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Revision as of 17:32, 17 April 2012 by Sharai (Talk | contribs)

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Vessa Harden
Species or Race Human
Gender Female
Height 5'2"
Weight 115 lbs
Skin Color Light tan
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Biological Age 24
Date of Birth 1988
Died N/A
Spouse N/A
Residence IND Cro na Mthar
Profession Co-Founder Danu Chroi
Employer N/A
Character name Vessa


Petite but toned, this young woman moves with a dancers fluid grace. Her bright hazel eyes tend to flash with curiosity about the world around her while her expression is generally teasing or sardonic. Dark brown hair cut very short, exposes her ears, face, and neck. Short by almost all standards she only tops about 5'2 in stocking feet, she tends to have to look up at anyone she is speaking to, which she manages to do unashamedly.

Born to a broken family, Vessa was raised by a mother who wished to relieve her own youth through her daughter and never knew her father, a man who ran the moment he learned he would be a father. Vessa, ever the rebel, spent her childhood fighting her mother's concepts on turning her daughter into a proper lady, on what a proper religion was, and what an appropriate education was. She did well in school in things she enjoyed but spent her time getting muddy playing football with the guys or adventuring in the woods, rock climbing or just enjoying the outdoors. None of this would turn her into a doctor or lawyer as her mother wished. As Vessa got older, the pressure of her mother's expectations increased and with them her desire to escape. The day she graduated high school she entered the military.

A marine in the U.S. Army for 5 years she made it to Staff Sergeant. She spent all 5 yeas learning to lose her humanity for the sake of making it through. Never enjoying the loss of life she did what she could for civilians and her fellow soldiers. During this time her mother had not given up hope on getting her back and as the time went on turned to using guilt. This, coupled with being truly heartsick of the war and death, caused her to retire to try returning to civilian life. It was only days after she arrived at her family home that she was rifted to Pyracan, going out for a gallon of milk as it happens.

She is Co-Founder of Danu Chroi. She was Captain of the DMC and was once Auxiliary for REM, she still works with them at times helping train recruits and existing members.

IC Journal


  • IND Selene: Her ship and her home, she uses it as an all around everything sort of place.


  • Danu Chroi: Truly this is becoming an Empire. Created together with Maina Clearwater, Danu was always meant to be a home for those who wish a safe place to live and work.


Events Run


Logs Vessa has been in sorted by month: Note that Vessa did not post all of these logs.

November 2011

December 2011

January 2012

Febuary 2012

March 2012

April 2012

Live Journal Logs


Green Belt Badge Blue Belt Badge Yellow Belt Badge Red Belt Badge

Created Requested Approved Stoned Gridlocked Badge Wiki Account Badge Website Account Badge Facebook Like Badge

Introduction Badge Cadet Badge Gratuate Badge Ensign Badge Lieutenant Badge Lieutenant Commander Badge Commander Badge Captain Badge Fleet Captain Badge


  • Created
  • Requested
  • Approved
  • Stoned
  • Gridlocked
  • Wiki Account
  • Website Account
  • Forum Account
  • Facebook Like
  • Character File
  • Human


  • Wikified
  • Green Belt
  • Blue Belt
  • Yellow Belt
  • Red Belt
  • Introduction
  • Cadet
  • Graduate
  • Ensign
  • Lieutenant
  • Lt. Commander
  • Commander
  • Captain
  • Fleet Captain
  • Got Character I
  • Got Character II
  • Dear Diary I
  • 2006-2011
  • Combat Participant
  • Wealth I
  • Wealth II
  • Wealth III
  • Saga Point Hoard I
  • Saga Point Hoard II
  • Saga Point Hoard III
  • Brodified
  • Admin Event
  • Player Event
  • First Starship
  • Organization Starter
  • Starship Designer
  • Event Runner I
  • Event Runner II
  • News from OtherSpace I
  • Log Spotlight I
  • Log Spotlight II
  • Log Spotlight III
  • Log Spotlight IV


  • Hekayt Roleplayer
  • Comorro Roleplayer
  • Kamsho Roleplayer
  • Pyracan Roleplayer
  • B'hira Roleplayer


  • Guide I


  • Facebook Fan


  • Supporter
  • Sidekick
  • Hero
  • Champion
  • Superhero


  • Joiner


  • Cold-Blooded Conquest Sponsor
  • Antitoxin
  • DtE: Favorite New Player