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Assault on a Fixed Position

Summary: Mek hosts a training event

Cast: Mek, Eelim, Nova, Rynnkk Caerrikk

Air Date: Saturday 20 August - 2653 AD

Setting: Marine Space <MCV Alopex>

This is a large warehouse-like room covered in black sound-muffling padding, two hundred feet to a side with a slightly domed ceiling due to the hull. Stacked and tied-down on shelves ten high on all four walls are hundreds of large, industrial bins filled with quick-build construction supplies in order to create the vast majority of needed practice scenarios in a few hours. When nothing's built, however, the space is used for general marine training.

Lockers towards the port aft contain a variety of practice weapons and standard-issue but sensor-covered armor. Locked-down controls near the lift entrance allows adjustment for High-G, Standard-G, Low-G and Zero-G situations, and allows for the upload of programs containing holographic threats to be overcome in-scenario or out, and ten feet above is a leaderboard tracking the number, quality and difficulty of hits both by and to the intangible enemies. A large pressurized lift (with two emergency ladder shafts flanking it) sits to the fore of the room, an airlock-style door leads to the skyway, and a ladder leads fifty feet up the aft wall to an emergency airlock.

Contents: Exits:

Mek is currently leaning on a wall, flicking through options on his PDA for the Marine Space's holographic setting; Just being bored while he waits for others to arrive...

Rynnkk shows up from the skyway, posting up by the lockers. He, too, seems posed to wait.

Shortly after, Nova arrives, also from the Skyway and looks around as she does. Spotting all the good spots to stand and look either bored or preoccupied, she opts to find a place on the farside of the area from the others to stand with arms folded.

Mek takes note of the people slowly filtering in, but stays where he is for the time being, he hoped more were going to show up.

Eelim enters the area, the shirtless Aukami yawning into a fist as he moves towards the group. Oh wait. There's Nova. He moves towards the other pilot, "Whaddup whaddup." The thug greets, looking around as if unsure what to expect.

"You may as well begin," Rynnkk tells Mek as a couple of squads of marines show up and start to stand around in decorative formations.

Nova realizes the person speaking to her is Eelim and there's a roll of her eyes with a grunt in response. "Yes, begin. That would be splendid."

Mek hops off his wall and takes a long breath, being extremely introverted this should be interesting. "Well then, I guess to start I'll say welcome to the first training session; Ector is currently on sick leave, so i'll be taking point. I've stood in on a few of the traning ops ya'll have been doing and you all seem to work well with intrasquad and intersquad tactics. So for this session we'll be starting off with some of the basics of larger forces tactics." His tone stays steady and he makes sure he's loud enough to be heard well.

Eelim listens to the intro, nodding a bit as he glances around. He whispers something quietly, one hand scratching idly at his tattooed back.

Meanwhile, the one armed commander entertains himself by prowling around the back ranks of the formation. The marines in the formations all stand still, attention fixed on Mek. There are about thirty of them. Most are Pyracani, but there are some random outversers and Heykati.

Nova's expression remains passively stoic as she listens towards Mek's introduction, taking a moment to gather in the expressions of the Marines that are present as well. It's when she's whispered to that there's a smirk that crosses the woman's lips but the extent of her reaction remains just the smirk.

"This also provides the oprotunity for the commanders to get involved and start evolving their own tactics." Mek says, then does some quick mental math; "Alright, marines, split yourselves into two platoons of 18, three squads of 6 each, and 2 fireteams of three. Officers, take command of a squad each; Sir," he nods to the armed commander, "you and Rynnkk can take charge of a platoon each."

Eelim quietly snickers but quickly gets a grip of himself, making a sincere effort to listen and behave. He scratches his head, waiting for instruction for the pilots.

The maidsearr splits up his treun of marines up into seperate groups, giving Rynnkk the pick. Rynnkk picks at random, ending up with the B team. The maidsearr looks slightly relieved at having his deck loading having gone without comment. Anyway, Rynnkk looks over to Eelim and Nova, "Select sides, together or seperately."

"Seperate." Nova states quietly with a little smirk still playing upon her lips. "You may choose whichever grouping you wish to join, little one." The little one comment directed, rather humorously, towards Eelim.

"Alright, this is gunna be a simulated op of an assualt on an enemy stronghold; Setting will be a jungle, just before midnight. Intel is about as sketchy as 50 defenders, reasonably well armed and trained, unknown psi-users." Mek says, indicating that everyone should start either taking notes, or grabbing some gear from the lockers. Meanwhile he grabs some stuff for himself.

Eelim moves for the lockers to gear up, moving for B team. "You fucked up now," Eelim says to Nova.

If nothing else, the Pyracani do have the advantage of good night vision. The outversers and such get night vision goggles. Two marines from each of the groups end up getting lighter scouty gear. The rest, including Rynnkk, seem willing to act like heavy infantry punching bags. The maidsearr asks, "Support elements? Planet side artillery, atmo craft, space? Medevac? Infil site and method? Situation? Mission? Execution? Service and support? Command and signal?" It's possible that he's an old schooler with some sort of grudge against SF. Maybe not.

Mek starts spinning off answers in order, "No support avalable at this time; however medivac will be making trips with a 30 mike wait between calls. Infil sight will be through atmos entry about 5 clicks from the encampment. This is a simple tag and frag, we need to get a singnaling device into the center of the base so the 'Alopex' can blow it with a shot from its main weapon. Method of execution is up to you and Rynnkk. We have to get off the planet in 4 hours or risk locals joining the rebels force."

Nova goes to join the third group of Marines after getting some equipment. As she does she listens carefully to the details outlines by Mek, taking her time in a quick overlook of her team.

Eelim puts his gear on and gets into a group, preferring the projectile weaponry. He asks a few quiet questions to marines who help him understand atleast a little what to do.

"Too easy," says the maidsearr dude as he goes to suit up himself, putting on scouty McScoutmaster type gear. He and Rynnkk confer. There are some grunts, nods, and headshakes. Then, they bring the hasty op order over to Mek, allowing him to do the briefing. Meanwhile, Nova's team is made up of seasoned looking Pyracani marines - a mag and a couple of daolaighs. Mostly, they're just bantering badly, "At least there's normal grav. I won't have to beat you until you clean your puke off my gear again. Never met a marine that was so bad at zero-g in atmo."

"Remember, this op is meant to work on larger force tactics and interplatoon tactics. So play nice, and work together to acomplish the objective." Mek says while grabbing his usual stealthy Spec Ops loadout; "and to be clear, this is your op;" he looks at Rynnkk and the maidsearr, "I won't be giving commands, i'll be moving between the groups and taking notes; "Any questions?"

"What sort of hostile forces should we anticipate encountering?" Nova asks towards Mek as she checks her weapon once over and glances momentarily at Eelim. "And do we have time for the shirtless wonder to take a bath so his scent doesn't warn the opposition of our incursion?"

"And a muzzle for miss thang ova there? Her shrill voice would give us away as soon as we dropped in." Eelim counters, grin rising on his face. He puckers his lips and sends two kissy motions towards Nova, "They said 50 to 60 armed individuals with psionics. Jussayin." The Auk awaits the simulation.

Rynnkk and the maidsearr exchange somewhat amused looks. By somewhat, read very amused looks. Ignoring the byplay between Nova and Eelim for the time being, the maidsearr takes over, "You know the drill. Once we are in the VR, we set up the security perimeter. Scouts go out, report back on the best route available and hostile activity. Movement to contact which hopefully we avoid. The laochaigh will be trail, moving by squads. Standard shallow Vs. Once we get to the enemy position, we'll leave a two squad security detail to alert us to more hostiles and to keep our line of retreat open. Leap frogging, the rest will go in, standard MOUT tactics. If terrain permits, we'll have cover fire from the support position in the rear. That'll also be the primary aid station. Hold and secure rooms as we move to the center of the compound. On the way back, we just do it all backwards before moving to the exfil site."

One of Nova's new marine friends sniffs, rubbing at his eyes. "It burns." Apparently, they're already willing to back her over team B and Eelim.

Mek rolls his eyes, not angrily, but more just resigned with their fued. Ignoring the comments, he presses a button on his PDA to start the sim. The room changes into the jungle scene; very dark and slightly warm. Behind the group is a medium sized atmos entry craft which they had apparently rode in on. In front seems to be unending foliage.

With the shift to the new environment brought on by the VR Transition, Nova looks over at the others and crinkles her nose to emphasize her point before winking a bit. With the joking out of the way she sets to work with her team, following the orders the more experienced Marines issue.

Eelim snickers and offers a discreetly placed middle finger at the Pyracani marine, nodding to his crew. "Lets whoop that ass." He looks over his rifle and then up as the sim begins. "Damn. Ight." He keeps quiet then, tagging along with his fireteam. Well, more like following them and trying to imitate them.

Nova and her team end up on the southwestern side of the perimeter that the marines set up around the landing zone. Eelim, through some twist of fate, ends up right next to her. Meanwhile, Rynnkk is in the center of the perimeter on comms while the lightly armored dudes and the maidsearr start to creep forward in the direction that the compound is supposed to be, fanning out as they move forward. Judging from the muttering of the other marines, "This is the most dangerous part of the op. If they scoped us out on radar, we're kibbles and bits." Where the Pyracani got that phrase is anyone's guess. "We're lucky, though. It'd have been worse if we'd taken fire right before we could get out and set up the perimeter. Now, though, if they were just a bit too slow to do that, they can still hit us hard before we get to finish the mission, compromise the whole show."

Everyone has been given one Saga Point! Confetti points brought to you by: Brody!

Mek racks a round into his bullpup rifle and sets up in a shadow, trying to blend in to the darkness as he observes the perimiter and listens to the chatter. The scouts soon come upon what looks like a small encampment of rebels, they look to have a large outer wall made of sharpened logs and gun enmplacments around the lot. The guards seem completely unaware that there was a firefight about to happen.

The maidsearr and Rynnkkity-do-daw do some chatting and plotting with a map interface. The order is given to move out with grenade launcher teams dedicated to the towers on the near side of the encampment. Nova, for whatever reason, gets assigned a grenade launcher and tower to take out. Till then, though, the lead team - Nova's - has to get from the landing zone to the Fort Apache. Apparently, the plan is to just overwhelm it with superior fire power and the element of surprise. They do, however, intend to set up some command detonated mines on the flanks of the fire support team to help ensure they don't get over run while their buddies are storming the fortress.

Mek keys into the interface the commanders were using and takes a look at the plan; and in typical style, starts considering ways to make life a bit more difficult. Such as adding a few deterence traps like spike pits around the fortress. He could almost smell the impending firefight and notice every movement down to a fraction of an inch.

The marines aren't quite as dumb as they look. The scouts remain out front, spread across a wide front. The squads are moving in shallow Vs in a kind of figure eight pattern, two up front more or less in line with each other. One trailing behind them. Then, the lead squad of the trail treun behind them with two squads in line behind them in turn. Anyway, the spacing per marine is about five to ten meters and per squad about thirty to fifty, depending on terrain.

Mek follows behind one of the teams, keeping silent and watching; he was used to being like a ghost and didn't mind it at all. He notes the good spacing and coordinated movements between the forces. He double checks his equipment as they near the point of attack.

Derp, derp, the dudes who have been assigned to take out the near side watch towers take positions, do some wind calculation, some vectors, whatever. The other dudes with the heavy weapons set up their fire support position on whatever high ground they can find. It'll double duty as the aid station, and the medic stays there while assistant gunners go set up the mines, notifying everybody of their locations. Then, the scouts do some last minute snooping and pooping as the marines form up loosely on the edge of whatever clearing surrounds the fortress. Smoke canisters are prepped, last minute equipment checks are done.

Creeping along with the front team, Nova glances towards a couple of the Marines nearby, her voice being very quiet as she speaks into her com unit. "Has anyone thought of a method to this that doesn't involve explosions and violence?"

"You could try taking the beacon in in a fruit basket," one marine suggests to Nova.

Mek takes up the chance to respond to Nova, "Yes, thats what i'm trained for... but its very difficult to pull off." he says, then flicks off his safety; waiting for mayhem to ensue.

And then, there was a firefight. Over the comms that even the lowliest marines have, the order is given to engage the enemy. Small one time use rockets get launched at the wall to blow a breach, grenades get launched at the towers to cripple the sentries, suppressive fire starts up in well controlled bursts from the marines in the overwatch position as smoke grenades get thrown and the first squad of marines, Nova's squad, start to advance in the vague hope that the rockets, grenades, and machine gun fire are all doing the trick. The marine tells Nova, "We get to the breach, hold it for the next squad to leapfrog past to the next bit of cover or building. They'll be twenty seconds or so behind us, so shoot stuff quick."

"Shoot stuff quick he says." Nova quips shaking her head as the explosions of chaos hit. Looking over the approach as they reach the breach (hey poetry!) the pilot whips out the energy pistol and holds it up as she approaches. Blue eyes dart about as she looks for angles of approach that will keep her concealed and safe but provide that nice avenue of attacking.

The rebel camp seems pretty well caught off guard, most of them are in thier bunks at the moment. But like any good camp, the guards; caught in surprise; are starting to gather themselves and set up their practiced lines of fire. Mek decides to take a longer stealther route, roping over the side and watching the attack from the rebel's point of view.

That doesn't bother the marines too much. Well, it does, but it was an expected bother. The dudes securing the breach tell Nova, "Try to get up on the wall to give us a better vantage point." Meanwhile, there's more grenades being lobbed at random into the camp from the marines outside. That stops when the second and third squads go pouring through the breach at about the same time. Fourth and final squads are twenty seconds behind them. Meanwhile, Rynnkk himself is up at the fire support/aid station position to the rear of the breach. The maidsearr has fallen in with the fifth squad.

"Get up the wall, what do I look like a bloody spider?!" The snappish response from Nova comes as she starts looking at the wall. "Climb the wall, the hell." With a growl she bypasses looking at the wall to try and find a nearby rampart leaning against the wall, heading in its direction. "Climb the wall, fly the shuttle. Next they'll be asking me to dance the hula." Jumping up she grabs ahold of the leaning rampart and begins to swing her legs to gain momentum in order to propel herself upwards towards the wall.

The defenders start sounding the alarm, if the grendes wern't enough now there is a blaring horn added to the mix. Sleepy rebels start coming out of barracks half dressed, but with weapons in hand; anyone that was awake is either already dead, or organizing the defence. Mek just watches from a shadow, completely hidden up on a raised part of the wall.

"I don't know what a spider is," admits the Pyracani marine as he caps some foo' in the head. The first squad through the breach has swung left as they try to secure what turns out to be the shower facilities. The other squad, across from them, is being pinned down by a rebel machine gun nest. It's pretty unfortunate. The fifth squad, with the maidsearr, starts to inch further right in order to flank the machine gun nest/bunker contraption. The fourth squad leapfrogs past the squad holding the showers down. Meanwhile, Rynnkk is on comms talking to Nova, "Give me targets for the mortars! I need targets!" There was a reason she was tasked with climbing the wall.

Dangling upside down with her legs hooked over the edge of the wall, Nova glares up in the direction she might suspect Rynnkk is at, hair hanging in her face. Into her comm she snaps, "Does this look easy?" Growling she pull herself up the rest of the way to the top of the wall and looks around to start spotting. A quick check of the mortar teams and the pilot begins to rattle off degree measures and distance estimates for the artillery to make their presence known at.

It now becomes quite obvious that there are quite a few more than just 50 defenders. In fact, if one were not shooting, one would wonder where the hell they kept coming from. But now they were positivly pouring out of the barracks and returning fire in slightly more orginized fasions. Mek decides to join in the fighing a bit now, by jumping on the nearest fighter and simply jamming his rifle's stock into the mans neck.

The mortar, nothing fancy just a lone sixty, gets called upon to engage the bunker that was situated to defend the main gate but got called upon to defend the breach instead. Rounds start to drop. The maidsearr and Co., the closest friendlies, go down on their bellies. Meanwhile along the other side of the compound, the advance falters as the marines start unloading on the barracks. Just unleashing whatever they have, throwing grenades, whatever. Rynnkk in the fire support postition works on coordinating the mortar with the hottest of hot spots.

Using her position atop the wall, Nova waits while enemy forces run past her position before peeking up a bit from her normally prone position to fire a few energy shots at the backs of the soldiers. With the firing completed, she quickly lays back down to try and remain as concealed as possible from the intel spot.

The resistance starts to faulter, rebels start moving back and trying to retreat to more defendable postions. They may have more numbers, but the marines were starting to take the upper hand. Mek starts firing short three round salvos of suppressed fire into the backs of some of the rebels. but mainly working on staying hidden and advancing through the camp. He was quite impressed on how realistic these sims were.

The maidsearr plants the device, announcing it over comms. This is the signal for things to start pulling back towards Rynnk's position. It's pretty much just the reverse of what happened to get them this far. The marines start to fall back, consolidating as they go towards the breach.

"Climb the wall, pull back." Nova grumbles a bit and whistles towards one of the withdrawing Marines. "Catch!" She hollars towards him as she rolls herself over the side of the wall, trusting that the Marine beneath will actually catch the falling human. At least she classifies as 'small'.

Mek throws a knife into one of the rebels as he vaults over the wall using the rope he used to get in with. Then basically hauled ass from the wall. The rebels act extremely confused, one second they were losing, the next the marines were retreating. It takes them a few seconds to try and put together whats going on.

While the rebels figure out what's going on, the marines work on getting gone. They put two scouts up front and two in the trail. Then, they move out in the same figure out patrol pattern as before with the trail scouts leaving a couple of mines for anyone who cares to follow the path they carve as they make their exit.

The marines do, in fact, catch Nova. "Good job."

"For a pilot," says another. High praise all the same.

Mek picks his way back to the tree line and dissapears into it; heading back to the shuttle craft. The rebels, in typical rebel-ness; still have no clue whats going on. A few try to follow the marines out and get dusted by the mines from the scouts.

"Good job. For a grunt." Nova snips back as she makes her way towards the shuttle craft with her Marine team. "And next time, one of you with claws can climb the wall.."

"You're lighter," the marines counter as they hustle along. A couple chuckle as the mines explode behind them. A perimeter gets set up as they reach the shuttle with the marines filing into the bird in two rapidly moving columns with the perimeter shrinking as each marine loads.

Mek walks casually out of the tree line after everyones loaded up, and steps onto the craft. As it starts lifing off his holds up three fingers, and counts down. Right on the one, a simulated shot from the Alopex decimates the entire camp and a 2 click radius around it. The atmos crafts have the perfect viewing angle from mid air, and Mek smiles as he looks out; "Well, end of the line folks."

Settling into the shuttle seat, Nova brushes her hands. "All in a day's work... sort of. Well no, not really." The pilot does stretch her arms though.

The simulation snaps back to reality as the training op ends. "Good job," grunts Rynnkk.

"Indeed. I'll have the report on your desk in 24. if you want it more detailed it will take longer." Mek says, shedding his gear except for his usual compliment.

"That is acceptable," nods Rynnkk before he heads off to talk with the maidsearr.

Return to 2653 CE.