From OtherSpace: Encyclopedia Galactica
Revision as of 21:26, 16 February 2013 by Kethren (Talk | contribs) (Logs)

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Species or Race Human
Gender Male
Height 5'10"
Weight 154 lbs
Skin Color Pale
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Biological Age 31
Date of Birth 1981
Died N/A
Spouse N/A
Residence IND Cro na Mthar
Profession Architect
Employer Danu Chroi
Character name Kethren


Standing at around 5'10, he has dark green eyes, and somewhat scruffy dark brown hair that seems to find it's way into his face more often then not. Not overly broad shouldered or toned, he does seem to have the beginnings of solid muscle.

Born to a rather normal family, he didnt lead much of an exciting life. Always fascinated with building things he had every kind of building toy imaginable and would spend hours creating cities. As he grew older he began to look into an education that would lead to becoming an architect. His dream was to build a structure that would become iconic. He and his sister both went to a good university, her for law and he for architecture. He graduated with high marks and got a job right out of university with an up and coming firm. Living modestly, due to enormous debt, he is scraping by day by day and determined to make it on his own. A fierce independence and a desire to make his mark in life have him move from his home town, his wish to travel and see the architecture of the world. This would never be unfortunately. In the middle of an important staff meeting in front of the boss and some very well paying clients, he suddenly is no longer there, the only things going with him being the clothing on his back and the pointer being used to show the new plans. The brilliant flash of light leaving behind only a flutter of handouts like a snow shower of architectural brilliance.


An architect of skill he is able to construct houses and apartments. He works as a business manager for Danu Chroi and is learning how to enter the wonderful world of politics as well. He does do side projects for those who ask. Most recently, he's added a sideline of crafting armor for interested parties.


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  • 6-Month Reward
  • Impiriul Baile Roleplayer
  • First Starship
  • Coffin Fit
