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Downtown - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~ Consisting of four main streets with a combination goverment/law enforcement building in the center, building here has begun to fill in, and is pleasantly landscaped with a great view of the teal sea. Save for the aforementioned government/law enforcement building, a sanitation facility, and a desalination facility, the Outversers have been left to their own devices in creating infrastructure. Fused sand pathways lead west towards the western edge of town and the beach beyond, and east towards the settlement's docks and landing pad. ~~

The downtown area is a-bustle with being running here and there, amongst them all is one human woman with a PDA and no attention for such little things like being run over.

Tirax is wandering down the streets, today wearing nothing but a kilt (despite what his desc may say). He's watching the area thoughtfully, managing to dodge out of the way of oncoming people and things, often before they even move towards him. His path is meandering him towards Tei.

Tei is oblivious, all that seems to matter to her are the schematics and blueprints on her screen as she mutters mathematical equations, not even noticing how many of those who make near misses of her, curse her fluently in a variety of languages.

Tirax wanders up behind Tei, his attention caught by her for a moment, and peering over her shoulder eventually ventures. "I have no idea what any of that is."

Tei jumps in the fashion of scared small woodland animals, "EEEeeeeek!" and turning quickly puts a hand on her chest, breathing quickly and looking like she is trying to hold her heart inside her chest. Looking at Tirax with wide eyes.

Tirax grins at Tei. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. What're you working on?" he asks curiously.

Tei takes a moment to look at Tirax, eyes getting wider at his lack of dress, "Um, I am working on the blueprints of an industrial office space for a client. I am an architect you see, and I hope to be on the site to do the actual construction as well." a bright blush begins to rise to her cheeks and she tries to keep her eyes on Tirax's face, not really succeeding mind, but she does try.

"An architect, hmm?" Tirax considers. "I really don't know any architects. Other than you now, of course," he laughs. "Tirax Zarni."

Tei she holds out a shy hand, "Um, my name is Tei." she smiles up at him still blushing madly, "I build houses too, it is actually one of my favorite things to design a house then to build it and see people happy living in it." she looks up at him and tucks her PDA away, "You wouldn't happen to know anyone who needs a house built would you? I don't really know anyone here yet you see, other then the man who set me up with the architecture firm and I haven't seen him in a while."

"I don't at the moment," Tirax considers thoughtfully. 'But if I find anyone I'll definitely send them your way," he says with a nod.

Tei grins widely, "Thank you, that would be great." her eyes start wandering south before they snap up again with a deeper blush, "Um, what do you do? If that isn't a rude question?"

"I wander around in a kilt all day so that beautiful women can stare at me," Tirax says with a knowing grin. "No, really. I raise morale in the hospital. I'm also applying to be a deputy."

Tei blushes full force again at the handsome kilted man calling her beautiful and stutters, "R.r..raise m.m.morale? A deputy?" she looks at the kilt then at his face once more, "Is that standard uniform for deputies?" she is looking rather warm now, seemingly at the idea of a police department full of men in kilts and nothing else.

"Not at all," Tirax laughs. "IT's standard uniform for raising.. morale," he explains with a light grin.

Tei coughs shyly and smiles up at him, "I think you just raised mine." she then seems to realize what she said and gets an appalled look on her face, "I cannot believe I just said that. I am so sorry."

Tirax smirks down to Tei. "That's absolutely fine. I've heard worse. And worse is good. Drink?" he suggest, gesturing to the tavern.

Tei just nods looking like she needs one about now, "I think that would be good, thank you." she says a bit weakly.

Tirax smirks, wandering off towards the tavern.

Bull and Hawk Tavern - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~ The large first floor of is home of the Bull and Hawk Tavern, built entirely of dark woods. Walls have been paneled in the same wood as the bar, polished and kept free of dust or grime that could come from daily interactions. High on the walls, near the ceiling are carvings of the hawk in silent flight or the stampeding bull. The designs make their way around the entire border, lending to the establishment's name. A C-shaped bar sits against the back wall with cushioned stools lining the entire length.

       A hearth is located on against the right wall, with a large marble mantle carved with six figures - a wildcat, a raven, a mongoose, a horse and rider, a bear and in the center, a rampaging bull. Freestanding tables dot the open the floor, about a dozen in total, some near the hearth. In colder weather, a fire roars there, but during the warmer months, it remains empty, or has decorative baskets lying inside. Hanging above the mantle is a banner of brown silk with a rampaging bull featured prominently. Flying overhead and just slightly smaller is the image of a striking hawk.
       Lining both left and right walls are luxurious booths. Each of these booths is more of a cocoon of wooden warmth, lined by velvet cushions of a deep red. Instead of merely just a place to eat a meal and talk, the booths are literally carved from wood, with unique tables settled inbetween two high backed bench-liked structures that curve upwards to the ceiling. The outline of the two seats as they face each other is roughly oval shape, but each booth has its own small variation to create a uniqueness to each spot. To add to this uniqueness, designs have been painted on each of the wood frames, each depicting something different. Some are just flower designs, while others repeat the figures on display along the hearth's mantle. Gauzy red curtains are tied back at each booth, easily released in case the diners prefer a more intimate experience.
       On the left side of the bar is a door that leads into the kitchen, succulent smells drifting outwards at all times of the day from featured cuisines of many different cultures. To the right is a large staircase that leads to the second floor, the railing carved with a pattern of roses.
       Electricity has very subtly been brought into play through the whole tavern and inn, soft and subtle lights hidden high in the ceiling.


Tei follows Tirax into the Tavern and looks around curiously, she eeps when the bouncer asks her to check her weapons and squeeks out that she doesn't have any then moves over to Tirax to inquire, "Why do they ask about weapons?" she looks somewhat concerned.

"Because someone died," Tirax says with a slightly sad smile, moving towards the bar. "What would you like to drink?"

"D..died?" she looks around as though bodies would be tossed around like throw pillows, "Something strong I think." she says quietly still looking around, perhaps to see if there might be corpses falling from the ceiling or tucked under tables.

Well then, two whiskies," Tirax laughs. "Oh, don't worry about it."

Tei stops looking for dead people and goes to sit by Tirax, "Thank you, I don't think I have tried whisky before." she says curiously. "Does that happen often? People dying in business establishments?"

"Oh, not at all. Bad things happen, but very rarely," Tirax explains, passing one of the drinks to Tei. "It's strong," he warns.

Tei nods and sniffs the drink before turning and sneezing once, twice, three times before scrunching her nose up a couple of times to fight off another sneezing attack, "Oh my, that smells strong." she eyes the glass cautiously, like a gladiator assessing an attacking enemy for weakness. Taking a small sip her eyes go wide and she swallows it quickly, coughing at the burn, "Oh dear."

"It's strong," Tirax repeats with a nod, sipping it himself. "Just go slowly, you'll be fine!"

Tei nods as she looks at the glass with more respect and takes another sip, keeping from coughing this time, "I saw construction on the docks, what is happening there do you know?"

"I'm not sure. I think they're building a new set of docks," Tirax considers. "But I don't really know much beyond that."

Tei nods looking thoughtful, "They seem as though they are investing a lot more equipment and resources then they need to just expand the docks, and the material being melted down and used, I am unfamiliar with it."

"I think it was a captured Nall ship," Tirax explains. "It'll be a decoration."

Tei blink blinks, "A ship? They are building a docks out of a ship?" glass is set down and PDA is whipped out with frantic typing of equations, "Brilliant idea." she mutters and starts outlining plans and concepts for structural integrity and the heating requirements for keeping the chemical structure but still making the metal malleable enough to work with.

Tirax shrugs, downing the rest of his whisky. "Yeah, I guess it is. Then, I really have no idea about many things, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't understand why.."

Tei tapa tapa taps before Tirax's words catch up with her and she blushes, "Oh dear, sorry I did it again. I have this bad habit of jumping into building ideas whenever an idea pops up. Usually that is in the middle of a conversation unfortunately, pardon my rudeness." she puts the PDA away. "It is a wonderful idea to use the ship for a couple of reasons, one is that the ship is made from metals already designed to withstand enormous pressure, and heat, this makes it very strong. It is also already there, so no need to get new, fresh materials, you just need to salvage what you have. The difficulty is that you have to understand the chemical makeup of the material to be able to use it properly or you can either weaken the metal or just not be able to melt it down for use. Either way is a bad way to be."

"I'm sure that they've got a decent enough load of scientists working on it," Tirax explains with a slight smile. "I really am just keeping clear, I'm pretty sure there's nothing that I could actually help with there.

Tei feels her eyes slide down to the kilt, seemingly without conscious thought, "Perhaps as a bit of distraction for when the crew is on break?" she asks a bit to innocently, she has been sipping her whisky consistently for a while now and is starting to look tipsy.

"Probably true," Tirax laughs softly. "I'm a good distraction, don't you think?"

Tei is now blushing full force again and just nods with wide eyes, she tries to take a sip from her now empty glass.

"Excellent," Tirax laughs. "Glad to still have staying power."

Tei takes a moment to take that in then blushes even darker a red, "Oh dear, I didn't know you had staying power but I will keep it in mind." she fans herself for a few moments before putting the glass back on the counter and looking at the bartender with a bit of desperation, "I need another one of these please."

"Certainly. Another one please," Tirax asks the bartender with a grin. "Make that another two," he chuckles.

Tei takes the refilled glass with gratitude and takes a large mouthful, "I think you might be trouble." she nods, "Yep, definitely trouble."

"I am certainly trouble. I'm the man your parents warned me about," Tirax smirks dangerously. "In fact, I'm the man the men your parents warned you about would warn you about."

Tei blinks and nods, "Oh yeah, daddy told me about men like you. But he isn't here and you are and this is actually really good when it stops burning and wow I didn't notice before but you have nice legs." she runs out of air and is thus forced to stop talking to suck in a breath then blinks as though she forgot what she was talking about.

Tirax laughs softly. "And that's definitely your last one," he says firmly. "No getting paralytic, mm?"

Tei looks at him with big eyes, "But it tassties um tasteme" she giggles, "Nooo don't taste me, taste goood." she nods and knocks back the remainder in the glass then giggles again.

"Yeah, you've definitely had too much," laughs Tirax, shaking his head. "No more for you."

"Awwwwww, but but." she turns the glass upside down and frowns, "Isss empty, not good to be empty, needs fillin." she nods with an attempt at authority.

"Certainly, let me get you some more," Tirax says after a moment. When he orders from the bartender he makes sure that it's filled with a non-alcoholic soft drink.

Tei takes the glass and drinks half before looking at it confused, "Diffren." she says with an attempt to point at the glass, she ends up actually pointing more towards Tirax instead.

"Yup. Different kind of alcohol," Tirax says sagely.

Tei looks at the glass suspiciously then back at Tirax then back to the glass, "Okay!" she says cheerfully before downing the rest.

Tirax grins, shaking his head. "Enjoying, are we?"

Tei looks at the empty glass then back up the Tirax with a nod, "Empty again." she points out, as though this was a deep mystery that Tirax would never have known if not for her imparting enlightenment.

"Another, same again," Tirax tells the bartender. "And then that's enough..." he grins at the woman.

"Pfffttttt," she says articulately and giggles as the noise makes her lips tingle, "Silly Tir man, it's good." she takes her refilled glass and sips it this time, enjoying the bubbles.

"Until you end up drunk in an alley," Tirax laughs. "Throwing up all over the place."

"Ewwwww," she sticks her tongue out and looks at her glass with a new light, "Bad drinky is bad." she nods again.

"Bad drinky is definitely bad. Same with bad Timmie," winks Tirax.

Tei leans towards Tirax with a goofy drunk smile, "Can be bad Tei, and be really bad." she nods then looks confused, "Think so anyway, not tried." she looks at Tirax with big eyes, "Try with you?" she asks innocently.

"I would like to," Tirax agrees with a smile. "Except, when you're not drunk. I -really- don't like it when people regret things, mm?"

Tei points to herself, "Drink, um drank, er drunk?" she beams at getting the word right the looks confused again, "Why would I regret, n ahm not drunk, jusht tipsy."

"Consent, dear," Tirax says, firmly. "It's not happening and I have a hell of a lot of willpower," he says kindly.

Tei just keeps looking confused, "Um, I don get it." she says with wide eyes as she looks at Tirax then points at his kilt, "Pretty skirt." she says with a giggle.

"It's a kilt," Tirax corrects with a grin. "I'll explain when you're sober."

"Do you enjoy building stuff?" Tirax asks curiously, leaning forwards.

Tei nods like an excited kid, "Its fuuuuun, you get to make people happy with houses and it is always like this reaaaaaaaaaally big pussle." she picks her head up and holds her arms really wide to show how big a puzzle it is, "And you can put it all together and then people get to live there and have happily ever afters." she looses some of her excitement, "I want a happily ever after."

"Well I'm sure you'll get one of those," promises Tirax. "But I'll tell you what, I'm the wrong person to be looking at one of those from."

"Why?" she asks looking at Tirax confused, "Your pretty, why no happy ending?"

"Because I'm -far- too bad to make just one person happy," Tirax pooints out.

Tei just looks confused, "Bad?" she shakes her head with a smile, "Not bad, just trouble." she grins, "Waaaaaaay too much trouble." she giggles.

"Exactly," Tirax laughs, tweaking's Tei's nose. "Way too much."

Tei ducks her head with another giggle and rubs her tweaked nose with a shy smile as she gazes at him through her eyelashes. "Your nice." she declares and then holds out her hand to him, "Be my friend at least then." she commands with shy authority.

Tirax laughs. "At -least- friends for now. When you're sober, that may change." Tirax is just wearing a kilt. Tei is clearly a little inebriated.

Sandrim wanders into the tavern, whistling happily to himself, as he approaches the bar. Just by coincidence, really. "Oh, hey, Tirax! Looking good tonight. And to you too... Tei?" He pauses, blinking at the woman. "... You've been here a while. I hope."

Tei nods at Tirax with a happy smile, "Okay!" she cheers before looking over to Sandrim, "Hey, mister job man, hi!" she greets cheerfully and points to a glass, she thinks it has alcohol in it but Tirax sneakily had the bartender put soda instead, "Meet my new friend and his skirt." she grins and points at Tirax.

"Hey Sandrim!" Tirax grins. "OH, I was thinking about what you asked the other day. I have an answer for you," he remarks lightly and then nods towards Tei. "Not too long. She's been on the whiskey."

"Oh, well," Sandrim says, considering a few moments as he walks over to lean up against Tirax. "Might as well tell me, Tir. Seems I won't be able to talk to her about work until she sobers up." He grins toward Tei. "Maybe we should see about getting some of those magic pills for when the hangover hits."

"Hangover?" blink blink, "Why would I have one of those, they only happen to silly people who drink too much." she nods with a great deal of authority on this matter as if speaking to a class while giving a lecture and imparting great wisdom.

"Well you've drunk quite a lot.." Tirax considers carefully. Sandrim gets a smirk and a whispered comment.

Sandrim's cheeks turn a slight, but noticeable, shade of red as he nods, before he clears his throat and glances to Tei. "So, would you like some water?"

Tei looks at her glass then at Tirax and then finally at Sandrim, "Okay!" she chirps quite happily.

Tirax smiles at Sandrim. "I hope that's a yes." Tei gets a nod. "Water is definitely good."

Sandrim lifts a hand for the bartender. "Hey, could I have a glass of ale, some of the roast, and a glass of water for our chipper friend?"

Tei takes the water happily enough and starts sipping it as she watches the other two with wide eyes.

"Mm, I might get some roast too," Tirax pipes up.

"Anyhow," Sandrim says. "That is a yes, Tirax." He considers everything a moment, the stool, Tirax, then shrugs, and tries to take a spot in Tirax's lap, room be damned.

Tei blushes but watches shamelessly as she sip sips her water.

Tirax wraps arms around Sandrim, laughing softly. "Like I said, Tei. I'm trouble."

Sandrim keeps his position happily, smiling. "Had a chance to talk with Lyddmull, Tirax?" he asks. "I manage to somehow never see our sheriff."

Tei nods with wide eyes to Tirax's question, sip sip. "Are you two lovers?" she asks curiously in an innocent tone.

"I haven't. I didn't even know he was back," Tirax remarks. "Is he safe?" Tei gets a wink. "Yes."

Sandrim frowns. "I think so," he says. "Alive, at least, but we can never cross paths even at the best of times, it seems." He gives Tei a sly smile. "You just worry about fighting that liquor."

Tei nods with a wide smile, "Okay!" she says cheerfully and continues to sip sip sip her water.

"Drinking water will make sure you don't get too hungover," Tirax agrees with Sandrim, smiling to Tei. "Hmm, I'm glad to hear it," he adds to Sandy.

Sandrim reaches out for his own drink, delightfully alcoholic, as it passes by. "How's life been with that company I suggested to you?" he asks Tei. "Manage to get in with them?"

Tei nods at Tirax then at Sandrim, "Yup, I got in with them but they are too corperate. I mean they do good work but they are too interested in profit and not enough in doing really quality work." she says with a sigh, "I would much rather not have to deal with that mindset, too many people end up with substandard construction or shoddy architecture that way."

Tirax rests his chin on Sandrim's shoulder, silent for the time being.

Sandrim raises an eyebrow. "Selling shitty product usually... cuts into profit," he says slowly. "Especially for real estate."

Tei gives a half smile, "You would think so. They don't do substandard work but they are not excelling either. The buildings they make are functional, the materials are adequate, and the blueprints work. They just don't put that extra little bit in that makes it great."

Tirax shrugs. "Beyond me," he chuckles softly.

Sandrim grins. "Well," he says, "then we may not want to look into them. We don't want low-level work for a hospital."

Tei blinks, "Hospital? How big, what material choices? Will it be needing an air pad or will it be by ground only? What sort of facilities will be used?" she seems to get more and more excited with each question and out comes the PDA again, her program kicked up and a preliminary blueprint coming up.

Tirax tilts his head, pressing a kiss to the back of Sandrim's neck. "Where is it going?"

"Near where the current medical pavilion is," Sandrim says to Tirax, grinning despite himself. "I don't think it will need a flightpad - we're a small settlement, and close to the pad as it is. I'm not sure what facilities we'll need, exactly, but I can put you in touch with Miranda, who'd have a better idea. I'll just arrange for the supplies."

Tei nods as she alters the initial schematic to address the changes, "Okay, well then it would be a good idea to leave room to expand because you may be a small settlement now but we will grow, all settlements do. That will mean we will need to be able to accommodate that in the future." she tweaks it a bit more then saves it, "Alright, that is as much as I can do for now until I have spoken with this Miranda you mentioned." she smiles even more cheerfully then the whiskey elicited, "A hospital, what a wonderful project." she practically meeps.

"And Alhambra," Tirax adds with a grin. "She knows her stuff.

Sandrim nods his agreement. "And Alhambra," he says, wriggling a bit in Tirax's lap. "But Miranda's the doctor."

Tei nods again, "Okay so a Miranda and an Alhhambra, got it. Doctors only cover some, not all of the requirements for a medical building you know. What does Alhambra do?" she asks in curiosity.

"She's a paramedic, and does lots of the medically.. stuff, things.." Tirax says lamely.

Sandrim grins. "Councilmember as well," he says. "She chases down people who've gotten themselves in trouble."

Tei blinks in surprise, "She, she chases them down? Do people in trouble often need chasing then?"

"Yes," Tirax says dryly. "They really do."

Sandrim smirks. "Obviously haven't been around here long enough," he says. "People get... macho."

Tei raises an eyebrow of incredulity, "Macho? Macho how, I am not going to start growing chest hair am I?" she looks under her shirt from the top quickly to make sure nothing of the short has started and breathes a sigh of relief that she is chest hair free.

"Not that kind of macho. People like running off into danger," Tirax snorts.

Sandrim nods. "Ask Al. She'll tell you all about it. And grumble."

Tei nods cautiously, "Very well, I do believe I shall." she shakes her head with a smile, "I have never been anywhere like this before. Do you realize that my first day here someone tried to get me drunk?" she asks with a halfsmile.

"And I just succeeded," Tirax says with a grin.

Sandrim glances over his shoulder to Tirax. "I was just about to ask if they succeeded that day as well."

Tei humphs, "What is it with people trying to get me liquored up?" she asks with a teasing smile, "And not quiet as completely as you did Mister Tirax." she wags a finger, "Not nice, here I am just happily going over a thirty story building's blueprints and double checking that it won't collapse in on it self in the next plate shift and along comes a handsome half naked man who tells me about deaths in the tavern." she shakes her head and drinks more water, "Quite a welcome committee you have here."

It's the kilt," Tirax explains with a grin. "I can make anyone do anything I want, when I wear a kilt," he purrs. "On which note I would like you to get off my lap, Sandy. I need to get home to sleep."

Sandrim sighs quietly, but agrees and hops off. "I'll be along before too long," he says.

Tei nods with a roll of the eyes before grinning, "Sleep well Tirax, thank you for getting me drunk, it was a pleasant first meeting." she is still blushing at the half naked man but seems far less shy now.

Tirax laughs. "You're welcome. I'm sure we'll meet again," Tirax bwos to Tei before leaning in to kiss Sandrim properly. "Feel free to wake me up."

Sandrim gives Tirax a quite firm kiss back. "I will," he says. "No worries."

Tei waves with a smile, "I enjoyed it, though if I do get a hangover I am hunting you down."

Tirax grins and saunters out. "Night both."

Sandrim waves after Tirax, taking his seat back, sans Timonae, and picks up his roast. "Mm."

Tei looks over at Sandrim and smiles as she sips her water, "He is nice, trouble, but nice." she says quietly.

Sandrim gives Tei an amused smile. "One I can handle, though," he says. "Feeling better?"

Tei nods with a small smile, "I am, thank you." she looks at her water for a long moment, "Thanks for not letting me do something stupid while drunk, I hear people can do stupid things when intoxicated."

Sandrim smirks. "You have no idea," he says. "But, I don't think Tirax was going to do that."

Tei laughs and shakes her head, "No, he was a perfect gentleman." she smiles, "How long have you two been together?"

Sandrim grins. "Long enough," he says. "Going on... I think a year, now."

Tei whistles, "That is a while to have a relationship, or I think so anyway. Not a lot of experience."

Sandrim smiles a bit wryly. "One hopes it will go a bit longer," he says. "It will be... short, for him. COmparatively."

Tei looks surprised, "What do you mean?"

Sandrim hmms. "He's a kamiroid. They live a long, long time.

"Oh." she looks a bit sad, "Well, at least you can enjoy your time together." she says with a bit of a smile.

Sandrim grins. "We will," he says. "you, you take care. I'm going to head on home.

Tei nods with a smile, "Thank you for the project, I will let you know once I have all of the information I need from the Doctor and your Paramedic who chases people."