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Docking hub talks

Summary: Several people talking in the docking hub on comorro

Cast: Xanya, Sharai Dravik, Maina, Logic Shortage

Air Date: Januari 6, 2654

Setting: Docking Hub - <Comorro>

Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship - incapable of atmospheric flight - that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years. The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats. Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel's nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas - such as the Forgotten Quarter - are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Xanya steps out of the tradeport area into the docking hub and starts to pick out one of the ships using her ini-mini-mo method. When she has picked on that isn't the IND logic she goes to it and starts to examine it.

Sharai Dravik is standing and chatting amiably to some of the dock crew that are on break. She hasn't noticed anyone else about just yet but she seems to be wrapping up the chat.

Maina arrives from Tradeport - Comorro Station. Maina has arrived.

Despite being busy with inspecting one of the ships, Xanya still notices Sharai chatting amiably with one of the dock crew. She waves to her a bit and takes a small break from her information gathering.

Sharai Dravik smiling to the dock worker she gives him and his friends a hand shake and heads over to Xanya. "Hello again, how are you today?" she seems remarkably cheerful as she tucks a small notepad and pen into a pocket.

Maina starts to wander through the hub, frowning pensively to herself.

Xanya smiles as Sharai comes to her and she too puts her PDA away. "I'm doing fine thanks. how are you doing today?"

"I am doing very well indeed. I met this lovely lady by the name of Heidi yesterday, I got to speak German for the first time in ages. She said she would take me to a nice planet for dinner. It sounds lovely. I also met a very nice lady named Leucohyle. I am very much looking forward to speaking to her further, she invited myself and my two companions to her lab." Sharai seems very happy about all of this.

Maina perks up a bit at the name 'Heidi' as she wanders past, frowning a bit as she hears a bit more.

"wow sounds like you got alot of fun ahead of you. I know heidi too seems like a nice lady. just didn't have the time to talk to her alot." She sighs a bit. "to be honest I got a bit uncomfortable around her the first time." She shakes her head. "anyway. I haven't met that leucohiel or something person yet." She notices Maina walk past and waves ther. "hi maina." She says cheerfully.

Sharai Dravik smiles and nods, "She is very nice, I am hoping to work with her on Pyracan if I can ever speak to the Sheriff about the job." looking to where Xanya is waving she turns as well and smiles a greeting.

Maina waves a little, "Uh.. hi."

Xanya smiles to sharai. "a job he? what kind of job would that be?" She ask curiosly.

Sharai Dravik puts her hands in her coat pockets and leans against a nearby crate, "I am hoping to get the same job I began with, detective. I have worked beat and can do so again but I do love detective work." looking at Maina she holds out a hand, "My name is Sharai and I am new here, how do you do?"

Maina takes the hand with a small smile, "Maina Clearwater... nice to meet you."

"detective work he?" Xanya repeats. "You are already dressed just perfect for it." SHe looks to maina. "He sweety how are you today, maina?"

Sharai Dravik giving the hand a shake she says to Maina, "The pleasure is mine," before releasing the hand and looking at her clothing then laughs looking embarrassed, "Oh yes, Izzy mentioned about getting new clothing but I am useless when it comes to that sort of thing. I fear I have fallen happily into habit and wouldn't know what to change it to." smiling over to Xanya she shrugs, "I love detective work, it is always a joy to untangle the puzzle, though when I get home, I shall find that file fairy, I will." she says with cheerful determination.

Maina glances towards Xanya a bit curiously, "... why do you saying 'he' so much?"

Xanya looks questiongly to maina. "Isn't that a sort fo greeting? like HI or Hello?" She turns to Sharai and examens her from top to bottem. "You already are dress great. but if you want to go for something a bit different, you might want to try on of those... What are they called. ... one of those sleek skirts, that go to just above or just below the knee. Skirts like that look classy and sexy. would look stunning with you. if you ask me."

Sharai Dravik blinks looking down at herself then back up, "Skirt? I don't think I have ever worn one, I would probably just look silly." she says with an embarrassed smile, "I would probably completely forget I was wearing one and bend over and then the whole room would see everything that should likely remain unseen, I do believe I shall save all of your eyes and stick with trousers. I don't really know what Izzy had in mind really. Probably a little less business formal."

Maina smiles a bit, "Get a longer one? Only short skirts have that problem, Ithink..."

Xanya Giggles and smiles. "as I said you would need one that is over the knee. like maina said those won't have that problem. but if you want to stay with trousers and something less formal then meaby.... Jeans and a shirt?" SHe says Questiongly. "I am thinking of getting something new as well. something more ... feminine that what I am wearing right now. or meaby just something better fitting my future engineering work."

Sharai Dravik nods thoughtfully, "I will have a look, thank you." she smiles to both then looks curiously at Xanya, "An engineer? Wonderful, I must admit that I have no knowledge of engineering, though Faith might." she chuckles, "Of course she also thought it quaint that I still write things down. I wonder how she would feel if I told her that I read real books rather then watch the holo." she teasingly mock whispers

Maina smiles a little, shifting her weight a bit.

Xanya thinks to herself putting one hand on her chin. "Sounds like Faith is an engineer too. if thats the case then She and I might be able to get along JUUUST fine." She stands on her toes breafly as she sais 'Just'. "and I have never seen a holo before. I wonder if it's as great as I think it would be."

Sharai Dravik shakes her head, "Faith is a CSI, she just happens to have talent in computers." Looking to Maina she inquires, "What is your field, if I may ask?"

Maina shrugs a little, "Biology, genetics, medicine, that sort of thing."

Xanya Stops thinking and looks to SHarai. "Faith is good with computers? Thats perfect.!" She says a little loud and cheerfull. "that would mean that if I ever get to make a ship from scratch she would be able to help with with the computer side of things. I will have to talk to her about that some time. she wanted to talk to me anyway. compair our earths together." Xanya says with a big smile. "You think she would mind?" She asks to Sharai.

"Wonderful line of work." Sharai says to Maina, "So you are a researcher then? Do you do field work as well as lab work or do you stick mainly to one or the other?" Turning to Xanya she shakes her head with a small helpless shrug, "I am afraid I don't know, the night we were sent here is the first time I met her. I had heard of her reputation but that is about it."

Maina shakes her head, "Not generally research, no. Practical applications."

Xanya shrugs a bit. "You don't know? Well thats oke. I will just have to squise it out of her then. well so to speak. I will ask nicely of course." She sais with a wink.

Sharai Dravik nods to Maina, "Ah that sounds like fun. What are you studying at the moment? If I am being too nosy please let me know." she says with a sheepish grin, "A bad habit of mine, I am eternally curious." nodding to Xanya and with a bemused smile, "I am sure she would be happy to help though I don't know how squeezing her will entice assistance."

Maina smiles a little, "Nothing really at the moment. Working on getting a new lab for me to work in."

Xanya shakes her head smiling to Sharai. "I won't squeese her for real, silly. Well not unless she asks me to but that would probably never happen." She looks to maina. "your getting a new lab? are you getting one build or will you rent a place that is al ready to go?"

Sharai Dravik looks impressed, "Wow, congratulations that is a big deal." pointing to Xanya she says, "What she said, or asked rather." she laughs a bit then nods to Xanya, "Oh good, I think if you tried squeezing Faith she might hit you, she did that to one person who blocked her from a crime scene I think."

Xanya smiles. "sounds simple but effective. but if you ever need someone to help you build something abit bigger. let me know, please. I would love to help." She turns to Sharai. "thanks for the warning about faith. I will be extra carefull not to do something that would make her punche me."

Sharai Dravik nods cheerfully, "Ah but a new lab is still exciting." she chuckles, "I think the reason Faith punched him is that he was an officious ass who tried to hide what was going on. He just happened to be a very public figure as well. Good thing the Chief was of the same mind as she was." looking a bit sad she sighs, "Of course that also led to most of this mess."

Maina shifts her weight slightly, "What mess?"

Xanya Points to Maina. "what she said. .. I mean asked. what she asked."

Sharai Dravik looks surprised then sighs, "Us being here, it wasn't random. Listening around I have heard quite a few stories of people just suddenly appearing due to these rifts, for us it was our government purposely using a device to find out what it did without telling us what they were doing. They lured us with promises of seeing new evidence that had been restricted."

Maina frowns a bit, "That's horrible."

Xanya shakes her head sadly. "no wonder you guys... I mean girls are so eager to get back."

Sharai Dravik laughs a bit sadly, "What is funny is that I was off duty at the time. I was just going to look over some files at the pub and saw Izzy. Next thing I know there are dead agents everywhere, we are in a sealed ship with some guy calling us assets and how if we make it back we will be considered a success." shaking her head she frowns, "I didn't even have clearance on the who fiasco until I was on the stupid ship."

Maina frowns deeply, "That's horrible."

Xanya folds her arms and looks a bit angry. "No one should have to be used like a throw away object like that."

Logic Shortage has arrived. Logic Shortage enters RP mode.

Sharai Dravik takes a deep breath and puts on a determinedly cheerful face, "Well at the moment I have kept from freaking out and am trying to keep my companions that way too, we are working to find a way back. I have a feeling that we are not the first or the last to be used in that way and we want to prevent others from the same fate." Sharai is chatting with Maina and Xanya near a crate, "If you will excuse me, I think I need to find a restroom." eyes looking a bit red she gives a quick wave and heads quickly off.

Sharai Dravik heads into Tradeport - Comorro Station. Sharai Dravik has left.

Maina gives a little wave as the woman leaves, frowning a bit.

Xanya waves to sharai as well as she leaves. "Poor girl. If they will one day ask me to help them out I most definatly will."

That slight shimmer that indicates the pending manifestation of a certain ships young persona occurs over by the IND Logic Shortage. Today, perhaps he's in the mood for a change, the 'tween' is wearing an orange tank-top style shirt with a pair of tropical themed board shorts.

Maina nods a little to Xanya, "I don't think she'll be able to get back, though...."

Xanya looks to maina. "Meaby. But for their sake I hope your wrong."

Logic takes a moment to look himself over, "Hope I got it right," he mumbles to himself then ruffles his hands through his hair and wanders over to where Maina and Xanya are. "Hiii!" He pipes out with a wave.

Maina purses her lips towards Xanya, then looks over at the greeting, giving a bit of a wave towards Logic.

Xanya sighs a bit and is about to ask Maina something but then notices Logic and waves to him. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite positronic friend." She sais with a smile.

Logic beams out one of his usual big smiles at Xanya then turns on the spot, perhaps to show off his new 'beach outfit' before sitting down crisscrossing his legs. "If it isn't my favourite organic friend." He chimes right back.

Maina glances between the two with raised brow.

Xanya giggles at the reply of logic. "how are you today logic."

"I'm good, everything running the way it's supposed to," Logic says cheerily. "How about you?" The 'tween' then looks to Maina and tilts his head to one side, "What? Orange isn't the right colour?"

Maina shakes her head, "No, it's not that. I just suddenly feel like a third wheel."

Xanya pouts "Sorry Maina. I was just trying to be nice and ask how he was." Thinks for a short moment. "Alright. How have you been?" She asks to Maina.

Logic's eyes shift shade just slightly and he continues to look at Maina, "Yes, how have you been?" He echos and as he does his tank-top changes to a white one with a print of a sunset over a tropical island.

Maina blinks a little at Logic, then grins, "Really, orange was fine. I'm... okay."

Xanya smiles. "good to know your oke. BUt if it changes and you want to talk. let me know. I can easely be all ears or helpfull in other ways."

Logic giggles, "Yes. You said already but look," he sits up a bit on his ankles and points at the sun on his shirt, "the sun has a smiley face!"

Maina giggles briefly, herself, giving a weak smile, "Cute."

Xanya smiles looking at the smily face sun. "Looks great."

"So, um... Anything going on or just sitting around talking?" Logic asks looking between Xanya and Maina. "Because, well... I can think of much better places unless you want to watch ships and stuff as well."

Maina shrugs a bit, "We were just chatting, really."

Sharai Dravik arrives from Tradeport - Comorro Station. Sharai Dravik has arrived.

Xanya nods agreeing with Maina. "just chatting realy. I actualy came here to examen some more ships. untill sharai got my attention. and not long after that maina got here and well we started chatting. and I am rateling on again aren't I?"

Xanya, maina and logic are talking together. Logic is sitting down.

Sharai Dravik walks back into the docking hub with slightly red eyes but otherwise no change to how she left. Seeing the group still there she heads over and smiles a bit weakly, "I am terribly sorry for that, hello Logic." she greets with a bit more enthusiasm.

Logic id today clad in a pair of tropical style board shorts and a matching tank-top with a sunset over a tropical island - complete with smiley face on the sun. He turns slightly, smiles and waves at Sharai, "Hiiii."

Maina glances over to Sharai, giving a little wave, "Hey. Welcome back."

Xanya Waves smiling Brightly. "hiiiiii Welcome back."

Sharai Dravik smiles warmly at everyone there, "Thank you, I am glad to be back. I love the shirt Logic, where did you get the idea?"

Logic shrugs his shoulders, "I noticed that organics tend to change their clothes a lot and sometimes wear things to reflect mood. I thought this looked fun."

Maina shifts her weight a bit, listening to the others.

Logic bounces to his feet, "Well... um, I'm going to go exploring. Byeeeee." He then blinks off and a short distance away his engines power up and he lifts from his landing place.

Logic Shortage has left.

Xanya smiles to both girls. "If I wasn't feeling a bit of sleep comming on I would have taken you both to one of the taverns here and bought you a drink or food or both." Xanya Sais smiling.

Sharai Dravik blinks in surprise as Logic disappears then smiles to Xanya, "Thank you, perhaps another time." Looking at Maina she smiles, "I fear my day is pretty empty, do you need to run as well or are you available to stay and chat?"

Maina shrugs a bit, "I can chat for a while, sure."

Xanya thinks for a moment. "If you want I can go and get you some drinks? and bring them back here?"

Sharai, putting a hand on Xanya's arm says, "We can go to a tavern if you like, I was just thinking you were wanting to go to bed. If you are sleepy then I don't want to keep you. However, if you are awake enough to enjoy a drink then by all means, we can go and get one."

Maina shakes her head, "I'm fine without drinks, but I can come with if you both want."

Xanya shakes her head. "I might be to sleepy for tavern visite but I thought I would quickly get you a drink if you wanted. I'm just trying to cheer you two up a bit."

Sharai Dravik smiles warmly at both of them, "Go ahead and sleep Xanya, we will make a night of it at some point. Thank you for the thought though. Don't worry, I will be okay, I just haven't let myself deal with this all yet." turning to Maina she smiles happily, "I found a nice garden nearby that is a little quieter then the docking hub if a tavern isn't fun."

Maina sighs a little, "I should actually go, too..."

Xanya smiles to both. "Oh alright. We'll do it some other time. But both of you please remember that if you ever need to talk about something anything, and need a listening ear? I'm your girl. I'm a great listener. I can do other things as well if it helps you deal with things. you two know how to reach me, all you need to do is ask. I love to help out. so make use of it when you feel the need to." She sais smiling to both.

Sharai Dravik nods with a smile of her own, "Thank you Xanya, that is kind of you to offer." she looks a bit disappointed but nods to Maina, "Of course, I understand. I hope to see you both soon."

Maina waves a little, "Was good meeting you."

Xanya waves back and stands up herself. "it was good to see you both as well. till we meet again." she looks to Sharai. "meaby next time you can show me that garden you mentioned?"