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Taverns and Meetings

A log by Xanya

Bull and Hawk Tavern - <Eiru, Pyracan>

The large first floor of is home of the Bull and Hawk Tavern, built entirely of dark woods. Walls have been paneled in the same wood as the bar, polished and kept free of dust or grime that could come from daily interactions. High on the walls, near the ceiling are carvings of the hawk in silent flight or the stampeding bull. The designs make their way around the entire border, lending to the establishment's name. A C-shaped bar sits against the back wall with cushioned stools lining the entire length.

A hearth is located on against the right wall, with a large marble mantle carved with six figures - a wildcat, a raven, a mongoose, a horse and rider, a bear and in the center, a rampaging bull. Freestanding tables dot the open the floor, about a dozen in total, some near the hearth. In colder weather, a fire roars there, but during the warmer months, it remains empty, or has decorative baskets lying inside. Hanging above the mantle is a banner of brown silk with a rampaging bull featured prominently. Flying overhead and just slightly smaller is the image of a striking hawk.

Lining both left and right walls are luxurious booths. Each of these booths is more of a cocoon of wooden warmth, lined by velvet cushions of a deep red. Instead of merely just a place to eat a meal and talk, the booths are literally carved from wood, with unique tables settled inbetween two high backed bench-liked structures that curve upwards to the ceiling. The outline of the two seats as they face each other is roughly oval shape, but each booth has its own small variation to create a uniqueness to each spot. To add to this uniqueness, designs have been painted on each of the wood frames, each depicting something different. Some are just flower designs, while others repeat the figures on display along the hearth's mantle. Gauzy red curtains are tied back at each booth, easily released in case the diners prefer a more intimate experience.

On the left side of the bar is a door that leads into the kitchen, succulent smells drifting outwards at all times of the day from featured cuisines of many different cultures. To the right is a large staircase that leads to the second floor, the railing carved with a pattern of roses.

Electricity has very subtly been brought into play through the whole tavern and inn, soft and subtle lights hidden high in the ceiling. There is a sign at the door: NO WEAPONS ALLOWED ON PREMISES WITHOUT PERMISSION OF OWNER. Anyone found in violation of this will be banned for life.

Heidi is seated at one of the booths smoking a black and gold cigarette and nursing a half empty drink. The woman seems just a bit tired at this hour.

Xanya comes into the tavern reading something on her pda. She is so bussy with it that she almost forgets to give her sword to the bouncer. She gives him her sword while not taking her eyes of her pda. She finds the nearest table that is empty and sits on it. After that she orders a coffee.

Heidi seems to be lost in thought at the moment so she does not notice Xanya just yet. The woman hums softly to herself for a moment before she takes another swig from her drink.

A waitress comes and gives Xanya her coffee. "Thank you." Xanya says kindly looking up from her PDA for the first time, but only for a moment. She takes her cup of coffee and while continuing to read she takes a zip from her coffee.

Heidi enjoys her drink for a spell though once it is empty she is forced to look around for a waitress to refill it. It is at that moment that she takes notice of Xanya. The woman goes pale for a moment and looks towards the exit, muttering something to herself. The empty glass is looked at mournfully for a second before the Waldheimer rises and slinks off towards the other tall woman.

Xanya is apparently verry bussy with reading and doesn't take notice of what is happening around her. Heidi slips into a stool nearby and offers a sheepish smile. "Allo.. sorry about earlier ja?" She murmurs with a wave of a hand.

Xanya looks up in suprise as she hears someone talk to her. "oh hi." She says seeing it's Heidi. "I didn't see you there. I was... or am... Reading study books." She thinks a bit. "Ahm.... Sorry about what?" She asks currently unsure what heidi is talking about.

"Storming off?" Heidi says faintly before she chuckles to herself. "Hmm anything interesting? Can go if you like." She offers.

Xanya Shakes her head. "Oh don't worry about that, if you have to go you have to go." She hits a few buttons on her PDA and then puts it away. Then takes her cup of coffee and holds it with both hands. "How are you doing today?"

Maina arrives from Downtown. Maina has arrived.

"I am well enough." Heidi replies with a small shrug. "Is new year so maybe nursing hang over." She says with a small chuckle.

Xanya Nods understanding. "A hang over huh. Sounds Anoying." Xanya is sitting at a table holding a cup of coffee with both hands, Heidi is sitting at the same table.

Maina wanders into the tavern, glancing around with a little sigh. First, she spots Heidi, and she starts that direction. Then, she spots Xanya, and after a moment, she makes a beeline for a booth instead to sit. "Ja, stormed off, had drink or six, came back.. Talked to Maina and Vessa... I think.. Now time for coffee and asprin."

Heidi admits sheepishly. "But it is new year and am sure this one will be better than last ja?"

Xanya Raises her shoulders. "Only time will tell." Xanya notices Maina and is about to wave to her when she notices

maina goes to sit somewhere else so she holds out waving to her. "Ja, but I am trying to be a little more hopeful than that." Heidi smiles faintly. The Waldheimer has yet to notice Maina just yet.

Maina just stays quiet, drumming fingers on her table. "it's good to try and be hopefull." Xanya Replies to heidi after that she takes a zip from her warm coffee.

Heidi falls silent too for a spell. Her eyes dart about for a moment before she finds a smile. "Soo...."

Xanya smiles. "so.." Xanya says repeating heidi. ".. What do you do in this world?"

"I am doing nothing at the moment. Am here for visit." Heidi replies with a small shrug. "May stay for wilding hunting." She says before smiling. "And you? Something fun I hope."

Xanya Raises her shoulder. "not sure if you can call, Studying to become a ships engineer, something fun." She raises her cup to take a drink. "but i am hoping to one day become good enough at it so it will become fun to do." She takes a few zips from it.

"Ja? Is a sight more interesting than just drifting from world to world." Heidi smiles. "Knew a ships engineer or two in mein time. Takes a particular sort of person I think to keep track of all the information they need to know."

Xanya Smiles and nods agreeing. "Yes it is alot indeed. Luckely I already knew some basic things from back home in my time. So it's not that hard." "So you are looking for small ship or being crew of very big ship?" Heidi asks with a tilt of her head.

Xanya giggles after heidi's remark. "no no, I don't want to become a drew member on a ship. I want to eventualy build them." "Oh? Well that is a big differnce ja?" Heidi replies with a smile. "Must be good with hands ja?"

"Yes, I like to think so yes." Xanya says Nodding her head. "I can do alot with them. I actualy prefere to work with my hands. But..." She sais with a slight disapointed voice. "In order to build the ships I am going to need to know some coding stuff for computers as well. in order to make sure all systems are running properly." Xanya take s a quick zip from her coffee. "but luckely that is only a tiny fraction of the work. Designing ships and then bringing those designs to life. that will be the best part. I can already see a design in front of me for a ship." She puts her cup down. She puts the top of her thumb and her index finger together making a circle with them then she moves her hands apart indicating a lenght. "a long ship, with a pointy end where the engines are and a slightly bigger front end." Makes the motions with her fingers mathicng what she said. "this is to make it look like a .. dragon,... wel a chinees dragon is more accurate I think. Attached to this hull are the wings which are close to the hull like... Like a bird diving down to catch something." She tries to indicate this with her hands. "The hull would then be plated in such a way that it looks like the scales of a dragon." Xanya stops talking realizing she is starting to rattle on.

"People buy ships that are so well.. designed? Thought they only bought basic models for basic jobs." Heidi smirks. "I am glad to know that some have taste."

"I am hoping to mkake good looking ships only. Well... From my point of view anyway." Xanya says and drinks from her coffee emptying her cup.

"Ah, best of luck on that ja?" Heidi says with a smile as she slips out of the seat. "Should go and try to catch a few more hours of sleep."

Xanya Nods. "sweet dreams heidi."

Heidi has disconnected.

Vessa arrives from Downtown. Vessa has arrived.

As Heidi leaves Xanya looks around to see if maina is stilla round if she is she'd wave to her to come sit at her table. she also waves a waitress over to order again, this time in stead of coffee she orders hot chocolate milk with whiped cream on it.

Maina glances over when she's waved at, giving a small smile as she rises and moves over, "Hey."

Vessa steps in with a yawn, obviously not awake yet her hair is rumpled, her cap is sticking out of her back pocket and she is just really not there. Like a heat seeking missile though she seems to find Maina and head in that direction, eyes still half closed. Once she reaches her, Vessa just hugs her, half leaning. "Mmnuh hi."

Xanya Looks at maina. "Hi there. Was it interesting to listen in on us?" She sais with a smile.

Maina blinks a little, leaning into the hug with a giggle, "Hey sleepy head. How's you?" She gives a shrug towards Xanya.

Vessa seems quite comfortable with this hugging thing and stays that way, "Um, coffee. Brain not yet engaged." giving Maina a kiss she adds, "Love you."

Xanya Smiles to vessa and then motions to a waitress. "One coffee please." She looks to maina. "Do you want anything? My treat this time."

Maina smiles a little at the kiss, "Get some coffee, then? They probably have some brewing." She shakes her head at

Xanya, "No, but thanks."

Vessa hears the sacred words said not once, but twice and after a few moments of processing realize that both voices were familiar but separate. Looking up, but still hugging Maina she spots Xanya and gives a wave and a smile, "Heya Xan, wuzzup?" she nods to Maina with a smile, "Good idea. Priorities first though, Goddesses always come before coffee."

Xanya Smiles seeing the love birds. "Hello sleepy head, I'm doing fine and you?" The coffee for vessa and Xanya's Hot chocolate with whiped cream are being served by the waitress.

Maina giggles softly, "Goddess even in public, huh?" She leans in for a peck, "Drink coffee."

Vessa nods and blinks blearily as she processes the two cups sitting on the table, realizing that one might be for her and that it contains the precious brew she gives Maina one more squeezed hug before heading over to the table and holding a hand out to Maina with an inviting smile for her usual helping her into the seat thing. To Xanya she says, "Uh, fine thus far, just woke up and headed down here, saw Maina, which always makes my day wonderful, and uh you know the rest." said with a sleepy grin.

Xanya smiles "I know what you mean." She takes her cup of hot chocolate and takes a zip from it. As she puts her cup down a whiped cream mustage can be seen.

Maina sits with Vessa, smiling a bit, "Sleep well?"

Vessa slides into the seat as well and nods, grinning at the foam mustache that Xanya is sporting before taking her first sip of coffee, "Yeah, bit of a crick in the neck from falling asleep in your co-pilots chair but all in all not bad. How did you enjoy your first flight? Seems you are a natural and have gotten the hang of flying right quick." she says to Maina with a smile as she takes another sip.

Xanya notices her mustage and licks it away with her tongue. She takes an other zip and is carefull not to get a mustage this time. Meanwhile she listens to the convertation of the two lovebirds.

Maina nods a little at Vessa, "It was... kind of nice, I think?"

Vessa is waking up now and smiles, "I love flying, I am not very good at it but I love doing it." she is quiet for a few moments before asking, "So are they sending you out on any exploration missions soon, now that you have your ship?"

Xanya looks a bit suprised. "you got your own ship too Maina?"

Maina nods a bit to Xanya, "Mhmm. I was promised one months ago, and I finally got it." She looks to Vessa with a shrug, "They don't seem too terribly interested in my exploring."

Vessa looks surprised, "Really? Oh, well do you plan to explore soon then? I know you were mentioning running around the universe and seeing what was out there." she smiles at the memory, "We still have to go on our own exploration trip at some point."

Xanya says, "exploring sounds nice. let me know if and when you two leave, so I can wave you two out and wish you a good trip."

Maina smiles a bit and nods towards Vessa, "Soon, maybe." She nods to Xanya.

Vessa grins and nods then something clicks, "Wait something about listening in, what were you talking about before Xan?" Yup, brain is starting to work again

Xanya smiles and shakes her head. "now she remembers. well if you must know. Earlier I was talking to Heidi, while maina walked in. she saw us both and desiced to sit somewhere else. I thought she did it to listen in but I could be mistaking of course. heidi left moments before you came in."

Maina shrugs a little, "I did it to not get in the way of any flirting."

Vessa nods, "Ah I see. How did it go between you two. And yeah, it is only polite to let two people get to know each other without butting in unless invited over." "that was a kind gesture maina, thank you." Xanya says nodding. "There wasn't much flirting going on. But i do think we got o knwo eachother better. besides. I am not the kind of person that flirts with someone just because they look good. if I did that I would be a giant flirting machine." She sais with a little giggle.

Maina grins a little, "Nothing wrong with flirting..."

Vessa looks briefly at Maina and her grin turns somewhat wicked as she nods, "Indeed, flirting is a game and extremely fun. Especially when all involved are just doing it for fun. Now when you do it with purpose, that can be the most fun." under the table she slides her foot gently along Maina's leg.

Xanya rubs her head a bit. "Not sure if I know how to flirt."

Maina blushes terribly at something or other going on under the table. She grins broadly, but gives a nudge to Vessa.

Vessa continues to grin wickedly, "Oh flirting is easy, depending on which direction you want to go with it, for example." she turns to Maina, "Hello gorgeous."

Xanya pays attention to the aperent lesson She now gets from vessa.

Maina giggles a little, "Keep doing the leg thing? I like the leg thing."

Vessa continues sliding her leg along Maina's with a wink, "O speak again, bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night being o'er my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air." she murmurs softly as she trails her fingers along Maina's cheek and tucks a bit of her hair behind her ear, her eyes looking deeply into Maina's

Xanya's yaw drops at the long wording of Vessa. She wants to aska question but she keeps quit trying not to desturb the scene.

Maina just kind of gives a dreamy stare as she blushes at Vessa. After a few long moments, she manages, "What ever happened to being bad at words?" She gives Vessa a nudge, "Um... wanna go check on your ship...?"

Vessa leans forward, her foot still busy, and gives Maina a deep kiss, though nothing vulgar thanks much, "As my lady wishes." she says when the kiss breaks and looks at Xanya with a smile, "It all depends on the direction you wish to go.

Xanya nods "Impresive. I'll see what I can do. not sure when or with who." She thinks for a bit staring ahead of herself. "oh but don't worry. I won't test it out on any of you two. I wouldn't want to risk breaking you two apart."

Maina leans into the kiss, "Mmmn..." She's leaning into Vessa at the end, "Like... now, maybe?" She glances towards

Xanya, looking a bit amused.

Vessa grins and finishes her coffee, "I am afraid that the ship is in dire need of inspection Xan, hopefully we can meet up again after the uh inspection." she nods and slips out of the seat, holding her hand out to Maina with that smile reserved for her. Chucking she grins, "You should see the fun Aka and I can have with flirting Xan, you could learn a lot from that." before she turns back to Maina, the smile back in place.

Shakes her head smiling. "go, of with the two of with the two of you, have fun." She grabs her PDA. "I still got some studying to do. ... Oh and it won't be the two of you and your.. inspection. even though it might be interesting to watch." She starts blushing at her own words and quickly puts her PDA up. "oh there is the chapter I was trying to read earlier."

Maina takes the hand, slipping out of the chair as well. She grins over to Xanya, "Sorry. Good luck with the studies!"

Vessa sliding her arm around Maina she grins and waves to Xanya with her other hand, "Enjoy the studies mate and catch you round." and with that she starts heading to the exit with Maina

Xanya waves goodbey to maina and Vessa. "yea yea, goodbey don't be sorry just enjoy it."

Maina giggles softly, leaning into Vessa as she follows along.

You head into Downtown.

You head into Eastern Settlement.

You head into Eiru Docks.

Xanya presses the signal button for the ferry.

Pyracan Ferry slows down and stops next to the dock, releasing a steamy huff as it comes to a halt.

You board the ferry.

Xanya selects the destination.

Attendants inform the passengers that they must stay seated as the ferry begins to pick up speed towards Aureus Docks.

The ferry reaches its full speed of over 400 mph, and attendees alert the riders that it's safe to move about.

A light meal is offered in the common room, showcasing tart and fluffy piorra-flavored cream.

Aureus Docks emerges into view on the horizon.

The ferry has arrived at its destination.

You head into Eidhin Borough.

You head into Spaceport of the Martyrs.

You head into Aureus Landing Pad.

A shuttle waiting on the tarmac flashes Xanya over.

The pilot nods, firing up the engines. "Off we go to Comorro Station!"

The pilot's voice comes over the intercom. "We've arrived."

Docking Hub - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>

Shuttlecraft lifts off and heads to its next pickup.

Sharai Dravik chuckles and nods, "I do have skills beyond shooting things, though mostly it is investigative. Yes, I am armed, I find that even when officially off duty, I am never really off duty, as this situation has shown. I would like to get a second pistol at some point but no hurry on that for now."

"I'm always armed as well, but it's only a stunner and a nightstick," Faith remarks, "Hell, I met Ethan because he was the first responder to a call for backup while I was off duty. Gang war broke out in the metro. And there were still people saying that the idea that violent crimes were up in San Angeles was just hype for the budget hearings."

Xanya steps out of a shuttle reading something on her PDA. She puts her PDA away and looks around to see what kind of activity takes place in the docking hub.

"People are often idiots," Iseul replies. "They look at the numbers and listen to what the see on the holo, but they aren't out there experiencing things." She shakes her head, frowning. "I'll see what I can do about getting us better armed," she says. "I built my own pistols. If I have to, I can start building and selling off other things as well, though I'd prefer to not have to." The very mention of Ethan makes her wince a little, features becoming just a little more reserved.

Sharai Dravik sighs a bit at the name but pushes on, "Well, we can see about this tavern. Any idea which direction we should go in?" she looks around for some indication of direction. "Better armed would be nice but don't want to over stretch you or your time Izzy, I am sure being a psychologist, doing investigations, and research is going to take up quite a bit of time as is."

Faith doesn't even seem to notice Izzy's wince, her attention on documenting their surroundings. "I can find work as an engineer or computer tech, easily. I have degrees in sociology and psychology, and research is part of the job. If you schedule needs easing, Iseul, I can cover it.Just say the work."

"Our main priority is finding a way back," Iseul replies. "Money at the moment is just so we can not be beggars on the streets. We can't lose focus. I've been doing enough side jobs that it hasn't been too bad in terms of money, and if you guys do odds and ends work as well, we should have no trouble." Xanya notices Sharai, Iseul and her friend and starts walking towards them. after only a few feet she realizes she might be intruding on some important comvertation and stops. Then waves to them to see if they respond.

Sharai Dravik nods again, "Of course," she says agreeably enough. Seeing the wave she gives a wave back, "We can ask our friendly natives, or recently become natives or whatever they are, as to where we can start I suppose." "There are a number of subtle priorities that need to happen to make that goal work," Faith points out, "Overworking yourself is unhealthy, this coming from someone who's turned it into an art. Considering the circumstances, sanity is something that needs to be well-protected." She glances to the wave, nods in response. "I agree. Someone with more experience with the area should be able to point us to the nearest social hub, whether or not it's actually a tavern."

Iseul smiles grimly to Faith, "I know," she replies. "I made a habit of doing it in San Angeles, and I would get scolded every few days for it by someone. I'll keep an eye on my health, don't worry," she promises. "I just hate the idea of not being able to do something right now." She eyes Xanya for a moment and then nods. "It couldn't hurt to speak with them."

Xanya sees all 3 of the ladies respond to her wave and starts to move towards them. "Hello there ladies." She sais miling as she arives. "How are you doing today?"

Sharai Dravik coughs softly at the conversation about over working, "This is sounding more like a group of addicts who promise to watch each other so they don't fall off the wagon." she smiles and looks to Xanya, "Hello again, we were just talking about finding the local tavern, would you happen to know how to get there Xanya?"

"Hi," is Faith's only greeting to Xanya for the moment, with the flatness of a non-social sort. She tilts her head in a sort of shrug, "Best chance we have for achieving our goals is to spread the workload as evenly as possible."

"Afternoon," Iseul greets of Xanya politely, giving a slight smile but she nods in agreement with Faith. "We should sit down and figure out how we divide things without any one person getting too much on their plate then."

Xanya nods to Sharai. "Yes I know of a tavern here on comorro. It's not that far away. Want me to show it to you ladies?"

Sharai Dravik smiles with a nod, "Sure, that would be great Xanya," looking back to Izzy and Faith she nods, "A good idea that, we really do need to set up a plan of action as a whole."

Faith simply nods and falls silent at this point, ready to follow.

Iseul is silent, similar to Faith but follows along, her hands tucked into the pockets of her pants.

Xanya Smiles brightly ebing able to ehlp the ladies with such a simple tasks. "Alright then follow me." She turns around and walks towards there destination.

Faith begins following you.

Sharai Dravik begins following you.

Sharai Dravik follows along as well, her hands behind her back as she looks around.

You head into Tradeport - Comorro Station.

You head into Last Orders Tavern - Comorro Station.

Last Orders Tavern - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>

A smoky haze hangs in the air of this shadowy tavern, with chalky white walls of cartilage and tables that look like flat-topped mushrooms surrounded by cushioned metal benches. The central bar counter is a D-shaped structure of gray-green bone and cartilage, coated in the familiar protective webbing seen elsewhere aboard Comorro. Holovid projectors display news reports from throughout the worlds of Hiverspace, from Rigor Strand to Hekayt Prime.

"and here we are. The last orders tavern." Xanya says as they arive. "Mind if I buy you girls your first drink here?"

"I'll just have water, please," Faith responds mildly, looking around the establishment.

"The same," Iseul replies. She gestures her group towards a table in the corner. "This seems like a pretty typical hangout place for the locals," she muses.

Sharai Dravik stops following you.

Sharai Dravik looks around as she follows and adds, "Water for me as well please." she nods at Izzy's words, "Yeah, but it is still odd to see everything made with body parts of a living room."

"Alright 3 water it is. I'll be right back with those." She walks over to the bar and places the order with the waitress, she stays at the bar untill she gets the drinks giving the 3 ladies some time to pick a spot to sit.

"Disconcerting," Faith agrees with Sharai mildly, "There's a table free over there. Against a wall, but well away from the corners. Should suit our purposes."

"I'm curious how much privacy you could have on a place like this," Iseul muses as she looks around. She has a seat at the table and then pulls out her pda. "Thanks for getting these up and running, Faith."

Sharai Dravik heads to the table also and settles down, "I imagine none, seems that if the er station could choose to let people live and work here, she is able to listen to anything said or done. Yes thank you for doing PDAs it is rather scary a thought not to have it working."

The waitress places a plate on the counter with 3 water and a coffee on it. Xanay pays the waitress and heads over to the table the ladies have chousen. she moves carefully making sure not to spill the drinks.

"No problem," Faith nods, "As for privacy, well. I'm in agreement with Sharai - none, or close to it. If the station really serves as a universal translator, as has been claimed, that implies a high level of internal awareness."

Iseul shudders. "That's just creepy," she mutters. "A very good reason to be careful what you say," she muses. "Or to not have sex on this thing." She smiles, setting her pda in front of her. "Well, on to business, I suppose. We have three main objectives, I think. First and the primary one is to get back to our own universe." She gives a somewhat wry look. "The second would be to observe and keep documentation of everything we've seen here. We are actually in a different universe. The scientific possibilities of this are beyond comprehension. We need to be able to remember everything. And third, we of course need to be able to sustain ourselves for however long we will be here."

Sharai Dravik blushes bright red at the mention of sex, "Er ahem, I agree with the assessment of what needs to be done, we should begin with each one separately, any thoughts on how to begin getting out of here. I know there was that Porter gentleman that you mentioned, then that Razorback."

Xanya Arives with the plate. She bends over a bit and gives each of the ladies there water. She then takes her coffee of the plate and looks at the ladies. "alright. well woiuld you 3 mind if I stay and chat with you? or are you girls talking business and is it better if I ... get my big butt away?" She sais questiongly looking to the ladies.

Faith raises an eyebrow, but offers no comment nor blush at the mention of sex. "Some old headlines from hiverspace news suggest that the Svajone station may bear technology that would assist us, as well. Owned by a Mr. Mikage, if I'm not mistaken. That is another potential avenuet explore." She simply shrugs at Xanya. "Up to them."

Iseul frowns a tad, "Your kindness is greatly appreciated but we do have work to get done," she says. "I somehow don't think you would find our conversation all that interesting."

Sharai Dravik leans back in her chair, "Do you know of anyone doing research in returning rifted people back to where they come from Xanya?'

Xanya nods a bit sad at Iseul's words. "I thought as much. I won't bother you for much longer then." She turns to Sharai. "someone doing research on rifting." She thinks hard. "I heard about that, because I asked the same question when I first arived here not long ago from my own time, earth in 2011. They said people where doing research in rifting, but I never heard any names being mentioned." She thinks a bit longer. "I can remember hearing about a ship that is supose to be able to travel using the rifting process. but thats just hear say for me as well." Shakes her head and mubles a curse. "Sorry I wish I could help you with that. I truly do since there is still a part of me that wants to go back home. if I knew names of researchers I would have tried to visite them myself. because I got plenty of questions for them."

"You're rather ancient to us," Faith muses, "2650 Earth. Perhaps sometime we can get together, compare notes. I would like to know how history and reality differed, or perhaps how our timelines differ if it turns out we're not speaking of the same earth."

"It sounds like people have been coming in from different Earths," Iseul offers quietly to Faith. "But Svajone was on my list of places that we should visit to see what they had." She rubs at her forehead. "A lot of places we need to see. I think we should focus here on Comorro first, see what we can learn before moving on."

"Thank you Xanya," Sharai nods to Izzy, "Comorro seems like a good starting place but we need to have a list of things we know and a list of things we need to know before jumping off to another location, we can hit Svajone next, once we have tapped Comorro out for information and once we have a new list of things to learn from Svajone, that is my suggestion at least."

"I'd love to talk some time and compaire both our earths." Xanya replies to Faith. She then takes her pda and does a few things on it. then 3 cards come out. She hands one to each of the ladies. "if any of you ever need help with something this is how you can reach me. just say the words and I see if I can help you out. doesn't matter what it is you need help with. even if you just want to talk."

"Hence why I looked it up," Faith replies to Izzy with a shrug, "Comorro and then Svajone sounds like an adequate plan to me." She accepts the card and peers at it. "Hardware. Shit," the woman sighs, "I need to work on the hardware." She eyes her PDA then, "And I have to go. I've been playing IT here and there, have an appointment." She rises without so much as a farewell.

Iseul just nods as Faith departs, looking back to Sharai. "I would see what you can do about gathering more information from the locals," she says. "See what other people know. Get an idea of the areas they came from." Her expression turns grim. "I have a feeling you'll be best suited to that kind of job. Faith is... anti-social at best."

Sharai Dravik chuckles quietly, "She does seem a little er, unused to the more delicate methods of social side of things. I will get on the information gathering then and see what I can find out. We should meet back up soon to report on what we find."

"Well, we can always be in communication through our pdas. If anything vital comes up, send a message," Iseul says. She rises. "I'm going to see what I can find on the research side of things. Keep me informed, Sharai."

"Well I'll leave you girls to your... work." Xanya says, and she turns around and walks to an other table to drink her coffee. mean while she takes her pda out and starts reading something from it.

Sharai Dravik nods to Xanya then nods to Izzy, "Will do," she takes out her little paper notebook and pen to start making a plan.

Iseul nods, "I'll also see about finding us a place to stay while we're here," she adds on. "Will send you a message to let you know where."

Xanya Arives at a table almost at the other side of the tavern away from the other girls. she sits down drinks a bit from her coffee and continues to read from her PDA.

"That is a good idea, I know there is some refugee thing on here but not sure if we want to go that route." Sharai is still jotting down notes as she talks as ideas come to her, "I am curious if we can see about other avenues then the two we know and to verify the two we know."

Iseul nods, "We'll look into it," she promises. "Take care for now," she says and then strides towards the door.

Xanya still sitting at a table reading something on her PDA, She takes a zip from her coffee wich seems to empty the cup. she puts it down and continues to read.

Sharai Dravik finishes writing up her list and looks around, "Hmm, where to start?"

Xanya looks up to see where the waitress is and then waves her over to order a drink. this time it's not coffee but her usual purple alcoholic drink. The waitress takes the order and leaves to get it.

Sharai Dravik cocks her head as she watches Xanya and heads over, "Sorry for the boring business stuff, I think my companions are rather upset about all of this."

Xanya looks up from her PDA. "no need to be sorry. I can relate to that." She puts her PDA away. "please sit down." Xanya pats on the seat next to her, clearly without thinking as also she reads something on her pda before she turns it off and puts it away again.

Sharai Dravik takes the seat and tucks her notepad away, along with the pen. "I am sure you can, having rifted here as well. I have to ask, white hair and purple eyes, were those common in 2011?"

Xanya Shakes her head. "No they where not. They where some of the things that changed during my rifting."

Sharai Dravik blinks in surprise, "Is that common?"

Xanya shakes her head. "from what I have learned so far I am the first. it could have something to do with the professor I was helping test some machine."

"Professor? You do lead an interesting life." Sharai leans back and waits for the story.

Xanya looks questiongly to Sharai. "Me? Lead an interesting live?"

Sharai Dravik smiles, "Well, you were helping some professor and get rifted here with a change in natural hair and eye color, seems interesting to me."

Xanya gets slighty uncomvertible wondering how best to tell her storry. "You don't know the half of it." She sais more to herself. "if you want to hear my storry I could try and tell it. But it isn't much."

Sharai Dravik nods encouragingly, "Go ahead."

Xanya takes a deep breath "were to start, where to start." She thinks hard for a good beginning.

Sharai Dravik simply settles in to listen, being patient.

Xanya Takes an other deep breath. "alright here goes. I was born in 1983 and I lived in europe. I also had a sister. I went to school where I learned about all kinds of things. next to my school I spend my time training at a local dojo. Are you familiar with the term dojo?"

Sharai Dravik nods, "It is Japanese for training space or something along those lines. Correct?"

Xanya nods. "correct. I learned about unarmed combat there, and later on I trained with the sword. it's actualy my favorite weapon actualy. Anyway. I had a pretty good live, I even had a good friend at school. Her grandfather was a professor. One day she asked if I would be willing to help her grandfather out with an experiment. At first I was a bit hesitant to do it but she said she would be there to help out since she has been an assistant there for as long as she was at school." She stops as the wiatress arives with her drink. Xanya takes it and takes a zip from it.

Sharai Dravik nods as she listens, "So you know how to fight as well?"

Xanya nods. "yes I do. anyway..." she tries to go on with her story. "the day of the experiment I went to teh professor right after school and my friend went along as she knew where the lab was. when we arived the professor, nice guy actualy, tolled his granddaughter to show me around the lab. when she was done we went to the professor to see how we could help out. He tolled us how to prepare the machine for the test run. We went to work and it was during those preperations that I saw a flash of light. Next thing I knew I woke up in the docking hub of comorrow looking the way I do now." She finishes her storry and takes a big drink from her glass emptying her almost half way.

Sharai Dravik nods, "That is quite a story. And you are studying engineering if I remember right?"

Xanya nods. "thats what I am trying to do yes." She sais finsihing with a hikup. "oeps drank to fast it seems." She takes a deep breath and holds it in to try and get ride of the hikkup.

"How is that going?" Sharai asks still sitting quite comfortably.

Xanya she exhales hoping to hikup is over. "pretty good a..'Hikkup' actualy. She shakes her head as the hikup isn't over yet. "I'm learning new things everyday" She hiks again and she shakes her head. "holding my breath didn't help."

Sharai Dravik waves over a server and asks for a water for Xanya, "Try water, drink it slowly. It is good that you are learning so much."

Xanya nods. "it's great to learn indeed." She takes the water and starts to drink it slowely.

Sharai Dravik smiles, "I am afraid I have no working knowledge of engineering." "I am afraid I only knew some of teh basics. The rest I am trying to learn now. one day I hope to make my own ship. Small ones first, shuttle size. but larger as I get more experiance."

Sharai Dravik looks surprised but nods, "That is a wonderful idea, though how many ships are you thinking of making?"

Xanya Raises her shoulder. "no idea, For myself I would only need a select few. But who know's meaby i get clients and am able to sell others. make a living from it."

Sharai Dravik nods in understanding, "Ah a good idea. I hope that I can speak to that Sheriff gentleman soon myself."

Xanya nods. "Hope so too for you and your friends. I know how it's like to... want to go home." She sais it a bit sad.

Sharai Dravik smiles a bit sadly herself, "Perhaps this will lead to a way for you to go home as well."

Xanya Smiles at that. "who knows. not sure if I would want to go home by then. Alot will be changed by then. ... A lot has already changed." Shakes her head. "Anyway. how was your life like before you came here?"

Sharai Dravik looks surprised by the question, "Oh, well I have a load brother and parents who tried to keep me in a safe profession, which I ignored. When I heard about the job opening in San Angeles I went there. I met a few friends and even got hired as crew on a ship. Then I got the detective job and got thrown into the thick of things." she smiles somewhat bitterly.

Xanya smiles and nods listening carefully.

Sharai Dravik frowns, "Well, I was off duty and going to the pub when I saw Izzy and some official looking ship, then Faith showed up and we were told to get on. Next thing I know the ship is sealed shut, the agents are dead and the three of us are well here, no ship, no bodies." she shrugs, "it was very odd." "no kidding." Xanya says taking it all in. "thats quite something. not to mention interesting."

Sharai Dravik nods and sighs, "It was definitely an odd situation."

Xanya nods "so your planning on fidning out if there is a way to get back, right?"

Sharai Dravik nods, "Yes, we have to get back and get this stopped, it isn't right that they are doing this to people."

Xanya thinks a bit and drinks a little from her glass. "when you find out more, would you do me a favore. and let me know about it too?"

Sharai Dravik smiles and nods, "Of course, I imagine that there are many who would like to know though so I am sure that it would be in the news as well."

Xanya smiles and nods. "I'm sure it would. but the news is different then actualy hearing it first hand."

Sharai Dravik nods again, "Of course." she smiles, "Though I imagine it will take some time. There seems a lot to this and it is not my field."

"your probably right." Xanya speaks nodding again. "I will try to keep my ears and eyes open as well. you never know what I might pick up."

Sharai Dravik smiles and nods, "Thanks, anything will help. I know that Izzy is in something of a hurry."

Xanya looks questiongly. "why in a hurry?"

Sharai Dravik shacks her head and sighs, "I can guess but I am not entirely sure. Likely to do with trying to stop the people who did this from trying something worse."

"Thats understandible. ahm.... which one is Izzy?" Xanay Sais and she takes her glass and empties it.

Sharai Dravik smiles, "Izzy is the asian lady."

Xanya smiles. "Ah right of course." Her PDA goes off and Xanya takes it out and looks at it. "oh right." She puts her pda back and stands up. "Sorry to leave so suddenly but I almost forgot I needed to do a few things. I'll see you an other time?"

Sharai Dravik nods and waves, "It was good to speak to you again. Have a good day and I hope to see you again soon."

Xanya smiles "I'm sure we will meet again." She waves and turns around and starts walking out of the tavern.