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Revision as of 19:46, 1 September 2011 by ShanG (Talk | contribs) (Usage)

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The +look command is used similarly to look and provides a description and information about a player, thing, or vobject.


+look me
+look [here]
+look <target>
  • Here (or nothing) will look at the room you're currently in.
  • Me will look at yourself.
  • <Target> will look at a Player or Vobject in the same room, or in your inventory.

The output varies depending on what you're looking at:

  • Looking at the room will show a list of Vobjects currently there.
  • Looking at a player will show you their name, description, any vobjects they have equipped, and any wounds they have.
  • Looking at a Vobject will show you its name, its parent if it has been renamed, its description, and other stuff.