Caged Part Two
Summary: Tiana, Wormhole and Rillitan have a chit chat.
Cast: Tiana, Wormhole, Rillitan
Air Date: 07:04 PM - Tuesday 04 October - 2653 AD
Setting: Olympus Station - Section 1
Beneath the elevated greenhouse section is a darkened section that's currently be used as storage for various extraneous lab equipment and samples. Hard crates used to pack delicate equipment padded by foam are settled securely on the ground, while the lighter cases with various samples are atop them.
Bounty Hunter Rillitan |
<O> Out
This room has a prisoner cage in it. The prisoner cage has a Wormhole in it.
Rillitan is sat down, watching the prisoner cage. The room also has a
Rillitan in it.
Soon the room also has a Tia in it, the girl bearing a mug of coffee and a
switched on psi-blocker, most notably. She meanders in from the main
section, winding her way towards Rillitan and the imprisoned Wormhole.