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Long Distance House Calls Pt 3

Summary: Investigating an anomaly

Cast: Kethren Xanya Leucohyle

Air Date: Feb 16, 2655

Setting: Flight Deck - Deck 1 - ISV Galactix

This massive chamber has sufficient docking facilities for several large vessels, and multiple fighter squadrons. Smaller vessels are stored in smaller hangars arranged like shelves on the side walls. High above on the ceiling a large blister dome houses the flight control center. It is mostly glass windows, giving the flight controllers inside a 360 degree view of the deck below. Access to the flight control center is gained through a hover tube which hugs the hangar wall and the ceiling, running towards the dome.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

The hangar deck is still the wreck it was before, but now with main power back online, it is a bit more inviting with the lighting systems, at least those still intact, are working and lighting up the bay. "Welcome back, my friends." Galactix' voice says from above.

Once more the architect disembarks the Amadaun in his smartsuit with a penguin at his side "How're you feeling? A brought another friend to help."

Xanya walks out of the amandaun wearing her smartsuit as well as a jetpack on her back. She looks around and takes in as much as she can of the area and it's design as she tries to follow kethren. As she hears Kethren mentioning her to the ship she snaps back from staring around. "oh right ahm... hello there. My name is Xanya Harden. I'm a ships designer and builder by trade and can repair them as well. I'm honoured to meet you and I can't wait to help out anyway I can." She says a bit excited but trying to keep herself from sounding to excited.

Heading out of her own ship, which appears to have been cleaned during the course of the morning, Leucohyle and her cadre of robots arrive in the hangar deck looking chipper and refreshed. "Good-good afternoon, everyone," she pipes, not quite so over-dressed today but still dressed for 'adventure'. "So. What's on the er, what's on the agenda, hmm? Where should er, we go next? Continue refurbishing Engineering? Have we diagnostic reports?"

"During your absence I have managed to re-route the circuit links around the damaged sections of the main computer. Most of the data terminals on board should now be operational, assuming they haven't been physically damaged." Galactix' voice says. "I would like to reach Sanctuary as soon as possible... perhaps we should make the engines our next priority."

Kethren nods "Sounds good. While I am rather partial to you being here where virtually nobody knows about it... it's only a matter of time before someone else finds you on the scanners. Best to be able to move about. How are the sensors doing? Can you tell if anyone's approaching?"

Xanya smiles hearing about engines. "engines he? I'd love to give those a peak and see what I can do to repair them. that is if the rest agrees it's the next best thing." She says and looks to her friends.

Leucohyle is quiet for a few long, long moments. "Well. Sanctuary is is stationed near Irinnar, which is is the nearest marked planet near to -my- territory. So. Even if a -long- jump is is uncomfortable, we can make a series of, you know, -short- ones, yes?"

"My short range sensors are operational, but they are still prone to interference until the filtering elements can be repaired." Galactix' voice says. "Long range sensors are spotty at best."

Kethren nods "Well... being able to see very far won't do us much good if you can't move out of the way. Let's get those engines taken care of first."

Xanya smiles. "wohooo Enginering here we come." She cheers a bit excited and look around. "Ahm... Galactrix?"She asks more serious. "Can you guide us to engineering, so I... I mean ... we can asses the damages and see about making the needed repairs?" She asks politely.

"This way!" Leucohyle pipes, and she and her assorted robots stride off towards Deck Two.

The sound of operating machinery has returned to this room now that main power is online. However the damage is even more evident in the bright light now shining on the drive systems. The accelerator coils of the main ion engines are cracked, their cooling systems dented and smashed, and the main Spindrive unit is dark, its reaction chamber cracked, and the transfer conduits to the external nacelles are shattered.

Kethren slowly walks into engineering, pda once more at the ready for taking scans of the myriad of damaged thingies.

Xanya walks in slowly as well carefully where she walks. Seeing systems she looks around smiling brightly. "Oh wow. this place is pretty." Xanya says before she notices the damages. "hmm... Leu did you map this area already? and if you did mind sharing it with me? I'd like to know where I can go in here and make sure I don't get lost too. If at all possible." She then grabs her scanning equipment and starts to make scans of the Accelerator coils, All the Ion engines, cooling systems and spindrive units along with anything else needed to give propulsion back to Galactix.

"Absolutely," Leucohyle pipes, fiddling with her wrist holoprojector and beaming the 3-D photomosaic image collected by the Observational Limbics over the past hours. "I'm I'm going to go over here and work on the -cooling- system, yes? Very-important, very important indeed. Don't want any risk of overheating going about and -undoing- everything we've done..."

"I believe there are spare tanks of coolant that survived the onslaught. They should be on the lower level in an armored locker." Galactix voice says.

Kethren nods "Well, unless someone sees something structural that looks like it's about to collapse, I'll head down and see if I can retrieve a coolant tank or two."

Xanya nods to Leu. "good idea, leu and thanks for the image." She says and turns to kethren when she hears Galactix about the spare tanks. "Go ahead Kethren. I'll work on the.... " She thinks a bit. "... Spindrive unit's Reaction chamber." Xanya says and carefully heads in that direction using the map she got from leu.

Leucohyle makes a cheerful little noise of anticipation, and totes some metal over to the area where the cooling coils are. "Oh, we're going to make some brand new piping, we're going to bend some metal, hmm hmm hmm..." Out of assorted pockets and holsters come a squad of Observational bots, aiming to scan and measure the damaged cooling system and beam the requirements back to Leu's wrist holoprojector. "Seven and ten and three fourths, thirty-six degree angle... hmm hmm hmmmm..."

"I will assist where I can with verbal guidance if needed." Galactix says."

Kethren nods and scoops up Kail before he dashes out of the room to hunt down some coolant tanks.

Xanya arives at the spindrive unit and uses her scanning equipment to asses the nature of the damage. "hmmm... lets see... a crack.... what else do we have here." She says and begins to scan the spindrives to see how much damage it has and what needs to be repaired or possibly replaced.

"Allll, right," Leucohyle chirps, looking over the resultant scans. "Let me, let me see what here I can make usage of, and what will need to be replaced outright!"

Many of the components are salvageable, at least in whole or in part.

Kethren comes walking back in towards Leu with a couple of coolant tanks. A smaller coolant take is being dragged along by Kail, but he's careful to take a path that won't damage it.

Xanya finishes scanning the spindrive and looks at her scan's. "hmmm... it seems that besides the crack some of the wiring needs to be repaired too." She says and looks over to Leu. "Leu? can you see if we have some long wires we can salvage?" She says and walks over to Leu. "oh and did you guys bring those materials? I can use some to repair the crack on the spin drives reaction chamber." She asks to both Leu and Keth.

Leucohyle seats herself comfortably atop Iota, one panel of its cargo container open to provide lumbar support. Her tarp is spread out meticulously around her, and around her, a selection of parts, tubing, pipes, wires, and fastenings starts to build. Everything is laid out in order, similar items grouped together and arranged in sub-groupings by condition. The rapid-fire ticktickticking of metal on metal accompanies the light, tuneless hum and soft, fluting murmurs that are the only sounds coming from the little clone as she works. Her pale, circuit-traced fingers flick with speed and care as parts are cleaned, oiled, repaired, and rearranged. One of the walnut-sized Observationals scuttles over to Xanya, utters an electronic chirp, and scuttles on over to where a few neat coils of wire, arranged by size and capacity, have been laid.

"Thus far the power from the main reactor has remained stable... life support is still operating, thankfully." Galactix says. "I am monitoring the circuits as they are repaired I can provide guidance if they are successfully repaired."

Kethren pauses a few steps from Leu "So where would you like the tanks?"

"Ah there it is. Thank you." Xanya Says kindly towards the walnut-sized Observational. "Your verry usefull." She says and looks at the coils of wiring. "this one should doo it." She says and grabs one of the coils of wiring, then turns to look towards the nearest wallnut-sized Observationals. "I need to think of getting myself some of those as well. Especially if they can help me with minor repairs and such." She says and heads back to start the needed repairs on the wiring of the spindrive.

"The Multi-Limbed Observational Assistance System is is capable of performing photomosaic three dimensional mapping, surveillance, audio and visual recording, image recognition, and small item retrieval," Leucohyle pipes, even as she continues working. "They are fully compatible with all currently-marketed neural implants and and can transmit and receive audio and visual material. Sanctuary Security u-utilizes them on the station." After a few moments, whereupon a set of bolts are meticulously cleaned, she rises and starts working on the cooling system proper.

"I can sense the connection re-establishing to the Spindrive..." Galactix voice says. "Control circuits are responding, I am querying the control processor for further details."

Kethren shrugs, then puts the tanks down before moving off out of the way, scanning stuff as he goes.

Xanya nods as she finishes the wiring of the spin drive. "go ahead Galactix. but do not activate it yet. the reaction chamber is still cracked and needs to be fixed." She says and looks around at the materials Leu salvaged and the materials the group brought along in the first trip. as she spots them she heads over to them to look at what she might need. "Lets see what do I need to repair that chamber." She says thinking to herself and picking some stuff up she thinks she might need.

"Right there is fine," Leu pipes, without looking up, a few moments too late, still very, very absorbed in her repair work. Damaged sections are near-surgically excised from the cooling system and replaced, reinforced, and of course cleaned with tiny *tiks* and *taks* of fastenings and the occasional spark of micro-welds. A continuing undertone of little fluting murmurs and hums accompanies the work.

"The control circuits appear functional. Once the mechanical elements of the drive are repaired, re-activation of the Spindrive may be possible." Galactix reports.

Kethren nods and makes his way over to a damaged looking section of mechanical drive related doohickeys and starts to make a good scan so's repairs might not be a waste of time.

Xanya grabs some materials and parts and heads back to the spindrive and starts to repair the cracked Reaction chamber. She doesn't just repair the crack but actually makes an extra shell around the chamber to make sure it's save to use.

Leucohyle is, unfortunately, not looking up from her own work on the cooling system, and does not notice anything untoward going on elsewhere. It can truly be described as being in her own little world, where there's nothing but the system and the meticulous process of making it whole again.

With the last batch of repairs from Leu's skillful hands, the main engine cooling systems come to life, first initiating a self-diagnostic and then the pumps begin to whir, circulating coolant over the accelerator coils, or at least what remains of them, but once they are repaired they have little to fear from overheating. "Ion coil coolant readings are coming in... all readings nominal." Galactix says. Meanwhile, he re-queries the Spindrive. "Structural integrity of the Spindrive reaction chamber is reading within acceptable limits."

Kethren starts to work on the mechanics, but drops his wrench before he can do much past giving one of the bolts a quarter turn the wrong way. He grumbles a bit as he goes down to retrieve that. "Ok... had better days. Sorry Galactix."

Xanya keeps working on the spindrive making tiny repairs now to try and get it working perfectly. "acceptable limits is not good enough. I have to get this working perfectly. even if it means I'll be working on it for the rest of the day or longer." Xanay says showing determination to get things running perfectly as she expect from all her work on ships. Her eyes show a determination as if lives are at stake.

Leucohyle rises with a little stretch, and meanders over to where Kethren and Xanya are working to look over the diagnostics with a pleased little 'pip' and then a startled one when Kethren drops his wrench. After a few moments of pursed-lips consideration, she asks, "W-well how about we just er let me take a look at that and and er how about you assist Mrs-Xanya w-with the er, the additional shielding she's putting together for the reaction-chamber?" With a myriad of clattering of metallic limbs, the Limbics all grab the fringes of the tarp and walk it on over to the little clone so that she can nose herself into the repairs here.

"I've got plenty of time, that is for certain." Galactix says. "Though Mr. Kethren's concerns are valid that I may eventually be discovered by lesser elements, and I am in no condition to defend myself. Acceptable may have to suffice until we reach Sanctuary."

Kethren smirks a little as Leu and company all but shove him and Kail out of the way, so they goes over to where Xan is instead. "Anything about to collapse here?"

Xanya shakes her head to Keth. "No nothing collapsing here." She says and sighs a bit at Galactix's comment. "Your right Galactix. I think I will go to the Accelerator coils of the main ion engines and repair those." She says and heads over said location and begins to scan the ion engines for the damages. "Leu is working on an other mechanical part to get it fixed. and Kethren is trying to see where he can be useful.

Leucohyle, alas, doesn't notice that she's nudged Kethren out of the way, apparently not being accustomed to working with other people or perhaps not having much in the way of physical 'presence'. All that she has to focus on are the scans, the damage, and the path between what they are and what they need to be. She works, humming and murmuring, pale hands flashing between tools and worksite, Observationals swarming over the damaged portions.

"It would appear that the starboard transfer conduit has been severely weakened according to these new readings." Galactix' voice says. "It will need significant shoring up before we can bring the drive online."

Kethren nods before taking a moment to get his bearings. He really does find his way around better on the ground. That slight delay aside, he heads over there and hums thoughtfully to himself whilst doing a quick scan to get a better idea of what's going on.

Xanya finishes her scan of the ion drives and then goes back to collect the needed materials to fix the drives. She doesn't speak or look to the others as she focuses on the task at hand.

Leucohyle, along with her entire group, scoots over about seventeen inches to the left and starts working on -that- segment, leaving a trail of repaired and rather -clean- machinery behind her. The tiniest of the Limbics, little fellows only about the size of an old Terran quarter, busy themselves with picking up any remaining bits of debris and carting them off for disposal.

Galactix brings up a display of his internal diagnostics on some of the nearby terminal screens as the work continues, including a master systems display that shows some areas starting to shift from red to green as things are brought back online.

Kethren looks thoughtfully at his readings for a moment before making a quick trip to the materials pile for some suitable bracing structures. Once back he kneels down again to get everything in place and starts to do some more welding. Right snapping his welding goggles back on.

Xanya keeps working on the ion engines and making the repairs. Welding a bit here replacing wires there. and cleaning the engines where possible.

Rather like the opposite of an assembly line, Leu stands up and scoots over to another section of machinery. The attendant bots once again pick up the tarp and scuttle it along, with Iota heading in last to provide a seat for the little clone. Tiktiktik, go the tiny tools, murmur murmur murmur, goes the tiny engineer, working away as though there is nothing else in the world beyond herself and the damaged starship. One of the smaller Limbics scuttles across her forehead and gently hoovers up the sweat beading upon her smooth, circuit-traced brow.

"Main engines are responding to my queries... all control pathways are in sync." Galactix says. "Diagnostics indicate engine re-activation is possible."

Kethren smiles as he turns off the welding device and snaps goggles back over his eyes. "Should be stable enough here!" With that he once again returns the welding stuffs to Kail's belly compartment and snaps it shut.

Xanya smiles as she looks at her work on the ion engines. "great to hear that Galactix. ahm... is there anything else we need to fix before trying to turn on the engines?" she ask as she slowly walks back towards leu to see how she is doing.

Leucohyle's eyes finally come back into focus at Galactix's proclamation, and she blinks several times, shaking her head as if to clear it. "Errr... begyourpardon?" Blinkblinkblink. "Oh. Have we, have we finished this phase? Are we ahead of schedule?" Blink blink blink again. "Oh! Oh dear. I do believe I've missed afternoon tea. As well as luncheon. And the er supper phase is halfway through."

"Indeed, you have been working diligently like a well-oiled machine my dear." Galactix' voice says. "Your companion has the accelerator coils repaired to top efficiency, and the Spindrive reaction chamber is within safety limits. I believe a check of the fuel regulators is in order to ensure that we don't blow the engine manifolds during our attempt to start them. Current diagnostics indicate a potential fluctuation in the pressure valves."

Kethren smirks "Someone else better handle those. I'm not feeling my most coordinated tonight."

Xanya smiles as she hears an other thing needs to be repaired. "feel free to get some rest and something to eat leu, I think I can handle this." Xanya say and heads over to said location and begins to scan regulators and surrounding systems to see what needs to be repaired. After she finds out what needs to be done she starts her work on it. Repairing and strengthening the engine manifolds as much as she is able to as well as cleaning the parts she works on.

After a few more drowsy blinks, Leu stands up and pads over to an unoccupied area of Engineering. Iota scuttles along with her, and she takes another tarp out of the Conveyance Bot's cargo compartment. She unfolds it, meticulously lays it out, and starts cleaning her hands. "Pardon, I'm in in rather -dire- need of nourishment. W-would anyone like something to eat? I have pouches of fruit and vegetable puree, protein bars, and and bottled unsweetened tea."

"I shall initiate a full diagnostic run to ensure that all engine systems are operational before I initiate startup." Galactix says. "I am willing to offer accommodations if you would like to rest. My crew quarters seem to have been somewhat spared."

Kethren goes over towards Leu "Well, if you can spare em I could stand a protein bar and some tea..." then looks up a bit "If nothing comes up I'll stay here, but if someone needs me, I may well have to return to Baile tonight."

Xanya smiles and walks back to join Leu and Kethren. "I'd love those bars and tea as well if you can spare some." She says to leu as she grabs a cloth to clean her hands a bit. "Crew quarters he? sounds great. I was hoping to say here for a while to help with the repairs and all." She says and thinks. "how ever if Kethren has to leave I have no ship of my own to leave when or if I need to be elsewhere. Need to think that one over."

Leucohyle is still cleaning her hands. "Hmmm? Er. Well I've ample quarters on the er on the er Temperantia I'm really more comfortable in my own environs really," she rattles off, and then gestures cordially over to the box of snacks that's shifted invitingly to the front of Iota's cargo compartment. "P-please help yourself, I've I've n-nine weeks of supplies in my hold, based upon the nutritional needs of of four average-sized organics." After completing her fastidious cleansing of her hands, she starts parceling out packets of snacks and glass bottles of cold black tea. "Oh! Er, send me the er, send me the diagnostics when it's complete that would be -delightful-. I believe after this I will initiate an extended rest period to er, make up for the abbreviated rest schedule."

"Indeed, I shall make it available once it is complete." Galactix says.

Kethren takes a couple of the bars and a tea and starts in on them somewhat sluggishly "...I really need to get more sleep tonight."

Xanya takes a bar and some tea as well and enjoys her meal. "hmmm..nothing beats a meal after some hard work." She says and looks around. "Oh mind sharing it with me too Galactix? I'd love to see the results of our labor."

Leucohyle slurps primly away at the nozzle on a pouch of mixed citrus fruits, carrots, and mangoes, nodding agreeably, but not responding until she's done. "Y-yes this is most certainly a night for -sleep-. But we've gotten so -very much- done so er so I mean the value of course outweighs the momentary-discomfort and declining mental faculties. S-so. Er. Is is there anything else we need to accomplish in this phase, or is it time for rest?"

"It is indeed time to rest. Much has been accomplished. The diagnostic is nearly complete, I will send it to your PDAs upon completion." Galactix says.

Kethren finishes off his meal and stretches a little "Well, I think I better head back to town and check on a few things. Xan, you wanna come along so you can fetch your ship and not be stranded?"

Xanya finishes her meal and stretches as well then nods to kethren. "sure I'd love to. and while you add it mind sharing the location of this great ship with me? so I can head back when I am more rested and continue work here?"

Leucohyle starts fastidiously picking up all of the wrappers and etc, even if people have just set them down and were clearly not intending to abandon them. Everything is packed away in little color-coded reclamation bags before she goes about picking up all of her tarps and tools, also filing -them- fastidiously away. "Galactix, I I will be on the Temperantia should you need anything, but er k-kindly allow a minimum of eight hours unless it is of course a priority emergency, in which case I can be roused. Otherwise I I shall return to the workspace in twelve hours."

"Take your time. I shall be waiting." Galactix says. "Diagnostics are complete, I am transmitting to your PDAs. Engine efficiency is reporting at 95%, by the time you return I believe I shall have them refueled and operational, but I will not engage them until you return lest you not be able to find me again."

Kethren nods to Xan and heads for the doors "Appreciated, Galactix. Though if you had to hide in a hurry, I wouldn't blame you."

Xanya follows keth along to the doors. "I will be back as soon as I can galactix. Like Leu I'd rather stay here incase you need the help."

"Oh, er, n-no worries at all there, the er, the Temperantia will remain on the er, on the flight deck, so if we must make a hasty retreat I will er, get us to either Irinnar or my planet and we will make appropriate arrangements," Leucohyle pipes, as she finishes up her cleaning. "Good, good evening to everyone!" With a cheerful little wave, she and her scuttling entourage head back towards their ship.

"A good evening to all of you, and you have my thanks." Galactix says.