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Downtown - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~ Consisting of four main streets with a combination goverment/law enforcement building in the center, building here has begun to fill in, and is pleasantly landscaped with a great view of the teal sea. Save for the aforementioned government/law enforcement building, a sanitation facility, and a desalination facility, the Outversers have been left to their own devices in creating infrastructure. Fused sand pathways lead west towards the western edge of town and the beach beyond, and east towards the settlement's docks and landing pad. ~~ Ulgir already knows the answer, but he turns back to Starsky to see what his answer is for Wormhole.

Starsky nods thoughtfully looking to Wormhole, curiousity in his eyes as he gazes, "I do believe that is what they call me, for some reason or other," the Riftwalker says, "Are you one as well?" he asks, Starsky, Ulgir, and Wormhole are gathered in front of the Tavern.

Coming in from the direction of the docks, Dirionis is more or less on a bee line route for the Eiru government building, puffing on a square as he strides along. The cigarette is arched away with a flick as it nears its end, and the merc pulls his hood off his head as he nears the structure.

Vessa Harden enters from the direction of the hospital and catches sight of Diri as he heads to the government building, she turns her feet to that same direction.

Starsky nods thoughtfully looking to Wormhole, curiousity in his eyes as he gazes, "I do believe that is what they call me, for some reason or other," the Riftwalker says, "Are you one as well?" he asks, Starsky, Ulgir, and Wormhole are gathered in front of the Tavern. (repose for Starsky) Wormhole nods slowly and smiles, "I am one...I figured as much but didn't want to assume...did you just arrive here?"

Government/Law Enforcement Building - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~ Clean and spacious, the lobby area of this office building is of functional, unpolished dark-gray basalt and painted white panels, with a few skylights letting light in from above. There is a large space for some kind of centerpiece like a fountain or some greenery, but nothing has yet been set up. A large office right next to the front doors is dedicated to the law enforcement wing, with Eiru Police stenciled on the glass swinging door. A bit further back, a crisscrossing warren of corridors pass the offices of various government divisions, from sanitation to parks and recreation, to electrical workers. A back exit is propped open for much of the day, where the mionta smokers congregate on breaks. ~~ Cell - <Eiru, Pyracan> - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~ Simple but clean, this twenty by ten plascrete cell features a two-bed bunk bed, a bolted-down chair and desk, a simple toilet and a padded sink. Stun field-charged bars line one side of the cell, and an optional thin psi blocking field can be set across the bars to prevent psionic intrusion. A sturdy metal door leads out into the police station. ~~ Ever since turning himself into the authorities, Nix has spent his time in quiet contemplation and meditation on the floor of his cell. Still dressed in the same clothing and robes the last day he was in the tavern. Cross-legged, eyes-shut and his hands held together in some sort of strange meditative posture, he looks rather serene. Dirionis steps into the cell area, hands in his coat pockets as he calmly beelines towards Nix's cell and pauses short of the stun field bars. He waits a few moments before calling his buddies name. "Nix." Nixkamich doesn't rightly reply for first few heartbeats, his mind possibly 'elsewhere'. But he does come back to reality. "I was wondering at what point you were going to make an appearence. Vessa Harden steps into the room but keeps her distance, not seeming happy to see Nix in the cell but otherwise she gives Diri and Nix privacy Nixkamich doesn't rightly reply for first few heartbeats, his mind possibly 'elsewhere'. But he does come back to reality. "I was wondering at what point you were going to make an appearence." The eyes stay closed for the time being. "However, you did not have to come. I will see to it that the consequences of my actions are followed through accordingly." "Soon as I found out," Diri replies to the Qua, hands withdrawing from his pockets as he folds arms across his chest. "You were assualted. That Tracy Fargon or whoever has been trying to and succeeding in plantin' neural chips on people. She's the one that should be in this cell." The Lunite glances at Vessa for a brief moment. Vessa Harden comes forward at the look and nods, "Hey," she says to Nix a frown on her face, "How is it you ended up in here, I specifically redirected the Sheriff to that Tracy woman and omitted you." she turns to Diri, "I am planning to ask that doc from the other day about those chips, she might have information about how something like that might work and I have been making inroads to become a cop, and turned the Sheriffs attention to that Tracy woman, I am trying to gain access to what information this place might have on her." "Be that the case, I lost control of my better actions. In broad daylight." Nix replies slowly. "I turned myself in for my actions. I could not, in good concience, let what I did stand. Were this Tomin Kora, it would be a different matter. But there is law on Eiru, and I am bound to follow that law. Whatever this woman may of done, I assaulted her with a deadly weapon. My honor requires me to face a punishment for those actions." Finally his eyes carefully open. "And I could not see you be blamed since you were in the room. I do not know this Tracy, or what her game is, or why she tried to plant the chip on me. That's for you to find out." A small nod goes to Vessa. "I appreciate the gesture, but I know what I did, even if it was I that was assualted to begin with. The force that I used was uneeded. She angered me, and I acted out of fury, rather than a controlled hand." "You aprehended a dangerous criminal," Diri says in response, letting his arms fall as he looks away, then to Vessa. "A cop, huh? You do it all." The merc thinks a moment before he looks back to the Qua behind bars. "You gave her plenty of opportunities to stop resistin'. Come on, Nix. You got somewhere to be and it aint in here." A glance back at Vessa, "Good work, nevertheless." Vessa Harden shakes her head with a sigh, "I dunno Diri, I just hope I can make this work." she bows to Nix, "You are an honorable person, I understand why you did what you did." she then thinks a long moment, "I didn't tell him anything about Nix, or the situation with you and the girl. Just my concern that she is being controlled against her will. I am just hoping I can separate the two, get that Tracy woman away from that mountain of a bodyguard and away from the girl long enough to see if we can snap her out of it. There is a call out to take her in for questioning right now. It seems I was deputized but on probation till Katrin approves." she sighs again, "I just hope it is enough" "Spare me, Dirionis." Nix replies, eyerolling. "I played Ungstiri Roulette with her head. I think that might be a bit excessive. The point is, I will not walk around this city acting like I did not commit a crime and lie about it. There is no honor in that. Should the powers that be here on Eiru decide to let me go, I will gladly accept their judgement." Looking between the two, he shrugs. "You must get to the bottom of this, I cannot help you. I have made her fear and she knows that there are those here that will not hesistate to punish her. But you must find out why she has done all this. It is obvious this Tracy controls whatever version of Franceza this is, but the main question is why. Why is it so important to her. Does she have some kind of vendetta against you? Something that would spurn her to go through all this trouble? She mentioned something to you while you were trying to drag Franceza away. Something you said happened when you were young. Do you think that had any bearing on this? Keep in mind, for the moment, we are playing her little ego game and dancing to her whims, nevermind how much she seems to take pleasure in dragging others into this affair." "She may've been related to Jim Fargon...He was a gambler, won a ship on a poker game. Fargon's chance. I was 21 at the time, fresh in the New Luna militia. We had a salvage mission into the Avernus Cluster, Shinadrin drift. Pickin up some ion engines for Hancock's cannons. Well Fargons chance tried to flag it as theirs as we were headed for it." The merc frowns a touch, looking from Vessa back to Nix. "Captain ordered a warnin' shot. Except the gunner missed. Went clean into the Chance, sent it into a tailspin into an asteroid. Rather than movin' to help...We grabbed the engines and told them we'd relay their distress call. Didnt matter though. Reactor went critical and killed everyone aboard. Or so I thought. Seems Tracy caught a last second escape pod." The merc clears his throat. "This must be some act of revenge." Vessa Harden frowns a bit, "Diri, did she go after the rest of the crew of just you?" she asks as the thought occurs to her, "Are you still in contact with any of them?" Seems like Vessa already asked Nix's next question. But he's quiet as he considers what he's heard. "Sounds like a motive for revenge enough. Though that is a feat, kidnapp your woman and exchange her with a duplicate that always faithful to her? That sure seems what's implied from what people involved have already stated. This Tracy, this woman, wants to see you crumble mentally and emotionally. Most likely she's going to try to take away everything you care about. And probably through this version of Franceza. My guess, as it is, would be to assume this new Franceza is not the one that you know. She apparently has no fear of death, or it's a bluff. Though, if your story is true, she might have nothing left to live for besides seeing you brought down. You friend is right, what role did you play in that affair? Or are you simply the last man standing from the crew of that particular ship?" "Either that or she got implanted with one of those chips," Dirionis responds, rubbing at his temples. "She couldn't be...Behind all of it?...You think -she- could've rifted Franceza away?" The merc swallows hard. "At one point she implanted a chip on Raisa too." The merc steps away, pacing just a touch, slowly striding one way then the next. His ocean blue hues shift to Vessa, "I havent seen them. Or even know if their in Hiverspace. This was a long time ago." A look to Nix, "They give you a call? Al know your here?" Vessa Harden thinks about this a long moment, "Why would she even know about you and Franceza? Why would she know so much about your life and why you specifically?" she then looks up, "Al? Alhambra?" she looks confused. "I also thought this might not be the same woman but if you think about this in a broad scope, she could be anything from a clone to the real deal and either way you look at it she is her own person who seems to have memories and feelings for Diri. I cannot accept someone controlling another regardless of the situation that other came to be. I will do everything I can to free her, what she does after is up to her." "I can do very little from here. But, if she wants to control you?" Nix shrugs. "Do not acknowlege her exisistance. She gets all of her joy out of see your reaction, your pain from all of this. You take that away from her, and you will make her drastic. However, that would cause you feign feeling nothing for Franceza. If we are correct to assume that Tracy wishes to punish you, then you cannot give her the pleasure of that. You must make her accomplishments feel hollow and meaningless. I saw how she regarded Franceza. Very poorly, as if she was just a means to an end. That suggests to me that what happens to you far outweighs what happens to her." He shakes his head. "No, I have not. If you could let her know, that would be appreciated. However, it will be meal time for those in the holding cells. But feel free visit again." Dirionis listens to Nix, nodding every here and there and then looking to Vessa. "If you want to help bring her down, thats fine with me. We gotta be careful though." The merc nods back to Nix, and moves to exit the cell area. A look to Vessa, "And make sure she doesn't get one of those chips on you." Vessa Harden nods as she follows Diri, giving Nix a respectful nod, "I had already thought of that. I want to do this very carefully, keeping an eye on who is around when we speak of it and also take her down legally but use what we can without the cops knowing of the REM involvement, that is why I didn't tell the sheriff I work for you. I am sure he will find out but the less I say to associate REM with this woman the better."

Government/Law Enforcement Building - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~ Clean and spacious, the lobby area of this office building is of functional, unpolished dark-gray basalt and painted white panels, with a few skylights letting light in from above. There is a large space for some kind of centerpiece like a fountain or some greenery, but nothing has yet been set up. A large office right next to the front doors is dedicated to the law enforcement wing, with Eiru Police stenciled on the glass swinging door. A bit further back, a crisscrossing warren of corridors pass the offices of various government divisions, from sanitation to parks and recreation, to electrical workers. A back exit is propped open for much of the day, where the mionta smokers congregate on breaks. ~~ Raisa and Alhambra are walking through the Government building, looking for the Police Department. "For such a little island, this place is kinda big," she mutters to herself. Starsky follows along with Raisa and Alhambra with curiousity as they enter the building, and it seems he's trying to not get too close to them to be a bother for the moment. Dirionis steps out of the building with Vessa in tow. "Some bullshit." He mutters under his breath as he glances back at Vessa, removing a cigarette and perching it between his lips, lighting it with a flick. He puffs out an exhale, looking around. Spotting Raisa and Al, he starts towards them, craning his head as he peers past them towards Starsky with a raised brow. Vessa Harden follows along with a grin, "Oh certainly. Even still, caution is wise." seeing Raisa and Al she nods a greeting to both, far less energetic then is her norm. Alhambra rubs her head. "Man I'm just tired, can somebody tell me what the fuck is going on here? Please?" Upon spying Diri, Raisa moves across the open space to join the other Lunite, wrapping her arms around him in greeting. "What's going on? Something to do with that crazy bitch, Tracy?" she asks quietly. Starsky observes for the moment, and smiles to Dirionis when he notices the peering, curiousity in his eyes as he takes in the surroundings, Pretty building," the Riftwalker says. Rowland Parnell puffs on his oak pipe despite the rather obvious rules, leaning on a counter nearby. "Some big native-looking bludger shot a women right in the leg! From what I've heard, anyway. Just caught wind of it." Vessa Harden shows mild surprise at Rowland's words, "Is that so? What else have you heard?" she asks as she moves over, "I am Vessa by the way, nice to meet you." "Yeah." Diri mutters back, taking the cigarette from his lips into his gloved hand, exhaling away before planting a peck on Raisa's cheek. "When we were in the tavern. She tried to plant a chip on Nix, he retaliated, and now he's in jail." A frown shows Diri doesn't like the idea of it, stepping towards Al, "This woman named Tracy. We think she has some sort of vendetta against me. She bumped into Nix in the tavern and tried to tag him with some sort of neural chip. He...Defended himself. She should be the one in the cell. She already planted one on Raisa," A look towards the other Lunite. Starsky just gets a glance before the merc takes another puff of his cigarette. Alhambra blinks several times, and tilts her head. "Wait... what? When the hell did this happen? And why the fuck didn't anybody call me? He's been gone for fucking -days-, man, I thought it was off doing some kind of macho bullshit. Who the fuck's this Tracy bitch? Did she get away?" She makes a low, subvocal noise in her throat, and starts rummaging around in her own coat for cigarettes. "What the hell's a bludger? Is that insulting? Should I be fucking insulted?" Raisa shudders a little at the explanation and inches a bit closer to Diri. "That woman really is a royal pain in my ass. Going after everyone by the looks of it. Still haven't quite seen the extent of what these chips will do to a person." She frowns in Alhambra's direction. "Al, not the place," she intones quietly. "We'll get him out." She gestures back toward the other Lunite. "Let's just get outta here for right now." Rowland Parnell shakes his head, wagging his pipe at Vessa, then Dirionis, "Well there you have it, miss Vessa. I didn't handle this case, I imagine Sherriff Lyddmull will have a say in it at some point. He-" And then Alhambra rumbles and he suddenly clears his throat. "Pardon my language, ma'am... No insult intended. He seems tame enough..." Vessa Harden nods to Rowland with a smile, "Thanks, that about does it." she looks between Al and the cell then nods, "I agree Diri, moving would be advisable." Starsky looks about at all the commotion, and walks over to where Vessa and Rowland are, tilting his head slightly, "Can I help?" he asks with simplicity, and smiles a bit. Alhambra yells down the hallway in the direction of the cells, "Why the HELL didn't you call me, you goddamn proud macho jackass?! Son of a b..." Canting her head back towards the rest of the group, like a large animal, she looks between Diri and Raisa. "...nnnnh," she growls, softly. "Fine. Fuck's sake." Raisa moves forward to try and gently take Alhambra by the arm to lead her back out of the building. "You can call him a jackass as many times as you'd like after we get him out," she says lightly. "For now, let's go before we make a scene and wind up joining him in the cell." She looks over her shoulder. "Love?" she inquires and then starts walking back toward the exit. Vessa Harden follows along in behind Al and Raisa assuming Diri will be joining along as well. Dirionis stares down Rowland a moment and takes another inhale before removing the glove on his hand and ashing his cigarette out on one of his cybernetic fingers, the middle one, and then proceeds to tuck the cig short behind his ear. He looks to Starsky, wiping away the ash on his metal digit before putting his glove back on. "No." He eyes the group. "Lets go then." Eyes dart to Rowland, "You law enforcement? Find this Tracy Fargon. She's the real criminal. God bless us if we could get a decent law enforcement force that doesn't arrest the wrong fuckin' people." The merc looks away then, towards Al, "Who knows if he even got a phone call. Im suprised the cells weren't made of sticks." Diri starts stepping away then with a frown, one hand resting on Raisa's lower back as joins her, "I'm here." He looks back to Al, "C'mon Al. Lets get a drink and figure this shit out." "Hrn," Rowland grunts, putting out his smoke. "Oh lad, I assure you they've got people on it. If the big fellow hasn't done wrong, he'll be free soon enough. Though you can't simply run around waving barkers about, now can you! He, ah, turned himself in, at least. That's in his favor." He lingers, watching them depart, simply shrugging at Starsky. Starsky blinks as most ignore him, or give simple replies, and frowns thoughtfully, "This is a really bad dream," he says, and should the group leave he might follow, for now however he stares angrily in turn to everyone gathered, "Just as bad as those you claim to be the bad guys," he says simply. Vessa Harden looks over her shoulder at Starsky, "Eh? Bad dream is it?" she seems to think a moment, "Sometimes I wonder if you may not be right." still heading off with the rest of them as she says this. "Take it easy with the touchy feely, Missy Raisa," Al replies, but follows along docilely enough, with only a bewildered, "What the hell is a barker? Where did they get this guy, Crumpetville?" Her boots clomp along the floor. "Aw, shove off, Princess Sparklepony. There's got to be a teddy bears picnic you can crash." "I'll buy ya dinner before I go any lower," Raisa replies with a wink to Alhambra before guiding the tall woman out of the building. She seems to relax a touch at the physical contact between herself and Diri, offering him a smile before stepping outside. "First round's on me, Al. And I promise I won't grope you or anything." Starsky frowns at the comment, however he continues to follow along.

Bull and Hawk Tavern - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~ The large first floor of is home of the Bull and Hawk Tavern, built entirely of dark woods. Walls have been paneled in the same wood as the bar, polished and kept free of dust or grime that could come from daily interactions. High on the walls, near the ceiling are carvings of the hawk in silent flight or the stampeding bull. The designs make their way around the entire border, lending to the establishment's name. A C-shaped bar sits against the back wall with cushioned stools lining the entire length.

       A hearth is located on against the right wall, with a large marble mantle carved with six figures - a wildcat, a raven, a mongoose, a horse and rider, a bear and in the center, a rampaging bull. Freestanding tables dot the open the floor, about a dozen in total, some near the hearth. In colder weather, a fire roars there, but during the warmer months, it remains empty, or has decorative baskets lying inside. Hanging above the mantle is a banner of brown silk with a rampaging bull featured prominently. Flying overhead and just slightly smaller is the image of a striking hawk.
       Lining both left and right walls are luxurious booths. Each of these booths is more of a cocoon of wooden warmth, lined by velvet cushions of a deep red. Instead of merely just a place to eat a meal and talk, the booths are literally carved from wood, with unique tables settled inbetween two high backed bench-liked structures that curve upwards to the ceiling. The outline of the two seats as they face each other is roughly oval shape, but each booth has its own small variation to create a uniqueness to each spot. To add to this uniqueness, designs have been painted on each of the wood frames, each depicting something different. Some are just flower designs, while others repeat the figures on display along the hearth's mantle. Gauzy red curtains are tied back at each booth, easily released in case the diners prefer a more intimate experience.
       On the left side of the bar is a door that leads into the kitchen, succulent smells drifting outwards at all times of the day from featured cuisines of many different cultures. To the right is a large staircase that leads to the second floor, the railing carved with a pattern of roses.
       Electricity has very subtly been brought into play through the whole tavern and inn, soft and subtle lights hidden high in the ceiling.

~~ "Lets get fucked up, honestly. That shits stupid." Diri grumbles, stepping inside and holding the door for everyone. A look to tender, "Round of shots?...Whatever your special is today." The merc looks to Al, "And to answer you, Tracy is still out and about. So its up to us to deal with her ass." The tavern is quite lively around this time, but theres available tables, booths and spots at the bar. Vessa Harden walks in through the open door and nods a thanks to Diri for holding it, she then heads to the bar and quietly asks for a beer before waiting for everyone else to get their drinks and figure out where they will settle. "Well, that's good 'cause I got a headache tonight," Al drawls in reply to Raisa, mirthlessly, trailing around after the Lunites like an unhappy circus bear. She beelines for the bar. "Yeah? Where the hell is she, I will bounce her offa the floor like a motherfucking rubber Macy's mannequin, I tell you what. She tries to put a chip in my head I'll make her eat it. And I mean god-dammit- Nix, the hell's he thinking -shooting- somebody? Jesus H Rice Krispies Christ, what is this world coming to? Ought to just get in my goddamn car and start driving." Starsky follows everyone along into the Tavern, and to the general area of the bar, observing them for the moment and tilting his head slightly, "Why is everyone using such horrible language?" he asks. Raisa opens her mouth to reply to Alhambra and Diri but stops as she observes Starsky. "Because we're fucking pissed about a damned woman and her screwing with our heads," she replies hotly to the Riftwalker. "Try and understand emotion for a sec and then maybe you'd understand why we express it with swearing." She roll sher eyes. "And if you don't like our language, no one is forcing you to stay here. Get lost. Actually, no one /wants/ you hanging around and eavesdropping on our conversations so beat it, ya freak of nature." Vessa Harden looks a bit surprised but too tired to say anything on the matter and simply takes a long pull of her beer quietly. Settling near the others to offer what insight might occur to her should the need arise but not really feeling the energy to do more than that. "The bitch is crazy," Diri explains to Alhambra, moving for the bar and starting to dole out shots to the group, one is slide to Vessa, Al and Raisa. As Starsky speaks up, the merc shakes his head and responds, "Why are you followin' us? You can tell we're not in a good mood, and as far as I understand, you've been trailin' one of my best friends and my girl to the jail too. I don't appreciate that, and i'm in a fantastic mood to dish out some ass whoopin'. So right. What my girl said." He sits on a barstool then and breathes out, relaxing just a tad. "Ready another round." He says to the tender. A look to the group, and he raises his shot glass. "To gettin' Nix back." He throws back the liquer, eyeing the others to see if they follow suit. The bartender quietly readies four more. "Oh for crap's sake. I thought you said you weren't a kid, Princess. What are you gonna do, man, make the world better shoving daff-o-dills and rainbows and puppies up people's noses? Gimme a break, man. You're not gonna HELP anybody by not listening to 'em. Why don't you hit the mainland, maybe the Nu Auberge has got a birthday party you can go put on that sparkly joy-joy fairy act at," Al grouses, knocking back a shot and then swallowing the entire thing with another one of her subvocal growls. "Fuck," she rumbles. "Ain't even got him back from the LAST bullshit, now I got some bitch trying to chip him like he was a goddamn Schnauzer? I'ma flip her like a ragdoll." She knocks on the bar. "Again." Starsky growls deeply at the words, tired of the constant barrage of words, "Freak of nature, ass-whuppin?" he asks, and sprouts his wings and tail from his robe, his eyes staring right towards Dirionis and Raisa, the wings spread menacingly outwards to full span, "Do not insult me in the realm that is my own," the Riftwalker says, "I could easily destroy you two with merely my thoughts!" he yells loudly, "Who are you to call me freak?" with wings spanned out, and his words, he seems to try to and intimidate the two, a stare given to Alhambra as well on the side. Vessa Harden eyes the riftwalker with a raised eyebrow and seems interested in the display, she takes up the shot and eyes it a moment before raising the glass and repeating Diri's toast quietly before downing it with a sigh at the burn. Raisa returns Starsky's stare blandly, and then breaks out laughing. She nudges Diri in the gut, "Y'hear him, love?" she asks with a chortle. "'Don't insult me in the realm that's my own,'" she mimics, continuing to snicker. "What the hell is wrong with you?" The spreading of the wings just seems to amuse the Lunite woman even more. "Y'gonna fly away like a pretty little bird?" Her eyes roll. "Don't fuck with me."

The bouncer Jaren strides over to the group, clearing his throat. "Hey, keep it civil in here or we're gonna have to ask you to leave. Understand me?" He looks at everyone, from Raisa and Alhambra, over to Starsky. "We don't want any fighting happening in here." Alhambra cringes away from all the yelling and the display. "Oh Judas Priest," she rumbles, frantically pawing at her PDA to get it out of the holster. "I'ma call the cops on this..." She trails off as the bouncer gets involved, and just scoots her barstool farther away from the mess. "Let the pros take care of it, then. Get that fruit bat out of here, he seems right dangerous." Dirionis clinks his empty shot glass down a couple times on the counter top, getting a bit more agitated as he glances at Starsky, unimpressed. "Fuck off. This is my last warnin'." "Everybody relax here," The bartender tells the group, as another shot is set in front of Al, Vessa, Raisa and Diri. "We don't want any trouble. Can I get anyone another drink?"

Diri drinks his shot down again and smirks just a bit at Raisa, chuckling. "Jesus." A look to the tender. "Gunwale ale, another round of shots." He just drums fingers on the counter, agitated. Vessa Harden looks just as carefully at the next shot before deciding it would go the same way as the first, knocking it back with another sigh, she takes another sip of her beer and seems to be content to watch and listen for the moment. Starsky stares at the group again, and frowns, this time his voice calmer as he speaks, and a strangely honest smile places itself on his face, "Please take back those rude comments," he says, curling his wings back in, and sliding his tail back inside his robe to curl it around himself again, "I am with the nice kind men who don't want anyone to get hurt, and all I did was try to be nice," although he's smiling, if he could possibly cry his face would express that he would possibly be doing so, and he stands a bit closer between the group where they are, "We should all be friends." "Do I look like I want any goddamn trouble..." Al starts to say to the bartender, and then trails off. "...well I suppose as if I do..." She just shakes her head at Starsky, reaching for the latest presented drink with obvious unease. "Uh, no dude, you just showed your teeth, and now you wanna be pals? That ain't right. I don't want to be nowhere near you as you are an openly frightening creature. That show just there? Made me wanna call the cops. You just get back please." "I'm not friends with weirdos," Raisa replies shortly. "You've been told repeatedly to get lost and you haven't listened. So I'll say it again. Go the hell away. We don't want you here. You're annoying and a total creeper to just follow us around the town. You keep this up, I'll file a fucking stalking claim with the Sheriff." Her eyes roll and she picks up her shot, downing it. Diri knocks down the third shot and looks towards the ceiling. "Lord give me strength." His beer arrives and he chases the liquer with a long sip. The quick injection of alcohol into his system allows him a small smile and he looks across the counter, pointedly ignoring Starsky. "So. I say next time we find this Tracy, we don't let her get away. Figure out what this is about and go from there." A glance at Al, "...I don't know what the courts gonna rule, but...I can hire a decent lawyer for him. Problem is his...Stubborn honor isn't helpin. Admirable as it is." He exhales lightly again, looking to Vessa. "So. A cop? You don't think you'll be overwhelmed? Thats a lot of obligations." Finally, eyes rest on Raisa, small smile forming. "Always some shit goin' down preventin' us from a normal night." A weakly amused smile. Vessa Harden sighs looking rather tired at this point, "I was just figuring it would be the best way to get the info we need and also take the heat and attention from REM. The woman is more than dangerous, she seems like a psychopath and frankly she scares the shit out of me. I figure that while Eiru might be small they have to be connected to a larger source of information that by being a cop, however long for, I could have access to that information and give it to you." Starsky frowns, and tilts his head slightly, "I'm not a freak," he says, and gives Dirionis and Raisa a slight shove with his hands on either side, and growls slightly, moving away from between them a bit he sits on a seat not far and looks around, smiling now and admiring the architecture. As the hand comes down to shove at Raisa, the Lunite snarls in anger and bats aside the attack and brings a hard strike down to try and break the offending wrist. Of course, she comes face to face with an unseen shield. "Coward, hiding behind your fucking mind games," she growls. "You stay the fuck away from me, you hear?"

The bouncer seems to have had enough of this fighting and everyone can hear the sound of two weapons being cocked and pointed at both parties. "Now I asked nicely and no one seemed to listen. You two-" And he motions towards Diri and Raisa. "And you-" Other gun at Starsky. "Get the fuck out of here and /stay/ out until you get permission to come back in by Miss Katrin. Or I'm calling the cops." Alhambra grunts, knocking the next shot back with a wince. "I ain't had a normal night in months, and I ain't admiring Nix's stubborn honor any more, either. An' me without any emergency vodka or anywhere else to go..." She just trails off with a furrowed brow and an expression of sheer bewilderment. "...did a goddamn fight just break out?" Shrug. "Somebody beer me." "That's it," Diri grumbles, catching the arm about the same time Raisa does and stepping off the stool with an obviously pissed off look. "Don't fuckin' touch us." He growls out, striking in unison with Raisa towards Starsky's throat. It too is blocked. He glares towards the bouncer. "Fine. But you saw that bullshit. C'mon." A look to the tender, he sets a credit chit down, looking to Vessa and Alhambra. "Wanna bar hop? As long as we get away from this fuck." He starts taking a couple steps towards the exit. The bartender just sighs, wiping the counter and forking over a beer to the half Qua woman. Vessa Harden looks up then shrugs, "I think I will catch you lot later, I think I am going to hit the sack for a bit but I will come find you later." she takes out a bottle of pills, pops a few then puts them back, with a final drink of her beer she heads upstairs. Starsky growls deeply as the two attempt to attack him, holding his shield in just enough time to catch both strikes and deflect them, and as they both seem to turn to leave afterwards, his rage begins to start peaking, and he focuses on them with a hand held out, attempting to knock them both to the ground with force behind it as he does.

"Everybody relax here," The bartender tells the group, as another shot is set in front of Al, Vessa, Raisa and Diri. "We don't want any trouble. Can I get anyone another drink?"

Diri drinks his shot down again and smirks just a bit at Raisa, chuckling. "Jesus." A look to the tender. "Gunwale ale, another round of shots." He just drums fingers on the counter, agitated.