eyeballing the detective for one move before going back to the ones she came with. "Better have your friends stick with your ship. Stick out worse than a Sivadian wife with a black eye." Idly adjusting the weight of the rifle against her. Though that changes pretty quick when Isuel makes her threat and suddely the battle rifle isn't being just lazily griped. It's tucked snug against her shoulder. The red light coming from the rifle's scope is making pinpint dot hovering around the woman's chest. "Because you wouldn't live long enough to enjoy that victory."

Everyone seems to want a piece of Dr. Nirali lately, but this seems to be the first death threat that catches her off-guard. "Miss Nox-Azami, stand down," she instructs over her shoulder, before cautiously appraising Iseul. "Many people wish me dead and for just as many reasons. I attended your funeral, Detective. Before you shoot me, tell me how it is that I am speaking to a dead woman and how she came to be aboard a Vanguard ship executing maneuvers in Fringe space."

Mert looks back and forth between the two speaking, looking very sad. "Why people talk about killing? It's scary and not fun."

Iseul's eyes slide across to Melania for a second, a cold smile appearing. "Haven't you heard? I'm already dead." She looks back to Kaxina, a brow twitching. "If I'm to trust you with that kind of information, I do believe you owe me something in return. After all, I don't know which side you stand on."

"Oooh, that was a good. Take you all night to think that one-liner up? Please." Lani utters in mock-approval. "Spare us the theatrics." There's a vauge movement, like she's leaning into her weapon, readying herself for the recoil when she pulls the trigger. And it's only when Kax gives the order, she hesitates only for a moment before the light flicks off on her rifle. She scoffs suddenly. "I'd watch what you wish for if I were you."

"If it is revenge you wish, then our interests may be aligned," Dr. Nirali opines, failing to elaborate further when so many gawkers and rubberneckers of varied trustworthiness populate the pad. An image nevertheless flashes in Iseul's head - unbidden, not of her own creation. Volstov.

Sharai Dravik nods and moves back over to Izzy from trying to keep civilians away. "Right." she says quietly and makes ready to move.

Mert is only too happy to get away from the bad people, keeping close to Sharai.

Speaking of gawkers of varied trustworthiness, Mern steps out of the shadow of a starship not terribly far away from the group, on the opposite side of the newcomers from Kaxina and Melania. "Busy night, eh?" he calls over towards the sniper, grinning a bit as he looks the Gankri over with a raised eyebrow. "What's that? Some kinda hairy Nall?" he asks.

Melania continues to not look at all impressed. Or it's just the facade of a soldier. Either way, her rifle is not longer directed at Iseul. "Brilliant deduction, Sherlock." She sighs, looking back to Kax. "Better go do that then, if you two are gonna go off and do your little plotty stuff. Since 'investigating' was our offical business, I'm sure you could swing that the people from that ship are the head honcho's 'guests'?" Finally, someone that Lani might actually border on liking. "Mern. Just some people that got 'rifted' over. The fun never stops."

Kaxina holds up a stalling hand. "No. My associate and I are here on behalf of Lord Fagin the Pirate King, who has instructed me to investigate the nature of this so-called 'rifted' Vanguard vessel," she explains. "You may decline this invitation, but rest assured that failure to accept will result in his associates seeking you out at a later date and time - and that they each have their own unique way of expressing the urgency of this matter."

"It usually never pleasent." Lani chimes in.

Iseul glances over her shoulder to Sharai, frowning. "It seems that we have no choice but to become guests for Lord Fagin," she replies slowly. "We stay armed and you'll guarantee us safe passage there and to leave. But before we go, I would like private words with you, Nirali."

Sharai Dravik frowns but nods silently and keeps her eyes on those around them, trying to provide some assurance to Mert.

Mert looks up to Sharai. "We have to go with the bad people?" he says with absolute terror in his voice.

"They ain't so bad," Mern tells Mert from behind the Gankri, grinning mischeviously, "Not compared to most ya find 'round here." He tosses Melania an incredulous look. "Rifted?" he asks, "What the hell's that s'posed to mean?"

Melania shrugs. "Hell if I know, but it's the word people keep throwing around. Something to do with that things, people, whatever that pop in or pop out. Anyways, I'm not the one to ask if you're looking for an expert on the matter."

"The degree to which we converse privately will be determined by his lordship. Come along. A private booth has been reserved at the Motherlode," Dr. Nirali directs, shepherding the lot along toward the spaceport and the neon city beyond. Fagin's men do not swarm the Nocturn and make no move to enter - but neither do they give the impression that it is going anywhere anytime soon.

Iseul steps back without a word and rejoins her group, gesturing them forward. "This really is not good," she mutters quietly to Sharai. "Stay alert and keep quiet for now. We'll figure a way out of this."

Sharai Dravik gives Mert an encouraging smile, "Don't worry, I will keep you safe." she speaks equally as quietly to Izzy, "You got it."

Mern chuckles faintly, shaking his head. "Well," he calls to Melania, "Nice almost talkin' to ya." He then moves off to find something more interesting to do.

"You are more than welcome to join us," Kaxina informs Mern as she passes him.

"Maybe later," Mern says to Kaxina with a grin, "Have fun."

The Motherlode - Freewheeling - <Tomin Kora>

Shadows cloak much of this tavern's interior, perhaps by design. Through the stinging cig smoke, you can make out the vague shapes - if not the specific features - of sentient beings of most every stripe from humanoid to reptiloid to insectoid, huddled around tables or hunched over the bar counter. Some sit alone, contemplating the darkness. Others talk business in urgent and occasionally panicked tones. The voices are muted beneath the wail of the jukebox.

As advertised, a private booth has been set aside for the Minervans, the honored guests of Lord Fagin. It is among the nicer spots in an otherwise questionable establishment, tucked away from the intrusions of the common riffraff, though never once are the alert able to shake the suspicion that the eyes and ears of the Pirate King are upon them. A bottle of wine - 2580 Bristol, easily fetching a hundred-credit pricetag - awaits their pleasure. Dr. Nirali courteously allows them to take their seats before sliding into her own.

Mert timidly looks at the seat, and tries as best he can to squeeze his decidedly alien nature into the booth. He succeeds, but his tail sticks up behind him uncomfortably like a flagpole, and his large feet take up a lot of room under the table.

Iseul keeps an eye on her surroundings as they move further into the city, As she sits down at the booth, she pats Mert's shoulder. "Don't worry, we're going to be just fine," she says and then gives a lazy smile to Kaxina. "So how long will he be requiring our presence?" she asks with a lifted brow.

Sharai Dravik slips in as well making sure to be near both Mert and Izzy but remains silent.

"You are free to leave the moment that I, or another of my associates, receives final word that he is satisfied with the outcome of our investigations. Therefore, it is in everyone's best interests to be as cooperative and forthcoming as possible," Kaxina answers, edging back just enough for the cocktail girl to crack open the wine. Each glass is filled just-so with a smooth, fragrant red. "Lord Fagin is concerned for three reasons. One, this 'rifting' has very recently caused him a great deal of trouble with the Vanguard. Two, your vessel not only bears a Vanguard registration, but is classified as a Wasp-class warship. And three, his lordship must needs take the welfare of the countless innocents in the Fridge under careful consideration."

Mert leans forward and looks at the glass, sniffing it carefully, then tapping it. For a moment, he seems intrigued by the tinking sound it makes, but then he decides to try it. Unfamiliar with the typical etiquettes surrounding fine wines, he downs the glass in one gulp, and makes a strange face for a few moments.

Melania has been standing near the booth all the way, a silent guard presiding over those that Kax is talking to. She doesn't forthcoming with adding her opinion to the conversation, whatever that might be.

"Not too much all at once," Iseul warns to Mert absently before her attention refocuses on Kaxina. "Unfortunately for Lord Fagin, we could be very little assistance in those concerns," she says. "We met with Captain Porter in Hiverspace and he was working on technology to try and return to his time so we joined in the effort but they finished before we could be of any real assistance. The only thing I know for certain is that no one came here with any desire to cause harm."

Sharai Dravik takes the glass but is slow in drinking, and when she does it is a small polite sip, otherwise she remains silent.

Kaxina zeroes in on a word, fair eyes narrowing. "Hiverspace." A single dainty swallow is taken after sampling the beverage's bouquet - at the very least, proof positive that nothing is poisoned. "I am unfamiliar with this word."

Mert looks confused. "Hiverspace is home... used to be lots of Hivers... they bad people, cause all kinds of fighting.. they're gone now." He looks up to Iseul. "We're not in Hiverspace?"

Sharai Dravik simply stays quiet and observant. Glass in hand.

Interest piqued - particularly by the bafflement of the wholly alien creature now confirmed to be of extradimensional origin - the Timonae rakes Mert with her appraisal. "You are in the Tomin Nebula, stronghold of Fagin's Riches, on the fringes of the Orion Arm in the Milky Way galaxy. The year is twenty-six-fifty-one," she tells him. "My name is Dr. Kaxina Nirali. Where are you from, my little friend?"

"My name is Mert... and I'm from Kamsho... and isn't it supposed to be 2654?" Mert answers, looking more confused, and now a bit more scared.

Iseul shakes her head, "No, things are a little different here," she replies to Mert. "He is not to be harmed," she says firmly to Kaxina. "I know just how intriguing an alien from a different universe might be to Lord Fagin but we will not cooperate if anything happens to him." Sharai Dravik nods silently in agreement and moves protectively closer to Mert.

Kaxina entertains the crew of the Minerva at a special table reserved for Lord Fagin's guests. "Calm down, Detective," the doctor placates Iseul, smiling over the rim of her wine glass. "Mr. Mert is in fact a hero. Mr. Mert, are you aware that you are very likely the first of your kind to visit our galaxy? You have gone where none of your countrymen have gone before. What sort of people are on Kamsho?"

Mert looks a bit scared at the mention of harm, but he answers anyway... "Well.. uh.. there's Gankri, like me... lots of us. Llivori.. ill-tempered some times, but they're nice. Tupai.. they like to fly and stuff... and Opodians... they're no fun. They worship the Kamir, and no one likes the Kamir."

"Let us just say that I have been around long enough to have heard the stories of Lord Fagin," Iseul replies simply. She shakes her head and falls back into silence, waiting.

Sharai Dravik remains quiet but observant.

Mern steps into the bar, dodging around a pair of glucose-intoxicated Odarites as he looks for a familiar face. He finds that special table and begins to make his way carefully over.

"His lordship is cordial to his friends and firm with his enemies," Dr. Nirali assures them, draping one lanky arm along the back of the cushioned bench. Her other hand queues up an image on her datapad and slides it toward Mert: it is of the so-called panda that appeared behind the San Angeles cinema so many months ago. "Have you ever seen a creature like this before? No one here has. We would be grateful if you could identify it."

Mert looks at the picture, studying it for a moment. "That's an Opodian.... is it... dead?" he says.

Iseul stiffens a bit, looking in Sharai's direction and giving a slight shake of her head. Her lips stay resolutely shut.

Sharai Dravik continues pretending to be a rock, or maybe a tree, perhaps a bench? Something that doesn't move or speak in either case. Expression neutral, she continues doing nothing of note.

Kaxina measures the Gankri's reaction, stiletto eyebrows creeping toward a crease when the alien is identified. "Opodian. They are from your Kamsho? How lucky, and yet, how unfortunate," she notes. "He is dead, I am afraid. There is some disagreement regarding how he got here in the first place. But you may be able to help him - perhaps assist in finding his killer, perhaps help us notify his family and pay the proper respects. That is, assuming it is possible to return to this Hiverspace." Her attention returns to Iseul. "Is it?"

Iseul stays silent, her chin lifted proudly as she looks Kaxina directly in the eyes. Not a word passes her lips.

Sharai Dravik remains silent as well.

Mert shrinks back in the seat after watching Kaxina's reaction. He almost looks ready to hide under the table.

"Ah, Detective Koh. Never let it be said that loyalty is not one of your virtues," Kaxina commends, collecting her datapad again and scrawling a notation beneath the picture before tucking it away. "If only the same could be said of this Vanguard fellow who left you here. Deemed the vessel more valuable than his people, did he? Or was there some other reason he threw you into Tomin Kora's gaping maw and fled for the nearest jump point?"

"We have nothing further to say," Iseul replies to Kaxina. She smiles reassuringly to Mert. "Don't be afraid," she says gently. "They'll have to go through both me and Sharai to hurt you." She looks back at the Timonae. "I'm sure you've already told your secret friends that we're alive and well," she murmurs coldly. "So now we're just waiting."

Sharai Dravik nods at Izzy's words but remains silent

Mert looks a bit re-assured at Iseul's words, but still looks fearful of Kaxina, like she's going to order him dissected at any moment.

Dr. Nirali does not throw herself against that particular wall. "I see. Very well. Another of my associates shall speak with you at another time then, perhaps when you have had some rest. All of this dying and rifting and 'Hiverspacing' sounds as if it has been quite the ordeal," she opines, draining the remnants of her glass before rising from the table. "Please accept the bottle with our compliments. And do make yourselves at home. Lodging and security will of course be provided for the duration of your stay, and your ship is safely in the hands of our capable technicians."

"Thank you for your hospitality," Iseul replies stiffly to Kaxina, eying the woman for a moment.