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Cross Universe Shenanigans

Summary: A group of adventurers head out on the Cro na Mthar to visit Normalspace and all the insane craziness that comes with it.

Cast: ((Vessa)) ((Aina)) ((Kethren)) ((Xanya)) ((Sadie)) ((Newt)) ((Lorelei)) ((Fritz)) ((Grom)) ((John Sullivan)) ((Agata)) ((Conner))

Air Date: 20 April 2654

Setting: Bridge <IND Cro na Mthar>

A classy black carpet covers the floor of the circular bridge, whose walls share the same paneling as the rest of the ship, interrupted only for several stations lining the wall. The stations come in pairs for sensor control, shields, and for communication, both internal and external. Another three stations are for the ships engine and movement controls. In the center of the room is a large chair for the Guardian, which is flanked by two other chairs for advisers. In front of those three chairs is a holo projector which can be used to display anything necessary, while behind the Guardian's chair is the Danu Chroi logo on a large banner.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} ((Levimodule))

Zu nods at that, replying "Right. I really am horrible with names. No hard feelings, I hope. And how are you doing this evening, Miss Sadie?"

Aina comes a wandering in, glancing around at all those gathered. She stands in the entrance for now, one hand scratching the back of her head.

As Lorelei works about under the console it sparks for a moment before going dark. After a moment it lights up again, but several indicator lights begin to blink. "Hmmm" she emits while fishing about, more than half her body hidden by the bales of wireing. "T...t.this one...." she mumbles..."Type twenty seven cable into the..." more pondering.

Vessa speaks into a section on the edge of her chair before sitting up again, "Alright people we will be heading out soon"

Kethren sees Xan and Aina come onto the bridge and waves at them, then looks back at Vessa "So, really? Snake pit?"

Sadie smiles at Zu and nods, "I'm doing well." She turns her head to look at Xanya as she walks in, her eyes lightening up. "Xan.." She breathes out softly, aware that if she moved, Zu would probably be mad.

"What kind of rift is this?" John asks aloud, to anyone, or perhaps to himself. "Aren't you supposed to come out of rifts and not go back in them? Anyone? Hello?" The ranger looks back and forth.

Deck3 Camera: Grom pauses, grimacing at the rumbling of the ship, looking toward his ceiling. His lips move, slowly, as if he is giving a prayer to the traditional Heykati ancestors. Or perhaps he is simply talking to himself.

Frowning at the some oddities on her screen she answers first Kethren, "Some people not being quite straight forward or above board with us." to John she grins, "There is one stable rift and we have a rift drive, so off we go."

Zu sadly can't read minds and so can't tell Sadie that he doesn't care if she moves, and that he can hold on just fine. He glances to the person who makes her get so distracted, however, and inquires "Who's that?"

The bridge doors open with a bridge door opening sound (as is typical of bridge doors wot want to make sounds) and onto the bridge strides Newt, "Hey. Are we ready yet?" As usually he's looking his green and spiffy self.

Xanya smiles and waves back to kethren. Then she moves towards the smiling Sadie and gives her a hug from behind and a kiss. "morning sweety." She says.

Vessa nods to Newt, "Yes go ahead and man the console, lets get ourselves out of this universe shall we?"

Sadie grins at Xanya. "Zu, this is Xanya. Xanya, Zu." She says of the little bat on her right shoulder. She giggles.

For a moment, the lights on the consoles blink again before lorelei emerges with a roll of cable around her arm and begins to trail them towards one of the seats, the closest to Vessa. She seems enthralled, but with the strangest smile on her face, before taking a seat after coiling one of the wires around an arm.

Sullivan leans against something handy nearby, looking at this and that, not seeming too sure about all of this. "If, want to stop off at Palisade, I left a few things there I could stand to pick up," he comments to a nearby light.

Kethren swivels around on his advisor chair a bit, trying to look dignified all the same.

Zu hardly needs an explanation of the relationship after seeing the hug and kiss "Oh. So you're one of the pairs of girls who are attracted to other girls I heard so much about Vessa loving to hire. Good to meet you, Xanya."

Newt nods and heads for the nav console, "Totally." Once there he sits down and begins adjusting the seat for his stature. He brings up the console, including his notes on the flight and begins to run some tests.

Aina glances at Newt and waves, then leans against an area near the door, so she's out of the way. Again her right hand lifts, this time to scratch at the base of her right horn. Briefly she shifts from one hoof to the other, then goes about glancing around, watching everyone.

Sadie looks to Zu, her brow raised but an expression of hurt on her face. "I-uh.." She runs out of the Bridge, swatting Zu off her shoulder.

Kethren stops swivelling and nods at Vessa "Ahh, indeed. More so than usual?" and watches Sadie run off with some concern on his face "Uh, Xan? Hardly need to say this, but you might want to try catching her."

Xanya smiles and nods to Zu. "nice to meet you too Zu." She says while still keeping Sadie in a hug. looking a bit sleepy herself. Then as sadie runs off she lets go of her and watches sadie do her thing.

Aina blinks as Sadie runs past her, then a frown forms as she turns to focus on Zu, "What the heck is that all about? What'd you say?" The frown deepens, and as Xanya stands there she sighs and turns to head off after Sadie.

Lorelei's actions seemed completely normal up untill this point, well, normal for her. It wasnt untill she screwed the thicker of the two cables to what seemed like a data spike and looked over to Vessa that the first hint of strange showed up. "Ma'am, did you know your vessle

Zu looks a bit confused as he's forced to move onto Xanya's shoulder for a perch as he's swatted off of Sadie's while she runs away and looks a bit confused to Xanya "What'd I say to do that?"

Lorelei's actions seemed completely normal up untill this point, well, normal for her. It wasnt untill she screwed the thicker of the two cables to what seemed like a data spike and looked over to Vessa that the first hint of strange showed up. "Ma'am, did you know your vessle's network uses type 25 cable?" she said before shoving the spike into the socket in the back of her skull with a grunt and an obvious wince of pain.

John turns around at the withdrawl from the room, scratching his nose. "Want me to go tell her stories about horses? That seems to cheer a lot of people up that I've met around here," he offers to the group as a whole."

Xanya with her sleepy head she not actualy realizes what just happend and follows Sadie out of the bridge. She stops just before the levi module and looks to zu. "not compleetly sure but it might be something to do with the way you described our relationship. no mind getting off of my shoulders so I can get to sadie and ask her?"

Vessa begins rubbing her temples as the chaos begins in truth, "Xanya, you might want to see what is wrong with Sadie? Zu, bringing up peoples sexual preferences on a bridge is usually not considered polite, and Lorelei why are you sticking qwires into the back of your head?"

Kethren watches Aina run off as well, still looking concerned, then turns back to glare at Zu.

Newt was almost ready to say that he was ready when something strange occurs. He looks back, the lgihts of the bridge playing on his helmet as he does, "Someone's sticking wires into their head?"

Lorelei grunts as she looks down and presses the second now stripped wire against the inside of her elbow, "Nothing Ma'am" she said as if it were true "It's just looking around Miss" she continued before pushing the fiber optic cable into her body with a whimper before going rigid for a moment, as she did, she lay back and just smiled, the color of her eyes almost seemed to shift slightly before she closed them.

Zu still just isn't very good at this being social thing it would seem. Well he had a good run without blundering, at least. "He flaps back over to join, Vessa, perching if he can and not seeming to care about the glares from the other various members of the room. To Vessa he notes "Right. I'll reiterate that this social business just isn't my forte."

From the overhead speakers: "Wow.....this is facinating....your vessle certainly is something Ma'am

Xanya heads out of the bridge finaly able to follow sadie as Zu got of her shoulders.

From the overhead speakers: *OOC* The voice is ERRILY similar to Lorelei's but extremly digitised.

Deck Three Camera: Grom head snaps around first once, snarling, and then in the opposite direction when the intercom is hijaked by the new voice who seems to have nothing but compliments for the new vessel. It doesn't seem likely that Grom would agree with said voice, though that is no slur upon the quality of the boat but perhaps the patience of the passenger. The old bear goes back to pacing.

Vessa is now back to rubbing her temples, "Quite alright Zu, that makes where you are in the org best for you. Thank you Lorelei but why are you logging into the ship? Yes Newt, Lorelei seems to have decided to take a virtual tour of the ship. Go ahead and lets head out before more chaos starts. And we can try going to er wherever you mentioned John but not heard of it before."

Zu nods to Vessa and adds "Think I should go apologize? I don't think she'll mind too much if I just explain that I still miss a lot of the small things when it comes to trying to be sociable."

Newt is about to start tapping away at his console, "Hey! Get outta my console!"

The strange blond girl simply lay reclining in the chair closest to Newt and Vessa, a thick type 25 data cable crammed into the back of her skull, and a smaller type 72 shoved into her arm like an IV cable.

Kethren rubs his forehead and glances over at Vessa "Incidently, do we have a ready source of coffee up here, or do we have to send down to the mess for it?"

From the overhead speakers: Ma'am It could not help it self. It had to see what it felt like...such a large machine....floating...its an incredible sensation. Would Ma'am like It to send the signal to the galley to prepare coffee?

"It's a planet surrounded by asteroids or something that basically makes it unapproachable by a spacecraft," John responds to Vessa, not explaining further how he expected them to stop off there, or if he was even serious.

D3 Camera: As Lorelei localizes the voice as she gains greater control of her now intimate connection with the vessel, Grom glowers, still staring up at the cramped ceiling of his storage room as if waiting to hear more from the unseen ship-god.

Vessa nods to Keth, "Yeah, we need to call down to mess. Lorelei go ahead and do so but please get out of the comp while in transit through the rift. I was tempted to do so myself but there is too great a chance that going through a rift while attached to a ship with a rift drive will cause mental damage. Feel free to call down for coffee before you do though, lots of coffee."

Speaking of coffee, Fritz arrives with a big ol' mug in hand, yawning as he steps onto the bridge of the Cro. Glasses in his other hand, he rubs at his eyes a bit, dark circles lingering beneath. Not enough sleep, too much coffee.

Newt slumps back in his seat, crossing his arms, "Say when. I don't particularily want to wind up a singularity or something."

From the overhead speakers: Ma'am, who is the angry being piloting the vessle saying the console belongs to him?

Kethren smirks at Newt "Well, on the bright side, if we do end up a singularity, we'll not have much time to be upset about it."

Newt's console lights up with text. "Your console? It is Ma'am's console

From the overhead speakers: Actually, theory sugests that inside a singularity time is compounded over and over. Seconds could take milennia. We would suffer for longer than an organic mind could comprehend.

Vessa looks in the direction of coffee with a look of longing, "That is Newt, Danu;s pilot, now could out of the computer and let's get ourselves along to that other universe hmmm? Let the poor boy work. I have no desire to end up suffering for milennia."

Newt glares at his console, "Nuh-uh. Mine. I'm the pilot and this is the pilots console so it's /my/ console." So /there/.

Aina wanders back onto the bridge and takes up her spot near the entrance.

Kethren nods to Aina with a faint smile.

John lingers about, the man finding a reflective surface somewhere. He pulls a knife from his belt to start carefully shaving. Hopefully the ship won't lurch a lot?

"Vhere has Grom gone? Zhere vas zie socializing und zie headbutting und... nnngh." Fritz drifts off into a mumbling murmur, replacing his glasses before rubbing his head a little bit.

Agata dashes out of the levimodule, pulling Conner by the hand and looking around, saying breathlessly, "Wh...what did I miss?"

Aina smiles at Kethren and waves, then glances at Fritz, a brow arching. She remains there, however, leaning against the wall near the entrance, arms folding.

Agata is just in time for a show. Except she can't see it since it's only on the security and captain console, who have full command of all cameras and imaging hardware inside the ship. Grom's impatience has begun to display itself in more than just pacing and growling and muttering. On occasion, as he storms around his small storage cabinet, he strikes the wall or one of the ration boxes.

Conner is practically dragged onto the bridge behind Agata, running to keep up, "A-Agata, slow down." She looks around the bridge as they dash in, blinking a bit at the number of people. She hunches her shoulders a bit, trying to make herself unseen.

From the overhead speakers: Ma'am, some creature is causing a ruckus in the vessle. Would you like me to vent the oxygen from the chamber? It seems like it could potentially damage tje integrity of the door to the room.

Kethren waves at the new arrivals, and goes back to trying to look dignified in his advisoring chair.

Aina glances up at the ceiling, then she considers Vessa, "Exactly what's in there beating things up? I can go take a look, if you want?"

Agata looks about, saying with a small cough, " I needed at all?"

Deck Three Camera: Grom whirls back around, one of the boxes gripped and already lifted for throwing, and glares up at the camera. At least he sets the box back down, though those who could read lips would undoubtedly not be impressed with his litany of foul responses aimed at the god voice of the ship.

A big slurp of coffee is downed, free hand raised to brush back his hair as Fritz gazes around the room again, "No one has seen Grom?" He inquires once more, half turning towards the hatch leading in and out.

Sadie smiles as she comes back into the Bridge slowly.

Kethren nods with a smile at Sadie and Xan, then glares at the door, for the lack of any forthcoming coffee.

Zu rides upon Sadie's shoulder as she walks in. He's even being petted on the back by her as they come in.

Vessa frowns at Fritz, "Grom? Did he come? Hmm, Aina, Agata, you two want to go and see if our friend in storage is Grom, big Hek guy.Be nice if it is, he is a friend."

John's eyes dart to Sadie as he slowly scrapes his blade across his cheek. "No need to be ashamed of what you are," he comments to the stranger as he rubs his skin in assessment, apparently just awkward enough to say something but not too awkward to keep quiet. "The only person's acceptance that matters in the end is your own." Shave shave scrape scrape.

Newt sighs, glaring a bit in a wee grumpy manner at his console, "Not flown this one before but I've flown others. Would /like/ to fly this one but someone's poking at my console."

Conner looks down at her hand, still being held by Agata, then looks up and around the room. She looks a little uncomfortable, and somewhat like she's trying to find a place to hide from all of the people.

Agata nods a few times, turning to Conner and asking with a faint smile, "Do you think that sounds good?"

Conner hears John's comment and looks over, seeing him looking in her direction. She hunches her shoulders and looks down a bit, then looks to Agata when she's spoken to, "Wh-what? I'm sorry, I wasn't really paying attention.."

Zu raises a brow at Conner's hand being held by the riftwalker and looks about to say something to Sadie, but decides against it midthought. Instead he just looks to Conner with a raised brow, now back to his normal shady self.

From the overhead speakers: Ma'am It requests permission to speak with the creature.

Agata says, "Miss Vessa wishes for me to go check on a person named 'Grom' seem uncomfortable, so I am asking if you wish to come."

Sadie laughs then gasps. "Oh! I wonder if I could make them bring me some fries..." She sighs and whispers to herself. "I am really craving some right now.." She chuckles softly.

Newt replies, still not budging, "It's distracting. What if you do something crazy on my console and it gets in the way?"

Kethren snickers at Sadie "Oh, I'm sure they've got a plate on standby that they could send up with the coffee if you send word to em soon enough."

Conner mms and nods, "I.. I guess so." It would at least get her away from the huge crowd of people. She takes another look around the room and spots Lorelei's seemingly lifeless body connected to the computers, "Wh-what's going on there? Is she okay?" She nods her head in that direction.

Xanya heads to one of the consoles and speaks to a speaker sending a message down to the mess hall. "two plates of fries please to go to the bridge. oh and alarge strawberry milkshake."

Newt replies to the console. "That'd be awesome."

Sadie looks to Xanya. "And some mustard!" She giggles. "Thank you, my love."

"Vell... I zhink he has come, at least. Mein memories of last night are a bit hazy und mein head a bit sore." He looks to Conner and Agata, turning to head after them, "I vill come as vell."

Xanya heads to one of the consoles and speaks to a speaker sending a message down to the mess hall. "two plates of fries please to go to the bridge. oh and alarge strawberry milkshake."

Newt replies to the console. "That'd be awesome."

Sadie looks to Xanya. "And some mustard!" She giggles. "Thank you, my love."

Aina nods to Vessa, but pauses when she sees Conner, Agata and Fritz all going. Then she shrugs and sighs, still leaning against the wall, "Guess there's enough going...I'll just sit here and take up space..."

From the overhead speakers: Captain, you might want to check the power conduits in the aft of the ship. It has detected a small anomoly.

John wipes his thumb across the knife before slipping it away again. He gives his face a careful rub, looking at himself in the reflective metal of the bulkhead, before grunting and turning around. The ranger taps a foot quietly, before digging into his pocket to pull out some old, obviously out of date PDA, starting to play an equally old, out of date game involving a little yellow man and plenty of dots.

Agata turns back to Vessa, asking, "Uh...where do we go for that again?

Xanya adds some mutsard to te order and then heads back to sadie. with a smile.

Sadie looks to Zu on her shoulder. "What's up, Zu?"

Vessa rubs her forehead, "Newt take us through, Lorelei check the anomaly, Aina can you check this anomaly as well that Lorelei has found. I guess she can take the trip through as she hasn't come out of the comp yet. Fritz yeah if it is Grom, please give my apologies for however he got where he is."

Kethren tries to look dignified in his advisor chair, but is drumming his fingers, clearly impatient about the lack of speedy coffee delivery.

From the overhead speakers: Yes Ma'am. Miss Aina is it? There appears to be an anomoly in conduite coupling Delta Zero Seven. A slight powersurge has caused a short and seems to need repair. Failure to do so could result in power fluxuations throughout the port section of the vessle or a complete power failure.

Aina blinks and glances at Vessa, then nods slightly, "I can head back and check it out first hand..." She straightens and turns to head on out to check out whatever it was that Lorelei found.

Zu looks back to Sadie and replies "Oh, nothing. Just how awkward Conner looked." He shrugs a bit and stretches his wings out a bit.

Xanya looks around and looks worried hearing about the problems with teh ship. thought I did a good enough job on designing and building this ship that these things would not happen."

Kethren looks over at Xan "Even the best designs have been known to have a few gremlins that need to be worked out."

Aina waves a hand over her shoulder, "Yeah yeah. I'll get it...No need to freak out the entire ship by saying the worst. Sheesh..." Then she's gone, headed for the engine room to fix whatever is going on.

John wanders up to where Vessa looks to be having a migraine. "I can't help but hear you have an animal or some such on board destroying things. Want me to kill it? I can bring you its hide. What is it? A bear?"

Right. Well now that it's just Newt and his console he gets back to it. Tap, tap tappity taptaptapsliiiidetaptap tappity tap. His gloved hands zoom across the console as he preps the ship for a wee trip for a cup of tea. "Going in 3... 2... 1..." Fwoosh!

As the ship jumps through the rift generated, the comsystem goes into blackout after a loud burst of static, the girls body twitching as she blinks in and out in place!

From the overhead speakers: **There is a loud burst of static before the system falls suddenly silent**

Vessa is right back to worried, shaking her head to John she says, "If it is who I think it is then he isn't an animal." she places a worried hand onto Lore's shoulder, "See this is why I said you should have backed out damn it. Sadie, come here and see if you can help, I don't know if she is alright or what." yeah trying to keep control here

The girl's body is unresponsive though she seems not to be suffering any maladies.

Aina isn't gone for long. Long legs and all. Just after the com freaks out she's back on the bridge, and instantly her gaze moves toward Lorelei. Seeing the blinking in and out she herself blinks, her eyes, that is, before moving further onto the bridge, "You didn't make her disconnect before the jump!?"

Kethren is suddenly looking fairly nervous.

Xanya walks to vessa and loreli to see if she can help out.

Sadie nods to Vessa and quickly walks over. "What happened?"

Newt blinks, "Wha? I DIDN'T DO THAT!" He tries getting some sense on the situation from his console, tapping away furiously.

Vessa runs a hand through her hair and looks to Aina in intense worry, "She seemed to think she could handle it had the hell if I know, Leu said I couldn't but the girl pops here and there, maybe she could. Besides she didn't listen when I told her to get out. Is she broken?" a pause, "Again?"

Aina frowns as she heads toward Lorelei while waveing people away, "Don't touch her. Don't touch anything. Just keep away from her for now." Briefly she glances at Newt, "No, you didn't...She should have disconnected before the jump...Just give her a minute. Hopefully she can re-adjust and snap out of it."

Xanya looks worried to loreli but as requested does not touch her. "I hope she will be fine."

Sadie watches intensely, standing still by Lorelei.

Kethren looks on nervously from his advising seat.

John rubs the back of his neck, looking elsewhere. Back in his day, a good leeching would cure what ails you. Though he's not about to suggest that. "Do you even have leeches on board?" he asks nobody in particular.

Newt just shakes his head, "That was a dumb thing to-" He turns around and looks at John, "Leeches? What for?"

Aina purses her lips as she stares at Lorelei, then looks at Newt, "Yeah...Dunno why she stayed connected. Look, you can scan, and check the data, but just...Don't try to disconnect her or anything, ok?"

Sadie raises a brow at John. "I haven't read anything in my readings about how leeches help, please indulge me."

John blinks as he suddenly has plenty of attention. "What?" he asks, eyes trailing to Lorelai there. "Look, just don't go disconnect her sensor jumps and she'll be fine."

Xanya nods and looks to lorelei. "seems I can't do anything to help her now then."

Zu surprisignly seems to be rather apathetic towrds Lorelei's situation and just continues to hang out on Sadie's shoulder. Perhaps he's just enjoying being petted. Though he wouldn't make that admission before hitting the grave even if it were true.

Kethren looks thoughtful "I think the leeches go back to an idea that people got sick from having too much blood."

Newt looks over at Keth, astounded, "That... sounds really dumb."

John blinks over to Kethren. "That seems like a pretty barbaric notion," he comments with a click of his tongue.

Sadie looks to Zu. "Is everything ok, Zu?"

Kethren smirks "Well, the medical knowledge of those days was pretty abysmal, I'll grant you."

Xanya looks more closely to lorelei and examens her bodies dataports.

Xanya looks interested in the leach storyy as well.

Aina glances at Xanya and frowns slightly, "What're you doing?"

Zu shrugs a bit and replies "Just not very useful at the moment. Maybe I should just go about practicing my being able to go undetected in a crowd..."

Vessa straightens, "Alright let Aina do what she has to do and er Newt head off to the nearest planet. We need help of some kind." Her expression is calm but the grip on her chair arm is showing anything but.

Xanya looks to some data ports and wonders. "maybe I can helpo her get back. let me try something." She works on her cybernetic right arm and get some wireing out. the gets those wireing sto one of Lore's data ports. when connected she sends an electircal signal trouhg it. "she is part computer so lets hope this helps.

Aina blinks several times and stares at Xanya, eyes going wide, "What the hell! I said don't fucking touch her! Are you insane!?" Woah, swearing. Pissed off Hek alert.

Newt nods after a little while, having been watching what's happening. "Gonna check to see what's nearby."

Zu smirks a bit and replies "Talk? About what? I don't exactly have much of a domestic life available for small talk."

Sadie bites her lip as she watches Xanya out of the corner of her eye. "Honey, be careful!" She whispers before turning to Zu. "Well, what did you do before I met you?"

The girls body twitched then went riggid like she was having a siezure, her fists clutched around the arms of the chair before her eyes went wide open, a horrible shocked expression on her face as the speakers squelched once more. "Augh!" she cried out looking around, as if she were makeing sure where she was "How..." she said nervously "W..what..."

From the overhead speakers: There is a squelch over the intercom system and then it returns to the idle state.

Xanya sighs heavely. "thank god It worked." She says and walks back a bit sitting down onto the ground, her body shaking. "how are you doing Lorelei? " she asks the woman. then looks to aina. "sorry for ingnoring your advice. but I thought I could help her. I'm glad I could." She says apoligising to aina.

Aina frowns when Lorelei seems to snap out of it, then she turns to glare at Xanya, "Next time, don't try and be a hero. You got lucky this time..." Then she snorts and turns to head off the bridge, "If you need me, I'll be checking on the engine...Makeing sure nothing got fried..."

After a while of working at his console Newt pipes up, "Found something on the scanners. Looks like... a planet. Head there, right?" Without waiting he resumes tapping away.

Zu smirks a bit to Saide and replies "Well I helped to lead a rebellion against the Zarists on Kamsho, which eventually lead to the planet becoming freed, with some help from the Confederacy." Other than that, really I've got quite a dull story to tell."

Xanya nopds to aina. "I will remember that aina. but I never see myself as a hero."

Lorelei looked utterly lost. " felt ...the way it feels when it jumps....moving in every direction at once...falling inside me....." she said, fingers still white knuckeling the chair." was like it could not disconnect...There was a pulse of energy, and then it....just stopped....some energy wave washed over it ...:"

Kethren looks concernedly at Lore "You feeling alright now?"

Newt says, "Ok. We're off to it. 9 and a half minutes to go."

Aina shakes her head and snorts before vanishing out the door, hooves clanking on the floor with each angry step.

Vessa jerks a moment then moves over to Lore and looks over her concerned then sighs in relief then frowns, "Don't bloody well scare me like that. Next time you disconnect when I say to damn it." Face pale and hands shakking she takes a moment to get control of her emotions. "Now, are you alright." a nod to Xan and Aina, "Thank you for helping."

Sadie nods to Zu, her eyes glancing to Xanya and Lorelei and her body relaxing as Lorelei comes to. She turns to face Xanya, grinning, before looking at Vessa and biting her lip, then finally watching Aina storm out, her shoulders beginning to slump. Torn between who to go to, she sighs heavily.

The girl looked as young as she ever has, like a child who was lost in a supermarket " Ma'am" she said softly " didnt know the pulse would happen....Next time it wony keep sensors open....." she said, her hands twitching slightly, clearly shaken by the incident.

Xanya smiles to sadie. "I will be fine sweety. I just need to get this excitement out."

Apparently helping to free a planet from borderline enslavement just doesn't cut it with Sadie for a good story. Not even an oooo are an ahhh, just a nod. Not that Zu really seems to care, though. He's only here because he has to be to get to the excitement. He's pretty quiet right now.

Vessa runs a hand through her hair and watches in concern as Aina leaves. Sighing again she lays a hand on Lore's shoulder and nods to Newt, "Thank you for the report, let me know when we get there." looking to Lore she sighs again, "Alright, just next time don't take such risks okay? Man that nearly gave me a heart attack."

John glances over to Zu, making a quiet 'ooo' sound at the mention of that, before he clears his throat and checks his nails.

Newt's ignoring all the background chatter. The whole 'keeping the ship out of black holes' thing is keeping him happily occupied. "Well... we're here and... oh cool! It looks like Demaria. Neat. I like Demaria."

Sadie looks to Keth, nodding to him. "Want me to go after her or you?"

Lorelei leaned to the side and slowly withdrew the cable from her arm, slowly whiping the blood from the flashing fibreoptic line before letting it fall to the deck, then she reached behind her head and began to twist the dataspoke to free it from the locking collar and as she withdrew it let out something between a moan and a gasp before rubbing her neck sorely.

Xanya loks to lore. "how are you feeling?" She says sounding a bit concerned.

Kethren nods at Sadie as he gets up "I'll go check on her" and heads out to the door to see if he can catch up. "I'll catch up with everyone in the docking bay."

"It's head is a little swimmy, like it has spent hours in the tiny room..." she said softly, " wasnt that bad this time, the sensation felt like it was only a few seconds"

Newt looks back at Lore for just a moment and then turns back, "Setting up for landing."

Newt uhhs and asks, "You wanna land in a city or in the desert or something?"

Xanya nods to lorelei. "sounds like your feeling better already." She says with a smile.

Vessa nods to Lore, "Keep me appraised," to Newt she says, "Park over the city, we will take the shuttle down there." and stands, "Alright people we need to head down to this planet and see what we can see." she leans over and speaks quietly into that audio pickup again.

From the overhead speakers: We will be heading down to the planet, meet in the docking bay if you are going.

Newt replies, "Okies. Will manouver into orbit over the city. Try not to toss anything out the window." Tappity tap tap.

"Y..yes Ma'am" she said as she looked at the data spike,then over to Newt. After a moment she begins to coil up the cables and places them back into the cabinet neatly before replacing the cover to it. "It will have to experiment with this more later...."

Xanya looks to lorelei. "when you do mind if I stay with you. To make sure I can get you out if you go into trouble again?"

"That would be Ma'am's decision Miss, but if she wishes it, It would have no place to disagree"

Vessa runs a hand through her hair again, "I don't object but I would like to see if we can make something less painful for her to connect with for one, second I want as many people who know what they are doing at the time of this experimentation, and if I say disconnect, I mean it, I don't care who wants her connected, that includes her." those words directed at Lore, "Now then, Xan thank you for the help but I think you and Aina will need to work something out next time."

Xanya stands up and starts to walk out. and nods to vessa. "I understand and I am willing to work something out with aina. that is if she is willing to do the same."

Newt asks, "So are we going dirtside yet?"

Vessa nods to Newt as she waves everyone to follow her. "Lets go."

Agata arrives with Conner apparently just in time, guiding the both of them to fall in behind Vessa