Your goal is to complete each leg of the rally until you reach the final coordinates. If you run low on fuel and have available credits, refuel. If you take damage due to misadventure and have available credits, repair. Suffer too much damage and you're out of the race. But don't worry! You can always start over.
Lack ample credits? Dock and try your hand at a few games of Toss the Rock.
Also, a helpful hint: earn enough credits and you can purchase rockhopper flight training to get up to 5 points of skill bonus to improve your chances of success in the rally.
[[Let's fly.]]#In Flight
{(if:$rallypoint is 1 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 1 Narrative Elements") [[Fly to Rally Point 2.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 2 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 2 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Rally Point 3.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 3 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 3 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Rally Point 4.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 4 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 4 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Rally Point 5.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 5 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 5 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Rally Point 6.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 6 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 6 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Rally Point 7.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 7 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 7 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Rally Point 8.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 8 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 8 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Rally Point 9.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 9 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 9 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Rally Point 10.]]]
(if:$rallypoint is 10 and $integrity > 0)[(display: "Rally Point 10 Narrative Elements")[[Fly to Finish Line.]]]}
(if:$rallypoint is 11 or $integrity < 1)[[Restart race.|PlayerInit]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set: $fuel to 100)
(if: $integrity is < 1)[(set: $integrity to 100)]
(if: $timesraced is > 0)[(set: $timesraced to it + 1)]
(if: $timesraced is < 1)[(set: $timesraced to 1)]
(set: $rallypoint to 1)
(if: $credits is < 1)[(set: $credits to (random: 1000,2000))]
(set: $competitor1 to "Undamaged")
(set: $competitor2 to "Undamaged")
(set: $competitor3 to "Undamaged")
(set: $competitor4 to "Undamaged")
(set: $competitors to 4)
(set: $rallyplace to "Pre-Race")
(set: $Saves to "Slot A")
(set: $c1firstname to (either: "Nikolai","Oscar","Eveneka","Twynda","Javik","Darmuk","Anoush","Artaxiad","Derenik","Garin","Hovan","Magar"))
(set: $c1lastname to (either: "Olafitch","Yanin","Ketchnyin","Goroff","Ilinifsky","Itzik","Turgenev","Lebedev","Ivanov","Smirnov","Preobrazhensky"))
(set: $c2firstname to (either:"Viktor","Galina","Mitri","Stasia","Timofey","Mikhail","Sosi","Taline","Vahe","Zareh","Bolko","Boris","Bozydar","Casimir","Caterina","Phaedra"))
(set: $c2lastname to (either: "Arsenyev","Babanin","Chernov","Drozdovich","Kuznetsov","Orlov","Yahontov","Chernyshevsky","Oblonsky","Goncharov"))
(set: $c3firstname to (either:"Mischa","Natalya","Ivan","Hugo","Aurek","Iosep","Chesna","Chrysanta","Damek","Dobromir","Dusan","Duscha","Fadey","Gektor","Jadranko"))
(set: $c3lastname to (either: "Alekseev","Balakirev","Elin","Garin","Kozlov","Novikov","Ivanov","Petrov","Sidorov","Volkov","Mikhailov","Egonov","Alekhin","Vasiliev"))
(set: $c4firstname to (either:"Alexei","Anatole","Daniil","Gennady","Leonid","Maksamil","Jaka","Jalena","Jereni","Jovan","Karenina","Kostya","Lamaria","Lizveth","Maksim","Mircea","Morana","Natalya"))
(set: $c4lastname to (either: "Rabinovich","Semyenov","Krupin","Genrich","Fedorov","Chaban","Nikolayev","Morozov","Stepanov","Novikov","Kozlov","Golubev"))
#Rockhopper Rally
##An (link: "OtherSpace")[(gotoURL: "")] Arcade Game in Twine
###Version 1.4
By (link: "Wes Platt")[(gotoURL: "")]
(c) Copyright 2023
It's the year 2650.
You don't mind hurling yourself through the black in a thin metal tube into the midst of a churning asteroid field - and the shattered remnants of Ungstir in the Perseverance star system hold plenty of those.
Welcome to the Perseverance Rockhopper Rally. Are you ready to face four competitors to see who can survive to see the finish line?
[[What are the rules?]]
[[Let's fly.]]
{(if: $Saves contains "Slot A")[(link: "Load game")[(load-game:"Slot A")]]}
(if:$rallystatus is not "over" and (history: where it is "Let's fly")'s length is not 0)[(display: "Rally Position")]
(if:$mobmark is 1)[You are (text-colour:red)[MARKED BY THE MOB].]
(if:$mobmark is 1 and $credits > 10000)[Want to remove that mob retribution mark? [[Pay them off.]] Just costs 10,000 credits.]
(text-colour:yellow)[##Competitor Status:]
(display:"Competitor Status")
(text-colour:lime)[##Your Status:]
(display:"Player Status")
[[Achievements]] | [[About]] | {(link:"Save game")[(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[Game saved!](else: )[Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]} | {(if: $Saves contains "Slot A")[(link: "Load game")[(load-game:"Slot A")]]}#Rockhopper Rally Achievements
[[Back to the Cockpit.|Let's fly.]]
You've raced $timesraced times, with $victories victories.
$defeatedcompetitors pilots have been lost in competition with you.
You've played Toss the Rock $rocktoss times.
You've repaired your ship $repairnumber times.
You've visited $landmarkvisited landmarks along the rally route.
(if:$sibillymassif > 0)[Sibilly Massif: $sibillymassif times]
(if:$follettsfolly > 0)[Follett's Folly: $follettsfolly times]
(if:$panderynshard > 0)[Panderyn Shard: $panderynshard times]
(if:$dwanprospekt > 0)[Dwan Prospekt: $dwanprospekt times]
(if:$bergermeister > 0)[Bergermeister Hopper Buster: $bergermeister times]
(if:$constantinou > 0)[Constantinou 323: $constantinou times]
(if:$vassarobelisk > 0)[Vassar Obelisk: $vassarobelisk times]
(if:$chevaliercrossing > 0)[Chevalier Crossing: $chevaliercrossing times]
(if:$blinnswarning > 0)[Blinn's Warning: $blinnswarning times]
(if:$gellesharvester > 0)[The Gelles Harvester $gellesharvester times]
(if:$hopperstombstone > 0)[Hopper's Tombstone: $hopperstombstone times]
(if:$olympicring > 0)[Olympic Ring: $olympicring times]
(if:$mouthofprometheus > 0)[Mouth of Prometheus: $mouthofprometheus times]
(if:$boromovarch > 0)[Boromov Arch: $boromovarch times]
(if:$pebblenecklace > 0)[Pebble Necklace: $pebblenecklace times]
(if:$sakharovcrest > 0)[Sakharov Crest: $sakharovcrest times]
(if:$vavilovsregret > 0)[Vavilov's Regret: $vavilovsregret times]
(if:$fistofcherenkov > 0)[Fist of Cherenkov: $fistofcherenkov times]
(if:$lobachevskycrater > 0)[Lobachevsky Crater: $lobachevskycrater times]
(if:$valkyriesperch > 0)[Valkyrie's Perch: $valkyriesperch times]
(if:$zworykintower > 0)[Zworykin Tower: $zworykintower times]
(if:$forwardthinker > 0)[Forward Thinker: $forwardthinker times]
(if:$kantorovichsallocator > 0)[Kantorovich's Allocator: $kantorovichsallocator times]
(if:$sunyaevcollider > 0)[Sunyaev Collider: $sunyaevcollider times]
(if:$kotelnikovsplunge > 0)[Kotelnikov's Plunge: $kotelnikovsplunge times]
(if:$ginzburgfuse > 0)[Ginzburg Fuse: $ginzburgfuse times]
(if:$lyapunovsgearwheel > 0)[Lyapunov's Gearwheel: $lyapunovsgearwheel times]
(if:$gamowsbigbang > 0)[Gamow's Big Bang: $gamowsbigbang times]
(if:$wynswidowmaker > 0)[Wyn's Widowmaker: $wynswidowmaker times]
(if:$mikoyansgraveyard > 0)[Mikoyan's Graveyard: $mikoyansgraveyard times]
(if:$vonjacobipinnacle > 0)[Von Jacobi Pinnacle: $vonjacobipinnacle times]
(if:$perelmansrefusal > 0)[Perelman's Refusal: $perelmansrefusal times]
How far can you fly?
(if:$rallydistance > 100)[You've flown farther than the distance between New York City and Scranton, Penn.]
(if:$rallydistance > 500)[You've flown farther than the distance between Atlanta, Ga., and Sarasota, Fla.]
(if:$rallydistance > 1000)[You've flown farther than the distance between Munich, Germany, and Cairo, Egypt.]
(if:$rallydistance > 5000)[You've flown farther than the distance between New York City and Buenos Aires, Argentina.]
(if:$rallydistance > 10000)[You've flown farther than the distance between Sydney, Australia, and Caracas, Venezuela.]
(if:$rallydistance > 25000)[You've flown farther than the distance between Earth's north and south poles.]#Playing Toss the Rock
In little caverns inside drifting chunks of rock in the asteroid field around Ungstir Prime, the Ungstiri mob runs a zero-grav game called "Toss the Rock", in which you pay a credit for the chance to throw a stone and see what face the light shines on after a few seconds. If you win, you can earn as much as 1,000 credits. If you lose, you can lose that much too - and, if you go into debt, you end up with a the mark of the Ungstiri mob on your head.
Are you [[feeling lucky]]?
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]#About Rockhopper Rally
"Rockhopper Rally" is set in the universe of OtherSpace, which you can join for real-time and asynchronous roleplaying at (link: "OtherSpace MUSH")[(gotoURL: "")]!
Thanks to the following supporters of (link: "Wes Platt's Patreon")[(gotoURL: "")] for their contributions toward the ongoing creative efforts:
* Linda Follett
* M. Melanie Chevalier
* Duane Sibilly
* Shane Vassar
* Catherine Constantinou
* Samuel Montgomery-Blinn
* Colin Dwan
* Michelle Gelles
* Jane Berger
* Elwyndas Galbraith
* Michael Forward
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]#Rally Point 2
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:150,400))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(if:$integrity < 1)[[[Restart the race|PlayerInit]]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point 3
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:250,700))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(if:$integrity < 1)[[[Restart the race|PlayerInit]]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point 4
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:300,1000))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point 5
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:450,1400))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point 6
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:750,2500))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point 7
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:2500,4000))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point 8
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:5000,8000))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point 9
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:1500,3400))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point 10
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:4500,7000))}
(display: "Rally Point Result")
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")#Rally Point Finish Line
{(set: $fuel to it - 10)
(set: $rallypoint to it + 1)
(set: $rallydistance to it + (random:8000,12000))
(set: $rallystatus to "over")
(if:$competitors is 0)[(set:$winner to it + 1)]
(if:$competitors is 4)[(set: $winner to (random:1,5))]
(if:$competitors is 3)[(set: $winner to (random:1,4))]
(if:$competitors is 2)[(set: $winner to (random:1,3))]
(if:$competitors is 1)[(set: $winner to (random:1,2))]}
(if:$winner is 1)[Congratulations! You won! (set:$credits to it + 40000)(set:$victories to it + 1)]
(if:$winner > 1 and $competitors is 0)[Congratulations! You won! (set:$credits to it + 40000)(set:$victories to it + 1)]
(if:$winner is > 1 and $competitors > 0)[Unfortunately, you lost to the competition.(set:$losses to it + 1)]
[[Restart the race.|PlayerInit]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set: $fuel to 100)
(set: $credits to it - 200)}
#Refueling Depot
You've refueled.
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]Your rockhopper suffered catastrophic disassembly.
[[Restart race.|PlayerInit]]{(set: $integrity to 100)
(set: $credits to it - 1000)
(set: $repairnumber to it + 1)}
#Repair Outpost
Your hopper has been repaired.
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]{(set: $credits to it - 1)
(set: $tosswin to 0)
(set: $tossloss to 0)
(set: $rocktoss to it + 1)
(set: $tossscore to (random: 1,2))
(if: $tossscore is 1)[(set: $tosswin to it + 1000)]
(if: $tossscore is 2)[(set: $tossloss to it + 1000)]
(if: $tosswin is > 900)[(set: $credits to it + 1000) You won the rock toss and won 1000 credits!]
(if: $tossloss is > 900)[(set: $credits to it - 1000) You lost the rock toss and lost 1000 credits!]
(if:$credits < 0)[(set:$mobmark to 1)]
(if:$credits > 0 and $mobmark < 1)[[Play Toss the Rock.|feeling lucky]]
(if: $mobmark is 1)[You've been marked for retribution by the Ungstiri mob!]
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]All the other competitors perished, so you won! Congratulations! You win 40,000 credits!
(set: $credits to it + 40000)
[[Let's race again!|PlayerInit]]{(set: $randomint to (random:1,6) + $skillbonus)
(if: $competitor1 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor1random to (random:1,6))]
(if: $competitor2 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor2random to (random:1,6))]
(if: $competitor3 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor3random to (random:1,6))]
(if: $competitor4 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor4random to (random:1,6))]
(if:$integrity < 1)[(go-to:"Rockhopper Wreck")]
(if:$competitor1 and $competitor2 and $competitor3 and $competitor4 is "Destroyed")[(go-to:"Automatic Win")]
(if:$randomint is 1)[(display: "Player Outcome 1")(set: $integrity to it - 100)]
(if:$randomint is 2)[(display: "Player Outcome 2")(set: $integrity to it - 50)]
(if:$randomint is 3)[(display: "Player Outcome 3")(set: $integrity to it - 25)]
(if:$randomint is 4)[(display: "Player Outcome 4")(set: $integrity to it - 5)]
(if:$randomint is 5)[(display: "Player Outcome 5")(set: $integrity to it - 5)]
(if:$randomint is > 5)[(display: "Player Outcome 6")]
(if:$competitor1random is 1 and $competitor1 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor1 to "Destroyed")(set: $competitors to it - 1)(display: "Competitor 1 Outcome 1")]
(if:$competitor1random is 2 and $competitor1 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor1 to "(text-colour:orange)[Severely Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 1 Outcome 2")]
(if:$competitor1random is 3 and $competitor1 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor1 to "(text-colour:yellow)[Seriously Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 1 Outcome 3")]
(if:$competitor1random is 4 and $competitor1 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor1 to "(text-colour:lime)[Moderately Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 1 Outcome 4")]
(if:$competitor1random is 5 and $competitor1 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor1 to "(text-colour:green)[Lightly Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 1 Outcome 5")]
(if:$competitor1random is 6 and $competitor1 is not "Destroyed")[(display: "Competitor 1 Outcome 6")]
(if:$competitor2random is 1 and $competitor2 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor2 to "Destroyed")(set: $competitors to it - 1)(display: "Competitor 2 Outcome 1")]
(if:$competitor2random is 2 and $competitor2 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor2 to "(text-colour:orange)[Severely Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 2 Outcome 2")]
(if:$competitor2random is 3 and $competitor2 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor2 to "(text-colour:yellow)[Seriously Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 2 Outcome 3")]
(if:$competitor2random is 4 and $competitor2 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor2 to "(text-colour:lime)[Moderately Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 2 Outcome 4")]
(if:$competitor2random is 5 and $competitor2 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor2 to "(text-colour:green)[Lightly Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 2 Outcome 5")]
(if:$competitor2random is 6 and $competitor2 is not "Destroyed")[(display: "Competitor 2 Outcome 6")]
(if:$competitor3random is 1 and $competitor3 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor3 to "Destroyed")(set: $competitors to it - 1)(display: "Competitor 3 Outcome 1")]
(if:$competitor3random is 2 and $competitor3 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor3 to "(text-colour:orange)[Severely Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 3 Outcome 2")]
(if:$competitor3random is 3 and $competitor3 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor3 to "(text-colour:yellow)[Seriously Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 3 Outcome 3")]
(if:$competitor3random is 4 and $competitor3 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor3 to "(text-colour:lime)[Moderately Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 3 Outcome 4")]
(if:$competitor3random is 5 and $competitor3 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor3 to "(text-colour:green)[Lightly Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 3 Outcome 5")]
(if:$competitor3random is 6 and $competitor3 is not "Destroyed")[(display: "Competitor 3 Outcome 6")]
(if:$competitor4random is 1 and $competitor4 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor4 to "Destroyed")(set: $competitors to it - 1)(display: "Competitor 4 Outcome 1")]
(if:$competitor4random is 2 and $competitor4 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor2 to "(text-colour:orange)[Severely Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 4 Outcome 2")]
(if:$competitor4random is 3 and $competitor4 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor4 to "(text-colour:yellow)[Seriously Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 4 Outcome 3")]
(if:$competitor4random is 4 and $competitor4 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor4 to "(text-colour:lime)[Moderately Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 4 Outcome 4")]
(if:$competitor4random is 5 and $competitor4 is not "Destroyed")[(set: $competitor4 to "(text-colour:green)[Lightly Damaged]")(display: "Competitor 4 Outcome 5")]
(if:$competitor4random is 6 and $competitor4 is not "Destroyed")[(display: "Competitor 4 Outcome 6")]}{(set: $mobmark to 0)
(set: $credits to it - 10000)}
#Bribe the Mob
You pay off the Ungstiri mobsters, clearing your name from their retribution roster. For now.
[[Continue racing.|Let's fly.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(if: $competitors is 4)[(set: $rallyplaceroll to (random: 1,5))]
(if: $competitors is 3)[(set: $rallyplaceroll to (random: 1,4))]
(if: $competitors is 2)[(set: $rallyplaceroll to (random: 1,3))]
(if: $competitors is 1)[(set: $rallyplaceroll to (random: 1,2))]}
(if: $rallyplaceroll is 1 and $integrity > 0)[You are currently in first place!]
(if: $rallyplaceroll is 2 and $integrity > 0)[You are currently in second place!]
(if: $rallyplaceroll is 3 and $integrity > 0)[You are currently in third place!]
(if: $rallyplaceroll is 4 and $integrity > 0)[You are currently in third place!]
(if: $rallyplaceroll is 5 and $integrity > 0)[You are currently in last place!]DISTANCE TRAVELLED: $rallydistance miles | FUEL: $fuel - (if:$credits > 200 and $fuel < 100 and $integrity > 1)[[Refuel.]]
HULL INTEGRITY: $integrity (if:$credits > 1000 and $integrity < 100 and $integrity > 0)[[Repair.]] | CREDITS: $credits - (if:$credits > 0 and $credits < 10000 and $integrity > 0 and $mobmark is 0)[[Play Toss the Rock.]]
SKILL BONUS: $skillbonus/5
{(if:$credits > 15000 and $skillbonus is 0)[[Rockhopper Training.]]
(if:$credits > 30000 and $skillbonus is 1)[[Rockhopper Training.]]
(if:$credits > 60000 and $skillbonus is 2)[[Rockhopper Training.]]
(if:$credits > 120000 and $skillbonus is 3)[[Rockhopper Training.]]
(if:$credits > 240000 and $skillbonus is 4)[[Rockhopper Training.]]
(if:$skillbonus is 5)[You are fully trained.]}(print: $c1firstname) (print: $c1lastname): $competitor1
(print: $c2firstname) (print: $c2lastname): $competitor2
(print: $c3firstname) (print: $c3lastname): $competitor3
(print: $c4firstname) (print: $c4lastname): $competitor4(if:$randomint is 1)[(set: $playeroutcome1 to (either: "Your rockhopper is destroyed.", "Your rockhopper blew up.", "Your rockhopper is wrecked.","Your rockhopper suffered catastrophic disassembly.","Your rockhopper shattered apart.","Your rockhopper wiped out of the race."))]
$playeroutcome1(if:$randomint is 2)[(set: $playeroutcome2 to (either: "Your rockhopper is seriously damaged.","Your rockhopper took a severe beating.","Your rockhopper is struggling to plunge onward."))]
$playeroutcome2(if:$randomint is 3)[(set: $playeroutcome3 to (either: "Your rockhopper is moderately damaged.", "Your rockhopper took a bad hit.", "Your rockhopper suffered a palpable blow."))]
$playeroutcome3(if:$randomint is 4)[(set: $playeroutcome4 to (either: "Your rockhopper is lightly damaged.", "Your rockhopper took a serious ding.", "Your rockhopper is shedding metal."))]
$playeroutcome4(if:$randomint is 5)[(set: $playeroutcome5 to (either: "Your rockhopper is lightly damaged.", "Your rockhopper took a small hit.", "Your rockhopper almost brushed that off."))]
$playeroutcome5(if:$randomint is 6)[(set: $playeroutcome6 to (either: "Your rockhopper is undamaged.", "Your rockhopper is not harmed on this leg.", "Your rockhopper flies on undamaged.", "Your rockhopper doesn't sustain damage."))]
$playeroutcome6{(display: "Competitor Outcome 1")
(set: $competitor1outcome1 to "$c1firstname $c1lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend. Gone to the dust and the dark, the Ungstiri say.")}
$competitor1outcome1{(display: "Competitor Outcome 2")
(set: $competitor1outcome2 to "$c1firstname $c1lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor1outcome2{(display: "Competitor Outcome 3")
(set: $competitor1outcome3 to "$c1firstname $c1lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor1outcome3{(display: "Competitor Outcome 4")
(set: $competitor1outcome4 to "$c1firstname $c1lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor1outcome4{(display: "Competitor Outcome 5")
(set: $competitor1outcome5 to "$c1firstname $c1lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor1outcome5{(display: "Competitor Outcome 6")
(set: $competitor1outcome6 to "$c1firstname $c1lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor1outcome6{(display: "Competitor Outcome 1")
(set: $competitor2outcome1 to "$c2firstname $c2lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend. Gone to the dust and the dark, the Ungstiri say.")}
$competitor2outcome1{(display: "Competitor Outcome 2")
(set: $competitor2outcome2 to "$c2firstname $c2lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor2outcome2{(display: "Competitor Outcome 3")
(set: $competitor2outcome3 to "$c2firstname $c2lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor2outcome3{(display: "Competitor Outcome 4")
(set: $competitor2outcome4 to "$c2firstname $c2lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor2outcome4{(display: "Competitor Outcome 5")
(set: $competitor2outcome5 to "$c2firstname $c2lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor2outcome5{(display: "Competitor Outcome 6")
(set: $competitor2outcome6 to "$c2firstname $c2lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor2outcome6{(display: "Competitor Outcome 1")
(set: $competitor3outcome1 to "$c3firstname $c3lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend. Gone to the dust and the dark, the Ungstiri say.")}
$competitor3outcome1{(display: "Competitor Outcome 2")
(set: $competitor3outcome2 to "$c3firstname $c3lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor3outcome2{(display: "Competitor Outcome 3")
(set: $competitor3outcome3 to "$c3firstname $c3lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor3outcome3{(display: "Competitor Outcome 4")
(set: $competitor3outcome4 to "$c3firstname $c3lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor3outcome4{(display: "Competitor Outcome 5")
(set: $competitor3outcome5 to "$c3firstname $c3lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor3outcome5{(display: "Competitor Outcome 6")
(set: $competitor3outcome6 to "$c3firstname $c3lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor3outcome6{(display: "Competitor Outcome 1")
(set: $competitor4outcome1 to "$c4firstname $c4lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend. Gone to the dust and the dark, the Ungstiri say.")}
$competitor4outcome1{(display: "Competitor Outcome 2")
(set: $competitor4outcome2 to "$c4firstname $c4lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor4outcome2{(display: "Competitor Outcome 3")
(set: $competitor4outcome3 to "$c4firstname $c4lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor4outcome3{(display: "Competitor Outcome 4")
(set: $competitor4outcome4 to "$c4firstname $c4lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor4outcome4{(display: "Competitor Outcome 5")
(set: $competitor4outcome5 to "$c4firstname $c4lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor4outcome5{(display: "Competitor Outcome 6")
(set: $competitor4outcome6 to "$c4firstname $c4lastname: Their rockhopper $rallyverb1 $rallydirection and $rallyverb2 $rallyobject1 and $rallyend.")}
$competitor4outcome6{(set: $rallyverb1 to (either:"swoops","dives","loops","jukes","arcs","swerves", "banks","swerves","twists","veers","loops","lurches","lunges","flies","roars","wings"))
(set: $rallydirection to (either:"to port","to starboard","up","down"))
(set: $rallyverb2 to (either:"strikes","hits","collides with","crashes into","smashes into","bangs into","cracks against"))
(set: $rallyobject1 to (either:"a chunk of debris","scattered chunks of debris","wreckage from another rockhopper","an asteroid"))
(set: $rallyend to (either:"explodes","fatally erupts","detonates","shatters","erupts in a cloud of venting gas and metal shards","disintegrates","suffers a catastrophic reactor breach","flies apart"))
(set: $defeatedcompetitors to it + 1)}{(set: $rallyverb1 to (either:"swoops","dives","loops","jukes","arcs","swerves", "banks","swerves","twists","veers","loops","lurches","lunges"))
(set: $rallydirection to (either:"to port","to starboard","up","down"))
(set: $rallyverb2 to (either:"strikes","hits","collides with","crashes into","smashes into","bangs into","cracks against"))
(set: $rallyobject1 to (either:"a chunk of debris","scattered chunks of debris","wreckage from another rockhopper","an asteroid"))
(set: $rallyend to (either:"nearly tears apart","barely holds together","almost shatters","vents oxygen","streams debris and plasma in its wake","spirals until the pilot corrects course"))}{(set: $rallyverb1 to (either:"swoops","dives","loops","jukes","arcs","swerves", "banks","swerves","twists","veers","loops","lurches","lunges"))
(set: $rallydirection to (either:"to port","to starboard","up","down"))
(set: $rallyverb2 to (either:"strikes","hits","collides with","crashes into","smashes into","bangs into","cracks against"))
(set: $rallyobject1 to (either:"a chunk of debris","scattered chunks of debris","wreckage from another rockhopper","an asteroid"))
(set: $rallyend to (either:"limps away","struggles to right itself","probably can't take much more of that","keeps together in spite of that","bears the damage grudgingly","buckles but doesn't quite break"))}{(set: $rallyverb1 to (either:"swoops","dives","loops","jukes","arcs","swerves", "banks","swerves","twists","veers","loops","lurches","lunges"))
(set: $rallydirection to (either:"to port","to starboard","up","down"))
(set: $rallyverb2 to (either:"strikes","hits","collides with","crashes into","smashes into","bangs into","cracks against"))
(set: $rallyobject1 to (either:"a chunk of debris","scattered chunks of debris","wreckage from another rockhopper","an asteroid"))
(set: $rallyend to (either:"jerks sideways but powers onward","skews aside after sustaining damage","weaves back and forth to dodge further collisions","alters course as a defensive maneuver","whirls - a little worse for wear - through the black","pivots to avoid an even bigger object"))}{(set: $rallyverb1 to (either:"swoops","dives","loops","jukes","arcs","swerves", "banks","swerves","twists","veers","loops","lurches","lunges"))
(set: $rallydirection to (either:"to port","to starboard","up","down"))
(set: $rallyverb2 to (either:"strikes","hits","collides with","crashes into","smashes into","bangs into","cracks against"))
(set: $rallyobject1 to (either:"a chunk of debris","scattered chunks of debris","wreckage from another rockhopper","an asteroid"))
(set: $rallyend to (either:"seems to take that in stride","doesn't seem too banged up in the aftermath","gets dented but remains functional","hardly diverts from the plotted course","dances back and forth to avoid further damage","cuts a tight spiral until clear of the debris"))}{(set: $rallyverb1 to (either:"swoops","dives","loops","jukes","arcs","swerves", "banks","swerves","twists","veers","loops","lurches","lunges"))
(set: $rallydirection to (either:"to port","to starboard","up","down"))
(set: $rallyverb2 to (either:"almost strikes","nearly hits","just about collides with","narrowly avoids crashing into","comes close to smashing into","almost bangs into","nearly cracks against"))
(set: $rallyobject1 to (either:"a chunk of debris","scattered chunks of debris","wreckage from another rockhopper","an asteroid"))
(set: $rallyend to (either:"sustains no damage","escapes unharmed","barrels onward","charges ahead without issue","keeps going","seems untroubled"))}Design similar to the random generation for competitors.{(set: $landmarkverb1 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark1 to (either:"[[Sibilly Massif]]","[[Panderyn Shard]]","[[Follett's Folly]]"))
(set: $chatter1 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint1scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb1 $landmark1.")}
{(set: $landmarkverb2 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark2 to (either:"[[Dwan Prospekt]]","[[Bergermeister Hopper Burster]]","[[Constantinou 323]]"))
(set: $chatter2 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint2scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb2 $landmark2.")}
(set: $landmarkverb3 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark3 to (either:"[[Vassar Obelisk]]","[[Chevalier Crossing]]","[[Blinn's Warning]]"))
(set: $chatter3 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint3scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb3 $landmark3.")
(set: $landmarkverb4 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark4 to (either:"[[The Gelles Harvester]]","[[Hopper's Tombstone]]","[[Olympic Ring]]"))
(set: $chatter1 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint4scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb4 $landmark4.")
(set: $landmarkverb5 to (either:"zooms through","barrels through","races through"))
(set: $landmark5 to (either:"[[Mouth of Prometheus]]","[[Boromov Arch]]","[[Pebble Necklace]]"))
(set: $chatter1 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint5scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb5 $landmark5.")
(set: $landmarkverb6 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark6 to (either:"[[Sakharov Crest]]","[[Vavilov's Regret]]","[[Fist of Cherenkov]]"))
(set: $chatter6 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint6scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb6 $landmark6.")
(set: $landmarkverb7 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark7 to (either:"[[Lobachevsky Crater]]","[[Valkyrie's Perch]]","[[Zworykin Tower]]","[[Forward Thinker]]"))
(set: $chatter7 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint7scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb7 $landmark7.")
(set: $landmarkverb8 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark8 to (either:"[[Kantorovich's Allocator]]","[[Sunyaev Collider]]","[[Kotelnikov Plunge]]","[[Wyn's Widowmaker]]"))
(set: $chatter8 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint8scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb8 $landmark8.")
(set: $landmarkverb9 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark9 to (either:"[[Ginzburg Fuse]]","[[Lyapunov's Gearwheel]]","[[Gamow's Big Bang]]"))
(set: $chatter9 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint9scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb9 $landmark9.")
(set: $landmarkverb10 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark10 to (either:"[[Mikoyan's Graveyard]]","[[Von Jacobi Pinnacle]]","[[Perelman's Refusal]]"))
(set: $chatter10 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint10scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb10 $landmark10.")
(set: $landmarkverb11 to (either:"zooms past","careers over","races along beside"))
(set: $landmark11 to (either:"[[Oparin Expanse]]","[[Metchnikoff Spire]]","[[Lomonosov Drift]]"))
(set: $chatter11 to (either:"thing","thing","thing"))
(set: $rallypoint11scene to "Your rockhopper $landmarkverb11 $landmark11.")
{(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$sibillymassif to it + 1)}
#Sibilly Massif
A jagged remnant of the planet Ungstir, roughly the size of Mount Everest on Earth, spinning slowly within the Perseverance Field. Named after Bjorn Sibilly, one of the original colony leaders who helped settle the planet Youngster before the Nall arrived.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 2.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$panderynshard to it + 1)}
#Panderyn Shard
Shaped roughly like a diamond, this 900-meter long asteroid was an early mineral claim by the Panderyn Minerals corporation. The claim played out by 2572, so now the tunnels serve as extreme tourism attractions for zero-g spelunkers.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 2.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$follettsfolly to it + 1)}
#Follett's Folly
Josef Follett, one of the earliest rockhopper racers in the Perseverance rally's history, wrecked and died here in 2545 at the age of 46. The crash occurred when he tried to maneuver through a narrow cylindrical cave that tunneled through a teardrop-shaped asteroid. A hopper fin caught on the cave wall, triggering the fatal accident.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 2.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$dwanprospekt to it + 1)}
#Dwan Prospekt
In the year 2193, Eastern European colonists aboard the generation ship Dwan Prospekt arrived to settle the planet Youngster. Much of the valuable metal and other useful items were scavenged from the vessel after the Nall cracked the colony world into pieces with Corehunter missiles in 2257. However, the framework remains as a monument to the colonial legacy.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 3.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$bergermeister to it + 1)}
#Bergermeister Hopper Burster
The fused wreckage of two large freighters - the Berger and the Meister - that collided in the year 2569, with the sharp edges of their hulls angling outward, ready to snare unsuspecting rockhopper pilots.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 3.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$constantinou to it + 1)}
#Constantinou 323
A pitch black oval asteroid that's pocked with white craters, named after Augustin Constantinou, a wealthy Ungstiri industrialist whose flagship star cruiser - the 323 - lost navigational control, possibly due to sabotage, and wrecked on the asteroid.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 3.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$vassarobelisk to it + 1)}
#Vassar Obelisk
A twisted spire of rock, some 600 meters in length, burrowed through by mining crews over the decades. It's named after the Vassar Drilling Company, the first organization responsible for the mineral claim found here at the time.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 4.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$chevaliercrossing to it + 1)}
#Chevalier Crossing
The broken wreckage of the Ungstiri militia ship Chevalier marks this portion of the Perseverance Rally course. The fork-nosed transport suffered a catastrophic hull rupture after a reactor explosion in 2613.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 4.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$blinnswarning to it + 1)}
#Blinn's Warning
A blinking red beacon, left in 2622 after the wreck of the freighter Cherrok, keeps transmitting a message on repeat from the captain of the doomed craft, Sergei Blinn: "Air's running out. Got distracted, searching. Jarred back by the first asteroid's impact. It was too late. Second rock hit. Then a third. I never found it. I'm sorry, Yarina..."
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 4.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$gellesharvester to it + 1)}
#The Gelles Harvester
First deployed in 2634 by Gelles Industries, the Harvester is a fully automated hydrogen scoop and drone miner. The spider-like craft traverses the Perseverance asteroid fields on the hunt for valuable mineral deposits.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 5.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$hopperstombstone to it + 1)}
#Hopper's Tombstone
A semicircular slab of granite hewn from the former planet Youngster, carved with the names of hundreds of rockhopper pilots who have perished along the route of the Perseverance Rally. Will your name be next?
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 5.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$olympicring to it + 1)}
#Olympic Ring
An asteroid that's been carved to resemble the Olympic ring symbol from old Earth, with colorful circles linked together in a suggestion of unity - but with a golden hammer and sickle emblazoned within the red circle.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 5.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$mouthofprometheus to it + 1)}
#Mouth of Prometheus
A gaping cavern maw opens in the center of this mined-out asteroid, and ragged formations that look like fangs around the entrance bear some resemblance to flickering flames.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 6.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$boromovarch to it + 1)}
#Boromov Arch
A curved fragment of the shattered planet Youngster, looking like a massive wedge of grapefruit, is named after Exei Boromov - a 25th Century patriarch of the Boromov crime family. His criminal organization was known to dump the bodies of enemies in the vacuum around this region.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 6.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$pebblenecklace to it + 1)}
#Pebble Necklace
A horseshoe-shaped array of space rocks circling like tiny moons around an oblong chunk of basalt.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 6.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$sakharovcrest to it + 1)}
#Sakharov Crest
A mushroom-shaped rock formation juts from this asteroid fragment, which is named after Andrei Sakharov - a Soviet physicist who developed thermonuclear weapons for his government and then later became an activist for disarmament.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 7.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$vavilovsregret to it + 1)}
#Vavilov's Regret
The petrified remains of a forested mountain slope cover the face of the massive rocky mass known as Vavilov's Regret. The feature gets its name from a Soviet botanist, Nikolai Vavilov, who ran afoul of Joseph Stalin for failing to support dear leader's non-Mendelian scientific doctrine. Vavilov starved to death in a Russian prison in 1943.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 7.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$fistofcherenkov to it + 1)}
#Fist of Cherenkov
Brilliant shards of cerulean crystal jut from the peak of this multi-layered planetary fragment. When the light from the Perseverance star angles just right, the Fist of Cherenkov emits a spectacular blue glow reminiscent of the effect first identified by Pavel Cherenkov in the 20th Century on Earth. Cherenkov observed the existence and velocity of high-speed particles after seeing blue light emitted from a bottle of water bombarded with radiation.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 7.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$lobachevskycrater to it + 1)}
#Lobachevsky Crater
A huge crater, roughly six kilometers across, is blasted into the face of this asteroid. The crater rim features hundreds of parallel gaps where mining operations installed elevators leading to shafts deep within the space rock. The crater got its name from Basil Lobachevsky, a mining mogul who claimed distant relationship to 18th Century mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky, who developed a theory of hyperbolic geometry.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 8.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$valkyriesperch to it + 1)}
#Valkyrie's Perch
A layered slab of sedimentary rock, perhaps once part of a canyon on the terrestrial planet knwon as Ungstir, about 12 kilometers in length, 4 kilometers wide, and 8 kilometers high. Rockhopper pilots gave the Perch its nickname along with a legend about a specter called the Valkyrie that hunts pilots and lures them to wreck on the rock.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 8.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$zworykintower to it + 1)}
#Zworykin Tower
A spindly cylinder of gray rock named after Vladmir Zworykin, a 20th Century scientist who pioneered television transmission.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 8.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$kantorovichsallocator to it + 1)}
#Kantorovich's Allocator
A precarious series of slow-rolling asteroids, spaced a scant one hundred yards apart from each other, make for a dangerous slalom course. This collecton of rocks is ironically named after a Soviet mathematician named Leonid Kantorovich. Kantorovich developed techniques for the optimal allocation of resources. In the Perseverance asteroid field, the allocated resources are usually the remnants of rockhoppers and their pilots.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 9.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$sunyaevcollider to it + 1)}
#Sunyaev Collider
This large, flat disk of rock with what looks like an upside-down mountain peak protruding below is known as the Sunyaev Collider. It got its name from Rashid Sunyaev, a Russian scientist who helped develop a model of accretion onto black holes from a disk.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 9.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$kotelnikovplunge to it + 1)}
#Kotelnikov Plunge
The great canyon gouged in the 100-kilometer asteroid is known as the Kotelnikov Plunge, after Vladimir Kotelnikov, a pioneer in information theory and radar astronomy on old Earth.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 9.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$ginzburgfuse to it + 1)}
#Ginzburg Fuse
An S-shaped chain of mined-out asteroids stretches about 400 kilometers between a a trio of larger asteroids. Named after Vitaly Ginzburg, a 20th Century theoretical physicist who helped develop the hydrogen bomb.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 10.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$lyapunovsgearwheel to it + 1)}
#Lyapunov's Gearwheel
Almost resembling a sunflower, this circular asteroid with a massive crater in the center features angular ridges carved by mining equipment over the decades. It is named after Russian scientist Aleksandr Lyapunov, who worked on differential equations, probability theory, and the equilibria and motion of mechanical systems.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 10.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")
{(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$gamowsbigbang to it + 1)}
#Gamow's Big Bang
A scattering of asteroids that resembles nuclear fission in action, with a bulbous round rock at the center approached by a smaller meteorite and several other rocky lumps drifting at angles beyond it. The landmark gets its name from Ukrainian-American cosmologist George Gamow, who developed the first mathematical model of the atomic nucleus.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 10.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")
{(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$mikoyansgraveyard to it + 1)}
#Mikoyan's Graveyard
A particularly deadly stretch of the asteroid field that has claimed more rockhopper pilots than any other, named after Artem Mikoyan, who teamed with Mikhail Gurevich in 1939 to form the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau and went on to develop the famous Soviet MiG fighter jets.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Finish Line.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$vonjacobipinnacle to it + 1)}
#Von Jacobi Pinnacle
A checkmark-shaped remnant of the planet Youngster, about 19 kilometers in length and 40 kilometers in width, is named after Moritz von Jacobi. In the 19th Century, he developed the maximum power theorem, which states that "maximum power is transferred when internal resistance of the source equals the resistance of the load, when the external resistance can be varied, and the internal resistance is constant."
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Finish Line.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$perelmansrefusal to it + 1)}
#Perelman's Refusal
A great, blunt-faced bluff of granite and basalt that stretches about 10 kilometers high and 30 kilometers wide. It's named after Grigori Perelman, an Earth mathematician known for contributions to geometric analysis and geometric topology, who refused to accept prizes in recognition of his work.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Finish Line.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$oparinexpanse to it + 1)
Placeholder text.(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$metchnikoffspire to it + 1)
Placeholder text.(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$lomonosovdrift to it + 1)
Placeholder text.#Rockhopper Training
15,000 Credits
[(if:$skillbonus is 0)[(link: "Train")[(set: $credits to it - 15000) Trained. (set: $skillbonus to 1)]]]
30,000 Credits
(if: $skillbonus is 1)[(link: "Train")[(set: $credits to it - 30000) Trained. (set: $skillbonus to 2)]]
60,000 Credits
(if: $skillbonus is 2)[(link: "Train")[(set: $credits to it - 60000) Trained. (set: $skillbonus to 3)]]
120,000 Credits
(if: $skillbonus is 3)[(link: "Train")[(set: $credits to it - 120000) Trained.(set: $skillbonus to 4)]]
250,000 Credits
(if: $skillbonus is 4)[(link: "Train")[(set: $credits to it - 250000)Trained.(set: $skillbonus to 5)]]
[[Continue the race.|Let's fly.]]{(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$forwardthinker to it + 1)}
#Forward Thinker
An elongated, bulbous asteroid that's been laser-carved to include what appears to inspired by Rodin's "Thinker", except the male figure is rising from a throne and jutting one fist toward the stars as he prepares to jump.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 8.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD"){(set:$landmarkvisited to it + 1)
(set:$wynswidowmaker to it + 1)}
#Wyn's Widowmaker
A spider-like mass of granite and basalt, with long, tapering peaks of gray stone for legs. The "legs" and the pinhole cave tunnels burrowing through them have much appeal for the less risk-averse rockhopper pilots. It's named for Axyn Wyn, a Timonae rockhopper pilot who set an Orion Arm record of 37 hours nonstop through the sinuous passages before he wrecked and died.
(if:$integrity > 0)[[Fly to Rally Point 9.]]
(display: "Rockhopper Rally HUD")
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